Fortunately, after watching too many similar things and feeling a little uncomfortable, Aina didn't have the mood to open these new pictures, but just put the other files into the USB flash drive and then unplugged them, still in the heart. Happy to have one more chip to threaten Elina.

"Ahem, while I'm still with you, I'll teach you how to live a healthy life as a human being, how to protect your body as a girl, cook, do laundry, tidy your room, etc. I will teach you as well, so please be enlightened. 』


Elina said like Elina's mother, although Elina likes this feeling very much, but when she thinks of getting in touch with these things that she is usually too lazy to do, Elina feels very unmotivated, and this lazy The appearance naturally fell into Aina's eyes, and Aina, who had already calmed down, began to feel a little angry again.


Tick ​​tock!The master is writing, the master is writing!

Just when Aina was about to preach to Elina, a beep suddenly came from Elina's computer, and after a girl's voice came out, Elina's computer found an email.Because of this sudden email, Aina had to stop preaching and turn around to help Elina over.

"Forget it... you should check your email first. 』

Aina gently supported Elina, feeling the touch of her beloved wife. Elina subconsciously leaned all her weight on Aina's body. Aina naturally noticed Elina's small movements, but he didn't either. All he wanted to say was to silently support Elina.

"Tsk. 』

"What's written on it? 』

After reading the email on the computer, Elina's face that wanted to smirk instantly frowned, and her tongue-smacking sound attracted Elina's attention. He now wondered what would make Elina so tangled, would it not be? It will be the alliance's wanted order.

"It's nothing...just the latest doujinshi exhibition is about to start. 』

"Double show? 』

"How can I say it?Anyway, I rushed the draft to catch up with this exhibition, but I forgot that neither my wife nor me can go out to meet people. It is difficult to even print it into a book, and it is impossible to attend the exhibition that day. . 』

After speaking, Elina scratched her head in annoyance, and then accidentally bumped her butt into the chair again, causing her to grin in pain.

"Why can't you attend? 』

"Why... Didn't you say that we are currently wanted?We'll be caught if we go out, and you'll be taken home too, ma'am. 』

"We don't necessarily need to reveal our true face, just like when I went shopping for food just now, wouldn't anyone recognize me if I dressed up? 』

"How can things be so simple?My armor is very recognizable, so disguise is not allowed... wait a minute, maybe it's possible, if it's role-playing... maybe it's possible! 』

132. Everyone will have corresponding interests

"Elina... This kind of dress is really weird, do you really want me to go out like this? 』

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, ma'am, the way you look right now can't be complimented! 』

"Don't draw pictures like I am now! 』

"This can't be done, the current wife is rare, if I don't record it with a brush, I won't be able to remember it! 』

"It doesn't matter if you remember this kind of thing or not!All that matters now is how weird it is to dress up like this! 』

"What's so strange?I think it's great! 』

"Of course it's weird!Dressing up like your own mother is weird no matter how you think about it! 』

Facing Elina, who was drawing with a drooling face in her notebook, Elina shouted in shame.At this moment, Aina was wearing a silk dress similar to that worn by elf noble women. The hair on her head was dyed bright gold by Elina with a special potion. In order to match the temperament of the clothes, Aina also used elfization. The pointed ears twitched with Aina's movements, looking like a shy elf noble, although Aina itself is an elf noble, and Aina's appearance is the prototype of Aina The unfamiliar mother.

The doujinshi exhibition in N city is no different from the ordinary doujinshi exhibition. It is an exhibition where the painter sells the small books he has painted and printed. As one of the house girls, Elina naturally participates every year. , every year with his own original book and wife-themed painting albums sit in town.

The previous email was naturally a reminder to Elina to remember to participate in the fan exhibition, and Elina herself especially wanted to participate in this exhibition.Because before she was not a superhero, her old school was a painter. When Elina was in the most difficult time, it was those who loved readers who helped her through the difficulties. It was already said that she would also attend this year. Ai Lena really doesn't want to be a pigeon to break the hearts of fans.

So at this time, Aina made a suggestion, that is, disguise, cross-dressing, and dressing up are all about making yourself different from usual so that others don't recognize you.And Elina thought of cosplay, which is COSPALY.

