Appeasement was born at that time, and Britain and France, from the government to the people, gradually lost their status as "own chess players" while trying to avoid "rogue hegemony".

In July 1940, with the surrender of France, Churchill, who had made up his mind to "I will not be a man", launched "Operation Ballista" on July [-] of that year, stabbing his allies in the back, as in history, in North Africa. Algeria "completely wiped out" the French Navy.

After this war, the deep hatred of the French towards the British and the great pain left behind cannot be underestimated.All France is cursing Britain as a "treacherous villain".

The capitulators in France found good reason to cooperate with Hitler, and the French newspapers wrote: "Britain kills more French sailors in one day than Germany kills in a year."

When Roosevelt heard the news, he happily asked someone to open champagne in his office.He knew very well that after doing this kind of thing, no matter what the outcome after the war, it would be very difficult for Britain and France to advance and retreat together as before.

"The war is a bit out of the original forecast and control."

Roosevelt, who had been "watching the fire from the other side", was slightly taken aback when France raised the white flag in the train compartment in the Compiègne forest.

"In this world, there is only one Stalin left who is qualified to play chess with me!"

Holding the globe in his hand and turning it around, Roosevelt sighed softly.Because of Stalin's intervention by another chess player, the big game of "World War" did not develop as Roosevelt wanted for a time.

Fortunately, Stalin's ambition still led to the outbreak of war in Europe.Germany under the leadership of Hitler was beyond everyone's expectations, and it defeated France in a very short period of time, far exceeding Roosevelt's expectations.

If the United Kingdom really bowed its head and let Hitler get all of Western Europe, and the situation that Roosevelt least wanted to see continued, then everything Roosevelt had done in the past eight years would become "for Hitler as a wedding dress" joke.

Fortunately, there was a Churchill in the British Empire, who firmly rejected Hitler's olive branch of peace and wanted to have an anal relationship with him to the end.During the British air battle, in order to relieve the pressure on the British traitor, Roosevelt even sent hundreds of American pilots to enter the UK with tourist visas to make up for the crisis of insufficient pilots that may be encountered in the long air battle.

The war lasted until August 24rd. The second ship group from the Soviet Union docked in the British Isles. This time, the ship group departed from the Black Sea, protected by ten destroyers and a newly built Soviet-class aircraft carrier. Escorted a full [-] cargo ships to the UK, and sent more tanks and urgently needed supplies.This Soviet-class aircraft carrier was originally named the Soviet Union, but the Soviet Union changed its name to the Sevas Potor when it was in service. The reason is very simple. Ominous. (Note: In a similar situation, there is still the pocket battleship Deutschland, which was renamed shortly after serving for the same reason.)

When the Soviet fleet left the British Isles, it shrank like last time: only six cargo ships, four destroyers, and an aircraft carrier began to return—obviously, the Soviets returned with their ships and equipment this time. Packed and sold for a good price.

In Indochina, Asia, more than 20 People's Liberation Army troops are hoarding troops in southern Indochina, which faces the Malay Peninsula across the sea.At this time, Thailand, which is caught in the middle, is becoming more and more dangerous under the persecution of China and the Soviet Union.

At this time, the Soviet Union vigorously "aided" the United Kingdom, which is somewhat incomprehensible. Could it be that these Bolsheviks really have no ambitions for Southeast Asia?

Anyway, Roosevelt didn't believe it, but also because of this operation of the Soviet Union, it has been much more difficult for the Americans to take advantage of the British Empire in the past two months than before.

"That bloody Stalin sold tanks so cheap!"

The capitalists of the Motor City Tank Factory in Detroit complained angrily to Roosevelt that the British procurement group that was visiting Detroit suddenly left indifferently because they encountered vicious competition from their Soviet counterparts.

Americans in this period did not know how to build tanks at all. The newly developed M[-] Grant tank was tall and big. It was nicknamed the grave of the seven tankers and the most eye-catching tank soldier in the world. In terms of price, the United States wants to kill cattle. It also offered a black-hearted price.

