However, because of her obsession with drawing and being too withdrawn, Elina is very unconcerned about learning. She either paints or reads novels in class every day, and she has no intention of listening to the class at all.

Because of this attitude, the people around her don't like to see her, and no one wants to like someone who doesn't want to communicate with her, and Elina doesn't care about it, she just lives on her own.But as time went by, the pressure of life made Elina more and more irritable. On the way, she studied painting to divert her attention, but this did not relieve her irritability.

In the end, Elina, who had no interest in learning at all, dropped out of school. She was wandering alone and didn't know what to do. She had no idea about the future, and lived in a daze every day.

Until one day four years ago, Elina, who was barely making ends meet through her painting skills, came to a cafe and sat at a table to taste the bitter coffee like her life.

However, the unfortunate Elina did not bring a wallet today. The consumption level of the coffee shop as a feature is not low-end. The price of everything is more expensive than the outside, and the one or two small coins left in the pocket can't pay off the debt at all. .

"It's over, I have to stay and wash the dishes. I haven't finished drawing my manuscript yet, I would have known it earlier. 』

Elina, who learned that she might have to wash dishes to pay off her debts, had a headache and was very sad to cover her head.

『Does this lady have a taste that does not suit your taste?If it's too bitter, you can add sugar cubes for free. 』

At this time, a deacon waiter from the cafe came over and said with a smile.Looking at the other person's face, Elina was stunned. It was the first time she had seen such a beautiful person. She wore male clothes and exuded the handsomeness of women. Her gentle eyes and thoughtful tone penetrated Ai like a sharp arrow. In Lina's heart, it was at that time that Alina understood what love at first sight was.

"That...this...actually...I forgot to bring my wallet. 』

Elina spoke nervously, and then she closed her eyes tightly and waited for the other party's scolding. Elina felt that no one would trust what someone like her said, after all, she was dressed in cheap and sloppy fashion at that time. , looks like a poor man, and it is easy to make others think that they want to eat the king's meal and make excuses.

"Is that so?That's really troublesome. 』

However, the scolding that Elina and Elina imagined did not come. Although the other party showed a very embarrassed expression, it seemed that he did not intend to hold himself accountable.

"Well, I'll pay for you first, and you can pay me back next time you come. 』

The deacon's words moved Elina very much. It was the first time she felt the help of others when she grew up so big. At this time, the deacon was like an angel in Elina's heart.

After that, the deacon paid the bill on behalf of Elina this time. Elina, who went back, vowed that she would complete the manuscript as soon as possible and return the money to the other party.But things are unpredictable, and Elina, who has returned home, can't find her wallet no matter what, it seems that it is not as simple as losing it.

Elina still had no money to pay back to the deacon after finishing the manuscript. At this time, Elina thought that she would return the money to the deacon even if she vomited after the manuscript fee was paid. However, since she had not been in the industry for a long time, her defense against others was not a problem. Elina, who did not do enough security procedures, was deceived. The person who made the draft took the painting and ran away immediately. Since there was no agreement, Elina could not recover the loss even if she wanted to.

With only a few buckets of instant noodles at home, Elina doesn't even know how to spend this month, let alone paying back the kind knight.After a week, the instant noodles at home were exhausted, and even the rice grains that were stuck in the bowl were licked clean by Elina.

Alina, who was really hungry, went to the street and tried to find food like a homeless person. If you want to say where to eat the most food, it is the commercial street with various food stores.But even a homeless person has his own surprise. Elina, who doesn't know how to find leftovers, can't even find a piece of garbage that she can eat.

With an extremely hungry stomach, Elina walked on the street like a corpse, her brain was so hungry that her eyes were dim, and she felt that she would fall on the street at any time.

"Ah, isn't this the lady from that day? 』

At this moment, the voice of the angel rang from Elina's ears. The deacon who paid for Elina happened to be shopping on the street, and she happened to meet Elina.

Seeing this person she misses day and night, Elina is not very happy, because the shame of not being able to owe money is higher than her happiness.Elina even wanted to run away immediately to prevent others from seeing her humiliating self, but if she ran away casually, it was very likely that the other party would treat her as someone who owed money and ran away. Elina really didn't want the other party to hate her.

