"Eh, forget it. 』

Aina sighed softly, then looked at Phil with doting eyes, and gently stroked Phil's head with her slender fingers. This feeling made Aina miss him very much. Four years ago, when I was still a good child in the Elf Kingdom, I often took care of my sister who was tired and sweaty after wielding the sword all day. Only at that time would my sister who was always sneering at me look like a cat. Cute and cute look.

"No meow~"

Phil on his thigh also cooperated and made a cute sound. Aina's touch was really enjoyable. Phil felt a little sleepy.

"Hey, I said, Aina, you should obey me too. As your savior, it shouldn't be too much to ask for a relationship, right? 』

"no. 』

"Eh~ why?Could it be that Aina is actually an elf who doesn't know how to reciprocate?I risked my life to save you without even giving me anything in return? 』

Phil looked at Aina with a heartbroken expression, but unfortunately, the poor acting was a bit funny and didn't make Aina fluctuated a bit.

"Isn't the lap pillow the reward for you?Besides, don't you hate men very much, why are you pestering me? 』

"Didn't you say it?Aina is so beautiful. She is even more beautiful than a girl. It doesn't matter whether a beauty with such a beautiful appearance is a man or a woman! 』

"Hehe, that's really nice to say, the glib ghost knows if you're sincere. 』

"Of course I'm sincere, I swear to God that I'm wholehearted with Aina-chan, and if I lie, I'll be struck by lightning! 』

"It's really a poisonous oath with a sense of age, so in order to prove your sincerity, can you tell me why you hate men so much? 』


"I'm hesitating, I really can't say it, I doubt your sincerity. 』

"no!All I can say, I..."

"Okay, that's it, I don't want to force others to recall the memories that made me painful, I'll talk about it when you can say it without hesitation and share it with me. 』

Aina tapped Phil's lips to stop Phil from continuing. Aina admitted that she was just an elf who had never been in any relationship, but Aina could still see clearly by observing people's hearts.What Phil keeps saying is not all true. For his own feelings, it is love, but it is more just to get rid of reality and distract attention. Harassing women everywhere is just what Phil did instinctively to forget the past. Action, and I was just lucky enough to use it as a prop that can be used to distract.

"How do I feel that Aina, you just rejected me in another way. 』

"Everything is about recycling, isn't that what you humans say?Just like you can't tell me, I also have things that I can't open my heart to tell you, which means that your relationship with me has not reached that point. 』

Aina stretched out her hand and gently stroked Phil's face. He could clearly feel Phil's nervousness when his palm touched the shatterable skin. It was obvious that Phil was forcing the discomfort. Letting herself touch, Phil's hatred of men is far more serious than she has shown.

"What a brave little guy. 』

Aina said with some melancholy, Aina still has a good impression of Phil. After all, she was rescued by her over and over again. As an adolescent male, he naturally longs for a warm and romantic love, but whether he is mentally or family. The reason is that I can't rest assured to enjoy the floating things like love.

"It's alright, I'm going to go to work and I'm going to be late. 』

"Humph!Sooner or later, I will let you stick to me obediently. You wait for me, Aina! 』

"You're still angry, I want to see what you plan to do, but it's best not to bother me too much these days, I just became a hero and it's not long before I'm familiar with it, so I have to reflect on it first. It's just your own recklessness. 』

Interlude. The sleeping girl

There is a basement of a criminal organization in a basement deep under a building somewhere in N City, and this building is supposed to be used as a tool for concealment, and the criminal funds are also provided by the company in this building. .

In a sealed and heavily guarded laboratory deep in the basement, a black-haired man in a white robe and glasses was looking down at the security guard sent back by the investigators.

"Are the three experimental subjects that were sent out so quickly eliminated?It's not a loss to be a C-level hero, but only C-level can kill these strong dark moon werewolves in an instant. This is a height that humans can't reach before. Superpower is really bad. To deal with it, if there is a head-on conflict, it will not take long for the alliance and the association to clean us up, and it will be as easy as pinching an ant. 』

With a self-deprecating smile, the man tore up the report in his hand and threw it into the air into pieces of "snowflakes". When he thought about the Super Hero League, his self-deprecating smile gradually calmed down, and then he showed an extremely angry expression.

"These goddamn guys, the superheroes and the guardians of law and order, who have repeatedly disturbed my plans, are not all mortals who receive money to eat. 』


The man slammed on the wall beside him, and the forceless force caused his thin fist to burst and bleed, but he showed a disgusting smile as if he remembered something interesting.