In selling tanks, the Americans could not compete with the Soviets at all.The British air battle was in full swing, and the entire British Isles were terrified of Hitler's imminent invasion.The U.S. military factories that have just been mobilized have not released their production capacity at this time, and they will have to wait two or three months to pick up the goods as soon as possible.

That's all, the most disgusting thing is that these tanks require the British to "pick up the goods by themselves", and the shipping is at your own risk.During the recent period, Dunitz's Seawolf submarine was raging in the Atlantic Ocean, and the cargo of the British cargo ship suffered heavy losses.

In contrast, the service attitude of the Soviets is to implement the principle of "customer is God" to the extreme: high quality and low price, and all are in stock, and the goods are delivered to the door after payment.Especially the last batch of T300 tanks sent to the UK. The British used their main two-pounder guns to test fire. Within [-] meters, almost all the shots were ricochets or unable to penetrate the armor. The Mathilde II is only slightly less maneuverable than the Crusader cruiser tank.After using it, everyone in the British Army applauded it.

After the inspection, the British Army directly asked the Soviet Union for another [-] T[-]s!

The T50 tank was mass-produced and equipped by the Soviet Union at the beginning of 1938. It has been more than two years since then, and thousands of tanks have been built in China for a long time.

The Soviet side didn’t say a word, and shipped the goods from the Black Sea as soon as possible, and delivered all the goods to the door in one go-most of the tanks sent were drawn from the active troops. The red star logo of the USSR can be seen.

The British got high-quality and cheap tanks at the most critical time, and the Soviets made a lot of money through this trade, and even got a lot of precious technology transfer from the UK, and both sides gained happiness.

The timely rain of these two assists from Stalin allowed the British Empire to restore its armored strength at an extremely fast speed. In the air combat, the Luftwaffe became more and more tired and weaker... But Hitler saw Stalin's first two aid operations in Britain and was shocked in his heart.

"Stalin sold more than 700 tanks in one go in two months, and all of them were in stock! How many Soviet tanks are produced now?"

When this idea came to his mind, Ribbentrop, who was on a "friendly visit" to the Soviet Union, was actively invited by Stalin to go to Leningrad (the production base of ten-ton light tanks) and Kharko during this period. Husband two Soviet tank city "visit".

In these two factories, Ribbentrop saw rows of hundreds of tanks being rapidly produced in an assembly line, like "big Leba bread".

Then the Soviets who showed him proudly told Ribbentrop: We have ten tank factories like this in the Soviet Union!With full production, [-] tanks can be built in a month!

When Ribbentrop returned to Germany, he brought back a bunch of photos he took in the tank factory-even if France was captured during this period, the tank production figures for the entire Germany were still a ridiculously low "tea table".

Note: Due to the poor mobilization ability of the Nazis, the unreasonable industrial structure, and mutual thresholds for the interests of capitalists, etc., before the Nibelungen Tank Factory in Austria was completed, the monthly output of tanks in Germany was 1944. about.After completion, there are only [-] vehicles.Even after the frantic general mobilization in [-] using the method of disintegrating the demons, including all kinds of junk light chassis or destroyers, the production capacity barely reached about [-] vehicles.

Stalin deliberately opened the tank factory to the Germans during this period, naturally showing off his muscles to Hitler.He still needs time to continue hoarding gear and climbing the tech tree.After solving the shortage of rubber supply, there is only one last piece of the big problem plaguing the Soviet military industry: aero-engines!

Historically, one of the reasons why the Soviet Union delayed entering the 1941-horsepower engine club until the outbreak of the Soviet-German War in 1000 was that it was hindered by the development of aero engines, which was also the biggest shortcoming in the Soviet military industry.