As a carnival of the nerds, the activity of various COS is naturally indispensable. This kind of activity that can openly change one's appearance by wearing fancy clothes is simply the best thing for Elina and Aina. Dressing yourself up is recognized by everyone. No problem at all.

In this era when superheroes are active everywhere, all kinds of popular superheroes are also deeply loved by nerds. Every year in various exhibitions, there will be corresponding heroes imitated by others, so some people come out with SS-level superheroes. The COS of the elf queen is also a very normal thing.

As a half-elf and the child of the elf queen, Aina is not too easy to dress up as her biological mother. The face is almost carved out of a module. Just a little makeup is basically exactly the same. Put on the clothes and dye them. Faina is 90.00% similar to the Elven Queen.

"This is for the sake of business, madam, please bear with me a little bit, this is a fake chest vest, put it on quickly, and of course, remember to put on your underwear~"

"Got it. 』

Elina smirked and helped Aina organize her clothes, more or less the meaning of Aina's spanking punishment before taking revenge, and enjoying Aina's shy appearance casually was very satisfied.

『I changed clothes, so what are you going to do, Elina?You don't seem to have prepared your own clothes, do you?If you go out like this, others will recognize you. 』

"Kukuku, madam, you don't have to worry, I naturally have a solution.First of all, no one knows my identity as an artist. They only regard the golden knight and "the wife's exclusive knight" as two different people. As for the cross-dressing, that's fine. 』

After speaking, Elina put on a pair of big glasses, her long golden hair was tied up, and she was wearing long and earthy sportswear. Almost unrecognizable.

"Why am I the only one dressed like this..."

It was so simple to dress up successfully, which made Aina, who was wearing complicated clothes and dressed up as the woman she hated, very unbalanced, and pouted very dissatisfied.

"Okay, it's time to go out. If you go late, even if you have a dedicated entrance, it will be useless, and you will be overwhelmed by the crowd before you get there. 』


Aina replied feebly, letting Elina push herself out of the house behind her back.In fact, there is still a choice not to participate, but Aina can't bear to have such a result. Originally, Elina has helped her so much, and now it is rare to be able to make Elina happy, even if it is a little risky. Risking Aina is definitely worth it, so I will accompany Elina to be willful, and she herself is looking forward to it.

"It's so dazzling that I can't open my eyes! 』

As soon as I left the house, it was a sunny day like celebrating today's good day. The warm sun shone down from the sky. It has been three days since I received that email. I haven't seen light for three days, and I finally "see the light again", and my eyes can't even accept the warm sun.

"It's not that exaggerated, is it? 』

Aina, who felt that Elina was a little too exaggerated, said suspiciously, but Aina couldn't open her eyes. She hid in that small room for three days, making her eyes a little too adaptable to the dark and small space. Let Aina's education on Elina add more items to go out more in the future.

"Be careful! 』

Aina was still thinking about it for one second, but the next second, Aina's eyes caught sight of a familiar blue-haired cat-eared figure, and her nerves instantly reacted to the limit, dragging Elina and immediately hid in the corner, avoiding the suspected Ai The person in front of Na seems to be in memory.


"Shh!Be quiet. 』

Elina was about to say something, but was interrupted by Elina.In a hurry, Aina directly pressed Elina against the wall, which was undoubtedly a wall slam in the eyes of a third party.Alina, who was pinned down, stared at Aina's mature and beautiful profile after dressing up, and her heart began to thump wildly. At the same time, she was thinking that Aina in front of her looked like the elf queen, but she didn't care about this one. The appearance is right, it is Aina's biological mother, the tauren.

"Okay, she's gone, what did you want to say? 』

The blue-haired cat-eared girl didn't stop there, and soon disappeared from the sight of Aina and Elina, and Aina also followed Elina away.

"Madam, I want to say that that is also a COS, not really your friend. 』

Elina said with a smirk, her words confused Elina.

"You mean that Phil just now was dressed up by someone else? 』

"Yeah, don't be so nervous, these things happen often today. 』

Aina's brain can't handle it. In the past three days, Elina has instilled a lot of relevant knowledge in Aina. In Aina's mind, only those characters who are famous or people really like will have people. She is willing to go out, but when she thinks of Phil's true heart, Aina finds it hard to believe that such Phil would be willing to dress up like her.

