"As far as you understand it, if there is a conflict with my real meaning, I will point out the explanation on the side."

Huang Ke looked to the side and found that all eyes were on him. He knew that the chairman's sudden behavior was intentional.

Huang Ke said to Huang Yanpei: "A few years ago, after I returned to China, when I sneaked to Tianshui to meet the chairman, I was like you, Mr. Huang, asking about the same topics as you."


"The chairman didn't answer me right away, saying that he would consider it. He didn't talk to me about this topic until I returned to China last time."

After Huang Ke paused to allow the people around him time to digest what he said before, he continued: "Rely on the people to supervise the government and implement the people's democratic dictatorship system."

"Then I replied: This is not easy. The people are afraid of officials. Thousands of years of ignorant education and various feudal traditional ideas have imprisoned the people's thinking."

Huang Ke looked at Li Runshi, and he felt that it would be most suitable for the other party to say the following.

Li Runshi interjected: "Although the revolution has won, we Communists have only removed one and a half of the three mountains pressing down on the Chinese people: imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism: one is imperialism. The mountain of feudalism, in fact, has not been destroyed at all..."

Li Runshi knocked on his heart, and then said: "Thousands of years of feudal traditions are deeply rooted. From culture to thought to way of thinking, they have long penetrated into the hearts of every Chinese, changing customs and enlightening people's wisdom. From the May [-]th Movement to Now, the cultural revolution has only entered the first stage..."

Then, he looked at Zhou Shuren and recited: "I looked through the history and found that there is no date in this history, and the words "benevolence, righteousness and morality" are written on every page crookedly. I couldn't sleep anyway, so I read it carefully in the middle of the night. , I saw the words through the gaps in the words, and there were two words written all over the book that read "eating people"!"

Zhou Shuren laughed: "The physical mountain has moved away, but the mountain in my heart is still there. The most frightening thing is that you are oppressed but you don't know it, and you even take it for granted."

Li Runshi interjected: "Rely on the people to supervise the government and implement the people's democratic dictatorship system. This is what I wanted to answer Mr. Huang, but it would be too confusing to simply give you an answer. Because I know that to do this, This is more difficult and longer than establishing a new China."

"The people are the masters of the country, supervise the government, and supervise the bureaucracy to fight against the cycle rate of the dynasty. To be precise, it should be against a regime, a ruling party, which gradually fades, corrupts, and degenerates as time goes by... . . it's not easy."

"First of all, I want to educate the people, remove the feudal mountains in their hearts, no longer be afraid of officials, and have a sense of ownership-this is just the first step."

"It is a very large and long project to educate the people to recognize the world and see the real laws of the world's operation."

Li Runshi paused, looked at Huang Ke and said, "Tell them what you said to me that day again. It is the missing book in Chinese history."

Huang Ke said: "That's not what I said. In fact, that's what you realized and are doing, Chairman. I'm just a stealer who is greedy for your achievements."

"You doll, take out your spirit from Chichibu Palace and the White House. Here are your elders. You can talk whatever you want, and they won't blame you."

"The key to the people's democratic dictatorship is that the people must know how to correctly exercise their political power and not abuse it. It is extremely dangerous for a child to play in the city with a gun. There have been similar lessons in French history. Hooligans have no Governmentists rise in the tide of revolution, and after taking power, they will only mess around. The key point is that it is similar to the choice you made back then, Mr. Lu Xun—you must open up the wisdom of the people, continue to open up the wisdom of the people, and let the people know more and understand better. More, understand more! Let them learn to use the power in their hands correctly."

When Huang Ke was talking, his eyes kept going back and forth between Li Runshi and Zhou Shuren.The two people in front of them have been friends for a long time in history, but they never met each other due to various accidents, but in this time and space, they met here.

Zhou Shuren was a well-known polemical expert in the Republic of China. He wrote sharply. He was either fighting with others or on the way to fight with others in his life. In fact, the chairman also had the same hobby. Otherwise, the two would have been fighting each other in the newspapers every day.

