"Could it be that people become shameless because their faces are blocked? Well, I'm going to wear a headgear tomorrow."

"How do you say something? People are shameless, brothers suffer."


Yang Xiaoxue cast her eyes on Zhang Qilin, only to see him plunge into the river, fighting with some unknown creature.


Yang Xiaoxue was very worried.

Qin Feng looked indifferent.

"His name is Zhang Qilin, and he is a stuffy person. Although he is not very talkative, his ability is still good."

"It's not as good as me, it's so-so."

"Don't worry, he won't die."

"If Pokerfing unfortunately dies, the two of us can discuss it with the program team and continue to form a team..."

Qin Feng's chattering attribute is online again.

However, he was just joking and wrangling.

Can a small river stop the ceiling of combat power in a tomb robbery novel?

Give me a break?

It's just that the audience in the live broadcast room heard these words, and they were somewhat upset.

"The masked brother is too ruthless, isn't he? Are you going to leave your teammates behind and look for new ones?"

"It's really not worth it for the indifferent little brother."

"Suddenly I hate the masked brother."

Some viewers don't think so.

"I think the masked brother is just joking. He should be very confident in the indifferent brother, so he just said it casually."

"The one above, I also think the masked boy is joking, some people watch the show too seriously, right?"

Yang Xiaoxue also knew that Qin Feng was joking, so she simply ignored it.

The river rolled violently.

I don't know what the fighting is like in it?

In short, it didn't last too long, and Zhang Qilin showed up.

Holding a huge blood locust in his hand.

At least 30 catties or so.

"My God! Isn't this blood locust too big?"

"Look at its teeth, they are so sharp. If it bites on a person, it will kill him directly."

"This blood locust was killed by Brother Leng Huo??"

"He's so strong."

"I used to think that the indifferent little brother was a silver spear with a wax tip. It's not useful, I'm superficial."


Zhang Qilin's performance caused cheers from the audience in the live broadcast room.

Professor Sun Hongyu was shocked when he saw the huge blood locust killed by Zhang Qilin.

"This should be a blood locust king, no wonder there are so many blood locusts in the river, it was all made by it."

"This blood locust king is a hermaphroditic creature. As long as it is given a certain amount of time, it can produce countless blood locusts."

"And those little blood locusts are all gathered in the body of the blood locust king. Once the blood locust king is in danger, they will come out of the nest."

Zhang Qilin casually threw the blood locust king's body on the ground.

After putting away the ancient black gold knife, he showed that indifferent expression again.

Yang Xiaoxue hurried forward to thank, "Zhang Qilin, thank you for saving me just now."

Yang Xiaoxue's eyes were very sincere.

It's just that Zhang Qilin is a stuffy man, no matter what kind of beauties he faces, he is very dull.

He nodded without saying a word.

Seeing Zhang Qilin's attitude, Yang Xiaoxue became more interested in him instead.

A pair of big eyes are full of splendor.

"Sister Yang Xiaoxue won't like Brother Leng Mo, will she?"

"Ah? Don't! The cold little brother is my husband, and I don't allow anyone to like him."

"Dare to snatch brother Leng Huo from me? Draw your sword."

"Sister Yang Xiaoxue, you should go to the masked brother next to Huo Huo, he is more suitable for you."

"I don't like women, I still want to see the masked brother and the indifferent brother together, hehehe..."


Qin Feng glanced at the barrage, and now the audience is getting more and more boring.

"Why are you trapped here alone? Where are your teammates?" Qin Feng was curious.

Yang Xiaoxue sighed and explained: "After we landed in the Lost Forest, we found a cave. We went in to explore together, but we met a terrible creature, and we were scattered while escaping."

"That's it."

Qin Feng nodded casually, and didn't intend to say anything more to her. The most urgent thing is to find "Death Graveyard" quickly.

"Stuffy oil bottle, let's continue on our way."

Qin Feng held the dragon-finding ruler in his hand and was responsible for leading the way.

"Are you going to find Graveyard of the Dead? Do you know where it is?"

Zhang Qilin didn't speak, but looked at the Xunlong ruler in Qin Feng's hand.

Qin Feng explained: "This thing can be located. I have detected the location of "Death Graveyard" just now. It must be right to follow me."

"You still understand this?" Yang Xiaoxue expressed doubts.

"Of course."

"Please, don't stare at me with that suspicious look, okay?"

"Do you want to go with us?"

"Although you are beautiful, I'm not that kind of pervert. As for Poker, he doesn't like women."


"Brother indifferent doesn't like women? How does the masked brother know?"

"Is this a revelation?"

"The masked brother is talking nonsense! I don't believe it! As long as it's a man, there are still people who don't like women?"

"Who said that? Can't you like men?"

Zhang Qilin just got a lot of female fans in the live broadcast room, and panicked.

Yang Xiaoxue looked embarrassed.

What is this all about?

This masked weird guy is too good at talking nonsense, right?


Chapter 7: Is this a vacation?

Yang Xiaoxue looked at Zhang Qilin, and always felt that Zhang Qilin was not easy, and maybe he was the only person who could help her complete "that matter".

But Zhang Qilin was too indifferent, and Yang Xiaoxue hadn't heard a word from him since contacting him.

On the contrary, it was Qin Feng who never stopped talking.

There is a stark contrast between the two.

"I can't find my teammates now, why don't I go with you."

Worried that the two would not agree, Yang Xiaoxue added, "I won't let you help for nothing. I'm willing to use the points I got to buy you some necessities."


Qin Feng clicked a button on the live broadcast ring, and the virtual panel in front of him immediately popped up the current scores of his team and Zhang Qilin.

20 points.

There are detailed explanations below.

Find and kill the black belly snake +2 points.

Heroic rescue +5 points.

+3 points for discovering and solving a large number of blood locusts.

Discover and solve the Blood Locust King +10 points.

Well, it's all thanks to Zhang Qilin.

As a member of the team, Qin Feng didn't even score a single point.

The audience in the live broadcast room shouted shit!

The indifferent little brother is awesome Klass!

"What can these points buy?" Qin Feng had long forgotten the explanation of the program group.

Yang Xiaoxue explained: "You can buy everything, such as some tools and food you need during the expedition. After you click to buy, the program team will deliver it as soon as possible by airdrop."

With the help of Yang Xiaoxue.

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