"It's a bit ridiculous to say that, a rookie who relied on my failed product to instantly become an E-level hero, is arrogant enough to challenge three and a half of my experimental products, if it weren't for that damn C-level hero. After running over to the resource, I can see the picture of the humiliated beauty of that level. It's a pity to think about it carefully. 』

Although he said pity, the upward angle of the corner of his mouth was describing his happiness, and the smile that looked like his own child had grown up made people look particularly terrifying.The man put away his emotions and sat down at his desk. He manipulated the computer to print out a photo from a camera, and this photo recorded the humiliating and unwilling appearance of being caught by a werewolf. , just looking at it can make people think of some discordant pictures.

"Speaking of which, is it really beautiful, is there really such a beautiful woman in this world?And if you look closely, it's somewhat similar to my daughter. I really should show it to my daughter. 』

Thinking of his "daughter", the man showed a doting smile, and at the same time he couldn't help reaching for Aina in the photo, scratching gently as if to help him wipe off the blood.

"Hey, I was distracted by accident. Since I accidentally regarded this slut as my noble daughter, how could this bastard born in human society be comparable to the identity of the ancient demon god found in the ancient ruins. what about my daughter?To see him as my daughter is an insult to my daughter. 』

The man sneered and put the photo in his pocket, got up and left the desk to a door, entered a long string of very difficult to remember passwords, then scanned his eyeballs, fingerprints and blood, and only opened after a complicated review stage. Through this iron door, the man also entered the hidden room in the house.

In this very concealed room, there is a very huge cultivation warehouse. The cultivation warehouse contains a girl with fiery red hair. She is floating in the culture liquid with her eyes closed and unconscious. It is the so-called "daughter" of the demon god that the man said.If you look closely at the girl's face, you can be surprised to find that the girl's appearance is somewhat similar to Aina.

"Good morning, my dear daughter, my research results have been greatly advanced today because of your blood. I am indeed an ancient demon. Just giving a little blood to a humble human can make a weak human evolve into a strong dark man." Moon werewolf. 』

The man was lying on the glass of the cultivation bin and looked at the girl in the culture liquid with a doting face. In addition to the strong lust, there were even more crazy emotions in his eyes.Although he shouted for his daughter, this man didn't look like a father at all. If it weren't for the fact that it might affect the research, this man would have done something dirty with her even if the girl was just a corpse. He didn't lose his innocence.

"My dear daughter, Dad, I found a very interesting thing today. Guess what it is. I promise you will be interested in him... Can't guess, there's no way Dad will come. Let me tell you. 』

The man muttered to himself, showing a helpless and indulgent expression like he did to a stupid daughter, and then took out a photo from his pocket, and this photo was naturally Aina's photo.

"Look!It must be strange to you, daughter, that this mortal looks so much like my dear daughter?Do you feel angry that mere humans dare to pretend to be themselves? 』

The man looked at the reaction of the girl in the training warehouse with anticipation, just like a father expected the reaction of his daughter.But making a comatose person react to a photo seems a bit mentally retarded, let's not say that others are comatose, what do you make others see just with your eyes closed?

But the strange thing is that when the man took out the photo and put it in front of the girl, the eyebrows of the girl who had been motionless miraculously moved, but the movement was so subtle that it felt like an illusion.

"Daughter, did you understand your eyes just now?You are about to wake up, right?Do you need to get rid of this ant that looks like you right away?Hahahahaha finally, finally!Don't worry, my daughter, father, I will wake you up soon, let the world turn into chaos again, let the world return to your daughter's hands, and become mine, hahahaha! ! ! 』

The man who had been staring at the girl naturally saw this scene, thinking to himself that it was a precursor to the girl's awakening, and he laughed wildly. His research is more confident that his research will change the society in the future.

22. Bank robbery is also common

In a small bank in N City, a group of criminals with superpowers blew up the door of the vault forcefully. The door that was indestructible even for S-class heroes made of special alloys was blown up by them with special explosives. There are also high-tech and high-power firearms in it, which looks like a large-scale criminal gang.

"Fish head, hurry up!Those damn sliver has been blocked outside, just waiting to squat!And you guys squatted down for me honestly, if you let me see any small moves, I will shoot you! 』

A bald man with a scar on his face scolded with a huge shotgun, pointing the huge muzzle at the threatened hostages in the bank, which made many people tremble with fear.

"Don't rush, don't rush, I also want to hurry up, but these password gates are too difficult to crack, and there is only one black hole bomb that can't be forcibly cracked, even if there is, it will destroy these gold nuggets together. 』

A thin man with glasses said, looking at his intelligent back, you can understand that he is the intellectual responsibility of the team.

