In Vietnam, Deng Chunqu (later known as the Long March) and Ho Chi Minh came to the Soviet Union side by side to participate in this conference, and their ideas were similar to those of Kim Sun.They all wanted to use the power of China and the Soviet Union to establish their own political power-the Viet Cong at this time was also extremely weak.Those who came to the Soviet Union with him even included the future "anti-China pioneer" Le Duan (at this time he was a follower with a bag).

(Note: The real leader of the Viet Cong during this period should be Deng Chun District (Long March). Ho Chi Minh’s status in the party was similar to him during this period. He used to stay in China because Guangzhou took a Christian Chinese woman and lived a comfortable and happy life It even made him lose his fighting spirit for a while, but he was forced by Le Duan and others to stand up and lead the revolution. They also opposed him to associate with that woman again. Le Duan's rise should have been after he led the resistance against the United States and France in 1955. At this time, the Long March is dominant. Thanks to the old man 349 for the correction)

The goal of their coming to Moscow is very clear to put it bluntly. They all want to use the power of China and the Soviet Union to help their country's revolution succeed and overthrow the domestic reactionary forces or colonial forces.

But when I think of the future, these people will become "anti-Soviet" and "anti-China" vanguards.Let the two leaders of the Communist Party who know the history look at each other, they are very depressed.

Knowing the history of the future, I also exchanged a lot of historical materials with Huang Ke'erina, as well as the views, interpretations, and analyzes of those contradictions from later generations.Both of them understood a sad thing: "Communism, the great unity of the world, is often invincible to the rise and reverse destruction of their respective nationalist ideas."

When these two came to the "Big Brother of the Soviet Union" and the "Big Sister of China" and wanted them to "help each other" to help build the country, the two leaders were unhappy.

Before the Communist International Congress was about to end and Li Yunshi was about to return to China to make the final preparations for the official founding of the country, another incident happened.

Britain and France sent representatives to the Soviet Union to seek negotiations and cooperation with the Soviet Union.

They chose the time very well. They deliberately chose the time when Chairman Li Yunshi was still in Moscow and had not yet left.

The reason is that Hitler tore up the Munich Treaty that had just been signed for more than three months and annexed Czechoslovakia by force, and then Britain and France were afraid. (Historically, this negotiation was on April 4)

In this plane, because Stalin "predicted" the history more accurately, and saw through Hitler's conspiracy, Britain and France also rushed to win over the Soviet Union, trying to pull the Soviet Union to suppress Hitler together—in essence, they still wanted the Soviet Union to attack Germany. number one hitter.

(Note: In historical negotiations, the Soviet Union made some suggestions to Britain and France:

1. Conclude an anti-aggression and mutual assistance treaty between Britain, France and the Soviet Union, valid for 5 to 10 years, including military assistance.

2. The three countries guarantee the security of Central and Eastern European countries.

3. Conclude specific agreements on mutual assistance among the three countries.

However, the negotiations came to no avail.Britain and France agreed to Nazi Germany's freedom of movement in Eastern and Central and South-Eastern Europe, and rejected the Soviet Union's proposal to ensure national security in Central and South-Eastern Europe.

After the failure of the negotiations in history, the Soviet Union turned around and signed the Soviet-German non-aggression pact with San Dezi. )

The shit-stirring British deliberately chose to come to the Soviet Union at this time, just to take the opportunity to drag China into the water.Because they know that China and the Soviet Union also signed a military mutual assistance treaty, and the main purpose is to deal with Germany in Europe and deal with Japan in Asia.

In the fantasy of the upper echelon of the British Empire, the best outcome is that after China and the Soviet Union and Germany fight to the death in Eastern Europe, then the two of them end up picking peaches......

PS: I posted [-] words, and made up for what I owed the day before yesterday.Check it out during the day.I have already figured out what to write next.It's really uncomfortable to update the web articles every day, and I have to write without inspiration.

Everyone has a monthly pass and smashed it.

Chapter 308 The Situation Has Changed

What happened around the world around 1939?

Apart from the Chinese history changed by the influence of Huang Ke, on the French side, the French government has finally ended the chaotic state of left-wing and right-wing taking turns in power, and the right-wing leader Édouard Dalati became the French Prime Minister.

After coming to power, in September 1938, on behalf of France, Dalati signed the "Munich Agreement" that gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler, and destroyed the "French-Soviet Mutual Assistance Treaty."


The stupid French took another big step towards death in this matter.

But the French's divine operation continues. In early 1939, France recognized Franco's regime and closed the Franco-Spanish border (historical fact).Looking at his life, Dalati was anti-Soviet and anti-German, opposed the Vichy government and de Gaulle, opposed the establishment of the European Union, and opposed the French-Vietnamese War. Whoever opposed who on stage was also a strange one in politics.