Just when Aina thought so, the "Phil" who had passed by came back, this time there was another person beside her, and it was also the person Aina was familiar with - Qin Shi.

"Wow, your ears are so realistic, what material are they made of? 』

"Hey, don't touch my ears, don't you know that ears are a forbidden area for catgirls? 』

"Your ears are not real, what does it matter?You are not a real meow girl. 』

"Really, do you understand the call to substitute?I've been playing with me for a few years, and I still don't understand it, it's a shame. 』

"Yes, yes, you are right, you are the most powerful person in the C circle. 』

"Hmph, of course. 』

"Qinshi" and "Phil" walked in front of Aina talking and laughing. This scene made Aina understand that these two people are not real, and that the two people who have always been incompatible with each other will not be so harmonious. In the picture, Phil wouldn't let people touch his ears so easily. If Qin Shi did touch them, the two of them would definitely fight.

"Oh hoo, it looks like two good sisters came out together, this group really has love. 』

"There is love to separate these two guys?Isn't this implying that you are unhappy with the other party? 』

"Madam, you don't understand. In the circle, Shadow Thorn × Flash Reporter is a very famous pair of CPs, and many lily lovers are very cute. 』

"Phil and the Qin Shi group CP, are you kidding me? 』

Elina said that Phil and Qin Shi were able to form a CP, and Aina felt that the world had become incredible. Both of them were able to be kind. Aina felt that she could reconcile with her parents. What a nonsense .

"That's why we otaku have special effects that can make everything cute, like shadow thorns who are interested in all beautiful women. In our eyes, there is no reason not to like tall and beautiful classical oriental beauty flash reporters, shadow thorns are usually always Aiming at the flash reporter who just wants to bully the people they like, and fighting with the flash reporter is just to attract the attention of others, the two are just too shy and arrogant to each other. 』

Elina said excitedly, and being able to talk to Aina about topics she was interested in made Elina very happy.But Aina was stunned when he heard it, and even he himself began to think that Qin Shi and Phil were really a couple.

"Hearing you say that, I'm starting to think you guys are a little weird but a little funny.According to what you said, Phil and Qin Shi will also have someone give them a fanfic picture? 』

"Of course, I know a colleague, and she has recently been a pair of cute shadow thorns and flash reporters. During this time, she has produced a lot of food, and the quality is very high. I highly recommend it. 』

Elina quickly threw herself into the state, and even the recommendations began to be carried out subconsciously. People who don't understand at all will not have much affection for what Elina said, thinking that they can hardly understand, and Elina is also now. It's almost the same state, but he is very interested in Elina's interest. Since she is so attentive and reasonable with herself, there must be something interesting here. As a friend, Elina also wants to know about it.

133. Be confident in yourself

"In this case, I suddenly have an idea. If I buy the book about the two of them, I will have a chance to show them later. I always feel that something very interesting will happen. 』

"This is possible! 』

Aina said with a little black belly, and showed the other party's book to himself. This kind of ghostly behavior is a bit scary, but I have to be sure that it is really interesting to do so.

"But madam, if you really want to do this, it's best not to reveal the artist's true identity to the other party. Some people will feel very angry when they see their own book. If they know the identity of the artist, they are likely to copy the knife directly. Break into the painter's house and threaten him or those around them. 』

"like me? 』

"Yes, like Mrs. you. 』


"sorry! 』

Elina is serious about popular science, but when she is talking, she realizes that what she is talking about is like Aina before talking in disguise, turning over a book with various PALYs in her own image, and the original artist Standing next to him, if Aina was a little bit emotional, there would really be a hatchet tragedy.

"Stop talking about this, let's go, there will be more people later! 』

Elina forcibly changed the subject, holding Aina's arm with both hands and not giving him a chance to speak, pulling Aina firmly and moving.

"Wait a minute...don't be so tough. 』

"You're walking too slowly, ma'am, you can't go on like this! 』


Half an hour later, Aina and Elina came to the entrance of Zhanzi. Aina was immediately shocked by the crowd of people in front of her. The tens of thousands of people lined up in an orderly manner, which made Ai. Na has a feeling of looking at the army, for fear that these ordinary otakus who seem harmless to humans and animals will turn around and take out their weapons to arrest him.

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