It would be even worse if he was mistaken by the yong master as his children again.

After Wang Wurou heard it, she also felt that it made sense.

He is the vice chairman of the Wushu Association.

When this happens, it's best to go and see.

After all, the tai chi taught by that adult was too weird.

It is completely different from traditional Tai Chi.

Wang Wurou thought of this, and walked towards the beach with the disciples of Mount Emei.

Just when Wang Wurou was walking this way.

Beside Qin Hao, Li Yixi asked: "Master, I don't understand, is the punch you taught me really useful? It's too slow, and it's too weak to fight, who would stand there and give it to me? fight?

I feel like it doesn't work! "

Li Yixi is young, but not stupid.

Not to mention she practiced taekwondo for several years as a child.

in her impression.

Taekwondo's wide-open, fast-moving fighting technique can only be used as an attack.

As for this Tai Chi.

Too slow, soft and mushy.

How could it possibly be useful?

Qin Hao smiled and said: "Teacher, you are new to martial arts, and you don't understand many things. Our Taijiquan approach focuses on defense rather than attack.

The key point is to overcome rigidity with softness and stop with stillness!After the attack, if you don't move, it will be done!If you feel slow and weak in boxing, it means that your realm is not enough and you are not familiar with boxing. After you have mastered boxing.

When you reach the realm of Xiaocheng or Dacheng, you will naturally know the power of this Taijiquan!Definitely not inferior to any boxing technique in the world! "

Qin Hao spoke slowly.

Just then.

In front of the beach, in the sea.

There was a scream.

The scream attracted the attention of many people on the beach.

After a while,

On the beach, there was a commotion.

Qin Hao looked up.

The ones who screamed were those young people from the Bangzi country who were surfing in the sea just now.

They had been surfing in the sea and had a good time.

From somewhere, two great white sharks came to the shoal.

At this moment, the two great white sharks spotted the surfing humans.

Attacks are being carried out on these young people in the country.

Where have these young people in Bangzi Country ever seen such a scene.

All terrified.

They didn't understand why the great white shark in the deep sea came here today.

Just saw a ghost.

On the beach, Wang Wurou and others also saw this scene at this moment.

The female disciples of Mount Emei were startled.

"How did such a big shark come here?"

Wang Wurou frowned and said, "Great white sharks eat marine mammals, such as fur seals. Have you seen the fur seals over there? If you are chasing fur seals, it is normal to appear in the shoal."

Wang Wurou pointed to a few shadows not far from the two great white sharks attacking humans in the sea.

Although far away.

But Wang Wurou still recognized at a glance that those shadows were those of seals.

Presumably these two sharks came from hunting fur seals.

It's just that these young surfers from the Bangzi Country were unlucky and happened to bump into Shakou.

The female disciple of Mount Emei asked, "Master, is there any way to save them?"

After all, it is also a few lives, and the disciples of Mount Emei don't want to watch a few living people give their lives indiscriminately.

Wang Wurou shook her head: "That is in the sea, not on the shore. The attack power of the great white shark in the sea is at the level of overlords, and it is so far away from the coast that I can't do anything about it. In this situation, it is impossible for gods to save."

When you encounter a great white shark in the sea, you can only say that you are unlucky.

So far away, who can help?

Unless it's really a fairy.

Wang Wurou just finished speaking.

On the beach, next to Li Yixi.

Qin Hao punched out.

[-] meters away.

A fist shot into the sea.

The next second, the punch hit between the two great white sharks and the group of young surfers.

A wave of dozens of meters high was surging up.

In an instant, the distance between these young people and the great white shark was widened.

One of the great white sharks looked at the huge waves rising out of nowhere.

Furious in my heart.

Can you still run away from the food that comes to your mouth?

The great white shark was surging so hard that it passed through the waves.

One bite at the person on the surfboard.

Look at this astonishing scene.

Qin Hao's face sank.

Bold beast!

Then, his arm moved.

Another wave of the lute.

Under the terrifying infuriating surging.

Like pulling waves.

The waves on both sides rolled up high, like two big waves holding the great white shark in the sea.

Then, Qin Hao punched in the air.

Flash Arm!

With this punch, the two great white sharks in the sea were pushed out [-] meters away.

Qin Hao's fist moved the world, and Taijiquan retreated to the sea sharks [-] meters away.

Li Yixi, who was beside him, was stunned.

What the hell!Is this Tai Chi?

Li Yixi said: The biggest lie I have ever heard in my life is that Master said that Taijiquan focuses on defense rather than attack, and overcomes strength with softness!

You punched the great white shark with one punch.

You call this the main defense or not the main attack?

Is this called Yirou Kegang?

134 Let you instruct martial arts, and you create a new one directly on the spot? (The third update! Ask for a subscription! Ask for a monthly pass!)

On the beach, a great white shark was blasted away [-] meters from the air.

Many Bangzi people on the beach were stunned.

What the hell!

What kind of martial arts is this?

There's no such thing as bullshitting in the air!

At this moment, those surfing young men in Bangziguo had escaped from Shakou and returned to the shore in embarrassment.

The group of people at this moment looked at Qin Hao again.

There is absolutely no contempt and rebelliousness from before.

Health boxing?

Flower fist embroidered legs?

Laughing to death, he punched a great white shark flying out across [-] meters of water.

What kind of health-preserving boxing is this, this is killing boxing!

These young people from Bangzi Country instantly felt that their previous discussion of boxing was too funny.

As far as other people's boxing skills are concerned, is he worthy of ridicule?

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