Her elder sister, Freinaya, didn't follow, which means that the other party has already decided that this is not something she can handle, so Freinaya will definitely go back to seek help.Aina understands that although her indifferent sister is a very arrogant elf, it is difficult to accept failure, but she is even more reluctant to accept the situation that the goal cannot be achieved.

Even if you can't catch Aina with your own hands, as long as you send someone to catch Aina and go back, there will be no problem. At least the business won't be delayed by his own mistakes.Besides the generals who manage the army, the only elders who are stronger than Elina in the Elf Forest are the elders who hardly leave the tree house.

However, the people Elina invited are much more powerful than these guys. As the eldest daughter, entrusting her parents to come and catch her disobedient younger brother and bring her home, this kind of thing can be said to be completely unsurprising.

At that time, even if Elina is an S-class superhero, she can only be strangled like an ant in front of a real monster.Aina, who was basically sure that she really had nowhere to run, gave up her struggle and started to prepare her mind for being captured back to the forest.

『At that time...at least we must keep Elina. 』

Aina stretched out her index finger and licked the bangs in front of her forehead, saying that it doesn't matter how she is, but Elina is likely to be implicated for helping her escape.If her parents get angry and throw Elina in jail and behead her, Elina's conscience will be hard for the rest of her life.

After getting along for the past few days, Aina already knows that Elina is a particularly good girl. Although Aina's image is often used to draw some illustrations that are not suitable for children, at least she is a good person. Let Ai Na has a lot of affection for her.

So if things really go in the worst direction, Aina will use her life as a negotiating condition. If her parents insist on being unfavorable to Elina, then Aina will have to kill herself, because of her own The reason makes a promising girl lose her future, and Aina can only compensate with her life.

"Don't always think with pessimistic thoughts, Estreya!You are not what you used to be! 』

Looking at himself in the mirror, Aina became inexplicably angry, clenched his fists and sighed at himself.In Aina's understanding, it is because he is not talented and too weak that he will be disliked by others, and will be looked down upon by others.

But now it's different. Aina has mastered the real use of her superpowers, and has gained the strength to fight and stand firm. The achievement of the fastest growing superhero also shows Aina's extraordinary talent and promising future. .

Even if he is brought back to the Forest of Spirits, Aina will not be in the same position as before because of his strength, so there is no need to worry too much.It would be better to say that Aina is still a little excited in her heart now. When she thinks that the faces of those who look down on her are slapped by her own strength, Aina wants to laugh out loud.After all, that's how novels are written in Aina's mind.

"it is good!Let's face it! 』

Aina gasped at the mirror, her energetic look made Aina think for a moment that she saw her unruly mother, Aina scratched her hair uncomfortably, and began to dye her hair very badly. The pretty blond developed disgust.

Aina came out of the bathroom playing with the ends of her hair, and at first sight she saw Elina huddled on the sofa and autistic.Because her inner wish was not fulfilled, Elina squatted on the sofa with her arms crossed and her legs folded, as if she was about to cry. Not taking a bath with Aina seemed to have lost the value of her life.


Looking at Elina like this, Elina felt a little guilty and Elina.Whether it is Elina or Elina's younger sister Xiaoli, as long as she is rejected by herself, she will fall into this autistic atmosphere. Fortunately, Elina will at least hold back and be good by herself.But if it turns into Xiaoli, if Aina refuses to take a bath together, she will turn into a willful child, lying on the ground playing with her limbs, and her rogue-like attitude will give Aina a headache.

"Finally... accompany her. 』

Looking at Elina, Elina said with a wry smile.

144. Games are fun to play together

(Cough, due to some emergencies, the listing has been postponed, and I am sorry to waste everyone's feelings. This book will still be in the signing stage in about a month or two. Reminder: I have revised the testimonials on the shelves. content, if you see this chapter first, please don’t worry, wait until the revision is successful and read together, otherwise it may affect the reading experience)

(As for the promise of two updates a day, it may have to be delayed until April, eh~)

"Left, left, right, right, right, right around your corner! 』

"Where is it? 』

"Over there! 』

"Isn't your X's on the roof?Go around your corner! 』

In Elina's room, Elina was sitting on the table, operating the keyboard and mouse, and a black-skinned female soldier with a rifle shot down a slender robot with a flash on the screen.In addition to the intense gunshots coming from her earphones, there was also Xiaobai's roaring voice.

