"Why is it written on the throne" dedicated to the greatest and most visionary President of the United States"? Now the United States of America is already a great country, and he is ready for everything, even including a great leader. In the future Before the United States, Comrade Stalin of the Soviet Union told me that although President Roosevelt was sitting in a wheelchair, in his heart, he was a terrifying giant! In the past six years, he has accomplished everything for the United States to reach the pinnacle of the world. Most of the layout. The rest is just waiting for the ripening and harvesting of the fruits. Sailing on the sea depends on the helmsman. In a few years at most, you will understand what President Roosevelt has done for the United States in the past six years. Within ten years, the United States of America will definitely Will replace the stupid empire on which the sun never sets, and become the next world hegemon."

Huang Ke's flattering lines and endless compliments can't stand the thick skin of an old politician like Roosevelt, who is comparable to the armor of a battleship. Although he felt that there was something in Huang Ke's words, he couldn't help but let the smiley man and the sedan chair bearer. He acts.

Then he changed the subject and continued:

"Don't underestimate the role of a great leader. If a great country meets a bad leader, the speed of degeneration and destruction will be unimaginable. For example, China once..."

There was a chuckle of understanding at the scene. Huang Ke's reckless praise of the United States earlier received a friendly "sympathetic" laugh.

"But fortunately, in the worst times, we finally found the greatest leader belonging to China, so we are getting rid of the fate of the chessboard and are on the road to returning to the status of chess players."

Huang Kebai glanced at these arrogant Americans, and looked at the British Foreign Secretary next to him. His eyes made Halifax's pores stand on end.

"The only lesson humans learn from history is that they never learn from history, but always repeat the mistakes of others."

"The empire on which the sun never sets was once incomparably great! However, since the emergence of a scumbag navy minister more than 20 years ago, the leaders of this country have been inferior to each other, and it is getting worse and worse... If your country If you don’t do anything about the German issue, and continue to appease by betraying other countries, then, everyone, keep your eyes open! In a few years, the whole world will see that a once incomparably brilliant and great empire on which the sun never sets, How in a short period of time, all the wealth accumulated over a hundred years was wiped out!"

Having said that, Elena left Huang Ke cooperatively, walked to the piano at the scene, and began to play the piano.

Before the performance, Elena said to everyone at the scene: "I wrote this piece not long ago. I haven't figured out the title for a long time, but I figured it out today."

"The title of the song is "March of America", dedicated to the great United States of America and President Roosevelt who is leading America on the road to greatness."

The passionate notes with a touch of evil breath flowed out from her fingertips, and quickly filled the entire White House.

60 years later, the "Soviet March" (also known as the Hell March), created by Americans and intended to blacken the Soviet Union, was sold back to the United States at the White House in another time and space.

Well, do you have a monthly pass?Everyone vote.

Chapter 272 Fear of Hitler

After the last day of 1937 passed, Roosevelt, who came to his senses, was extremely depressed.

"be cheated!"

This was what he felt at the time, if he had any other feelings, then he would use the Internet language of later generations to describe it.

"The cannonball that I made an appointment with has to be finished with tears in my eyes."

The Six-Party Talks was a suggestion made by the British in an attempt to internationalize the war between China, Japan, and the Soviet Union. In the wishful thinking of the British, the simultaneous voices of Britain, the United States, France, and Japan should be able to suppress the Soviet Union and the CCP.

But Roosevelt's inner thoughts were to imitate the British and make trouble in order to maximize his own interests. At the same time, he took the opportunity to expand the influence of the United States in the international community and accumulate popularity for his third election in the future.

When Roosevelt was depressed, the clock had come to 1938.

On the last day of last year, the "wonderful" performance of China and the Soviet Union in the White House was immediately caught by the unscrupulous media who thought it was not lively enough, and then began to frantically report the incident with various "interpretations".

On the surface, Huang Ke and Molotov flattered Roosevelt in a disgusting way, but anyone with a little brain would understand that there was something in their words after comparing what they said before and after. It's a blow to him.

What happened that night was transmitted to the world at an extremely fast speed through wireless telegraphy.On the premise that those who are interested are ready to start hyping up the matter, it quickly made the headlines of newspapers in various countries.

"Shocked that it was President Roosevelt who supported Hitler's military expansion."

"A shocking conspiracy! The British Prime Minister was stunned when he saw it! The French Prime Minister would be angry when he saw it, and the Germans would be moved!"

"Roosevelt actually thought so far, and actually started planning after he took the presidency five years ago!"