"That... I... have been a little tight lately... so..."

Elina tries to explain her current situation, but the more she talks, the more Elina feels like someone trying to make excuses for not paying back.

"Ah, it's alright, even if I ask you for this small amount of money. 』

However, the angel does not intend to pursue these, and is very generous not to ask for the money.Elina was so moved that she was about to cry. In her eyes, the other party became more and more like a kind angel from heaven.


Before Elina could express her gratitude, her hungry stomach groaned.Elina covered her stomach with a blushing face, but this action couldn't hide her lovely voice.

"Ah, are you hungry?In that case, accompany me to have a meal, I feel lonely alone. 』

The angel, who understood that Elina had never eaten, invited Elina to have a meal in a very euphemistic tone. Elina, who could not bear the temptation of the food, could only follow along cheekily. I sent a bag of meat to Elina, and she said something like this to make Elina not so embarrassed

"Take this meat back and eat it. I don't like eating meat. I'm worried about how to deal with this meat so that it won't go to waste. You came at the right time. 』

After listening to Elina, she immediately understood that the other party was just comforting herself. How could there be people in this world who don't like meat?In this regard, Elina can only keep the other party's kindness in her heart, and she will have the opportunity to repay it in the future.

With the help of the angels, Elena went through the most difficult period of her life.I feel that just relying on drawing illustrations for others to earn income can not completely solve the problem of life, so Elina plans to part-time. As for what job is the most suitable part-time job, I can only say that it is a superhero, as long as I occasionally catch one or two weirdos and monsters Or criminals are enough and wages are not low.

It may be the law of conservation of character. The unfortunate Elina ushered in the peak of her life. She was identified by the alliance as a light-type superpower specializing in combat, and she successfully caught up with several relatively large-scale superpowers. The terrorist attack of , and gained a lot of performance from it, the strength growth is also very fast, and the level is also stable and fast.

Elina, who did not give up her painting career, gradually gained some small fans. She occasionally complained on the Internet that she had been painted with a blank ticket. Some of Elina's more extreme fans hung up the blank ticket and gave it to Elina A wave of popularity.And because Elina's own skills are hard enough, Elina quickly became popular, and there were too many manuscripts to handle every day.

With money and energy, Elina began to think about other things. She began to have the habit of drinking coffee at cafes regularly, and gradually got used to the black coffee that she couldn't accept at first.Although she really wanted to communicate with the angel, Elina, who was too shy because of the previous incident, could only sit in the corner silently, watching the busy body of the angel, and could only repay her inner gratitude by spending more.

As the days went by, Elina found that just watching the angel silently could not satisfy her inner emotions. In order to vent these excess emotions, she looked for comrades who also loved the angel, and aroused the power of everyone to build up the angel's fan group. .

While silently supporting the angel behind her back, she constantly promotes the charm of the angel to the outside world. Elina, who has superb painting skills, uses her brush to paint beautiful illustrations of angels. Many people are attracted by Elina's words. To attract teaching.

Sometimes Elina will be very involved in drawing and painting, and it is easy to let go of herself once she is engaged. If she just draws ordinary illustrations, she will not be able to express her emotions at all, so with delusions and other emotions, Elina starts. Towards a disharmonious area, a piece of Zhang Seqin's illustration was single from her hands, and Elina, who was not satisfied with her own viewing and wanted to share "The Temptation of Angels" with others, began to publish these paintings, which were originally just fishing works.

These Serqin illustrations are easier to attract new fans into the pit, but they also allow Elina to slowly change from a normal painter to a well-known book painter. Angel's fans and her fans are growing day by day, and gradually become a big circle .

Looking back, Elina has become a half-successful person. Looking back on the sad past, Elina is nostalgic. It can be said that without the help of angels, Elina might starve to death in her own small house. in.

So, with the idea that one day she will repay the other party and become a knight of the guardian angel, Elina lived full of dreams, until one day she received a commission from the alliance to slay the dragon and fought against the dragon all day and night. Seeing the familiar angel, Elina, who had not had time to say hello, accidentally let the dragon spray down the angel's house...

