"No, I don't really want to cooperate with someone who has not even investigated my identity. After all, only this level of investigation ability will make me doubt your ability as an agent. 』

"Who said I didn't investigate? ! 』

"I'm still misidentifying my gender after investigation? 』

In the face of Nana's manager's stubbornness, Aina ruthlessly complained that if the other party was really serious, they would definitely investigate Aina's identity beforehand, not to mention the half-elf and the elf prince who ran away from home. Whether the other party can investigate it, but in short, gender, which is not difficult to investigate, should be able to understand?The attitude of Nana's agent to treat Aina as a woman is enough to prove that the other party has not even carried out investigation work, which makes Aina's low influence score lower again.

"Please also think about it..."

"Stop talking, didn't anyone tell you that stalking men wouldn't be popular?Besides, I know pretty much what you did to Nana. Do you think I, as his friend, will easily believe what you say?Even if one day I really want to debut, I will only ask Qin Shi. 』

Aina's words are equivalent to completely rejecting the request of Nana's agent. The agent who knew that there was no drama had to turn his head away from Aina's sight. He no longer wanted to see Aina. A beautiful but unpleasant face.

"damn it!I don't know what to do with my nose on my face!Who does he think he is, how dare he reject me, who has cultivated a super idol? 』

The agent who returned to his temporary office kicked his chair angrily, looking very angry with a blue vein on his face, and was very unhappy with Aina's attitude.

"You actually said that you will only go to Qin Shi?In what way is the woman abandoned by the family better than me?He only manages his own broken newspaper office, and he doesn't care about work. What's the use other than being pressed down as a woman?Fighting around like a man? 』

The manager angrily grabbed his goatee, not afraid of pulling his beard off, but from what he said to himself, he said some information that Aina didn't know, but Aina had no way to do it. Just hear it.

"Hehe, forget it, it's useless to be angry, anyway, he will die here like Xiao Nana, and die with a super idol, is it a reward for him?Otherwise he wouldn't be staying with that ungrateful guy Nana. 』

The manager smiled smugly, raised the chair he mentioned, patted the dust on the seat with his hands and sat up, crossed his legs and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Hey, the show is about to start. 』


Looking back at Aina, who was standing guard, standing on the spot and not being able to do anything made Aina very boring, but think carefully about a D-level superhero who is not used to fight crime, but makes him stand guard like a security guard, no matter what. It feels a bit wasteful anyway.

"Ha~ah~ eh? ! 』

Aina hit Hache boredly, but in such a short action, Aina's eyes were covered by a pair of tender white hands, and the sudden physical contact made Aina instinctively want to give it to the person behind her. An elbow hit, but a pair of soft objects suddenly pressed her back, and Aina, who realized that it was a girl's touch, stopped her hand.

"Guess~guess~I~is~who? 』

"Nana... It's dangerous not to joke like this. 』

"You guessed it right! 』

Aina easily recognized Nana's soft and cute voice, and was recognized by Aina, and Nana let go of her hand happily, not knowing that she had escaped a crisis. In that kind of subconscious situation, if you use all your strength to hit ordinary people, you will be half-crippled without dying.As a superhero, Nana's physical fitness may be much stronger than that of ordinary people, but it is certain that she will take Aina's elbow and go to the hospital, and the concert will end there.

"Hehe, Aina, you're so cute! 』

Nana put her hands behind her, her body moved slightly forward, her chest that could be held in one hand was faintly exposed, and she tilted her little head and looked at Aina carefully. She felt a little shy to stare at Aina like this, and her eyes were not clear. Know where to put it.

"It's not cute... Nana, you are, very cute! 』

Aina said with a blushing face, but Nana didn't seem to appreciate Aina's praise, and she pouted and looked very dissatisfied.

"I know how to perfunctory people, and even refuse to look at me seriously, who would believe me if you say I'm cute? 』

Nana angrily stretched out her hand to sandwich Aina's face, and forced Aina to turn her head to look at herself.The eyes were forced to shift to Nana, and Aina had no choice but to see what Nana looked like at the moment, the energetic fans with double ponytails, wearing a cute idol costume full of lace is not too suitable, I can only say that it is not a loss. Today's most popular idol is simply too cute, and Aina has the idea of ​​holding Nana in her arms.

"really cute! 』

"It's almost there! 』

Satisfied, Nana let go of Aina, took a step back and turned around in front of Aina. The agile figure was like a blooming flower, dazzling and fascinating.

"Um...Nana, aren't you getting ready to appear?Your fans can't wait. 』

Aina blushed again and turned her eyes away. Just now, Aina felt a touch of heartbeat. She usually stayed by Nana's side for too long. Aina was very numb to the charm of idols, but now Nana is so At this moment, the charm of the display really made Aina feel, and the feeling of heartbeat was also really felt by Aina.