"Mr. Hitler, stop mocking the President of the United States! The person who most supports your expansion in the world is President Roosevelt."

In the first few days of the new year, similar news topics were published in conspicuous places in European newspapers.

Roosevelt never dreamed that the "peace-loving" persona he had carefully crafted over the years would quickly collapse in just a few days.

——In fact, Stalin said a similar statement as early as last November at the Communist International Congress, but at that time, Western European countries thought it was Stalin showing off his anxiety to change the subject, and not many people believed it.

But only a year later, the topic of the German-Austrian merger was already in the last month of 1937. It caused headaches for both Britain and France, and it was a major event that could not be ignored.

(Note: Historical event: On November 1937, 11, French Minister of Finance Bonnet (later changed to Minister of Foreign Affairs) told the German ambassador to Austria Papen who was passing through Paris: France is very grateful for the signing of the "German-Austrian Agreement" in July 8. Afterwards, the two countries had no objection to establishing closer economic and cultural ties, and agreed that the German minority in Czechoslovakia should enjoy extensive autonomy. Subsequently, French Prime Minister Camille Chaudan met Papen again and said that he himself "There is no objection to Germany's obvious expansion of its influence in Austria through evolutionary means."

Britain has been seeking a comprehensive solution to the conflict with Germany. In the "general solution", Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland are all bargaining chips. On November 1937, 11, the Earl of Halifax, the British Privy Councilor, paid a visit to Hitler in Berchtesgaden and made it clear that "the error of the mandatory treaty of Versailles must be corrected." The issue of Czechoslovakia and Czechoslovakia will happen sooner or later, and what Britain cares about is that "these changes must be realized through peaceful evolution." )

Britain and France are weak and appeasement towards Germany. The people and the opposition parties all see it in their eyes.However, due to World War I, a generation of people died in Britain and France, and neither of them wanted to go to war. The upper level did this, and the lower level also expressed their understanding and acceptance, but if you want to say that there is no bottom in your heart, there must be some.Moreover, the people at the top, whether it is Chamberlain or the current French Prime Minister Camille Chaudan (, also know that appeasement is a deal with the devil, they are afraid of being blamed by the public if they mess up and bear the consequences, and they also want to find someone to blame.

The Soviets took advantage of the New Year's opportunity to kill Roosevelt and throw out this topic. Whether it was Chamberlain or Camille Chautan, when they received a telegram from the other side of the Atlantic, both of them were "extremely happy."

On January [-], someone first published what happened in the White House on New Year's Eve in the third-rate British newspaper "The Sun" and gave a detailed "political interpretation."In fact, the news was made by the Soviet Union's agents in the UK who paid for it in advance.The Conservative Party, represented by Chamberlain, quickly realized the benefits of pouring the dirty water of the "appeasement policy" on Roosevelt after heating up this topic, and secretly added strength.

The same situation also happened in France.At this time, the French prime minister was often changed every six months, and the party struggle was very fierce.The intelligence agencies on both sides of Britain and France knew that Germany was about to begin an operation to annex Austria-on March [-]th.Both of them were powerless to stop the proposal from the Soviet Union, which only benefited Britain and France and did not harm them. However, Roosevelt was said to be the "behind the scenes" who "secretly funded Germany's rearmament and used him to start a world war". From the government's point of view, it is a "magic stroke" that helps them give an explanation to the people.

On January [-], an article titled "Who Rearmed Germany?" "The article was published on the front page of the British "Taiwan News". Some people re-fired the old rice, and added the data that Stalin showed last year, plus the new loans and military technology that Germany obtained from the United States in the past year. The transfer was all published in the newspaper.Similar news also appeared in Paris newspapers the next day.

And some journalists who received money shouted in the newspapers that they were not lively enough: "The real origin of the war is not in Berlin or Tokyo, but in Washington, in the White House."——Except for the huge US loan to Germany In addition, they also took out the loan of [-] million US dollars approved by Roosevelt to Japan in February and March last year.

The storm caused by the discussions in Europe on this matter quickly blew back to the United States. For a few days, the attention of the Americans was also focused on this matter.

"So far, American banks have given loans to Germany of 400 billion US dollars. Our factories closed down because they couldn't get enough loans and the capital chain was broken, but our banks kept borrowing money from German investment! President Roosevelt What are you doing?" (Regarding this question as a real event, the US's huge loan to Germany before World War II, the public has long had opinions)

The giants in the American banking industry are delighted to find that they seem to have obtained an excellent target for throwing the blame for their past behavior of coveting high interest rates and disregarding the life and death of the people.