Mr. Lu Xun's writing skills are too sharp, and Huang Ke has already seen in advance that the two of them may collide with sparks due to different political views in the future.

"Little ghost, don't go around in circles, just say the most important thing."

"In Chinese history, the rulers of all dynasties have tabooed two things the most."

"The first thing is, how did they rule the people, how did they oppress the people, and how did they harvest the people! There may be some written in the Four or Five Books, and in the books of sages, but they are all very cryptic. Only scholars Can understand. Scholars, in the feudal society, are actually the tools of the emperor and the landlord class, so they allow them to understand a little bit. This is called the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats ruling the world, not the people ruling the world. Wen Yanbo of the Song Dynasty said, in a word, Just tell the truth."

Li Runshi interjected: "We communists are different from Wen Yanbo. We won the revolution by relying on the power of workers and peasants. Our Communist Party establishes the people's regime, the army is the people's soldiers, and we rule the world together with the people—— So in the future, we will work hard to educate the people on how to govern the world, how to govern the world, what those literati and bureaucrats in feudal society hide and refuse to say, bright, dark, hypocritical, deceitful, everything , Through the radio, through newspapers, through movies, through dramas, exhaust all methods, and explain clearly to the people, explain clearly to the people.”

"The people know all this, see the reality of the world clearly, and understand the laws of the world's operation, so they will not be easily deceived and fooled..."

Huang Ke interfaced. When he said this, he stopped for a moment, looked at Li Runshi, and the other party said: "Say what you will say later, and you don't have to hide it. Some things, it's better to say it clearly in advance."

"People of our generation have experienced the hardships of the old society, but now they are liberated. I believe that in the next 20 years, China will have a blowout period of passionate upward and high-speed development. Although everyone will be very tired in the process , Compared with the old society, life will get better and better. But at this time, there will be a problem: the generation who grew up in the new China has not really experienced the hardships of the old society, and it is difficult for them to truly understand the choices of their parents ——Pain makes people strong, pain makes people grow, and human beings will not truly mature if they have not really experienced pain.”

Zhou Shuren nodded at this moment, agreed: "It is true."

"Propaganda is very important, education is very important, and proper education about suffering is even more important... How to educate the next generation to resist the conspiracy of the future peaceful evolution of the Western world is very complicated. In short, before liberation What we are carrying out is an agrarian revolution, but what we need to do after liberation is to further liberate our minds, and in the future we must continue to launch revolutions in education and culture, and open the shackles in the hearts of the people!"

Zhou Shuren smiled and said, "Are you going to uncover all the foot wraps in traditional culture and hang them out?"

Huang Ke said with a smile: "Isn't this what you have been doing in the past, sir? You can write more about this. I have a lot of themes and ideas here, and I can definitely rot the foreign plums of those devil sons and grandsons of Confucius." All the sores were wiped clean."

Zhou Shuren laughed out loud.

"You remind me of me 30 years ago, it's exactly the same! Young man, so energetic."

Then he looked at Li Runshi and asked, "Is what you want to carry out a cultural revolution?"

As soon as these words came out, the three people next to him, whether it was Huang Ke, Elena, or Li Runshi, couldn't help shaking their faces.

"Well, it takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to grow people. We are going to fight against thousands of feudal traditions in China. This will be an extremely long process..."

As soon as Li Runshi said this, many people at the scene trembled, only Zhou Shuren showed unusual excitement.

"The feudal Confucian culture has developed to the present, and it is indeed rotten. It really needs a big fire to burn everything down."

Li Runshi replied: "Revolution is not only destruction, but more importantly, construction. It is easy to set fire, but after the fire is over, how to rebuild new ideas and new thinking from the ruins is a very difficult project. Dirty The things that belong to the family have to be burned and destroyed, but the essence, the truly excellent traditional virtues, are still preserved. I will definitely not be like this kid who only wants to set fire to have fun, but smashes everything and burns it. Leave."

