Aber touched his chin full of stubble, thinking of the achievements that Aina has been delivering in the past few months, which indeed reflects the strength that should not belong to Aina.Maybe it was wrong to think that Aina was not suitable for becoming a martial artist. If you have talent, let's cultivate it.

"If I want, I can find some time to spend with him. 』

Abel thought this way, the reason why he didn't let Aina learn how to fight in the past was because he was afraid that Aina's fragile body would suffer irreparable damage. How can I express my emotions, it's just a misunderstanding between Aina and the elves.

What Abe didn't know was that his thoughts gradually developed in the direction of being able to reconcile with Aina.If he knew, Able would definitely be happy to praise himself.

At this time, a pair of extremely soft balls came from Aber's sturdy back. A golden hair fell on his shoulders and teased his face. Seeing the aggrieved Freya lying on her back with tears in the corners of her eyes.

This kind of expression on such a beautiful woman really makes people want to go up and hug, even Able, who has been married for decades, can't help showing his heartbeat when facing his beautiful wife, no matter what. After a long time, the corresponding resistance could not be generated.


Seeing his aggrieved wife, Able, calling out the other person's nickname, she reached out her hand and stroked the other person's face quite gently.However, unlike what he believed, his wife did not want to ask for comfort because of her grievance, but came to take revenge on the enviable guy Able.

"You eat inside and out! ! ! 』

"Ah, my hand! ! ! 』

Freya suddenly changed her aggrieved expression, showing sharp teeth and a fierce face, but because of her beautiful face, she looked like a cat with fried fur.Freya opened her small mouth and bit down on Aber's arm, who was stroking her face. The bite force of the SS-class hero seemed to be about biting down Aber's flesh and blood.

"What are you doing suddenly, Freyna? !I'm sore! ! ! 』

Aber, who was in pain, wanted to get rid of Freyna, but the other party was his wife, and he couldn't be ruthless, so he could only let Freyna bite a deep tooth mark on his arm.

"Pooh!You stinky man who entered the family, dare to kiss my precious son at will without my consent, who gave you the courage? !I am so envious! ! ! 』

Freyna spit on the floor, wiped her mouth with her hand, and spoke seriously.


When Aber heard Freina's words, his face darkened, and he thought he had done something.It would be fine if he was jealous because he and his son were too close, but it was his son who was jealous, and the one who was unhappy was his husband, even Able couldn't help but get angry.

What does it have to do with your stinking mother-in-law when I get close to my son?You bastard, you don't have a period, don't lose your temper at me all day long.

Of course, Abel only dared to say these words in his heart. If he really said it, Freina would not just bite herself. If she bites herself at night, if it really bites, Able can't stand it. .

"Hey, Smelly Able, what do you mean by that expression?Not feeling well?If you're upset, go out and fight with me! 』

"I'm just unhappy with Lao Tzu, let's go!Look today, I didn't make you a queen in front of these elves! 』

Being so provoked by the elf queen, Able's anger also surged up. Although he didn't dare to say anything more exaggerated, he still dared to bicker a little.

"Oh roar?Just by your soft man?If only you were as gentle as the size below you, I wouldn't be so angry every day!I think little Aina doesn't like this place so much because of a weak father like you! 』

"Roar?Blame me?No matter how I think my good son hates this family because of you, a neurotic and not virtuous mother at all. If you don't treat you well today, I will write your name upside down today. 』

Their parents were arguing with each other, while Xiaoli and Freinaya, their daughters, were watching the play.They knew that even if their parents quarreled, no matter how loud it was when they went out to fight, it was just a show of affection.

Long-term married life will gradually cool each other's feelings, and in order to rekindle these, it must take some opportunity.And every once in a while, Able and Freyna would find an excuse to quarrel and play. The more fierce the quarrel, the more emotions they had in their hearts. Usually after a fight, the two would understand each other's dissatisfaction. , and finally solved it together in the "battle" of the night.

