"This is the ability of hallucinogenic mushrooms. It can make people have strong hallucinations. There is no pain, only killing."

"As a result, Pete's strength has also greatly increased."

"He is very strong now, run quickly!!"


Pete, who has fallen into hallucinations, sees any moving object as a delicious meal.

His eyes have been locked on Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin.

Quickly rushed over.

Qin Feng took out his pistol and shot Pete.


A shot hit Pete between the eyebrows.

But Pete didn't die, he was still rushing forward.

"It's not dead?"

"Poker bottle, after eating the hallucinogenic mushroom, can you keep him immortal?"

Qin Feng was surprised.

Zhang Qilin explained: "After taking hallucinogenic mushrooms, he will fall into a strong hallucination. He regards all moving objects as food and only knows to eat."

"As for his body, it is already in a state of death."

Qin Feng understood it.

"The so-called walking dead?"

Zhang Qilin nodded.

He slashed at Pete with an ancient black gold knife.


The two hands Pete waved were cut off directly.

Pete still had tenacious vitality, and rushed towards them again with his bloody mouth wide open.

Holding the ancient black gold knife in his hand, Zhang Qilin slashed violently.




In a short time, Pete's body had been chopped into dozens of pieces.

The scene was extremely bloody and cruel.


"Brother Leng Wu swings the knife too fast, I didn't even see how he made the move, it's over already."

"Peter is so miserable, is it completely over now?"

"Brother Leng Wu really can't be messed with, it's too cruel."


Zhang Qilin's performance stunned countless audiences.

Qin Feng curled his lips, good guy, that was pretended by him again.

He's really a b-man.

Not far away, De Ye looked at Pete's body and subconsciously swallowed.

This scene was noticed by individual viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Look at Lord De's expression. He doesn't want to eat Pete's body, does he?"

"Damn it! Master De is so ruthless that he even eats human flesh?"

"I seriously suspect that when there is no food in the future, Mr. Bei and Mr. De will think about eating each other."


Master De just thought about it, Master Bei was faster, and he had already picked up a piece of Pete's meat and looked it over carefully.

Zhang Qilin noticed and reminded, "Don't eat!"

The hallucinogenic mushroom is a special plant. After a person eats it, every piece of flesh and blood in the body will fuse with the hallucinogenic mushroom.

If Mr. Pei and Mr. De ate Pete's meat, it would be equivalent to eating hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Master Jiu was also the first to remind.

Only then did Master Bei and Master De give up their minds.

Although known as the top of the food chain, there is nothing to be afraid of eating.

But when faced with real toxic substances, they still have to remain rational.

Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin went on the road, continuing to search for the graveyard of death.

Thirty groups of contestants, now there are only eight groups left.

No group has been able to find the graveyard of the dead.

And after they came to the Lost Forest, they had been there for at least a week.

Fortunately, the deadline for the program is three months, which is still early.

Walking out of the forest they are currently in, Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin saw a small river.

On the opposite side of the small river is a towering mountain.

The color of the mountain is khaki.

The shape is very strange, a bit like a pill furnace for alchemy.

"What kind of mountain is this? Has anyone learned about it?"

"I have been watching the live broadcast, and it seems that no group of guests has seen this mountain."

"It feels like there must be a lot of secrets in it."

The meeting room of Panda TV.

Many people looked at Master Jiu.

As Master Jiu who had been to the Lost Forest and found the "Graveyard of Death", he must know more than others.

Staring at the mountain, Master Jiu looked a little excited.

"Could it be... Medicine Mountain?"

"That mysterious mountain that only exists in legends, and no one has ever been to it."

"Is it also in the Lost Forest?"

"If it's true, the archaeological value of this medicine mountain is not even weaker than that of the death cemetery."


Chapter 38: Manipulated Ginseng

"Medicine Mountain?"

Many people showed puzzled eyes, it was the first time they had heard of this kind of place.

Master Jiu continued to explain: "Yaoshan exists in legends. It is said that in ancient times, Qin Shihuang wanted to live forever, so he sent his men to find a way to live forever."

"After going through untold hardships, a alchemist named Xu Fu found the naturally formed Danlu Mountain."

"Also called Medicine Mountain."

"If nothing else, it's the one they're seeing now."

"It is said that there is a way to make people live forever in the mountain of medicine."

"Xu Fu led many Qin Dynasty masters to explore inside, but in the end they all died there, and none of them was still alive."

Following Master Jiu's explanation, some people broke out in cold sweat.

I can feel the horror of this medicine mountain.

Zhang Qilin was also staring at Yaoshan intently.

"Here, I seem to have been here."

Zhang Qilin is actually not sure, but he inexplicably feels a connection with Yaoshan.

"What? Brother Leng Wu has been to Medicine Mountain?"

"According to Master Jiu just now, this medicine mountain is very scary, as long as people who have entered it have not yet come out."

"How could the indifferent little brother have been to Medicine Mountain?"

"It felt like he was bragging."

"No way, brother Leng Huo doesn't look like that."


Qin Feng believed Zhang Qilin's words.

This guy, he can't just talk nonsense.

"When did you go there?" Qin Feng asked curiously.

Zhang Qilin shook his head, "I don't know, I just have this feeling."

Qin Feng: "..."

"Well, you bastard, I knew I couldn't get anything useful out of your mouth."

"Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Zhang Qilin nodded.

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