Just over three months after the Munich Conspiracy, Hitler teamed up with Poland and Hungary to carve up Czechoslovakia.At this time, Britain and France were in a state of extreme panic from top to bottom. Only then did they think of the Soviet Union, which had been taking a tough attitude towards Germany's expansion in the past two years.

Compared with the same period in history, whether Dalati or Churchill, the "fear" and hatred towards the Soviet Union at this time are even higher than in the same period in history. The reason is that there is already a powerful Chinese brother beside the Soviet Union.

In the last three months of 1938, the CCP swept across the south of the Yangtze River. The colonial economic system established by Britain and France in China for nearly 100 years completely collapsed in just a few months.

On February 1939, 2, when the secret envoys of Britain and France came to Moscow to interview Stalin and Li Runshi on behalf of the highest level of the two countries, and discussed the topic of four-party cooperation to jointly suppress "Hitler's rise", they were in Ustershire, England. In a private manor in Derry, two former prime ministers were sitting opposite each other and having a drink. They were the former prime minister Baldwin and the former prime minister Chamberlain.

At this time, the appeasement policies of Britain and France have been considered by most people as a big joke and the biggest disaster.Both Baldwin and Chamberlain are regarded by the public as supporters of the appeasement policy.The reason why the British people criticized the two more severely than in history is the repeated appeasement of the British Empire on the China issue in the past year. The people believe that it is precisely because of the repeated weakness and concessions of the British Empire on the China issue It gave Hitler the courage to tear up the just-signed "Munich Treaty" without hesitation and annex the entire territory of Czechoslovakia.

When the time came to January 1939, the British Empire was in China, and it was not just as simple as losing all the concession sites including Hong Kong.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army that entered Yunnan did not stop at the Sino-Myanmar border demarcated by the Qing government and the United Kingdom.Just three days after Hitler teamed up with Poland and Hungary to annex Czechoslovakia, the People's Liberation Army on the old border unceremoniously crossed the border and marched into Myanmar.In a few days, it broke into the border for dozens of kilometers and captured Putao County.

The Putao County area in later generations of Myanmar, until 1957, belonged to the disputed boundary between China and Myanmar.Later, a man in charge of diplomacy gave more than 200 square kilometers to the Burmese despite the opposition of the local chieftain.When that man was engaged in diplomacy, he later negotiated with the Indian Ah San in various ways, and finally annoyed the upper echelons of the central government and replaced a soldier to negotiate—this is why he was later humiliated by a certain marshal and said he was "like a mother." We are as soft ass".

During this period, due to the policy of the Qing Dynasty and the poor traffic environment during the Republic of China, Putao County was located in the deep mountains, and both China and Britain claimed sovereignty over it (the government of the Republic of China opened up the map) but in fact this period It was part of the Indian colony under British control.

During Li Runshi's trip to Moscow in 1936, China's future mission goal is to open up the Indian Ocean communication line and bypass the Strait of Malacca, and Myanmar is the top priority.

It is obviously impossible and seriously politically incorrect to use naked imperialist means to forcibly occupy and colonize the country and place it in the China region.However, it is very necessary to establish several "advanced" "socialist regimes" like the Soviet Union after World War II.

Now this land belongs to the United Kingdom, and the CCP did not recognize all the treaties of the Qing government. It opened the history books and found the map of the largest Qing court's control area before the British came, and then used it as a reason to pass it by.

The control of the British in Putao County is very weak. Only a few Indian soldiers and a few officers symbolically swear that the control of the British Empire exists. Facing the thousands of People's Liberation Army who crossed the border of the Republic of China, they did not even resist. The flag was raised and surrendered.Then more People's Liberation Army entered this area, centered on Putao County, and continued to expand the surrounding areas.

After the news reached London, eating it together with Germany's annexation of Czechoslovakia completely defeated the last line of psychological defense of the "subjects of the empire on which the sun never sets".

"Has the majestic British Empire been so reduced that even China dares to ride on its head? It's not enough for Li Runshi to rob Hong Kong. Now he has extended his hand to Myanmar."

This is how Chamberlain stepped down amidst the uproar of the whole people.

Churchill, who succeeded him, clamored to show disrespect to the CCP, but Chamberlain, who was drinking with Baldwin, knew that the former Secretary of the Navy was only talking tough.

(Note: Historically, although Churchill was tough on Germany in Europe, but in Asia, before the Pearl Harbor incident, his attitude towards Japan was extremely weak and appeasement. Even after Wang Jingwei established the Nanjing puppet government, he still At the request of the Japanese, they handed over half of the Chinese customs duties under the control of the British to the Wang Jingwei government.)

Baldwin said worriedly: "Churchill, is it really possible to send an Asian fleet to bombard the CCP's coastal cities?"