Not to mention how Xiao Li and Freyna Ya knew, every time at night like this, they can hear their mother's self-absorbed panting, and it's hard not to know.

And this time Abe and Freya quarreled so fiercely because of Aina's problem. The feeling of hitting a wall in restoring family relations at the beginning made the two feel very bad, so they started to quarrel according to the previous agreement. , and finally go to bed to enhance feelings after understanding each other's mind.

"This idiot couple! 』

Freinaya covered her head with a headache and shook her head. She had a hunch that when Aina came back to sleep tonight, hearing her parents were happy "playing games", his unhappy mood would become more serious.

157. People will have unavoidable difficulties

"Um? 』

Aina, who had been two or 300 meters away from home, suddenly heard a strange movement. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the bookstore he had just left. There were strange air waves and noises. Aina, who hadn’t heard the group of people at home making trouble, naturally I don't know why there is such a movement.

"Did the party start after I left? 』

Aina said it quite self-deprecatingly, even though he knew his family wasn't so heartbroken.

"No real feeling..."

Looking back, Aina touched her tender white and round minibus, and was puzzled that she could easily get permission to go out.He originally thought that he would be placed under house arrest in the tree house after he came back, but he didn't expect that Aina only wanted to go out in a more contradictory direction, but it was easy to get permission, it was difficult Imagine all this is true.

"Maybe they understand that even if they let me out, I can't run away. 』

Aina shrugged and smiled bitterly. Although it seemed that no one was following her now, as if she could escape at any time, Aina knew that there must be a lot of guards guarding the periphery of the entire Elf Kingdom. He was beheaded by the Elf Queen.

"Well, let's go out for a walk too! 』

Aina is a person who climbed out of the darkness once, and naturally learned how to face life with optimism.Since it is rare to be able to come out once, it is natural to choose a leisurely shopping.

However, Aina was stunned before taking a few steps. It was not that someone stopped him, but Aina felt that it was inappropriate to go out like this.Elves are a race that doesn't get along well with foreigners. I said before that half-elfs like Aina are hard to get their approval. If Aina walks directly on the street like this, they will definitely be pointed at by others. , those elves wouldn't hurt Aina just gossiping around, but even if Aina is used to these gossips, her ears will still feel a little uncomfortable.

"There is! 』

Aina thought about it for a while, and then she opened her eyes and clapped her palms excitedly.As a half-elf, Aina had a bad reputation in the elf kingdom when she was a child. The name of waste wood was basically a household name, but since Aina herself didn't go out much, the elves just knew that it was out of reach for them. There are only human-looking useless princes in the palace, and there are not many elves who have seen Aina, and Aina was recognized as soon as he came in, just because he stood beside Abe, and the two were quite close. The god-like appearance is naturally easy to be recognized as father and son.

Of course, Aina will be recognized when he goes out now. After all, the news that Abe brought a human into the forest of elves has long spread.But if Aina changed her body to the spirits, the spirits wouldn't recognize her.Aina is hated by elves, so naturally Aina will not like elves, and she will not turn into someone she hates, so when Aina was a child, except for being ordered by her parents, she did not become an elves. These commoners have never seen the elven Aina, so as long as they go out as an elf, there will be no worries of being recognized, and Aina can happily enjoy shopping.

"This should be okay. 』

Aina relied on instinct to change her body. The originally slender waist began to have an attractive range. The appearance of not bulging in the front but warping in the back really made Aina look more feminine.

"Shaky...hehe. 』

Aina stretched out her fingers and played with her ears. The long pointed ears moved up and down with Aina's movements. Aina, who felt very interesting, couldn't help showing a smirk.

Putting away the mentality of playing with her ears, Aina straightened her chest without hesitation and walked towards the street.At this moment, Aina has enough confidence that no one will recognize her appearance.