117. It is better to finish the work ahead of time

Elina couldn't easily forget the emotions displayed by the angel. Seeing that her beloved home did not even leave a few clumps of dust, her extremely desperate face seemed to fall into an abyss, and she turned her head to look at the enemy who killed her relatives. The shock in his eyes was not a bit or two. Elina had the idea of ​​rushing down and killing herself in front of the angel.

But in the end, Elina still escaped, and in that case, even if she knelt on the ground and confessed her mistake, she would definitely be hated.Elina, who hurried back home, didn't even report to the alliance. She stayed in her room and gave up on herself for three days and three nights before she lay exhausted on the bed, hugging her homemade angel pillow. Fell asleep.

Elina woke up like a broken-hearted uncle, lying on the bed and sighing as if she was ten years old, but unfortunately, girls don't grow beards.Thinking back carefully, Elina always made trouble for the angels. Even a kind-hearted person would be angry when they were harassed one after another like this, right?

For four whole years, Elina has not expressed anything. Although the angel said that there is no need to return it, she has never repaid the other party's kindness from beginning to end.Elina, who began to think about how to repay the angel's help, came to the conclusion that she was a righteous knight who became the guardian angel.

Just like a beautiful princess will have a handsome knight to protect her, an angel should also have someone to protect her, this era is very dangerous, and a beautiful person will always encounter danger when wandering outside, as a person with "slight" strength , Alina felt that she was capable of this position.

As soon as I came up, I found a pervert who followed angels all day!

The other party is a mature adult with the beauty of oriental women. Even if he looks handsome and beautiful in a suit, he always takes pictures with an antique-like camera behind the angel.

At first, Elina couldn't believe it, but when she saw the other party gasping for a good photo while holding the best idol or something, isn't this a pervert? !In order to protect the privacy of her beloved angel, Elina naturally came forward to arrest this pervert.

"What?I was found out? ! 』

However, the other party quickly reacted, raised his two long legs and ran away.The opponent has super powers specializing in speed, and it runs as fast as the speed of light. Even the S-rank Elina has no way to catch up, and can only watch the opponent escape.

She couldn't even catch a small stalker, which made Elina fall into a state of autism again, and stayed in the room to give up on herself for several days.

As usual, I came to the coffee shop where Angel worked part-time. Watching the gentle gentleman taking care of everyone, Elina felt that her heart was healed, and she also found that Angel seems to have a lot of friends recently, not always A person stayed silently, always surrounded by lovely girls.

I feel very relieved about this Elina, the angel is no longer a person who can show her true danger anytime and anywhere, and she also feels a little lonely, because it is not her who stays by the angel's side.

She thought that the angel would live a carefree life like this, but Elina found that the angel's smile was gradually disappearing. Although it was still an approachable smile, it could be seen that the angel had something on her mind. .

Later, I learned through the gossip that the angel was going to guest star in the concert of the well-known idol Xiao Nana. Elina, who learned the news, immediately bought the tickets for the front row. For her, who was originally an otaku, these things also It's just a small consciousness, Elina has also drawn the illustration of Xiao Nana. It can be said that the cooperation between Angel and Xiao Nana is double the happiness of Elina.

On the day of the concert, Elina got her wish to see a different angel, but the posture of the angel always felt a little wrong, it felt like she was knocked out by someone, but seeing that nothing happened to the angel, Elina just There was no confusion.

In this concert, Elina was very satisfied. She originally thought that angels would not be able to adapt to so many people. After all, it is well known that angels are afraid of crowds, so Elina and her comrades chose to support silently behind their backs. , instead of hitting CALL madly on the bright side.

And now the angel not only overcame the crowd's fear, but also sang an incomparably beautiful song in the language of her hometown in front of the crowd. Elina felt so happy that she fainted. For her, this is the hymn sung by the angel. , although Elina doesn't understand a word of it.

For the next three days, Elina went to the familiar coffee shop every day as usual, found an inconspicuous seat, sat down and ordered a cup of black coffee, watching the familiar angels dressed in uniforms serving the hosts and the eldest lady.

But the angel's mood has changed a lot in the past few days. Instead of being as elegant and handsome as before, he often makes mistakes in some small things, such as breaking the plate and accidentally knocking the liquid in the cup over, not at all. Like the mistakes a good and perfect angel would make.