What Li Runshi said later was referring to Huang Ke, which caused a chuckle at the scene, but made the "inheritors of traditional culture" next to him a little relieved.

Who can appear here is not a Chinese elite.

Li Runshi is No.40 among the 1-year-old Mesozoic generation in China, and the 21-year-old Huang Ke next to him is recognized as the most outstanding new generation among Chinese youth.A few years ago, when Huang Ke wrote [-] questions, he belittled Confucianism and so on to reporters all over the country, and everyone present saw his radical views clearly through the newspapers.

Together with Lu Xun, an "old angry youth of the Republic of China", three old, middle-aged and young people, these three stood on the bank of the East Lake, singing, drinking and talking happily, and clamored for the "Cultural Revolution", which shocked the scholars at the scene. trembling.

The three people at the scene were more terrifying than the last.

Needless to say, Li Runshi rose from the grass as a commoner and fought for more than [-] years to win the world.Resist foreign humiliation, expel Japanese pirates, rebuild China, and gain the righteousness of the country, only Hongwu Emperor can match.The frightening thing is that he is capable of both literature and martial arts, and has a deep foundation in Chinese studies. Although most of the people present are older than him, no one dares to think that he can surpass him.

Zhou Shuren, the founder of the New Culture Movement, is also the leader of the literary world, a figure like a master.

Huang Ke, although he doesn't have much influence in the literary world.But he is only 21 years old, and he has done countless earth-shattering things. He is a Nobel Prize winner and an idol of young people across the country.Compared with the former two, his understanding of Western culture is very rare. If he wants to fool the chairman into talking about the "advanced Western thinking" of the white papers, he will be sprayed by Huang Ke, "no one understands Westerners better than me." You have to doubt life.

These "NLD members" at the scene are all patriots, and most of their personal characters are not bad.However, they still bear a strong imprint of the old era. Their culture, knowledge, and capital actually all come from the old era.The shrewd ones among them had vaguely understood at this time that the propositions of the three generations of "old, middle-aged and young" at the scene had invaded their territory.If this trio of "old, middle-aged and young" really wants to do something earth-shattering in the future, all of you here will simply jump into the Yangtze River.

Zhou Shuren said: "Apart from these, is there anything else?"

Huang Ke said: "China has thousands of years of history, and there are 24 histories. However, after thousands of years, dynasties have changed countless times, but there is one book that has never been born. Mr. Lu Xun, do you know what book it is?"

"Dynasty changes, is there a book that has never been born?"

Zhou Shuren frowned, thought hard, thought for a while, and shook his head.

"I can't think of one."

Huang Ke looked at the crowd and asked, "Seniors, guess what kind of book I'm talking about. Let me remind you that he should have been born when the dynasty changed, but he never When it is written, it is always hidden intentionally, and no one dares to write it, to sum it up..."

At this point, Huang Ke's hint was very clear.Huang Yanpei's body trembled and he looked at Li Runshi.

Huang Ke said: "Mr. Ma and Mr. En in the West wrote the beginning of this book one step ahead of us, and then Comrade Lenin wrote a part, but it was a book that the Western world needed. China has its own national conditions, which are different from them. You can't copy them all."

Huang Yanpei asked in surprise, "The Book of Dragon Slaying?"



Chapter 315 The Book of Dragon Slaying and Chang Kaishen's Workbook

Huang Ke nodded and said: "China has thousands of years of history, and what is lacking is this book of dragon slaying. However, Chairman Li Runshi has already written part of this book..."

Huang Ke stood up and spoke on Li Runshi's place: "There are two books of this dragon slaying book. One is the book of dragon slaying in a narrow sense. Part of the content is actually a summary and re-induction of the articles he has written in the past ten years...."

