Tully saw that the huge mechanical monster in front of him caught three high-level aliens flying in the air.

Just turned around and left.

The running figure of the dangerous homeless man quickly disappeared from sight.

Tully was stunned.

She was puzzled by the behavior of this mechanical monster.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

At this time, more than a dozen surviving aliens also approached Tully.

Almost all the scouting teams she brought were dead.

Only a few survived.

"Sister, Mousse has been taken away!" A high-ranking beast said tremblingly.

His expression already showed the fear in his heart.

The rest of the high-ranking aliens also showed expressions of fear.

They have little fear.

Because alien races are inherently stronger than humans, they have always slaughtered humans.

But this time they encountered this mechanical monster.

It makes them feel like they are ants.

Tully said in a condensed voice:

"Evacuate immediately, this camp is gone, let's go!"

After Tully finished speaking, he flew into the distance.

She has to report this matter.

She had already guessed the origin of this mechanical monster. The other party was obviously here to save Zhang Xingwen.

That also shows.

This mechanical monster is from the human side.

Humans have such terrifying mechanical monsters.

This will be a huge threat to their alien race.


on the plain.

Dangerous wanderers are running here.

On the left hand of the dangerous homeless is Zhang Xingwen.

And the right hand grabbed three aliens.


Zhang Xingwen had seen everything about the dangerous homeless battle just now.

He was shocked by the strength of the dangerous wanderer.

At the same time, he was also puzzled.

Why did the other party save himself?

"Hi, may I ask why you want to save me?"

Zhang Xingwen plucked up the courage to ask.

In front of such a behemoth, he seemed very small.

Raleigh's voice came from the cockpit:

"The boss asked us to rescue you, hold on to my hand, I'm going to speed up!"

Hearing the boss, Zhang Xingwen gasped.

At this moment, even the pain in his body has disappeared.

If the other party names the boss, it can only be the one from the umbrella company.

Although Zhang Xingwen knew that the umbrella company was very mysterious.

But he didn't expect that the other party even had this kind of mechanical monster.

Zhang Xingwen at the moment.

He was very fortunate in his heart, he was glad that he cooperated with Chen Feng back then.

Otherwise, he would never survive today.

At the same time, he felt endless gratitude to Chen Feng.

The dangerous rover began to accelerate sharply.

Zhang Xingwen tightly hugged the finger of the dangerous homeless man.

After ten minutes.

Dangerous homeless people have arrived not far outside Changhe City.

But there are hills just ahead of the road.

Lu Yuanqiao and the top management of the 138th Division gathered here.

The footsteps of the dangerous wanderer stopped.

All the high-level officials of the 138th Division looked up to this dangerous wanderer.

Although they have seen dangerous homeless in the photos.

But seeing the dangerous and dangerous homeless with their own eyes, they still felt deeply shocked.

Lu Yuanqiao immediately shouted:

"Then Lu Yuanqiao, Commander of the 138th Division of the Frontline Army, can I have a chat with Your Excellency!"

A teacher like Lu Yuanqiao personally came to meet the dangerous homeless.

It was also a great risk.

Because once the mech in front of them attacks them.

They couldn't run even if they wanted to.

In the cockpit, Raleigh glanced at Lu Yuanqiao below, and then opened the communication channel to ask Chen Feng;

"Boss, the commander of the 138th Division of the Frontline Army wants to chat with us."

Raleigh did not dare to make decisions on his own.

I can only ask Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's voice came quickly:

"Give Zhang Xingwen to them, and then you can drive the dangerous homeless back to Changhe City, and ignore them."


Chapter 85 New Species!Controlled nuclear fusion technology.

Chen Feng didn't want to communicate with the high-level officers of the frontline army.

Because he didn't want to expose the hive yet.

Although he has a powerful mech like a dangerous wanderer.

But now, he has only come into contact with master warriors with the highest strength of level six.

He has never seen a stronger martial artist.

Changhe City is just a small city in this world.

In Chen Feng's understanding of the world.

There are more than 20 cities in total.

Changhe City is only at the bottom.

Among those giant cities, there are definitely warriors with terrifying strength.

If he rashly exposed himself.

What if people from other cities, or powerful warriors from all cities come together to deal with him.

Although this probability is very small.

But Chen Feng would not gamble, he would not gamble on people's hearts.

After getting Chen Feng's answer, Luo Li then said to Zhang Xingwen

"Colonel Zhang, I'll send you here, you should know how to do it."

Hear Four Five Seven Raleigh.

Zhang Xingwen immediately understood what the other party meant.

That is not to reveal things about the "boss".

"Thank you! I know."

Zhang Xingwen answered this with a weak voice.

Soon, the dangerous wanderer squatted down, and he stretched the wall of the robot to the ground.

This move of the dangerous homeless made Lu Yuanqiao and the others nervous.

After all, the sense of oppression brought by such a huge mecha crouching is huge.

Dangerous strays put their hands above the ground.

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