"...what happened? 』

However, when Aina came to the street, the reaction of passersby and the plan was somewhat different, which made Aina in trouble.According to the plan, Aina, who has become an elf, can perfectly integrate into the crowd, and will not attract the attention of others because of his identity as a half-elf.However, in fact, the places where Aina has walked can be said to be [-]% turning heads. Many people lost their minds when they saw Aina, and accidentally bumped into others before they reacted.

Aina obviously forgot what Phil said to him, and try not to become an elf unless it is absolutely necessary.Aina, who had changed in the direction of the elf, had removed all masculine features on the surface, and her whole body was the same as a girl except her chest and middle of her thighs.

Charming eyes, a small and straight nose bridge, tender red lips like cherry-like thin lips, like a flawless face made by the gods, due to the temporary change of hair dyeing into gold and silver hair, Aina added a touch of fantasy at this moment. The temperament, even the angel with broken wings is not half as beautiful as Aina at the moment.Even the most beautiful woman recognized by the residents of the Elf Kingdom—the Elf Queen, Aina at this moment can still enjoy the same height.

When an elves with such appearances appeared, everyone present could guarantee that they would never forget them after seeing them, and Aina, a strange and beautiful face, appeared for the first time, and suddenly such a big man appeared. Beauty is naturally easy to attract the attention of others.

"Hey~! 』

The piercing gaze made Aina get goosebumps all over her body. The feeling of being surrounded by people was very uncomfortable. Aina regretted going out now. If she knew it would be better to stay at home for a whole day, it would be better than being here. The monkeys were surrounded by people.

However, if Aina knew that in a place he hadn't noticed, all kinds of characters who enjoyed handsome men and beauties among elves were gearing up at the moment, looking at Aina with a little panic on his face, they were all preparing to stage a self-portrait for Aina. The most romantic confession in the world.

"It would be great if someone accompanies me to go shopping, and it will help me block my sight. 』

Aina said to herself that she started to miss the situation when she went to the street with the noisy Phil. Although Phil sometimes made a lot of noise and always touched himself, when they were shopping together, Phil would always Intentionally blocking the sight of the people around, this made Aina feel very comfortable.


However, at this moment, a naughty laughter suddenly came from Aina's ear, and the next moment Aina's arms fell into a pair of softness.

"Ah... Little Reina, why are you here? ! 』

Aina turned her head subconsciously, only to find that Little Lena, who couldn't find anyone at the time, was holding her arm at the moment. The silver-white hair proves that Little Leina is now the side of the little devil's character, and her ears don't know what to do. It turned into pointed ears like Aina, and looked like an elf.

"Lord, you have troubles. As a servant, I will naturally come out to help the Lord to relieve the worries~"

Little Leina shook her head as she spoke as a matter of course, this cute gesture made the corners of Aina's mouth rise slightly, but it soon turned into an expression full of resentment.

"It's really nice of you to say it, and I don't know who was missing when I needed it the most yesterday. 』

Aina is naturally very happy to come out to accompany her to relieve her boredom, but when she thinks that she was forcibly taken away by that stupid father yesterday, and Elina was also injured, she shouted for a long time that Xiaoleina didn’t get it. Appearing, Aina couldn't help but show an expression like a resentful woman, pouting her mouth so that she wanted to pinch.

"Ahaha...that...that is for a reason, so please forgive me, Lord! 』

Little Reina's eyes turned to another direction, and she looked very nervous with a haha.

"Oh roar?Then can you tell me exactly why? 』

Ainapi said without a smile, he is not so easy to fool, you say there is a reason, and if you want Aina to forgive you, forgive you.

"That...because...I'm not very good at shooting..."

Xiao Leina's answer seemed a little out of the question, but the actual situation was the same as Xiao Leina said, and it was hard to stop.Able's strength can be said to be one of the tops in the world, and even Little Lena, who is a member of the evil god's family, is not easy to deal with.It's not that Xiao Leina can't beat her, but according to her strength, Xiao Leina is stronger. After all, she is a monster from ancient times.