Li Runshi interjected at the side: "There is no sun that never sets, and there is no dynasty that never dies. The sun will rise eventually, but the sun will also set one day. The tide ebbs and flows, the flowers bloom and fall, everything has a beginning and an end, insisting that it is eternal." It is nothing more than deceiving oneself and others. What is really important is to have successors who can re-condense the fire after the flame is extinguished and ignite a new revolutionary fire."

When he said this, Li Runshi put his hands behind his back, raised his head slightly, squinted his eyes, and looked up at the noon sun in the sky.

"Three years ago, Xiao Huang asked me this question. In the past three years, when I have nothing to do, I often read history. The Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising at the end of Qin Dynasty, the Chimei Lulin Uprising in Han Dynasty, the Yellow Turban Uprising, and the Peasant Uprising at the end of Sui Dynasty , the Huangchao uprising at the end of the Tang Dynasty, and Li Zicheng and Hong Xiuquan... In fact, before Xiao Huang asked me this question, the question I kept thinking was, why did all these people fail? Why did only Zhu Yuanzhang succeed? In the Qin Dynasty of the Han Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty, why Liu Bang and Li Shimin were the victors, not Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, or those people in Wagangzhai..... build walls high, accumulate food widely, and slowly become kings. This is Hong Wu who everyone understands The emperor's national policy of seizing the world, but he is too simple... It is impossible to make a revolution according to these nine words. The truth is like a cabbage, wrapped in layers. These nine words, but It's just the simplest surface on the outside..."

Li Runshi was talking eloquently, and everyone around him was staring at him, not daring to say a word.If it was a feudal era, if an emperor talked about his "experience" in rebelling against the world in front of his courtiers, it is estimated that the courtiers would have the desire to commit suicide on the spot.

When Li Runshi said this, Huang Ke opened the briefcase that followed him, took out a book, and put it in front of everyone. The title of the book was "Selected Works of Li Runshi".

On behalf of the chairman, he said: "This is an anthology of party articles published by Chairman Li in the past 20 years. Although it is called "Selected Works of Li Runshi", I prefer to call it "The Book of Dragon Slaying."

As soon as the words "Book of Dragon Slaying" came out, Huang Yanpei, who was about to open it and read it, just touched the page with his finger, and it bounced off like an electric shock.Instead, Zhou Shuren took the book indifferently, and said without hesitation: "Chairman Li, are you planning to print countless copies of this book and distribute it nationwide?"

"Yes, I hope that every child in the country can read this book after entering school. So that in the future, when the flame is extinguished and rekindled, the little experience I leave behind can help them Avoid a lot of detours.”

Zhou Shuren said sharply: "Chairman Li, now is your high-spirited and unparalleled time, why do I feel that you are a little pessimistic?"

Li Runshi said: "For a general, he does not think about victory, but about defeat, so he can win a hundred battles! History is a spiral. In the next few decades, or even hundreds of years, China will be in an upward spiral. But everything There are ups and downs, and the world also has spring, summer, autumn and winter. I just started thinking about the future winter in spring."

Speaking of this, he smiled freely.

"In fact, don't be too desperate. There are talented people from generation to generation. What I have to do now and in the future is to open up the wisdom of the people as much as possible and cultivate more qualified successors to the revolution. When the flames are extinguished, there will be future generations. The pioneers can pick up the fire left by our pioneers and complete our unfinished business."

The light in Zhou Shuren's eyes was bright, he was fifty-eight years old this year, and he had already passed the age of passion and passion, but at this time he was still excited when he heard it.

"Chairman, I would like to write an inscription for this book, may I?"

"The most welcome!"

Huang Ke saw that the so-called Democratic League members around him had a flash of remorse in their eyes at this moment.Although they have never read the book written by Li Runshi, they all know that the book will be passed down through the ages from what the three of them narrated. The "good thing" of being able to write an inscription on the book is actually won by Zhou Shuren, and everyone envies and regrets it.

