Fantasy: On the first day of divorce, reward the Supreme Bone

On the first day, reward Supreme Bone Section 443

A crisp voice sounded!

A red palm print instantly appeared on Li Chan'er's face.

This one not only hit her in the face!

With all the majesty, all the conceit, all the strength and self-confidence of this Goddess Chan!

They were all wiped out under this palm.

She surpassed the majesty of the gods and gods, and ruled the authority of all beings in the entire gods.

Everything collapsed at this moment!

Li Chan'er's eyes turned red,

She looked at the Great Emperor Heaven and Man in disbelief, her face suddenly changed.

The divine power in the body is gone.

The supreme cultivation that was extremely powerful enough to suppress the entire realm of heaven and man was wiped away in that instant!

Empty and empty, reduced to a mortal.

The fragile body, as if a gust of cold wind blows, will catch cold!

Lin Ang finally turned his head, he stared at Li Chan'er indifferently, his expression became indifferent.

He is a person who attaches great importance to family affection!

Eternal loneliness, he has experienced too much alone.A long time has passed!

Although he acted decisively throughout his life, he leveled the world with one sword.

But in Lin Ang's heart, he is always a nostalgic emperor!

For those close to him, he is very tolerant and can tolerate many unexpected mistakes!

Even if the building is about to collapse, even if it is in a desperate situation.

He is also willing to make up for that mistake for his close ones!

But there are some things that are the rebellious scales in his heart.

What Li Chan'er did undoubtedly touched the insurmountable line of taboo in Lin Ang's heart.

"I married you because of sympathy!"

"Now it seems!"

"You don't deserve this sympathy at all."

Lin Ang's voice resounded in the realm of heaven and man.

He 660 announced silently.

"Repeal Li Chan'er's titles."

"Demoted from the position of concubine, cut off one's luck."

"As an imperial concubine, she seizes power and seizes the throne arbitrarily, causing chaos to the court."

"For my own selfishness, I killed important ministers, and even wanted to murder the emperor's blood!"

"All crimes are punished together, and they are punished into reincarnation, in the realm of heaven and man. After ten reincarnations, all cultivation qualifications are abolished, luck is wiped out, and ten reincarnations are experienced."

"After returning from reincarnation, he was thrown into limbo and imprisoned for 33 years."

This kind of punishment can't be said to be light, and it erased everything about Li Chan'er in the past.

For this divine concubine who just now stood at the pinnacle of the entire divine dynasty and wielded supreme authority!

This is like the gap between heaven and earth, and it is the most intolerable punishment in her life.

at that moment!Li Chan'er went completely crazy.

She looked at Lin Ang in disbelief, her eyes were full of madness!

"Great Emperor, are you really so ruthless? How much did I pay for you in the past?"

She growled hoarsely.

His expression was full of unwillingness.

The superior authority has been lost before it has been warmed up.

I will even be deeply trapped in reincarnation and suffer unspeakable suffering.

Lin Ang's gaze was cold, even a little bleak.

He looked at the concubine who looked crazy and was almost corroded by greed.

"If I were ruthless, I would have already destroyed your karma!"

"Ten reincarnations, this is the last chance for you!"

"Redemption, or perdition?"

"Only in your mind.".

Chapter 323 The Emperor's Divine Punishment! !Lin Fan faced the wall! !Ten thousand years back! ! (Seek full order)

The majestic imperial power emerges!

At that moment, an indescribable force of reincarnation manifested in the hall.

In the dark, many courtiers seem to have seen the scene of the six reincarnations.

The six ancient and mysterious universes lead to unknown places like passages in time and space.

Lin Ang stretched out his hand and beat Li Chan'er into it!

Send this imperial concubine into reincarnation with your own hands.

"In the past, letting you succeed the crown prince and ascend the throne as the new emperor seems to be really hasty now."

"It's too young to be a big responsibility."

Lin Ang said in a deep voice, looking at Lin Fan's gaze, it is very regrettable.

"Punish you to go to the end of the extreme northern ice land in the realm of heaven and man, in the land of ice and snow for hundreds of millions of years, facing the wall for thousands of years."

"Experiencing ice and snow punishment. After ten thousand years, come back!"

At the end of the land of ice, there is an ice wall that will not melt for hundreds of millions of years. For Tianjun, it is also a desperate area.

It is a long and cruel punishment to face the wall there for ten thousand years!

Although the imperial decree of punishment was issued to Lin Fan.

However, Lin Ang did not cut off the status of the emperor's prince.

After ten thousand years, when Lin Fan returns, he can inherit the throne again.

At that time, he has experienced the severe cold and hard work, and his mind has fully matured.

I will no longer make many mistakes like I do now.

In an instant, the farce that swept the heaven, man and god came to an end with Lin Ang's strong return.

The Emperor of Heaven and Man reappears!

Returning to the Divine Dynasty will cause the foundation of the entire Heavenly Human Dao Domain to skyrocket.

All living beings worship, without the slightest thought of disobedience.

The majesty of this great emperor shrouded the hearts of all beings in the Dao Domain from beginning to end.

Even though he has been away for decades, in the hearts of all living beings, only Lin Ang is the real emperor of heaven and man.

He is the founder of the entire god dynasty.

No matter who the successor new emperor is or how majestic he is.

It is impossible to match the founding emperor in terms of status.

After dealing with trivial matters, Lin Ang looked somewhere in the hall.

Three years ago, it was in that position.

The two supreme giants were killed and eventually fell.

Fortunately, at that time, Li Chan'er's realm was not high enough, and she hadn't realized the change of cause and effect.

Therefore, although Gu Chen and Cang Qiongzi fell, their own karma still exists.

Lost in samsara, they are now reincarnated.

In front of Lin Ang, the power of time emerged!

A supreme law appeared in front of him, turning into an illusory door.

This is the ultimate power of time, the supreme evolution of the law of time.

This door represents an unimaginable crossing of dimensions, which can pass through reincarnation and reach another era.

Lin Ang set off without hesitation, and walked into the door step by step!

He is going to another era, looking for another life of Gu Chen and Cang Qiongzi!

In this life, both of them have fallen, but the karma still exists.

If in another era, find Gu Chen and Cang Qiongzi in that era.

Lin Ang can use the Supreme Emperor's method to revive the two close people in this era with Godless power.



An ancient world, vast and vast!

In a corner of the world, in an unremarkable wilderness, stands a sect with a long history,

This sect is not well-known, very unusual.

The only thing worthy of praise is its long inheritance!

Although it has experienced several catastrophes, it still continued in a bumpy way.

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