"Stop struggling, take it out! 』

Phil, who couldn't bear to watch it, rushed directly in front of Qin Shi, grabbed Qin Shi's arm and pulled it violently, and a blue and white fat strip was pulled out of Qin Shi's hand.

124. Be careful not to catch cold when it's cold

"You bastard...that kind of thing from there. 』

Looking at the blue and white fat times in Qin Shi's hands, Phil's eyelids jumped wildly and said, this kind of thing should not appear in other people's hands, whether it's his own or someone else's, it can't be taken out for others to see .

"Of course I got it from... Aina.... 』

"My own? 』

"My own. 』

"How did you get it? 』

"At the beginning, I was pestering Aina to make her an idol, but he refused to accept it. In the end, in order to compromise, he had to ask him to show me in women's clothes, and this fat time is what I have emphasized thousands of times before Aina is willing to wear it. .In order to preserve the good memories of the time... I stole this precious fat time before Aina was not paying attention before he destroyed the dress. 』

"You're really... awesome. 』

Forcing the other party to wear women's clothes and stealing the fat times worn by other people's women's clothes, Phil had to admire Qin Shi for this alone, but she wouldn't even dare to think about it as Phil.

"Miss Witch... This should be your medium, right? 』

"what?Oh!Of course, it is the best material. With this, it is not difficult to determine the position of Aina. 』

Miss Witch was also frightened by the fact that Qin Shi was hiding Fat Aina. The blue and white Fat Time, who had the dream of a gentleman, was able to fool Aina into wearing it, and even steal it and hide it. As a witch, she had to Admire Qin Shi three points.

Not sure how it tastes...

The witch's face was slightly red, and the thought flashed in her heart, but she quickly dismissed it. Now is not the time to be ill, and finding Aina is the first task.

"Um?What are you doing, little girl? 』

Miss Witch reached out to grab the fat time in Qin Shi's hand, but Qin Shi held it tightly and refused to let go, making Miss Witch's face full of question marks.

"It shouldn't disappear after it's used as a material, right? 』

"Of course, the material itself will be retained, and there will even be an additional function that can query its owner, which means that if Aina disappears in the future, you can also rely on this fat time to find him. 』

After the explanation, Miss Witch tugged and found that Qin Shi still refused to let go. To be honest, Miss Witch began to get a little angry.

"What are you doing? 』

"The smell or something won't go away, will it?I haven't washed it since that day! 』

"...You pervert let me go! 』

The witch lady, who couldn't stand it, cast a body-fixing spell on Qin Shi, and stabbed Qin Shi's forehead with her slender fingers. Qin Shi, who was still swearing to resist, could no longer drive her body, so she could only watch. Seeing that the fat time in his hand was taken away by Miss Witch, two reluctant tears flowed from his eyes.


Miss Witch stood up and put the fat in her hand on the alchemy table not far away. She took a few bottles of alchemy materials from her shelf that could not be seen, and placed the items in a special order. Afterwards, Miss Witch drove the huge magic in her body, chanting incomprehensible and bitter incantations, and saw the blue and white fat times stained with the fragrance of Ainas floating up, gradually blooming with a holy light.

The light turns into an entity to outline the map, which looks like a 3D projection developed by modern technology. The building where the target is located and the environment near the building are all shown, which is really convenient and reliable.

"Not bad, very successful, it's me. 』

Miss Witch watched with satisfaction at the success of her spell. In order to make modern young people feel simple and easy to understand, Miss Witch deliberately made the sign look like a 3D model. Looking at the expressions of these people behind her, she suddenly realized, Miss Witch. Dare to be sure that his spell was very successful.

"Let me see what Aina's situation is now. 』

Miss Witch muttered, stretched out her finger and tapped on the bright spot on the 3D map. This bright spot was where Aina was located, and relying on Miss Witch's superb skills, she was able to see the target directly through the medium at this moment. are doing something.

As Miss Witch made the picture bigger, a picture that made everyone excited was revealed.In the picture, Aina's body is naked, with only a thin quilt covering his body, and in his arms he is holding a golden knight wearing only a white shirt and no underwear. A happy smile, no matter how you look at it, it looks like it's over.


Time went back an hour ago, in the bathroom where the "chest murder case" was just staged, the victim Aina spat out a nosebleed because she couldn't stand the stimulation of the overheating brain, and her fragile body couldn't resist and directly fainted in the bathtub.