A staff member had already brought a pen and ink, Zhou Shu dipped the pen in the ink, and the Langhao pen was lifted in the air and was about to drop the ink, but for a moment he didn't know what the wording for the question should be.

Li Runshi said with a smile: "Since it is a book about slaying dragons, it must be straightforward and clear. Ordinary people can understand it at a glance, so there is no need to play tricks on the words."

Zhou Shuren: "Good!"

Huang Ke interjected with a smile, "How about the Dragon Slaying Book?"

Li Runshi scolded with a smile: You are being naughty again.

Zhou Shuren nodded, and wrote: Dragon Slaying Technique.

Then, while drying the ink, he asked, "Chairman, the other half of the mountain you mentioned earlier..."

Li Runshi replied: "The old China, the old society, has been smashed by us. In the next few years, we will build a brand new socialist society in China, and the capitalists will no longer exist...but the bureaucrats will will exist forever."

Zhou Shuren nodded and said: "If someone has a country, there will be officials, and if there are officials, there will be bureaucracy."

"Officials are the embodiment of power. If you have power in your hands, you will naturally be tempted to seek wealth and wealth for generations, and rent-seeking for power-this is the biggest source of future red flags and the country's discoloration. Once the socialist regime degenerates, it will go to capitalism. The road will be the worst capitalism, bureaucratic capitalism, just like Chang Kaishen... We have moved the mountain now, but in the future, 100 years later, 200 years later... ..”

Li Runshi patted the book on the table and said softly: "Once upon a time there was an evil dragon that plundered all the treasures in the world. A group of brave young men joined hands to defeat the evil dragon and distributed the treasures to the people. Live a happy life again. When slaying the dragon, everyone bravely took the lead without fear of life and death. After slaying the dragon, some people were moved when they saw the treasure left by the evil dragon... They thought, for the slaying of the dragon, we paid a lot , get more, get more, it should be... As everyone knows, it is this kind of natural, human greed that is the beginning of degeneration. The former dragon slayer, under the temptation of the treasure, The selfish desires in their hearts are getting bigger and bigger, and gradually, the scales and sharp claws of evil dragons slowly grow on their bodies..."

Li Runshi's whispering stopped here, he looked at Huang Ke first, the allusion about the dragon and the dragon slayer that he spit out from his mouth was told by Huang Ke, and he relayed it here.Then he looked at Huang Yanpei beside him, and said solemnly: "Prepare with both hands, teach the people, enlighten the people's wisdom, and let them supervise our group of dragon slayers. At the same time, cultivate more qualified successors among them, and protect the people who live here." The fruit of the working people, that was my first answer. And the second answer. …”

Li Runshi knocked on the book on the table and said nothing.

"Teach everyone how to slay dragons, so that every people knows how to slay dragons! Chairman Li, I, Lu Xun, never obeyed others in my life, but today I obey you."

Zhou Shuren, a madman in the literary world of the Republic of China, was full of admiration at this moment.The other members of the Democratic League around were also shocked and dumbfounded.

Then, he remembered something, looked at Huang Ke and asked, "Just now you said that this is just a book of dragon slaying in a narrow sense, so there should be a so-called book of dragon slaying in a broad sense. What is that?"

Huang Kedao: "Education, cultural education, re-read history, re-characterize history, re-analyze history..."

Zhou Shuren's eyes lit up, and he spit out two words: "Textbook?"

"The so-called Four Books and Five Classics, the classics of Confucianism, have been maliciously altered by various Confucian sons and grandsons in the past 2000 years, and have long since become evil teaching materials for teaching people to be dogs and for the ruling class to shepherd and eat people! For example, that What kind of nonsense does not make sense of the discipline of teaching children to be slaves from an early age... Cough, in short, the teaching materials of New China must be reworked and revised. The world outlook and outlook on life of the next generation of the Chinese nation must be reshaped, in accordance with the revolutionary succession Reshape people's standards!"

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