"Aha, watch the old lady execute you and let you skin us. 』

"Don't execute the old execution, it's easy to get into trouble. 』

"It's okay, the rest is on your side, you can't see me. 』

"It's okay if you're happy. 』

With the execution of a fat man wearing armor on the screen, the team that was hostile to Xiaobai and Elina was wiped out, and the two of them could finally end their intense tremors and breathed a sigh of relief.

"awesome. 』

Aina, who was sitting next to Elina and witnessed the wonderful operation with her own eyes, applauded in admiration, making Elina so happy that her nose was pounding high.

As an otaku, it is natural to play black games among otaku friends. Whenever there is time, Xiaobai and Elina will use the chat software to open the computer to form a team to play games, and Elina, who temporarily lives in Elina's house, naturally It was also pulled by the two to play the game. Aina naturally had a computer and a keyboard and mouse in front of her, and the picture on the screen was very similar to that of Elina.But as for why Aina didn't do anything in the encounter just now and just watched Elina perform, it was because Aina was killed when she first encountered the enemy.

The game Alina, Xiaobai, and Aina are now playing is Apple Heroes, the popular battle royale game that was popular when humans were still on Earth.Before the arrival of mankind, the civilization of this world almost stayed at the level of the Middle Ages, and the way of entertainment is naturally very backward. At most, kill monsters to refine medicine or study new magic and moves to relieve boredom.

The arrival of human beings not only spreads the advanced technology that they have, but also spreads the entertainment methods that humans have long been tired of.Video games full of infinite possibilities quickly spread to the whole world like a virus. Whether you are an elves, orcs, demons, or complacent dragons, as long as there are some races that love to play, there is no shortage of interesting video games to touch. Addicted to it.

As one of the most popular games in the past, Apple Heroes naturally attracted many subhumans. Since the human beings in this world are only part of the world that escaped from the earth, there is no way for that rotten orange-like company to This world has taken root, and Apple, as a reprint, naturally does not have the spicy chicken server that was spurned by thousands of people at the beginning.The technology is also much more advanced than it was at the beginning. A computer that was bought with a little money can also run this old and new game perfectly.

Xiaobai and Elina, who have been playing games for several years, are already old fritters. In addition, they are human beings with talent for video games. Almost no characters in their account data have thousands of kills and tens of thousands of outputs. In Apple Heroes belong to the mid-to-high-end players, which can be said to be in the game.

Unlike the two with infinite scenery, as a half-blooded elf, Aina's strength is not so impressive.Although Aina usually plays mobile games and is not ignorant of game culture, most of the games he plays are casual games, that is, those games that can clear up his stamina and strengthen it a little bit. Strengthen the role, and finally talk to the Kanban girl in the pension game.

As for Apple Heroes, the No.1 shooting fast-paced battle royale game, Aina is completely new.Not to mention inaccurate marksmanship, Aina, who has never played this type of game, can't even coordinate his hands and brain well. .

And Aina's account data is very sad, there are more than ten hours of game time, but the number of kills has just reached double digits, and the number of kills composed of bachelors and eggs, even one third of Aina encounters When it was time to hang up, they killed them slowly, and the other one-third of nine were just when they landed. Listening to Xiaobai and Elina's roars, they rushed up together. The last blow they rubbed with their fists was the only one. Man, it was Aina who picked up the shotgun, and the other party was chasing and killing Aina, but Aina accidentally pressed the left button too much and went off to fire, and the other party just hit the muzzle of the gun. After a crisp headshot, he was killed. Aina killed.

If it is only a novice in operation, it is fine, Aina is a complete rookie even in thinking.Maybe it’s because I’ve played too many casual games, or maybe the elf, Aina, is more Buddha-nature. When I see beautiful flowers on the road in the game, I will stop and look at it, and occasionally I will look up at the clear blue sky, or I will see A certain character wearing cute clothes, Aina will also jump up and down to take a look, and finally find that the other party is the enemy, and was killed by someone in a shuttle.

