Brush the maturity of the gourd daily.

Qin Hao returned to the Tianshi Mansion.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the hottest list of recent discussions on the Internet.

It is said to be a ranking list of Blue Star's extraordinary powers published by a website called Grey

It lists the various powerful supernatural forces that exist on Blue Star today.

Every force has extraordinary abilities that ordinary people can't imagine.

Qin Hao looked at the list one by one.

He didn't need to look at the few behind him.

The main focus is on the top few.

No.1: A mysterious organization called the Prophet in the United States.

There were rumors about this organization on the Internet a long time ago.

Within the top ranks of the United States, there has always been a mysterious organization called the Prophets.

On the surface, the powerful U.S. is now under the control of top U.S. officials.

In fact, the real helmsman, every move of the United States, is managed by members of this organization called the Prophets.

It is said that every member of this organization is called a prophet.

Prophets have the ability to foresee the future and hold the key to the future.

The U.S. is able to be where it is today, thanks to the prophets behind it.

The strength of the Prophet is unknown, but definitely extremely powerful.

It is the most powerful force on Blue Star today.

The second place is the Dragon Country Yuxu Mountain.

A hidden mountain gate.

The inheritance age is as old as Qingyun Mountain, but it is more mysterious than Qingyun Mountain.

The Celestial Masters of Qingyun Mountain in the past dynasties still opened the mountain gates and received incense.

But Yuxu Mountain has been hidden for thousands of years.

The disciples of Yuxu Mountain all live in the huge bronze gate to practice, seeking the vast immortal way of longevity and detachment.

It is said that in the past, every ten years in Yuxu Mountain, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the mountain gate would open wide and enter the mortal world to recruit disciples.

But in the past hundred years, Yuxu Mountain did not know what was going on, and the bronze door had not been opened.

Among the common people, the news of Yuxu Mountain has never been heard.

Many people even speculated that Yuxu Mountain has actually been destroyed.

But at this moment, even Yuxu Mountain, the old man behind Gray God Net, was also included in the list.

There must be another secret.

The Dragon Country Yuxu Mountain is still a force that cannot be ignored.

The third place is a group called EF in the United States.

This group is a private group.

But it has a history of no less than 200 years.

It can be said that it is a group of elders that has existed since the establishment of the United States.

This group is introduced according to the list of Grey God.

More than 200 years dedicated to the production of superpowers.

It was successfully developed a hundred years ago, and began to mass-produce various superpowers.

The created superpowers are sent to various killer organizations and mercenary legions under the group to make money for the group.

Great power.

The overall strength level is second only to the Dragon Kingdom Yuxu Mountain and the U.S. Prophet Organization.

Even Qingyunshan has to be ranked after the EF Group in the United States.

Qin Hao looked at the names of the forces on these lists.

Qin Hao: "It seems that on the Blue Star, it is not as simple as it looks on the surface, everyone is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

Ordinary people have limited access to information after all.

The upper echelons will only let ordinary people know what they want to know.

A lot of really top-level information, only a small group of people are qualified to contact and understand.

Ordinary people can't see it at all.

Not to mention that in the Internet age, information transmission is developed.

The real top level, if you want to suppress one thing, within 10 minutes, you can make one thing completely disappear on the Internet.

Therefore, in the past, from the perspective of ordinary people, it was impossible to know that there were really extraordinary people and extraordinary forces on Blue Star.

That is, some time ago, the Celestial Master of Qingyun Mountain appeared before him.

They just learned a little bit.

But now, Gray abroad has made such a list on such a large scale, and has brought extraordinary forces to the forefront.

I don't know what kind of wishful thinking the big boss behind Gray God Net is playing.

I'm afraid that the major extraordinary forces listed on the list did not expect that they were caught off guard.

After being hidden for so many years, it was so well hidden that it was suddenly exposed.

Who can be comfortable?

No one is comfortable.

At the moment of Long Kingdom, countless netizens are also discussing this list.

"Brothers, do you think this list is reliable? Is it true?"

"Grey, I've never heard of it, it's a small website, it's a nonsense estimate."

"Don't even have Dragon King Hall Master and Asura Supreme? Dare to be called the leaderboard? Laugh to death, it's worth noting this Grey God Net!"

"Emmm! What are the Dragon King Hall Master and Asura Supreme? The fictional products in the novel, the supernatural forces listed in this list are all the supernatural forces that really exist in the real Blue Star, okay? Do you understand?"

"Don't make trouble, everyone, this Grey is really not a small website, it is very famous overseas, all the people who can access this website are industry veterans, and the energy of the managers behind the website is even more unfathomable.

The news released by is generally not wrong. In this ranking list, although I don't know what the administrators behind put these top extraordinary forces on the bright side.

However, the leaderboard is definitely a reference! "

"I don't know anything else, but I am familiar with Qingyun Mountain! Is the Blue Star ranked fourth? Tianshi is really awesome!"

"I'm not convinced, my Celestial Master is so good, why is it ranked fourth? What kind of prophet organization, Yuxu Mountain, and EF Group have never heard of it, and it can also overwhelm Qingyun Mountain?

I really don't know what data the Grey God Net is ranked according to. "

"Heavenly Master: Don't say it. It doesn't really matter where the Qingyun Mountain is ranked. What does it have to do with my Zipao Tianshi? It's invincible or invincible, this is not a personal strength ranking."

"Heavenly Master: I have never won on the Internet, and I have never lost in reality! Do you not accept the reality and touch it?"


Longguo netizens are somewhat dissatisfied that Qingyunshan ranks fourth in strength.

After all, two of the top three are from the United States.

Who are you comfortable with?

Inside the Tianshi Mansion.

Qin Hao watched the list and the disputes among netizens over the ranking.

Qin Hao himself didn't feel much.

Qingyun Mountain ranked fourth?

Fourth is fourth!

It's just a ranking list, just look at it, who still takes it seriously?

Also, the fourth is pretty good.

Isn't it good to be a fool?

Qin Hao threw the list of things to the back of his mind.

Those who are too busy to eat will quarrel endlessly because of a ranking list.

The real powerhouse has time to compete for the rankings, so it is better to spend more time improving yourself.

the next period of time.

Qin Hao retreated and practiced in the Tianshi Mansion.

At the same time, he instructed his disciple Li Yixi to practice magic.

As a disciple of the Celestial Master.

It must not be too shabby!

Li Yixi's parents went through the transfer procedures for her. From now on, Li Yixi will go to the school near Qingyun Mountain.

After school every day, come directly to Qingyun Mountain to learn magic and martial arts.

A few months later, Li Yixi's Lei Fa Xiaocheng, the technique of flying swords, also inherited the line of Tianshi, and achieved some achievements.

Become a bloodline of Qingyun Mountain, one of the few sword cultivators who switched to flying swords.

In Qingyun Mountain, each of the red-robed Taoist priests practiced different ways of martial arts.

In recent years, it has been popularized by Qin Hao.

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