"Wake up, madam...you wake up...if you die, I won't be able to live. 』

"Prisoner" Elina didn't know why Aina suddenly fainted, thinking that Aina died suddenly because the attack in the morning was not well defended and she did not receive timely treatment.Feeling extremely remorseful, Elina has begun to think about where to understand herself, and now that Elina is gone, she only has the idea of ​​dying for love.


Just when Elina was tearful and ready to drown in this bathtub with her in her arms, the unconscious Elina suddenly breathed steadily, and she lost support and slipped into Elina's arms, her face buried in it. into those soft breasts.

"Really... It turned out to be dizzy. It scared me to death. My wife's body is still as bad as before. 』

Seeing that Aina was fine, Elina showed a doting smile, and reached out her hand to touch the sleeping Aina's head.

"Ah, no, if you continue to run, there will be problems, you have to move the wife out quickly. 』

After speaking, Elina hugged Aina in the same princess hug as in the morning, but Aina, who was not covered by clothes, was seen by Elina at once.

"My wife's skin is so soft and smooth!It's really enviable, but it's really worrying that my wife doesn't have any muscles at all. As a boy, she's not strong at all, and the little one below is so cute. Hey~hey~.No, I won't be able to hold on to it if I look at it like this, I can't stare like this anymore. 』

Feeling the height of her body temperature, her mood began to become numb, Elina hurriedly ran out of the bathroom with Aina in her arms, and placed the unconscious Aina gently on the bed and covered it with a quilt.

"Even this place has become shiny. My wife is really virtuous and capable. I don't know how many years I haven't seen this house in such a clean state. This is all due to my wife." 』

The house has become clean, just looking at it makes people feel good. Elina, who understood this thanks to Aina, stood there and smiled, and at the same time she understood why Aina likes cleaning and cleaning so much.

"I have to find pajamas for my wife, but am I the right size?It will feel a little too small, and it will be very tight to wear, right?It's not good to disturb your wife's sleep. 』

Elina, who wanted to find a pajamas for Aina, stood there thinking, but the more she thought, the more troublesome she felt. It is not an easy thing to put on inappropriate clothes for a comatose person.

"Speaking of which, I have no such thing as pajamas at all...I usually sleep in my shirt. 』

Elina looked at the sleeping Aina with a headache. When she saw Aina's sweet and lovely sleeping face, an inexplicable wriggling appeared in her heart.

The skin like milk, the sleeping face like an angel, the defenseless posture, the temptation that even if you do something, it seems that you will not be found, all of which are teasing Elina's heart, and when she comes back to her senses. Lena was just a hand away from Aina's face, and she could taste the beauty of Sleeping Beauty's lips as long as she leaned her head forward slightly.


As the admirer and benefactor that he has been thinking about, he is now lying on his bed defenseless, relying on himself to trust himself, and putting his future in his own hands. This kind of thinking makes Elina really feel I can't bear it anymore, I haven't even thought about rejecting it, and there is no distance between the lips of each other.

It was just covered with simple lips, even if it was a crazy request, but there was no response. After all, Aina is now in a coma, no matter how tempted Elina herself is, it is just for self-entertainment.

"What am I doing?If the wife finds out, she will be scolded, and attacking people while they are sleeping is really bad for me. 』

Alina, who was entertaining herself and felt a little empty, came back to her senses. Looking at Aina who was sleeping and feeling the softness on her lips, she felt a huge sense of guilt and kept apologizing to Aina. This eased up.

"Will the quilt be too thin? 』

At this time, Elina saw that the thickness of the quilt she covered for Aina was not very high. Because of laziness, the thick quilt was never taken out for drying, and the dirty quilt was not used for people to cover at all.

Aina, who was only covered with a thin quilt, was indeed shivering with cold, and her body tightened in an insecure look, which made Elina feel distressed and anxious.

"What can keep my wife warm? ! 』

Elina looked around, but after the house was cleaned up by Aina, Elina herself didn't know what to put, and Aina would probably catch a cold.

"Wait a minute... Can I pass the heat to my wife? !I remember that when we were killed in the snow, we were able to rely on each other to take off our clothes to keep each other warm! 』

Thinking of this, Elina shyly lifted the quilt, her face turned red when she looked at the naked Aina's body, and then she got in like a kitten, leaning against Aina's arms and smirking.

"Hey, I didn't take advantage of my wife while he was asleep, I just came in because I was afraid that my wife would catch a cold. I definitely didn't have any bad ideas! 』

Elina found herself an excuse to convince herself, and gradually fell asleep in Aina's soft embrace. With a happy smile on her face, she knew that she could have a good dream tonight.