Baldwin still remembers that during the last European war, it was this guy’s two magical operations that added a troublesome opponent (Turkey) to the British Empire in the Mediterranean, and killed Tsarist Russia (cutting off Turkey’s Dardanelles channel) and paid tens of thousands of casualties in the Dardanelles.

"The CCP dared to do this because they had the backing of Stalin. They claimed that this was the land of the former Qing Dynasty, which was taken away by us with unequal treaties. The attitude of the CCP was transmitted from the Soviet Union through the French. If we dispatched warships Shelling the coast of China is tantamount to declaring war on China, and the CCP’s troops will not hesitate to attack Burma or even India..."

When he said this, Chamberlain's face was very ugly.

"Daladi is very scared. He is now very worried that the CCP's army will cross the border and attack Annan. When the CCP's army forcibly took back Zhanjiang, they gave up just as they did in Shanghai and Tianjin. They are unwilling to fight with a The red regime with endless sources of troops is going to war."

Chamberlain said while putting a pamphlet in front of Baldwin,

"I got this thing from the Japanese. This is what the Chinese named Huang Ke said in Japan when he visited Japan three years ago. This Huang Ke, the people from the intelligence five think he is a Chinese , the Communist Party’s foreign spokesperson, his views and statements to a considerable extent represent the attitude of the top leaders of the Communist Party of China.”

Baldwin took the booklet and flipped through it. In a few thin pages, in addition to the famous "Chichibu Palace Conversation", it also included part of the conversation between Huang Ke and Bei Yihui, including what he said. The astonishing remarks of "dynasty change, too few dead" shocked the Japanese.

When that sentence is translated into English, it means "Dynasty changes, too few dead!"

In just five words, the pores of the two former prime ministers at the scene stood on end.

"The British Empire cannot bear the tragic loss of blood and corpses like the Nanjing battlefield. This is why I gave up China and Hong Kong."

Speaking of this, Chamberlain recalled in his mind more than a year ago that the London newspapers kept mentioning the battle in Nanjing called "Oriental Verdun".

During the First World War, the British Empire fought many battles like this, but after a generation died, the fragile empire was left with nothing but empty airs. If such a battle happened in China again, even if it was just one, the Great Britain The British Empire couldn't take it anymore.

The reason: There are simply too many potential challengers.And it is not worth paying so much loss of life in such a "bad land" in China.That's why he held back in China.

"Li Runshi is really greedy. We have retreated again and again, but he keeps reaching out!"

Chamberlain hammered the table vigorously, feeling remorse in his heart.

"It's the dominoes! Just like what Huang Ke said, since we were weak in the Rhine region and betrayed Austria, the whole world has clearly seen the weakness of the empire."

Baldwin picked up the nearby bottle and refilled his glass.

"Li Yunshi chose to touch Myanmar at this point in time because he saw very clearly that the center of gravity of the empire is now in Europe. Hitler is too dangerous, and he chose this point of time to strike on purpose. The result of Stalin's collusion—"

Having said that, "Veteran Shit Stirrer" Baldwin said with a sullen face, "Winston approached me a few days ago."

"What did he ask?"

"He asked me, what would the Soviet Union's attitude be if it went to war with China?"

"Does he want to go to war with the CCP? This guy is crazy. So what if he wins? So what if he blows up the coast of China? He will still invade Burma from Yunnan, and infiltrate from Burma to India. And Hitler Then continue to reach out in Europe at this time..."

Chamberlain cried out in horror.

"More than that, there are even more terrible results."

Baldwin said with a dark face: "People from MI[-] have sent information that Hitler has been actively showing favor to the Soviet Union after taking over Czechoslovakia. It is reported that he is preparing to propose to Stalin to sign a Soviet-German agreement. violation of the treaty."

Chamberlain exclaimed: "My God, the red devil and the brown devil join forces!"

"So when Winston came to see me, I suggested him to go to see Stalin with the French right away. It happened that Li Runshi was also visiting the Soviet Union. We should discuss the European issues and the China-Myanmar border issue together."

When the two former British prime ministers were muttering, the current prime minister of the British Empire and the current prime minister of France, Dalati, were also gathering in the Netherlands at this time. Together with the Dutch, plus a prime minister of Belgium and the four countries, they discussed together The problem involves the Soviet Union, Germany, and China.

"House seemingly endless rain."

It is talking about the current predicament of Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium, the four old (running dogs) imperialist countries with "traditional friendship".The reason why the Dutch joined in was because with the rise of the CCP and the changes in the new China, the Dutch, who controlled the colonies in Southeast Asia, also felt the pressure from their northern neighbors.

On the issue of Czechoslovakia, the British and French both realized that they had played a super bad card, and recently, the intelligence they obtained from Germany, which was infiltrated into a mess, was secretly contacted by the Soviet Union, which made the leaders of the four countries even more afraid ——There is nothing more terrifying than the Soviet-German alliance, which reminds them of the famous Seven Years War in history.