"Oh yo, let me see, let me see, Aina, did you blush just now?Are you excited for me. 』


"Stupid yourself, you're so cute. 』

"That's why it's no more, you go to the stage for me! 』

Unable to stand the molestation, Aina had to push Nana's back and forcefully drive Nana away.

"Hehe, Aina, you're so shy today. 』

Nana, who was driven away by Aina, stuck her head and stuck out her tongue at Aina, and jumped away like a pink rabbit.

"Look at what? !Give me work! 』

The interaction between Aina and Nana was clearly seen by the staff present, and the interaction between lovely girls(?) was always comforting.Facing Aina's shy and arrogant expression, she laughed out loud. Aina, who felt that she could not hold on to her face, turned her head and scolded the staff, but compared to the annoying agent, Aina was a beautiful person. The scolding sound is very cute, and there is no feeling of being annoying at all.


Aina crossed her chest with her arms and showed an expression she thought was terrifying, unaware that these actions made her even more adorable.

"Calm down Aina, it's still work, not the time to be petty. 』

Aina reminded herself inwardly that the situation seemed peaceful, but Aina would not be taken lightly by the brief friendly interaction with Nana.The manager's attitude made Aina feel that there was absolutely no room for recovery between him and Nana. If the manager is really that kind of villain, then Xiao Hei's words are likely to become a reality.

Then Nana's concert this time will definitely have an accident, and solving this accident is the task that Aina has set for herself.

Thinking of this, Aina's emotions began to calm down, and a pair of blue pupils, which were as calm as a lake, carefully observed the surroundings, observing whether any suspicious characters were mixed in among the staff who laughed at him just now.

"that! 』

At this time, Aina really saw a suspicious person wearing a black baseball cap and a heavy down jacket. He pulled the baseball cap and wandered around nervously. When he met Aina's eyes, there was an obvious trembling. It would be too much for Aina not to ask.

"The dubious person over there who has a down jacket without a hat but wants to wear a baseball cap, stop me!" 』

Aina said something strange and rushed towards the suspicious person. The man in the baseball cap with an obvious ghost in his heart saw Aina rushing over and running without saying a word, as if he was telling others that he was a bad person.

"Whoever helps catch him! 』

Although Aina was overconfident in her own strength, she was a little lacking in her speed and dexterity.Running in this complicated place in the background seems a little powerless, and there is no way to catch up with the suspicious person.There was really no way Aina had to ask the staff to catch the other party. They were naturally very happy to face the beautiful Aina's request, but the suspicious man showed a dexterity that was different from ordinary people. The crowd came and went freely, and it was easy to escape in the face of the pursuit of many people.

"hateful! 』

Unwilling to give up, Aina had to follow.

102. Don't be too aggressive in chasing stars

Although the big stage that Nana borrowed is open-air, there is a building next to this stage. This building is used for office work and rest for employees. The temporary office of the agent is in this building. One of the rooms in this building has a complicated structure and few exits. It is a good choice if you want to escape.

But the suspicious man didn't use the complicated terrain to confuse Aina. Instead, he rushed straight up the stairs and rushed to the top of the building. Sometimes he even slowed down and deliberately let Aina follow. Unfortunately, Ai Na's mind was a little too straight, and he didn't calm down to think about these doubts.

"Don't run! 』

But a little helpless, even if the other party slowed down intentionally or unintentionally, at Aina's speed, he was gradually pulled away.However, Aina is not hopelessly stupid, and she will definitely not be able to catch up with the opponent by running, so Aina will use what he is good at.

I saw Aina waved his hand, and the pink ribbon rose vertically at a speed that was difficult to grasp with the naked eye. It was directly tied to the gauntlet of the high stairs, and the ribbon was retracted to use the power of recoil to rise rapidly, like a certain someone. The man in red who was bitten by the spider rose as fast as the man in red, and caught up with the suspicious man in the blink of an eye.

"Stop for me! 』

Aina shouted and kicked the opponent, but the kick did not hit the opponent. The suspicious man squatted down to avoid Aina's kick, and kicked the empty leg directly on the wall. The wall made of special materials was so abruptly kicked out by Aina.


Taking advantage of Aina's inability to withdraw his legs immediately, the suspicious man continued to climb up, looked back at the very exaggerated big hole that Aina proposed, swallowed, and looked at Aina's beautiful legs that can be played for a year. , I thought to myself, wouldn't this kick on my body just kill me?I'm afraid you don't even need to go to the hospital to be buried in place.