When the war started, although they had MiG 3 and Yak 1 fighter jets, their performance on paper was comparable to that of the German BF109, but in fact it was only on paper.The quality of the engine that has been put into production in a hurry is extremely poor, and the actual performance can achieve seven or eight achievements of the "paper" design performance.Even after 1944, the Soviet Union received a large amount of American aid, advanced aero-engine technology, and even entered the 2000-horsepower engine club (I10 attack aircraft) earlier than Germany. The performance data seems to have completely surpassed the FW5 and BF3G of the same period, but it is only superior on paper. Various details still seriously restrict the improvement of the aircraft's performance, and it is only equal in actual combat. (Note: Throughout World War II, many advanced fighter jets of the Soviet Union were held back by lagging engine development and had to be skipped, delayed, or even aborted)

In this period, the engine problem that Stalin paid unprecedented attention to. The M-1R liquid-cooled V-type twelve-cylinder engine prepared for the Yak 105 fighter jet started mass production a few months earlier than in history, but the quality problem still makes people shake their heads. There is a big problem. Heap glitches and minor problems take time to resolve.And this time the Soviet Union conducted arms transactions with the United Kingdom twice. The biggest gain was the assistance and technology transfer of British experts in engine production and development. At this point in the war, the finances of the British Empire were almost bankrupt. The money was gone, and the technology had to be opened to the Soviet Union to save money.

Of course, Stalin hoped that the war between the Soviet Union and Germany would be delayed as soon as possible, so after Germany finished the French campaign, the Soviet Union was showing off its muscles to Germany and at the same time winking at Britain.

During this period, the Soviet ambassador explained to the British government that the CCP’s actions in the Indochina Peninsula were purely to ensure the safety of the Soviet Union’s rubber supply.They promised that the Soviet navy stationed in Cam Ranh Bay, Indochina would never participate in the attack on the Malan Peninsula.After September, Britain and the Soviet Union even signed a "Malay Treaty" related to the Malay Peninsula.

In this era when several big countries are playing hooligans in various ways and signing contracts but not accepting their accounts, this treaty is actually a psychological comfort, but it is better than nothing.In order to show that our side has no ambitions for Southeast Asia, the Sino-Soviet joint fleet stationed in Cam Ranh Bay during this period also retreated northward to the Guangzhou area.

After September 1940, the advantage of the Royal Air Force over Britain became more and more obvious. The British who had mobilized and obtained enough heavy equipment gradually no longer worried about the threat of German landing.During this period, the fleet transferred from the Mediterranean Sea to Southeast Asia has also arrived in Singapore—although it is only two battleships and a few cruisers from the treaty era, with the help of colonial troops urgently transferred from India, the war on the Malay Peninsula The crisis seems to have been eased like a local crisis.

In October 1940, as Germany stopped bombing Britain and the Soviet Navy moved northward, the crisis in Southeast Asia and the British Isles was lifted during this period.


During the period from July to October, two other little things happened around the world.

When the Soviet aid to the British munitions convoy left the UK, one of the cargo ships with the largest tonnage did not follow the convoy back to the Soviet Union, but directly crossed the Atlantic to South America, where it made a lot of purchases before entering the Pacific through the Panama Canal.

At this time, the Panama Canal was under the control of the US military. The Americans didn't think too much about the passage of the Soviet cargo ship with a displacement of more than 1 tons, and let it pass after collecting his toll.The ship crossed the Pacific Ocean and arrived at the port of Vladivostok in the Soviet Union without any surprises. After unloading, it immediately loaded a large pile of munitions and supplies to the east, and then docked in Japan. After unloading the weapons on the ship, the ship It was pulled into the dock by the Japanese and began "repair".And the maintenance dock where the ship entered, two days ago, a similar cargo ship underwent the same "transformation" that lasted half a year.