"Our intelligence analysts have analyzed the contents of that book, that person, and Li Yunshi's character. The biggest thing these two people have in common is that they are both extremely ambitious."

Churchill said to Daladhi.

The four countries all know that the danger is imminent, but the biggest problem of the four families is that there is a malicious German lying next to them, and because they have let Ma Nanshan for many years, the mobile forces that they can mobilize now are pitifully small.When attacking the "Chinese yellow-skinned monkey" in the Far East, it was discovered that even if the four countries formed a coalition force, the number of troops that could be mobilized would not even be [-]. (Fifty thousand refers to the expeditionary force that can be sent to the Chinese battlefield)

No matter how arrogant the white skins in Europe are, after seeing that the Japanese were unable to take down a city after fighting all their elites in Nanjing, they already understood that if they want to defeat China on land, they alone cannot do it.

After discussing for a few days, Britain and France urgently dispatched special envoys to visit the Soviet Union earlier than in history. It’s just that this group of stubborn white skins, on the surface, also colluded secretly when negotiating with Stalin Germany: It implies that Britain and France agree to Germany's freedom of movement in Eastern Europe and Central and South Europe-it is still trying to divert trouble from the east and play double-faced tricks.

They have never fooled Stalin with this kind of trick in history, and it is even more impossible for this plane to fool them.However, Britain and France approached Li Runshi in the Soviet Union, but they were delusional to sign a treaty with China at this time, and set the so-called "Sino-British border" in the form of a treaty.

Compared with the same period in history, the requirements of Britain and France are: they expressed their willingness to suppress Germany together with the Soviet Union and even China, and the four countries spoke at the same time to suppress Hitler from making territorial claims to any country in Europe.

In exchange, he asked China and the Soviet Union to "guarantee" the interests of the British Empire in Asia: that is, the Soviet Union could not reach out to the Middle East, and China would withdraw from the "occupied" Burma region-the British saw this very clearly , The CCP entered the Putao County area in order to obtain a more convenient bridgehead to enter Tibet.

At the negotiating table, Stalin smiled and said to the British envoy: "If you made this request a year ago when Germany annexed Austria, I would happily accept it. But now, the situation has changed!"

Li Runshi pretended not to understand and replied: "The Putao County area has been China's territory since ancient times..."

PS: Myanmar issue: Baidu keywords, Huangguoyuan incident

Chapter 309 The Iron Ambition of the Two Leaders

Historically, after Hitler completed the Great Germany plan, the Soviet Union became tense at an unprecedented time.While hastily ending the purge, it expanded its military frantically.

The army has nearly doubled in just one year, but everything from the number of officers to the quality of soldiers is in a mess.Then in the Soviet-Finnish War that happened in the winter of that year, he was severely slapped in the face by the Finns.

This plane is different.

Two years ago, the Soviet Union began to quietly prepare for military expansion, ended the purge ahead of schedule, and seized Japan's soldiers who had been training in actual combat for a year.At present, although there are still some remaining internal problems that have not been resolved, the whole army is not in a hurry-because the biggest threat in the Far East has become the biggest foreign aid force at this time.The outstanding performance of the CCP’s younger brother in the past year’s war gave the Soviet Union the “strong ally” it dreamed of.

Li Yunshi personally came to the Soviet Union to have secret talks with Stalin. The main content was to use the opportunity of the world war to change the topic of the global strategic structure.

For the upcoming world war in the future.Stalin had many choices.

Choice [-]: When Germany invaded Poland, the Soviet Union teamed up with Britain and France at the first time, directly pushed into Poland, drove San Dezi back from Poland, and then slowly took care of Mustache.

The advantage of this method is that the German army in this period was also a product of barbaric temporary violence, and the quality of weapons and soldiers was quite poor. (During the German-Polish War, although the German armored tactics caused a dimensionality reduction blow to Poland, the quality of the infantry was actually a big problem. During the winter break of the next six months, the quality of the soldiers was trained wildly.) It is not difficult to defeat Germany during this period. , the population lost will be the least, but the gain is also the smallest.

Option [-]: After the outbreak of the German-Polish War, stand still in the early stage.When the Battle of France broke out, the Germans invaded France, and the Soviet Red Army backstabbed Germany at the right time.A wave disrupted Hitler's good situation on the Western Front, and then dragged the war into a war of attrition, dragging Germany to death.Without the great support of the French campaign, being trapped by the two sides of Britain, France and the Soviet Union, and gradually depleted of oil, Germany will be finished in a year or two at most.

But the biggest problem with this choice is that the benefits are too small-Stalin's goal is to dye as many countries in Europe as possible.Germany died too early in this way, and the Soviet Union could not "liberate" a large "slave country" in Eastern Europe as it did in history.

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