"It's not the way to go on like this, I'll take someone out to delay the time, you can get it right, I don't know how much time you can buy, anyway, we'll all have to go to jail if you haven't done it yet! 』

"Forgive me, I'm not like you and your muscles and brains squatting in the same kind of prison meal, even if you want to eat together, you will go out to eat the prison meal in a star-rated hotel! 』

The bald man smiled and agreed with the glasses man's statement, and then called a few brothers and took a woman as a hostage.

"No!Don't kill me beg you!Do not kill me! 』

"Stinky girls! 』

The woman who was taken hostage saw that she was picked up by the bald man and screamed loudly, only to be slapped by the irritated bald man, and the blood was fanned out of her mouth.

"If you don't want to die, just be quiet for me! 』

Being yelled at by the bald man, the woman immediately shut her mouth, and her strong desire to survive prevented her from acting rashly.

"Listen to the robbers inside, you have been surrounded by the police, and there are several heroes present. If you are wise, hurry up and throw away your weapons, liberate the hostages, and strive for leniency! 』

Outside the bank, the police shouted with loudspeaker equipment, because there were so many hostages in the bank that neither policemen nor heroes dared to act rashly.

"Do your horse's spring and autumn dream! 』


With a roar, the shotgun in the hand of the bald man made a sound, and the gate of the bank that was originally intact was sprayed into powder, and several policemen who were squatting at the gate were accidentally hit by stray bullets, causing death and injury.

"Don't think about threatening Lao Tzu, you guys who are dogs for others, I'm just talking here today, get out of my eyes quickly, I'm going to fix the money in this bank!"Anyone who dares to stop Lao Tzu will die! 』

Speaking of which, the bald man pointed a gun at the hostage in his hand, and did not forget to stretch out his hand to hold the opponent's chest to take advantage.

"Brother put down the woman in your hand, there is something we can talk about without seeing blood. 』

"talk?I'm talking about you being a jerk, get out of here or I'll shoot this bitch! 』

The bald man did not give the police a chance to negotiate at all. Such a fierce attitude made it very difficult for the police to deal with it. At this time, a hero came out.

"Let go of that lady, ordinary people's bodies are too fragile to withstand the toss, if you want a hostage, I'll be fine. 』

"What kind of monster are you? 』

The bald man turned his attention to the hero who was speaking. When he met the eyes of the other party, he accidentally entered a state of fascination. However, with such a big flaw, no police dared to come up and subdue him, because even the police were caught by this. The hero's appearance was astounding, and he forgot the job at hand for a while.

"My name is Aina and I'm a rookie who has just become a hero. Compared to ordinary people who are powerless, my hero should be more useful than her, right?" 』

That hero, no... Now it should be said that Aina spoke calmly, and slowly approached the bald man. Although the bald man was still a little wary, when he saw Aina's appearance, his heart arose. Evil thoughts.

"it is good!Come up, ask the police to handcuff you and come up, or I won't pay it back! 』

"No problem, I agree to your request. 』

"This heroic lady can't do it!If you are copied and received, you will not even have the ability to protect yourself! 』

In this era of super powers and magical fighting spirit, police handcuffs are all new items that inhibit the flow of energy in the body. As long as you take them on, you can't use them no matter what kind of power you use.

"It doesn't matter, the duty of a hero itself is to protect civilians, and this kind of thing itself is my job, so please don't try to persuade me. 』


Seeing that Aina said that, the police had no choice but to handcuff Aina's hands. A feeling of weakness eroded Aina's body. For a while, Aina almost lost her balance and fell to the ground. .

"That's the way it should be, right? ! 』

"Come here! 』

The bald man waved his hand and let Aina come over. He looked at Aina with undisguised eyes, making Aina feel as if his whole body had been licked. Although it felt disgusting, Aina still walked unshakably. past.

"Haha, it seems that I am lucky to have another toy at night. 』

"Damn robbers! 』

Hearing the bald man's words, the police knew with their toes that Aina might be hard to save. A beautiful woman like Aina would hardly have a criminal who would let her go.

But when Aina was only a few meters away from the bald man, the mutation happened, and the bald man suddenly raised the shotgun in his hand and yelled at Aina.

"I can go to your stinky son of a bitch!Do you think Lao Tzu is the kind of person who doesn't even take money?Tell you that I will prostitute if I want to prostitute a woman like you when I finish this vote and become rich.Don't think that you don't understand what's wrong with you, only a fool would walk in front of Lao Tzu without any precautions, no matter what conspiracy you have, in short, kill Lao Tzu! 』


The heavy metal-style muzzle sprayed flames, and a large number of bullets sprayed out. The bullets that could easily tear through steel hit Aina firmly, and the huge impact directly knocked Aina out. Until it hit the doorpost on the side.

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