But if it really fights with Able, that SSS-level hero and the ancient evil god's family will definitely make a lot of noise, even if it is a big city like N City, it is not enough. People dismantled.At that time, if it accidentally affects Aina and some innocent people on the side, it will expose his existence to the sun, which is really worth the loss.So even if Xiao Leina was reluctant, she could only watch Able leave with her dear Lord.

"Humph!It's fine if you don't want to say it, but there will be punishment.I'll punish you... accompany me to walk the streets all day! 』

Seeing Reina's reluctance like this, Aina didn't want to go any further.If it was the previous Aina, he definitely didn't understand the direct behavior now, and it was always inexplicable that he would be so soft-hearted towards this little girl who would do something to her as soon as she met her.

"Yes, my generation will definitely be the Lord's flower protector! 』

"You are tall, Messenger of Flowers!You are just one of my naughty sisters. 』

Aina is very dissatisfied with Xiao Leina's self-proclaimed guardian of flowers, making herself look like some kind of eldest lady who needs protection. Obviously, compared to a "huge man" like herself, Xiao Leina's petite appearance is the one who needs the most protection. messenger's.

Little Reina and Aina walked the street talking and laughing like this, but Little Reina turned her head while Aina was not paying attention and glared fiercely at the elves who were just about to come forward to chat with Aina. At a glance, the terrifying expression that seemed to want to devour all the elves alive really shocked passers-by. Many elves holding flowers shook their hands, and beautiful roses fell on the ground. They all stopped trying to strike up a conversation. Aina's thoughts, their sensitive intuition told themselves that messing up in front of this little ancestor would definitely lose their lives.

158. Be prepared to go out

The addition of Leina has relieved a lot of pressure on Aina. Although she is petite, Leina has a charm that is only one level lower than that of Aina, which is enough for Leina to attract a lot of special hobbies from Aina. The sight of Aina immediately relieved a lot of pressure, and at least he was able to play on the street without caring.

Along the way, Aina observed the streets of the Elf Kingdom. Basically, the houses are made of wood. The streets in the country with stone paths seem to have a very strong natural atmosphere. This is very relaxing for the elfized Aina. Just walking on it, Aina felt naturally relaxed, very casual.

The streets are not full of elves. The ones who are really busy are the fairies who are enslaved by the elves. Their small figures are always flying in the air, and many fairies carry in their hands several times larger than themselves. thing.It is said to be slavery, but in fact the relationship between elves and fairies is relatively equal. Fairies help fairies to do rough work, and fairies give fairies the magic power to live. It can be said that the relationship between the foreman and the wage earners is the same.

"Ah...these little guys. 』

Fairies like beautiful and kind-hearted people, and Aina's appearance naturally grabbed their attention.Many fairies who had no work at hand or who were not in such a hurry to complete the work flew to Aina's side and circled around him one after another.

The kind Aina is naturally reluctant to drive these cute little guys out, and stretches out her fingers to play with them, but there are too many Aina can't handle it.


At this time, the little bat that had been nesting in the hair behind Aina's neck for an unknown time ran out, exposing its small and cute fangs and roaring intimidatingly at the fairies, although the little bat's appearance was not scary, on the contrary, it was somewhat cute , but the goblins were still so frightened that they ran around and dared not interfere with Aina again.

"Thank you little guy. 』

"squeak!squeak! 』

Aina stretched out her finger to let the little bat stand on it, and thanked the hero who helped him.And the little bat made a pleasant cry as if it could understand Aina's words, its flapping wings sucked a little blood from Aina's fingers, and then got into Aina's hair and went to sleep.

"Really, this thing that eats inside and outside, has a master and forgets about me, the summoner. 』

Seeing that the little bat didn't want to notice her appearance at all, Reina said angrily, which attracted Aina's attention.

"Sure enough, you made this little guy? 』

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