The ship is a second-hand ship purchased by the Soviet Union from the United States last year. After several months of shipping in the Pacific Ocean, it was sent to Japan to be rebuilt using local shipbuilding facilities: the specific method is to move the smoke from the chimney After removing the redundant equipment on the deck, and finally pulling it back to Vladivostok, the Soviets laid a layer of planks on the top layer, and it became an out-and-out flat-topped boat!For ships like this, in the past year and a half, the Soviet Union entrusted Japan or did it by itself, and successively completed four "flat-top ships".During this period, Japan also quietly transformed a newly completed passenger ship into an aircraft carrier (the Ohawk).

In addition, another thing that happened in the Pacific Ocean was that the German pocket battleship Graf Spee, which attracted one-third of the Royal Navy's mobile force, was headed by the battlecruiser Renown, plus five light and heavy cruisers. After being chased and intercepted, he "fleeed" into Tokyo Bay on November 1940, [-] with more than [-] bullet holes and craters on his body.

The famous raider has been at sea for almost a year.After entering the Pacific Ocean, four British cargo ships were captured and sunk.Triggered a big hunt for the entire Far East British fleet.Although the Soviets secretly provided key information to help, it was the so-called "Going to Shanduo and finally met a tiger". The ship was finally found and bitten by the British Royal Navy in October of that year, and then chased all the way, fled west and north in embarrassment. , ran and ran, and when he was almost overtaken and killed, he finally fled to Japan and hid in Tokyo Bay.

As soon as it entered the port, the ship was stopped by the Japanese navy that had been preparing for a long time.The captain then relied on Hitler's instructions to "surrender" directly to the Japanese.

The entire operation was actually carried out by Captain Langersdorf in accordance with Hitler's instructions.After walking on the sea for almost a year, although the "noble man" has secretly helped her many times and supplies are not worrying, the hull has been short of maintenance for a long time, and the maximum speed has dropped to [-] knots at this time, which is also the reason why she was bitten by the British. .

After he was discovered by a British light cruiser, the British ship took advantage of its speed to hang behind him and called nearby friendly ships to outflank it.Although Captain Langersdorf used the dark night to throw off the following British ship many times, he was quickly found again, and had many artillery battles with the British heavy and light cruisers who arrived. When entering Tokyo Bay, the ship's body It has already suffered six rounds of 203 shells plus a bunch of small and medium caliber shells, the deck has been completely smashed, and the situation is terrible.

At this time, outside Tokyo Bay, six "angry" British warships lined up, and they were confronted by a number of Japanese ships headed by the battleship Kirishima who rushed over.

And more than 100 kilometers to the south, another small fleet composed of the Chinese and Soviet navies is also rushing towards Tokyo Bay, ready to "join" the excitement and have fun.

For a moment, the focus of the entire world was on Japan, and even the fierce air battle taking place over Britain was temporarily ignored.

Chapter 338 Beginning the History of Deviation

"Almost all the red deer in the army died, but none of the red deer in the navy survived!"

The "regret" of Nishiharaji Gongwang before his death clearly illustrates the current situation in Japan at this time.After the complete bankruptcy of Japan's mainland policy, in order to find a way out, the entire upper echelon inevitably turned to "southward expansion".

However, until the war in Europe, the entire Japanese domestic economy was in a mess. While the economy was in crisis and foreign debts abounded, it was desperately expanding its navy and building large-scale construction.The evil result is that the country has become extremely involved, and the only two colonies, whether it is Taiwan or North Korea, have also been oppressed to the extreme.

The poor economic situation in Japan did not improve slightly until the European War and the order from the United Kingdom, but only slightly. (reasons mentioned earlier)

After the war with China and the Soviet Union ceased, in the past two years, the speed of improvement in diplomatic relations between Japan and the two major feuds between China and the Soviet Union was beyond everyone's expectations.

The Soviet Union generously exported a bunch of extremely advanced technologies to Japan at a price almost free, as well as a large number of "lost" munitions from the Army Red Deer.

"That's the poisonous candy that the Chinese and Soviet families threw at the imperial kingdom!"