At the same time, Roosevelt, who had been pitted miserably, convened a meeting of his staff in the White House to discuss the big hole dug for him by the Sino-Soviet partnership.

"Mr. President, this is actually not a big deal. DuPont, Boston, Mellon, Morgan, and all consortiums are very happy when they talk about this matter..."

It was Hoover who reported the incident to Roosevelt. He told Roosevelt that he had "taken the blame" and gained more support from the consortium than before.Not only that, but his support among the people has also increased slightly.

"In the past few days, the best-selling book in various markets is Huang Ke's "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword". This book is out of stock, and the bookseller is printing a second edition... The contents of the last chapter of the book are discussed in many places."

Hoover paused, looking at the president in front of him with admiration.

"If that's true, you do qualify to be the greatest president of the United States."

Roosevelt: "..."

If time could be reversed, Roosevelt would really like to go back a month ago, and then say that he would never let the Soviets and Chinese enter the country and do this kind of thing.

I, Roosevelt, was once a lover of peace and a partner of justice in the hearts of the people of the world. In order to maintain this kind of personality, I set up a front and a back. No matter how fiercely I fought with Hitler, I always stood up. On the moral high ground!

But now that the Chinese and the Soviets have come up with this trick, what have I become?

Great conspirators, behind-the-scenes masters of war, warmongers, these are all my current label characters!Although this is all true, but I have done so many bad things, how can I let others see through and spread the word?My plan is to let the United States reach the top of the world, not only make a lot of money through the world war to become the hegemony, but also win the morality and the respect of the people of all countries, and become a beacon for defending the freedom and democracy of the world!

But when the drama came out a few days ago, Roosevelt knew that it would be difficult for him to get rid of the big hat of "conspirator behind the scenes" of the World War in his life.

When Roosevelt was distressed about being labeled a big hat, Hitler, who was far away in Berlin, Germany, was also dumbfounded by the intelligence and news he received.

At this time, Hitler was holding Huang Ke's new book "The Chrysanthemum and the Knife" published in Europe last year, the German version - because the Germans are not interested in Japan, the sales of the book in Germany are not very good, but However, because of this incident, it was hyped up in Western Europe, and the sales volume has risen in a blowout recently.

Hitler had just finished reading the last chapter: The Great American Conspiracy. After reading this part, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat... On the eve of the upcoming annexation of Austria, such a big event happened suddenly, and Hitler also felt like a glow back feeling.

Hitler has been paying attention to the wars in the Far East all the time—it’s impossible not to pay attention. His ambition, the Germans want to expand their living space, they can only compete for land from the Slavs, that is, the Soviet Union.Japan is an extremely important pawn in "Mustache's Ambition". He also expects Japan to be able to attack the Soviet Union with Germany in the future.

Stalin's speech to the Comintern last year had already taken Hitler by surprise.What made Hitler even more terrified was that Stalin not only talked about it, but also took action immediately-he used troops in the Far East recklessly within half a year, making it clear that he wanted to defeat Japan before Germany completed the Greater Germany plan. , Solve the Eastern Threat once and for all!

This is what Hitler was afraid of, and after he finished reading the last and longest chapter of Huang Ke's book, he himself felt his pores stand on end.

"Roosevelt, it's too insidious! And Huang Ke? This Chinese..."

Hitler tried his best to recall that short meeting with Huang Ke, he still remembered his amazing young face, but he regretted that he didn't have a good communication with him at that time.

He remembered the farce that happened last year, and then ordered: "Call me Himmler!"


Chapter 273 Insincere Negotiation

There are three CCP negotiators who secretly arrived in Washington: Zhang Wentian, Nie Rongzhen, Wu Xiuquan (translator), and Huang Ke as a front stand and to attract media attention.

Unlike the United Kingdom, the United States, France and Japan, who want to obtain things that cannot be obtained on the battlefield through negotiations, the purpose of the negotiations between China and the Soviet Union and these imperialist robbers is purely to use this platform to peel off the skin of the "just partner" of the United States , not giving them the opportunity to occupy the moral high ground.

This goal has been achieved before the negotiations started, and the next thing, according to the Chairman, is to "take this opportunity to let comrades see how hypocritical and shameless the imperialist countries are at the negotiating table, how they don't distinguish between black and white. Open your eyes and talk nonsense."

Formal negotiations began on January 1938, [-].

In the past few days, China and the Soviet Union deliberately took no haste and slowly let the hooligans of Britain, France, the United States and Japan dry out, until Roosevelt, Chamberlain, and Yong Ren vomited blood.

