There was no sign of Zhang Qilin beside him.

"Stuffy oil bottle!"

Qin Feng called out loudly.

As a result, Zhang Qilin did not respond.

"Strange, what the hell kind of place is this?"

Qin Feng knew that the top priority was to find Zhang Qilin first.

Qin Feng took out the ghost flute to express his feelings, and began to play the tune skillfully, trying to summon the nearby wraiths.

But Qin Feng blew for a while, and found that there were no resentful spirits nearby.

The place where he is staying right now is quite mysterious.

"Stuffy oil bottle!"

Qin Feng looked for Zhang Qilin while calling.

After a while, Qin Feng saw a blood-red ancient tree, which was shining red.

In the middle of the ancient tree, there seemed to be a person embedded in it. It was none other than Zhang Qilin.

"Poker bottle, I finally see you."

"I thought something happened to you, but it scared me to death."

"What did you do?"

Qin Feng's face was both excited and worried.

Walk quickly.

But at this moment, countless pheasant necks appeared and began to attack Qin Feng.

Fortunately, Qin Feng can hide quickly, otherwise he will be tricked.


Qin Feng summoned his saber casually, and instantly eliminated the necks of these pheasants.

But the blood-red ancient tree, taking advantage of this opportunity, stretched out its branches and grabbed Qin Feng from behind.

Qin Feng was caught in the air just like that.


Qin Feng's complexion changed, and he quickly threw out casually.

Casually, there was a spirit, and he immediately cut off the branch, and Qin Feng fell down.

Qin Feng stared at the blood-red ancient tree vigilantly.

He found that the place where he was caught just now was full of heat, which seemed to have had a certain impact on the blood in his body.

"What the hell is this blood-red ancient tree?"

Qin Feng then set his eyes on Zhang Qilin, and shouted at Zhang Qilin: "Wake up, Boiler!"

"I am Qin Feng!"

"I'm here to save you!"

"Wake up quickly!"

Qin Feng could feel that Zhang Qilin seemed to have fallen into some kind of illusion, which made him unable to wake up.

If I guessed correctly, it should have something to do with this blood-red ancient tree.

"I'll cut you off! I'll definitely make Poker Bottle wake up."

A flash of determination flashed in Qin Feng's eyes, and he rushed over casually holding it.

On the blood-red ancient tree, there are countless branches sticking out, which immediately blocked the water surrounded by Qin Feng.

Just as Qin Feng was about to make a move, he swung his sword and slashed away.

But it was discovered that Zhang Qilin's face was formed on these branches.

This caused Qin Feng's sword to stop in mid-air, not daring to fall down.

Those branches seized the opportunity and slammed Qin Feng away.

Qin Feng spit out a mouthful of blood immediately, this wave was too bad.

"Damn ancient blood-red tree!"

"It must have some kind of illusion, deliberately using Zhang Qilin's appearance to confuse me."

Qin Feng wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and clenched his fists tightly.

A bit of anger has been aroused in the heart.

"I'm going to chop off all the branches."

Qin Feng rushed over again with the casual.

Qin Feng, who was cheated once just now, will not be cheated again this time.

A cold light flashed casually in his hand, and with every fall of Qin Feng's sword, some branches would be cut off.

However, the branches of this blood-red ancient tree do not know how many there are.

Qin Feng hacked for a few minutes, but there was still a steady stream.

"It's not the way to go on like this."

Qin Feng frowned tightly, feeling more and more inappropriate.

He meowed at Zhang Qilin out of the corner of his eye, but Zhang Qilin was still awake at this time.

It must have fallen into the illusion of this blood-red ancient tree.

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and drew a spell, temporarily immobilizing all the surrounding branches.

Then, taking advantage of this gap, he flew to Zhang Qilin's side, reached out and grabbed Zhang Qilin, trying to bring him out.

But the moment Qin Feng grabbed Zhang Qilin, Zhang Qilin suddenly opened his eyes, which were blood red.

There seems to be another world inside.

"Stuffy oil bottle!"

"I'm Qin Feng!"

A strange force erupted from Zhang Qilin's body, directly pulling Qin Feng into his body.

At this moment, Qin Feng's head burst into pain, and he completely lost consciousness.

When Qin Feng woke up again.

I found that I seemed to have come to a mysterious space.

This is a sea of ​​blood.

And in the sea of ​​blood, countless ancient blood-red trees grew.

Qin Feng smelled an extremely strong smell of unicorn blood.

Suddenly remembered what the giant pheasant neck said.

"Could it be that this ancient blood-red tree is the unicorn blood tree?"

"What exactly is the unicorn blood tree?"

"It seems that Zhang Qilin's Qilin blood is related to the Qilin blood tree."

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more confused he became.

"Stuffy oil bottle."

Qin Feng shouted his address to Zhang Qilin loudly.

The previous scene played out in Qin Feng's mind.

The moment Qin Feng grabbed Zhang Qilin, Zhang Qilin woke up, and then dragged Qin Feng into his body.

"Could it be that where I am now is the illusion that Zhang Qilin fell into?"

With this guess, Qin Feng's face showed ecstasy.

Zhang Qilin must have fallen into some kind of illusion, that's why he has been sleeping, unable to wake up.

Qin Feng has now entered the illusion where Zhang Qilin was trapped, which means that Qin Feng has a chance to rescue Zhang Qilin.

"Stuffy oil bottle!"

Qin Feng continued to call loudly.

At this moment, Qin Feng found Zhang Qilin's figure.

He walked step by step from the sea of ​​blood, his eyes always falling on Qin Feng.

"I'm Qin Feng."

As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, Zhang Qilin rushed towards Qin Feng as if he had gone crazy.

"What are you doing, stuffy oil bottle, are you crazy?"

Just as Qin Feng dodged Zhang Qilin's attack, Zhang Qilin rushed over again.

This time, he threw Qin Feng directly under him, and then he opened his mouth wide and bit Qin Feng's shoulder.

Qin Feng's expression changed in pain.

"Ah! It hurts!"

"You are a dog, Poker Bottle."

"Hurry up and wake up, or I will fight back!"


Chapter 150: Blood Sucking

Zhang Qilin's eyes were bloodshot, he had completely lost his mind, and wanted to kill Qin Feng alive.

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