In fact, everyone in Japan, even ordinary people, knows that the so-called friendship between China and the Soviet Union is simply to let Japan "take chestnuts from the fire and move forward for the king" for them, and it has no good intentions at all.

"Eat the candy and spit out the poison", the so-called "puffer fish" doctrine was born during this period.

At first, Yamamoto 56 thought so too.

Transistor radios that lead the world trend, the most advanced electric detection technology, anti-submarine technology, the most advanced Bofors anti-aircraft guns, and even the improvement plan of the oxygen torpedo that is regarded as an exclusive secret technology by the Japanese, one after another "high technology" , sent to the Japanese Navy at a price close to the price of cabbage.

"Smell, it's really fragrant, it's so fragrant!"

This is just "technology". How can technology be poisonous?

After accepting these candies with a smile, within a year, Yamamoto 56 quickly understood where the "poison" was.

The Japanese navy, the sober people at the top, saw the high-tech sent by the Soviets at the price of cabbage, but at the same time they laughed, but their pores stood on end-because through the comparison of technology, they clearly felt the "mud bombing and the huge European and American white animals" technology gap".

But the red deer in the middle and lower classes have another idea: oh oh, oh oh, power, power is pouring out!Feeling stronger and stronger!

This is the so-called "killing yourself with a sharp weapon"!

After 1940, when the CCP’s army crossed the border of the Republic of China and poured into Indochina’s “milk law” in large numbers, and ran around to enclose land, Japan, a neighbor with a narrow strip of water from China, saw it in their eyes and was greedy in their hearts. , a large group of people were all in turmoil in their hearts.

Since then, the commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet Yamamoto 56, every once in a while, people have made various unconstrained and unconstrained "going alone" suggestions to him.

And after October, with the surrender of France and the outbreak of the British Air War, the British seemed to be embarrassed by the bombing of German planes, and the navies who were about to make troubles also frequently had various ideas for making troubles.

Fortunately, the navy is no better than the army. There is no order from the superior, and the warship can only stay in the harbor honestly.And Yamamoto 56 and Narumi Inoue, who knew what these red deer were thinking, also intentionally ordered the ships to operate in the North Pacific Ocean when they went to sea for training, and did not give these red deer the slightest chance to "walk alone".

But on October [-], as the pocket battleship Spey fled into Tokyo Bay, when the British Royal Navy and the Japanese Combined Fleet briefly confronted each other in Tokyo Bay, the "war mood" within the Navy reached its peak.

When the British and Japanese navies faced off for a brief period, the Sino-Soviet joint fleet that came after "hearing the news" also slowly approached during this period, and finally stopped in the open sea [-] kilometers away.

This is a small task force consisting of an escort aircraft carrier, six destroyers, two cruisers: Red Crimea and Red Ukraine, and a light cruiser (pseudo) from China.

The escort aircraft carrier was transformed from a cruise ship, with a standard displacement of 24 tons, 15 aircraft, and a maximum speed of only 130 knots.Those two Soviet cruisers were originally equipped with 3 single-tube 100mm main guns, 2 double-mounted 533mm secondary guns and 8000 triple-mounted 25mm torpedoes, with a displacement of only 1200 tons, a maximum speed of [-] knots, and an endurance of only [-] kilometers. Haili is a standard "bombardment" cruiser with a low freeboard, which is only suitable for the relatively calm waters of the Black Sea and is not suitable for activities in the Pacific Ocean.

Therefore, after being transferred to the Pacific Fleet, the Soviet Union removed some artillery and all torpedo launchers, and at the same time greatly strengthened the number of anti-aircraft artillery.