Although it cannot be ruled out that the angel has not been in the situation these days, Elina's intuition tells her that something must have happened to the angel.Alina took advantage of her privilege as an S-class superhero to inquire, and found that there will be a big person coming to the branch to pick up someone at the near end. Although she doesn't know who it is, Elina is sure that this is related to Lord Angel. related.

So in order to find out the truth, Elina put on her armor and lurked in an inconspicuous corner of the branch hall early in the morning, silently observing the situation around her.After a long wait, an elf who looked almost exactly like an angel walked in and took the elevator leading to the top floor of the building under the leadership of the senior staff of the branch.

Before Elina could analyze who the angel was, the girl who looked like an angel walked down with two people. The one in the middle was the angel Elina was thinking about. .

From their conversation, Elina learned that the two people behind the angel were the angel's sister and sister. She was surprised that the angel actually had a sister and a sister. At the same time, the angel and his sister began to quarrel, and finally they even mutually shot.

"not good! 』

At this time, the angel's sister was forced out of anger, and the shot started to be somewhat trivial. Not to mention the angel himself, even Elina herself would be injured more or less. Something can definitely happen to an angel's delicate skin.

Without extra thought, Elina took her holy sword and broke into the battlefield. She used her light superpower and fighting spirit to give the angel a shield. Under Elina's superb control, the angel's The delicate body was unscathed, but Elina, who was lying between the two, was in a very embarrassing situation. Other people's housework was not so simple to be involved in.

"It's you! 』

This time, the angel recognized that Elina was the murderer who destroyed her house, and looked at herself with gnashing teeth and hatred on her face, Elina felt that her heart was about to go cold.Before she completely collapsed, Elina apologized frantically to the angel, but because her brain was confused, she didn't know what she said. The only thing she knew was that she seemed to have sold herself unknowingly.

Due to Elina's strength, the angel's sister did not dare to do anything with her, and began to negotiate with herself, but when she saw the reluctance on the angel's face, Elina felt that she should not go to this sister. Throw the choice to the angel himself.

"Eh? ! 』

The angel who was suddenly pressed by Elina and her sister looked very embarrassed, and the guard against Eliza in her eyes also made Eliza feel a chill. Even though they had seen each other so many times, the other party was still I don't remember what I look like.

But what makes Alicia happy is that in the end, the angel chose herself. Although she looked serious on the surface, she was actually happy inside.So Elina left the scene and returned to her residence holding the angel in her heart, the wife in people's mouth.

"Will it be...too messy. 』

Elina put her wife on her fairly tidy bed, and looked at her "slightly" messy room and said with a guilty conscience.

"Ah, no... the deadline is approaching, I can't drag it on any longer, let's talk about the rubbish thing later!" 』

Thinking that the draft of the other person's appointment has not been finished, Elina ran back to the room where she was working with a headache.

"It's so stuffy here... take it off. 』

Because the house was full of rubbish, the smell was strong and it felt very hot. Some Elina, who couldn't stand the hotness, took off her armor and clothes, and started rushing to work in only a thin oversized shirt.

Because she has been worrying about her wife's problems for the past few days, Elina herself feels very tired, but she can't fall asleep like this until she finishes painting, so she can only drink a refreshing drink that hurts her body.

"It's almost done! 』

Just when Elina started the final sprint, a voice suddenly came from behind, and she turned around to find that her wife had woken up, but she looked away after meeting Elina, as if she didn't want to see it. Like herself, Elina felt herself being hit again.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! ! ! 』

Elina was about to say hello to her wife when she suddenly realized that her house was not a mess. She wanted to wait for her to wake up and clean it up, but she woke up earlier than Elina expected.

The wife will definitely think that I am a girl who does not like cleanliness!

Elina was nervously tidying up the room, but she saw that it was just self-deception.

"Golden Knight? 』

"'s me! 』

Elina, who was suddenly called out, responded loudly, jumped up from the chair, and sat upright in front of his wife, waiting for his wife's instructions.

"clothing! 』

The wife's words made Elina stunned for a moment, and then she thought that boys would have physiological phenomena when they got up. Elina, who mistakenly thought that her wife wanted her body, began to take off her clothes.

"If madam...if you want..."

118. Garbage is often cleaned up well

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