"What, what about your people?"

"No hurry, no hurry, it's still on the way!"

The first people who couldn't sit still were, of course, the Japanese.Kenji Doihara had no hope of breaking through the siege, and was out of food. Yongren was in a hurry. The Japanese representative headed by Yosuke Matsuoka, appointed by Yongren, was anxious to reach a conclusion early so as to save the life of the Japanese army in Nanjing. On the other side, the Soviet Red Army and the Anti-Japanese Army under the command of Rokossovsky are also attacking the city of Heilongjiang and advancing continuously. The situation of the Japanese in the Northeast is also facing a collapse across the board.

On the day of January 5th, the negotiations finally started, but the negotiations on the first day only lasted for [-] minutes and ended.

The scene is like this.

The Chinese representative: "Our opinion is that the Japanese army will withdraw from China, including all Chinese territory, return Taiwan, try war criminals, and compensate China for its huge losses. If this cannot be done, then there is no need to negotiate.

Representative of the Soviet Union: "I fully support the opinions of the Chinese comrades, but there is one more thing to add: withdraw troops from North Korea. If this condition is not agreed, then there is no need to negotiate."


When they came to the United States, the bottom line of the Japanese was: the two sides ceased fighting on the spot, and then talked on this basis.

Roosevelt still wanted to make things right, but the Chinese and the Soviet Union left without saying a word at this time. The reason was: let the Japanese send a telegram first to ask Yong Ren for his opinion.

At this time, Japan is also in unprecedented chaos.

On January [-], the Konoe Fumimaro cabinet, which had been about to resign for a long time, finally resigned collectively to apologize to the people and step down "regardless of persuasion".

When stepping down, the old bandit Konoe and Shouichi Lu Xiangsi kept bowing to Yongren to plead guilty, and then ran away together under the eyes of everyone's resentment.

The position is vacant, but all fools in this period know that the prime minister and Prime Minister Lu are all fire pits now, and no fool would want to take the stage at this period to take the blame for the defeat.

Then from January [-]st to January [-]th, there was a long-term absence of a cabinet at the top of the Japanese government. The two key positions of prime minister and prime minister have been vacant.Usually grabbing the position of breaking the head, now everyone is afraid to avoid it like a snake. "All the officials are in full bloom" has become "All the officials have asked the virtuous to invite others to take over."

After the absurd situation without a cabinet lasted for nearly ten days, and Yong Ren was so angry that his hands were swollen, Kiichiro Hiranuma was pushed by everyone to become the new Prime Minister of the Cabinet under extremely reluctant circumstances.

However, his position as prime minister lasted less than 20 days, and on January 29, Kenji Doihara's troops were wiped out in Nanjing, and he "voluntarily" resigned from office.

When stepping down, Kiichiro Hiranuma felt "relaxed all over".

Another three days later, Nobuyuki Abe was pushed onto the stage by the people below with an expression of "being forced to poop".......

And in the past month, the negotiations between China and the Soviet Union and Japan in Washington were like playing tricks. The attitude of China and the Soviet Union was very clear.How could the Japanese side accept such a condition that they would be punished by heaven?

During this process, Britain, France, and the United States came out to smooth things over, saying that the conditions could be changed to "the Japanese army will completely withdraw from Shandong and Songhu, and then the Soviet army will withdraw from some parts of the northeast."

This kind of shameless Circus suggestion was naturally kicked back by both China and the Soviet Union with sneers.

During this period, the CCP also "exchanged" views with Britain and France on the future Sino-British and Sino-French relations.

Even fools can see that when the Japanese are driven out of Songhu, the interests of the British in the Yangtze River Basin will depend entirely on the face of the CCP.Halifax rushed to the United States in a hurry, and spent a month here with representatives of the Chinese Communist Party, trying to use the tiger skins of Britain, France, the United States and Japan to put pressure on the Chinese Communist Party and force them to sign a guarantee agreement. The implementation of colonial treaties, and at the same time bear the "obligation" of the bad debts of the previous dynasty-you must know that the CCP publicly clamors that it will not recognize all unequal treaties and all bad debts.

Recall the past events of the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Lenin after the October Revolution who "armed their debts".During this period, the British were hardened once in a while, and threatened Zhang Wentian at the negotiating table: If the CCP cannot guarantee the interests of the British in the Songhu area, the British Empire does not rule out sending troops to China to maintain order and protect overseas Chinese, and to collect debts with arms. of.

At that time, Mr. Nie slapped the table and said with a smile: "If this is the case, when you come to China, please remember to bring one thing."

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