It stands to reason that Elina and Xiaobai should each drive a trumpet to bring the little rookie Aina, but because of the mentality of showing off, each of them drives a trumpet with a gorgeous record, and uses the money they get from their desperate efforts to rush the draft. The appearance of Krypton's fashion weapons swayed wildly in front of Aina, but since Aina was just a novice in this game, she had no feeling for this rare item at all, and she would not feel envious at all.And the show-off mentality of Xiaobai and Elina also made Aina suffer a lot. A Buddhist player who would think about whether the opponent's character would feel pain even when shooting a gun was messed up by these immortal-like players. Kill, it can be said that there is no game experience.

"Hua, wait a minute, we'll resurrect you right away. 』

Fortunately, the game of Apple Heroes is very user-friendly. Dead teammates can pick up an apple from the box, and then bury the apple in the designated place, and the teammates will fall from the apple tree that grows instantly. It also prevents Aina from having to sit quietly and watch Xiaobai and Elina finish the entire game as soon as she dies, and she can also have a lot more opportunities to see the scenery.

Don't look at Aina's lack of combat power at all, and the kill data is also very bleak, but he has won the championship with the most number of new accounts, except for those autistic children who have opened up.The reason is because Alina and Xiaobai are too strong, basically every game is like this:

Aina encounters enemies while shopping - finds the enemy's location - Aina is killed - Aina passes the news to her teammates - Elina and Xiaobaituan destroy each other - pick up Aina's apple - Running away - Aina's resurrection - Aina encounters enemies while shopping...

Aina running around is like a humanoid radar, which is the only role he can play in high-end games.

Back to the game screen, Xiaobai manipulated his fat man to the resurrection point, planted Aina's apple, and Aina's little black girl game character fell from the sky again.

"Won the championship in one go. 』

"Oh! ! ! 』

"come on. 』

The game is a game that can easily stimulate human emotions. Xiaobai, who usually releases himself when he is excited, can easily show this truth when he plays the game.Every time she starts playing, she will start to scream, shouting when charging, squatting and taunting with a weird smile when killing enemies, and after a difficult victory, she will give out a majestic laugh like an excited awakening. .These symptoms can be said to be tormenting Aina and Alina, who are with her, so that the two had to turn down the volume of the voice software and talk to each other face to face instead of using the microphone, because the Lianmai software No one could hear except Xiao Bai's voice.

The revived Aina licked back to her alley, ran and jumped again with a small pistol and spray gun, and resumed her shopping trip.Due to his own strength, in order to improve his winning rate, Aina naturally took the initiative to take an auxiliary role, and the existence of a nanny can also call in manual shorts to bring powerful supplies to his teammates.

The accessories, the medicines with great recovery, and the high-performance weapons are naturally taken by Xiaobai and Elina. On the other hand, Aina will give priority to obtaining high-level armor and helmets, so that Aina will not die so easily.

Except for a small amount of replacement ammunition, Aina's backpack is full of projectiles. Basically, the marksmanship can't hit people, but projectiles can still be thrown, although Aina has not used it yet. The grenade kills even one person.

Under the leadership of Xiaobai and Elina, Aina went shopping and entered the later stage of the game, that is, the semi-finals.There were only three remaining teams, and apart from Aina's team, there were only two other teams in the game.

"Don't expose yourself, let's not fight first, let the other two teams fight, and finally we will go to Fisherman to take advantage. 』

At the last moment, Elina became subconsciously nervous. As the person with the strongest fighting awareness and judgment ability, she naturally provoked the commander, glanced at the number of remaining teams and the position of the poison circle, and decisively issued the order. covert command.

But things didn't go as smoothly as Elina thought. Even after the time when the poison circle narrowed, the other two teams didn't fight each other, and their team was not in the safe zone, which means they had to keep an eye on the victim. Others find the location dangerous to move.

"Walk. 』

Time didn't give Elina time to hesitate, so she could only lead the entire team to move forward cautiously, but this final round was not so disgusting, except for some boxes, there were no bunkers to cover her figure, and the one in front of Elina had a In the two-story house, there is no need to think that there must be a team hidden in it. Their position can be said to be able to observe the position of the entire battlefield.


Suddenly, a loud gunshot came from the direction of the room, and a light that could not be caught by the naked eye flashed and flew over. When she came back to her senses, Xiaobai, who was the largest and most easily hit character, jumped out of her head. The words "-125" in bright red.