And Aina, who was sleeping with something in her arms, suddenly broke into her arms with such a soft "cushion pillow", and subconsciously stretched out her arms to embrace her chest. The girl's soft skin was used as a pillow, and the feeling was naturally excellent. , Aina could not help but also showed a happy and satisfied smile.

125. Junk food is easy to harm the body

In the early morning of the next day, the rising sun came in through the window. There was no obstruction of the garbage, and it rarely shone into the room. The room that had not seen sunlight for many years was now full of light.


The sun kept piercing Aina's eyes, and the nerves that were more sensitive than ordinary people made Aina very sad. She twisted and wanted to find an angle to avoid the light and continued to sleep, but because of the daily biological clock, Aina had arrived. It's time to wake up, just turning over is enough for Aina to open her eyes.

"Wufufu~ I slept so well. 』

After struggling for a while, Aina finally opened her eyes and stretched her waist to show the seductive curve. It was a bit wrong to say that it was seductive, after all, there was no extent in the chest.

"Um? 』

At this time, Aina suddenly touched something soft and warm, just like touching the skin of a girl. Aina, who was curious, lowered her head and saw Elina, who was wearing only one dress, huddled in her own body. in front of you.

"What... huh? ! 』

There was a beautiful girl who was almost ** lying next to her. When she woke up, it was this kind of stimulation. Aina was so frightened that she wanted to scream. Fortunately, she covered her mouth in time. The scream would surely wake the Sleeping Beauty beside her.

"What's the situation? ! 』

Aina's brain was very confused at the moment. His memory was that he was taking a bath. Elina suddenly came in and said that he wanted to rub his back. After that, Aina didn't know what happened, and when he woke up, he found Lying on the bed by herself, Aina wanted to sigh that she slept very comfortably because she was holding a very soft object, but she did sigh.

"You brought me here, right? 』

However, Aina didn't think about the bad things. Even if he had nothing on his body, he fainted inexplicably. No matter how he thought about it, he would faint only if he was attacked, and neither of them wore clothes like that. The final result was that Aina was frivolous, but Aina was not angry.

Just like Aina thought before, if the other party really wants to plot against him, just pick up the stick and sap it down. There is no need to fix these fancy routines, just go straight to it.

"But it's not like you don't even give me clothes, right? 』

Aina said a little embarrassedly, even if the other party didn't want to do anything bad to him, but sleeping in bed with the opposite sex without clothes, he would still feel shy to some extent, and because of the male's physical problems As a result, Aina is now in the state of "Optimus Prime", and the following is not as cute as when Elena looked at Aina in a coma.

"Nice dream. 』

Aina patted Elina's head gently, blushing lightly and got out of the bed, suddenly a cold wind blew in through the window that was not closed, and Aina, who was not wearing clothes, was struck by this gust of wind. The wind blew uncontrollably and shivered.

"This child... is to keep me from catching a cold, right? 』

After feeling the real cold, Aina understood why Elina would hug her to sleep. Aina herself knew the most. There is no way to make Aina feel warm just by relying on such a quilt. Woke up in the middle of the night, and with the support of Elina's body temperature, Elina was able to sleep well.Although it does not rule out the possibility that Elina just wants to sleep with Aina, but Aina prefers to think on the good side of people.

"Okay, let's prepare breakfast! 』

Aina came to the bathroom and put on the change of clothes that Elina had prepared before, but the size was a little small, Aina felt a little tight, and sleeping in such clothes, Aina dared to I'm sure I won't sleep well.

Aina first threw the changed clothes into the washing machine, then walked out of the bathroom to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and observed what ingredients could be handled, but the next second Aina was frightened by the pile of fast food in the refrigerator Arrived, almost all canned and simple lunch, even if this kind of food is not high enough nutrition, the taste is difficult to guarantee.

"Why is this child so incapable of taking care of himself?Eating this kind of thing all day long will eat bad for your body. 』

Aina sighed helplessly after looking at these cans that made people feel unappetizing, closed the refrigerator and subconsciously sorted out her clothes, and walked to the front door to go out shopping.

"Ah... By the way, I can't go out at will right now. 』

As soon as he put his hand on the doorknob, Aina remembered that he was still wanted. If he went out to meet anyone, he would be exposed immediately, and it would be difficult to escape.

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