Because he was helped by Miura, Qinglong wanted to return all the favors, so he said, "Then you should take this opportunity to gain her favor."


Yubihama blinked.

"You directly told Miura that you saw someone posting this information, and then immediately tore it off and brought it to her. It would be too much for you to tear it up as soon as someone posted it, but you did it for her, right? Do you want her to feel that you value her? So you must bring this information with you.

And second, if she agrees to do volunteer work and you go too, then you can also take this opportunity to reconcile with her, isn't that great? "

"Yes, that makes sense." Yuigahama nodded.

"So don't hurry up."

After Kiyotaka finished speaking, he ignored her and walked directly into the classroom, so he has very complicated emotions towards Yuigahama Yui. This guy is too difficult to use as a tool, but it is always useful, making people eat it without taste What a pity.

When he returned to the classroom, he lay down on the table and prepared to rest.

After all, he has other plans at night, and the only thing he needs to consider now is which classmate he told his parents to stay at the classmate's house at night. Except for Yuihama Yui and Kawasaki, he found that he and other students did not speak more than three sentences .

So are you going to make a fuss about a classmate's name?

For example, going to Futaba's house?

No, in this way, when I go home the next day, I will be told when I can see my grandson, which is terrible.

and so.

In the end, Kiyotaka chose a boy named Yota who showed him the way on the first day of school as an excuse to go to his house and not go home at night.

Then after school, I sat alone in the classroom and read a book, and when it was time to clear the school, I walked out of the school gate, walked alone for about 10 minutes, and then stopped at a corner, and there was already a red sports car parked there.

Smooth curves, and gorgeous red.

This is a luxury car.

No, it should be said that the rich are local tyrants.

Although the salaries of teachers in Zongwu High School are slightly higher, they cannot afford to drive luxury cars so casually.

This is because Hiratsuka-sensei himself is very valuable.

Her father is the owner of a decoration company, that is, a small upstart, but she bought Teacher Jing's car by herself. When she graduated from college, she started a business with her friends and made a fortune, but she withdrew the capital afterwards. Invested in the stock market, then doubled it ten times, ran away again, and then put it in the bank for deposit.

Probably earned her wages for the next 2 years in 150 years.

Although the last sign of not working hard is a bit pity, but she is a genuinely good person.

Qinglong sat in her co-pilot, and the teacher immediately played the music and handed him a can of drink, while her own was coffee.

Holding the coffee in her left hand, she lifted her thumb to the ring of the can, and the bottled coffee was instantly opened by her with one hand.

The whole movement is extremely smooth.

"It's handsome." She said, then winked with a smile.

Forget it.

Qinglong felt that he had found the reason why the teacher could not get married.

She's too strong.

ps: Why are you all water in the sea!

ps: Let me make a complaint, some people said that the passer-by on Lingnai's side wrote too much, no one found the foreshadowing, I wrote her surname Qianqiu.

I want to gather 5 pairs of sisters.

Chapter 057 Hiratsuka-sensei is getting married!Down! (Seek full order)

Hiratsuka-sensei is so handsome.

Qinglong threw himself to the ground in admiration for her.

"Going out at night, are you planning to go to the sea restaurant or the food city above the cinema?" While driving, Hiratsuka-sensei asked in control.

At this moment, Qinglong felt that the genders of himself and the teacher had been switched.This kind of line is usually the man's line.

But he didn't care.

Although it is actually quite interesting to observe the multifaceted nature of Teacher Jing in various places.

For example, when you are very thirsty and drink red wine, you will take a big sip from the goblet without paying attention to the red wine, but when someone finds out, you will blush and push the red wine back to its original place.

Because it's indecent.

For another example, if she sees a homeless singer while shopping, she will grab his guitar, earn more money than the homeless, and then take nothing.

Very casual.

This is why Qinglong also likes to stay with her.

What he seeks is freedom.

And Hiratsuka-sensei showed the freedom he wanted everywhere.

It's just that Mr. Hiratsuka set a frame for himself, that is age.

She always said it would be nice if he was born ten years earlier or her ten years later.

This is imprisoning oneself and losing freedom.

She dared not move forward and did not want to retreat, and was trapped in a small circle.

"You seem to be a little absent-minded." Hiratsuka Shizuki hugged his arm, and then said.

The teacher smelled a bit of a lady's cigarette, but she covered it up with the smell of perfume, so it turned into a faint smell of tobacco, which Qinglong didn't hate.

She seemed to have noticed this too, so she didn't change when she met him.

"No, I was just thinking about something." Qinglong decided not to say it, otherwise she might be shocked and cry if she was thinking about whether the teacher could get married.But when I came back to my senses, I found that the teacher was a little strange.


Because she took him to a van and stopped here.

"Wait." She said, she took her hand out of his arm, then took the key, and with Qinglong's surprised expression, she opened the rustic van.

"Do you still remember how you answered when I asked you where you were going tonight in the movie theater? You said it casually. Let me decide." Hiratsuka said calmly.

Yes, Qinglong replied at that time, "No, could it be—"

He had a bad premonition.

"Yes, it is."

Teacher Jing said, but smiled, "It's right here. Speaking of it, it's too much!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka said, "The senior I mentioned earlier, why did she only become a primary school teacher?

Because she didn't finish college because she was crazy with her boyfriend and we went out for a picnic and I fell asleep in the passenger seat because I was so sleepy and they fucked in the back.So from then on I was pissed off! "

"Thinking that one day I'll fuck in the car too!"

This is really... an arrogance.

Qinglong was speechless.

At the same time, I felt a little sympathetic to Teacher Jing. It seems that her fear of others mentioning marriage is not just a problem on her own side, but that everyone is persecuting her.


And Teacher Jing's tone softened a lot, "When I want to do it, there are no men."


This is too obvious.

Qinglong sighed, and opened the car door.

"Do you want to put down the seats in the back row?" Qinglong asked.


Look, she's just positive.

But doing it in a car, he has never done this kind of thing, but the information he has come into contact with shows that 60% of young people like to be in a car. Will this make them more comfortable?

Qinglong only knew that this would make it more exciting.

Because if the car is in the parking lot, someone may come to pick up the car or park it at various time periods, and if the car is driven on the road, someone will pass by the car.

It can be a passing car, a pedestrian on the side of the road, or even a fitness enthusiast on a bicycle.

They will hear an unbelievable voice cursing inwardly and leave quickly, and they may also lie on the window to see the scene inside the car, but the glass is special, and they can't see the inside from the outside, so they are angry Knock on the window a few times and leave.

In short.

Qinglong was exhausted.

"Are you awake?"

The next day, in a daze, Kiyotaka felt something icy on his face, and then opened his eyes only to find that Hiratsuka-sensei had pressed a bottle of blueberry juice to his face.

"Get up, and we'll take you to breakfast later and we'll set off." Hiratsuka sat quietly in the driver's seat while talking while putting on his handsome sunglasses.

? ?

Qinglong felt that she seemed to have said something wrong.

"We...not the teacher alone—"

He remembered that the teacher was going to take the place of her seniors today and organize a camp for the fifth and sixth graders, but, among them... he was not included!

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The teacher said, "Of course we are together. Don't worry, my car has nine seats. I have carefully considered the number of people."

"No, it's not." Qinglong wanted to push the door to go out, but found that the door was locked inside, unless Hiratsuka Shizuka put someone there, it couldn't be opened.

Not only the doors, he tried to open the windows, but the windows also failed and she locked them.


No, there is still a way.

So Qinglong said, "Then I didn't bring a change of clothes for the night I went there."

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