Facing the fierce Qin Feng, Xiaocha was completely cowed.

She quickly compromised: "Okay, I'll tell you how to get out of here, as long as you let me go."

Qin Feng shook his head and chuckled, "You don't seem to understand the situation. You are not qualified to negotiate terms with us now."

Xiaocha gave Qin Feng a cold look.

Only then did she realize that Qin Feng is such a difficult master.

The little tea said: "The original body of Shidong is actually Shiguo. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"Stone Country?"

After hearing this place name, Zhang Qilin's expression changed.

"What's the matter, Boyouping? Do you know this place?" Qin Feng immediately asked him.

Zhang Qilin nodded, "This is an ancient country with a long history."

The conference room of Panda TV.

Master Jiu was also taken aback, "It turns out that the original body here is Shi Guo."

"I really didn't expect that the Stone Country that only existed in the legends actually existed."

Compared to Master Jiu's shock, those around him all showed puzzled expressions.

"Jiu Ye, what kind of country is Stone Country? It seems that there is no record in the history books."

Master Jiu explained: "The Stone Country only exists in legends, and has not left any historical records. The reason why I know this country is also a coincidence."

"It is said that there are only women in the Stone Country, and every woman is a Stone Girl."

"Stone Girl?"

Hearing these two words from Master Jiu, the people next to him showed shocked expressions again.

Wang Bingbing immediately asked: "Master Jiu, could the stone girl you are talking about be..."

Master Jiu nodded, "That's right, the stone girls you know are similar, they can't have sex with men, and they can't have children."

"But the stone girls of the Stone Kingdom are said to be very beautiful and never grow old. Almost all of them look like young girls."

"One day, a prince from a country accidentally broke into the territory of Shi Country, and found that the girls here were extremely beautiful, and the prince was immediately moved."

"So after inheriting the kingdom where he lives, the first thing the prince did was to attack the Stone Country. He wanted to get all the Stone Girls in this country."

"Because Shi Guo is all women and has no power to restrain a chicken, they have no way to resist the prince's approach, so they have no choice but to tell Shi Nu's secret."

"However, the prince didn't believe it at all. He besieged them in Shiguo and conducted some inspections, only to find that their body structure is different from that of ordinary women."

"So that's the legendary stone girl."

"Looking at so many young and beautiful women but not being able to enjoy them, the prince is full of resentment."

"Since then, the prince has been recruiting strange people everywhere, looking for a way to crack the stone girl."

"One day, a strange man really came to the kingdom. He concocted a special potion, and after taking it, the stone girl could turn into a normal woman."

"The prince couldn't wait to take it for the stone girls of the stone country. The effect was quite obvious. Those stone girls all turned into ordinary women, but accidents also occurred because of this."

"The stone girls are no longer young and beautiful, but their appearance has become ugly, and their figures have also lost shape."

"The prince was shocked and asked the strange man what happened. The other party said that the body of the stone girl is different from that of a normal woman, so she is young and beautiful, and will never grow old."

"But once you lose this body structure, you will be the same as a normal woman."

"The prince was so angry that he beheaded that strange man."

"For the prince at that time, what he longed for was a young and beautiful woman that he could still enjoy, so once a woman's figure and appearance changed, it didn't matter to him whether she was a stone girl or not."


After hearing Master Jiu's explanation, many women in the live broadcast room became angry.

"It's so annoying to hear, isn't this prince too hateful?"

"This is simply a scumbag."

"Hehehe... I don't think he deserves the word scumbag. This person belongs to the devil, a natural bastard."

"This little story sounds ironic to me, does it look like some men nowadays."

"As long as a woman is good-looking, I will do whatever it takes to get it. But after a few years, this woman's face is old and her figure is no longer. Men will abandon it no matter how much they loved it."

"I immediately thought of Moufan. I only like him. In fact, there are many such men."

"Xufan squatted, happy to run!"

"Don't beat him to death, I think I'm a good man."

"Aren't some women the same?"

"Actually, it has nothing to do with men and women, this is human nature."


Wang Bingbing is also very sympathetic to the stone country and those stone girls in this story.

"Master Jiu, what happens after that?"

Master Jiu replied: "After that, the prince became furious. He hired some masons and turned all the stone girls into stone figures. Please let him not get these women, and then let these women accompany her to hell forever."

Having said this, Master Jiu sighed.

I also felt very resentful towards the prince in my heart.

Some people are evil by nature, maybe that prince was like that.

"During this process, a stone girl ran out, and the prince sent someone to chase her down. After several narrow escapes, she fled to a mysterious place."

"Here the stone girl met Queen Medusa, and Queen Medusa took pity on what happened to them and wanted to help them."

"However, Queen Medusa also made a request, that is, to take back the abilities of all the stone girls and turn them into ordinary women."

"In fact, every stone girl likes her beauty very much, but never thought that this beauty would bring them such a disaster, so the stone girl agreed."

"Queen Medusa gave the stone girl three spells just like that.

"With one spell, all the wild beasts in the vicinity will become terrifying petrified beasts, even the most powerful army can't resist."

"With the second spell, the soldiers turned into petrified giants. They have no thoughts, they only know how to kill blindly, and they don't distinguish between friends and foes."

"Three incantations, thousands of miles around fell into a state of petrification."

In the conference room of Panda TV, everyone gasped.

But this is just a legend, but they can still feel the power of Queen Medusa.

What if Queen Medusa was really alive?

How scary is that?

They can no longer imagine.

"Afterwards, the prince suffered the punishment he deserved, and all the stone girls became ordinary people. The entire stone country disappeared instantly and never appeared again."

"After that, there is very little news about the stone girls. It is said that they have married into women, and they are almost no different from ordinary women."

"Actually, I've always thought that those people in Stone Village might have something to do with the original Stone Country, but I never knew what kind of relationship it was."

Talk to here.

Master Jiu has already told everything he knows.

Many people looked sad and sympathized with what happened to the stone girls.

Is beauty really a sin?


Chapter 75: Petrified Beasts

Qin Feng also learned something about the stone girl in Shiguo from Zhang Qilin.

I am very sympathetic to the experience of the stone girl in Shiguo.

"Poker bottle, I didn't expect you to know so much?"

"I even know something about the things in the legend."

"You didn't come from time travel, did you? To be honest, do you have any system in your body?"

"Tell me about it."

As soon as Qin Feng said this, the audience, who were still a little depressed, immediately burst into laughter.

"The masked brother is really good at nonsense, time travel? System? How can there be such a thing in the world? I'm afraid it's because I read too many novels."

"Exactly! I don't believe in the things written in this kind of novels. They don't exist in the real world."

"Oh my god! No one really thinks there is a system in this world, right?"

"Brother masked, what you say is purely funny."


Zhang Qilin also ignored Qin Feng.

He looked at Xiaocha and asked, "What's your relationship with Queen Medusa?"

Xiaocha's face changed slightly, and she snorted coldly, "Why should I tell you?"

"Hey! It's so fierce, believe it or not, we will roast you for meat right now?"

Xiaocha sneered and said, "You two won't live long, just wait and see."

"Threat me? Do you really think I dare not do anything to you?"

A smirk flashed across the corner of Qin Feng's mouth, and he walked towards Xiaocha slowly.


Suddenly there was a loud noise throughout the cave.

Then Qin Feng and Zhang Qilin heard a strange spell.

It is constantly echoing in their ears.

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