145. Everyone has a certain specialty

"Damn, it's a golden sniper! 』

Only the white-headed and blue-armored Xiaobai was directly hit by this gun, leaving only a layer of blood and skin. No matter what gun or even a fist rubbed, he would fall directly to the ground, losing a strong teammate, Aina's The team would be in a more embarrassing situation.


In response to this situation, Aina's first reaction was to add blood to Xiaobai, and threw the healing robot, her good friend who could treat injuries, to Xiaobai's side. However, Xiaobai had already shrunk into the bunker and packed it up. This kind of final The circle also covets the slow healing of the robot, which is completely killing it.


Without waiting for Elina's instructions, Aina picked up her small pistol and rushed up. At this distance, Aina's hit rate was almost zero. The only effect was to rush forward as a bait to attract the opponent's firepower and let Ai Lina and Xiaobai have a chance to kill each other.

However, as I said before, Xiaobai and Elina are not top players, they are just ordinary players in the middle and upper layers of the game, which means that people who are stronger than them are still a lot of them.

Just like now, Xiaobai and Elina who are filling up are frantically firing at the people in the room, but in terms of accuracy and response, Elina and Xiaobai are half a beat slower than each other, and when they come back to their senses Both have been beaten to death.

"There is thunder! 』

Seeing the residual blood, both of them hid behind the bunker and packed their bags, but when they turned around, they saw a grenade roll over from their feet. As soon as they shouted loudly, they were blown up by the grenade. Xiaobai's character fell to the ground, clutching his stomach.

"Xiao Bai, Elina? ! 』

Aina, who rushed to the front with some of the enemy's firepower, also took a lot of bullets and hid behind a fence to survive.Elina's "There is thunder" frightened Aina turned her head and glanced at Elina's screen, and witnessed the moment when Elina and Xiaobai fell.

"Sister Hua'er, I'll see you next. 』

Xiaobai spoke in a trembling tone like a soldier who sacrificed heroically, but in her heart, she did not expect Aina to win the game alone. After all, Aina's dishes were obvious to all and did not contain any false ingredients.

"Eh. 』

Even Elina pressed her hand to her chin, and was already getting ready for the next one.


Aina's game operation is of course a dish. After all, he is not the kind of person who is gifted to play games. He has not been exposed to this type of game for a long time. Naturally, there is no way to play games with people like Elina and Xiaobai who have been addicted to games all year round. Contrasted.

However, Aina's operation is not strong, but his fighting awareness is not weak at all. I saw him cut out a grenade, holding a strange projectile with red at both ends and white in the middle, and throw it wildly in front of him and the enemy's location.

In the game of Apple Heroes, this special projectile can ignite a wall of aluminum hot fire, which can cause damage and obstruct the opponent's vision at the same time. used as a smoke bomb.

boom! boom! boom!

It's not over yet, don't forget that Aina was thrown by a whole backpack. When it comes to the decisive moment of life and death, these things are not firecrackers that need to be kept for the New Year.Aina kept throwing the projectiles of her backpack like this, not wanting to hit the enemy, as long as it could interfere a little, it would be fine.

For a time, there were explosions in the poison circle, which was even more lively than the New Year.

Seeing that it was almost over, Aina also stopped throwing grenades without thinking, and hurried back with a shovel and jumping all the way. He didn't think he could destroy the opponent by himself in this situation, and as a medic, of course, The priority is to save teammates.


It seems that they were disturbed by Aina's crazy bombing. The team attacking Aina team ignored the burning thermite on the soles of their feet and resisted the continuous damage caused by the flames. Shot indiscriminately at Aina.

"Don't look back, it's too dangerous!Sold directly! 』

It's a stupid thing to expose your back to the enemy, which means putting your defenseless weakness directly at the muzzle of someone else's gun, so seeing Aina running back and trying to save her teammates, Ellie Na immediately reminded Aina, but Aina, who was bent on pulling her teammates up, was unexpectedly stubborn and ran all the way regardless of the artillery fire and the teammates' reminders.

But in fact Aina's judgment is correct, because of the fire wall of the thermite grenade, the opponent's field of vision has been disturbed, and the hit rate is naturally reduced a lot, and there are not many bullets hitting Aina at all. In addition, Aina has the golden armor with the highest damage reduction, and she ran back to Elina and Xiaobai's side without even breaking the shield.

"Don't pull, you will be shot! 』

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