"Tsk. 』

Aina frowned. He didn't expect the other party to be so flexible. Even if he was so sudden, he could easily dodge it. This was a bit irritating, but he didn't have time to show his temper to Aina. Kung Fu, the other party climbed up several floors.

Aina repeated his old tricks, using his ribbon to keep going upstairs quickly. Although he could catch up with the opponent every time, this suspicious man was like a nimble monkey. No matter what angle Aina attacked, the opponent could catch up. Dodge at odd angles.

In a blink of an eye, the two climbed the stairs of the entire building and came to the roof, which is the rooftop.

"Go ahead, you have nowhere to go. 』

The man in the down jacket ran to the fence on the rooftop, stuck his head out and looked at the ground. The height of hundreds of floors made the pedestrians on the street look like ants. Even ordinary people without acrophobia made their brains feel a little dizzy. Dazzled and frightened.

Aina stood at the door of the rooftop, blocking the only entrance other than flying.The wind on the rooftop was very strong, the pale beige waterfall danced with the wind, the pink ribbons were scattered in the air like red threads like fate, and the dissatisfied lace skirt also danced up and down, as if the scenery under the skirt would be exposed at any time.

At this time, Aina is like a fairy in the wind, beautiful but inaccessible. The suspicious man who was thinking about how to escape was involuntarily attracted by Aina, and his eyes could not be controlled to Aina. Looking at the thigh, squinting and observing carefully, just to see that touch of spring.

"puff! 』

The suspicious man was caught off guard and spat out a mouthful of blood, because just now he captured the spring light under Aina's skirt, even if it was only for a fraction of a second, the man could still recognize what the scene was at that moment. .That's the sinful thing that makes countless gentlemen howl in pain - safety shorts.

"why why? !Why are you wearing shorts, when you are wearing such cute clothes, why are you wearing shorts? ! 』

"Even if you say why... I'm sure I can only wear shorts... I'm a man, and the skirt is so short that I don't wear shorts, isn't it going to disappear? 』

Since the suspicious man's voice was too sad, Aina, who was frightened, replied subconsciously.The idol dress skirt matching Nana is indeed very short, it only covers the base of the thighs. Considering that the idols have to dance and sing, the skirt must have no covering effect at all. Without shorts, it can only be properly exposed, so Whether it was Nana, who was going to dance and sing on stage, or Aina, who was always ready to fight, they both wore shorts under their skirts.

"Could it be that... Xiao Nana is also wearing shorts? 』

"Of course... If you don't wear it, you'll be exposed. 』

"Do not! ! ! ! ! ! ! 』

Knowing that little Nana, who is an idol, was also wearing shorts, the suspicious man knelt on the ground with his head in his hands, Yingtian let out a desperate cry, how miserable the voice was, Aina listened and began to sympathize for some unknown reason. pick up each other.At the same time, I was wondering what the hell is this guy doing?

"No, why do you look under other people's skirts? ! 』

Aina, who was slow to respond, only then realized that the other party did not confront him at first, but stared at the bottom of his skirt.

"nonsense!Don't you just tell me to watch when you wear a miniskirt?Otherwise why are you wearing such a short skirt? ! 』

"What kind of nonsense are you doing? !Wearing short skirts just to look good, where are you guys peeping? 』

"I do not care!Anyway, wearing short skirts is for girls to tempt us boys to watch. 』

"you! 』

The other party's righteous tone made Aina so angry that she gritted her teeth. It can be said that every sentence of the other party is sexual harassment, which is a great insult to girls. Although Aina herself is not a girl, this does not prevent him from acting for her. The girls are angry.

"I'm really... Forget it, I don't need to be angry with the bad guy, tell me what you are sneaking up on backstage, are you planning to harm Nana, are you instructed by Nana's manager? 』

Aina, who was extremely angry with the other party, calmed down, and recalled that she was chasing this person to ask for clarity. Now it is not when she is entangled in whether to wear a skirt or not to tempt others to look at the bottom of the skirt, it is Ai who asks the truth. what to do now.

"What's the matter? ! 』

However, in the face of Aina's series of questions, the suspicious man showed a puzzled expression. He didn't seem to know what Aina was asking. His expression was realistic and he didn't seem to be lying.

"...Aren't you here to persecute Nana?You stay in the background as an unrelated person, don't you have bad intentions? 』

"No no no... What are you talking about, I'm not a member of some evil organization, what am I doing to persecute my idol? 』

"No...this, you're not...I...you mean you're Nana's idol? 』

Aina is confused by the suspicious man in front of her. In Aina's eyes, he thinks that the other party is sneaky and must be doing bad things to Nana, but the other party shows an innocent face. look.

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