As for the light cruiser Ninghai from China that was mixed in the fleet, it was originally an offshore defense ship with a low freeboard and a high center of gravity, and it was also not suitable for open sea operations.With a volume of [-] tons, there is no advantage compared with the Soviet destroyers around (because of the "big" characteristics of Maozi, the destroyers produced by the Soviet Union before World War II generally had a tonnage of around [-] tons, or even and close to [-] tons)

Ninghai and Pinghai are two of the best and newest warships in the People's Navy, both of which took part in the Battle of Nanjing three years ago.After the war, almost all of the Kuomintang's remaining navy raised the red flag.

After returning to the People's Navy, since Ninghai used Japanese-style artillery, it had exhausted its main artillery shells (140mm caliber) during the war of resistance. .After liberation, with the help of Soviet experts, Ninghai underwent special modernization—the entire warship was completely remodeled in accordance with the standards of "air defense and anti-submarine" destroyers.

The original oil and coal mixed-fired boilers were replaced with pure oil-fired boilers, which improved the voyage.In order to improve seaworthiness and lower the center of gravity, except for the first main turret, the other two main turrets were all dismantled and replaced with the newly developed Soviet 37mm imitation Bofors anti-aircraft guns, and an additional six were added to the ship. 25mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns, and two seaplanes were also reduced to just one.

After the modification, the navigability has been enhanced, and the Ninghai has been conducting high-sea training with the Soviet Navy for a long time.The captain of the ship is still the original captain Chen Hongtai, but the political commissar is the Communist Party. (Who will be the political commissar will listen to everyone's opinions and will revise later)

On October [-]rd, the drama of Britain, Japan and Germany took place in the Tokyo Bay area. In fact, China and the Soviet Union knew about it through monitoring radio communications as early as a week ago.

The Spey, whose position was exposed at the time, was being bitten by a number of British fast cruisers, and was rushing desperately towards Japan-this was also an instruction from Berlin.Hitler thought of the Goeben incident during World War I with a "big brain" at the time, and he delusionally copied that unexpected surprise. (Historically, when the First World War broke out, the Goeben cruised in the Mediterranean Sea. At that time, it fled to Turkey under the pursuit of Britain and France, and was then presented to the Turks by the Kaiser, and took the opportunity to pull Turkey down. water.)

It was Lieutenant General Tom Spencer Vaughn Phillips on the Reputation who hunted down the Spey (he was still a lieutenant general at this time, this one was the fleet that died on the Prince of Wales during the Malay War in history Commander), when he led the fleet to catch up to the sea off Tokyo Bay, he immediately discovered that the atmosphere here was not right.

To the northwest, more than a dozen large and small ships of the United Fleet headed by Kirishima lined up in a row.

To the southwest, another task force was approaching, "onlookers", looking at the flags, a piece of sickle and hammer flags, plus a unique five-star red flag mixed, Lieutenant General Philip's forehead at that time broke out in cold sweat.

Then there is the mutual searchlight Moore code plus radio communication dialogue between the two sides.Thanks to the early appearance of the transistor communicator, the communication equipment of the warships of the four countries at the scene has reached the level of the 50s in history. After some collusion, the British knew that China and the Soviet Union were only here to watch the fun, and there was no hostility.On the Japanese side, Nobutake Kondo, the commander of the Second Fleet standing in front of him, also told Phillips that his move was only to defend Japan's sea power, and there should be no "misunderstanding".

At this time in the sky, there were already Japanese and Soviet planes flying overhead.

In this situation, cold sweat flowed from Phillips' forehead at that time. It felt like chasing thieves to the den of thieves, and then a group of big men with sharp knives rushed out of it.

In fact, the three parties do not want to fight. The next thing is to hand over the issue, and then fight among high-level diplomats.

"Your Excellency, do it!"

In fact, at this time, at the Combined Fleet Headquarters in Tokyo, many "Showa staff officers" began to encourage Yamamoto 56 to take advantage of the current time and place, and kill the small hunting fleet that the British sent to their door in one fell swoop.

The confrontation, which took place off the coast of Tokyo Bay, lasted for seven days before it ended.During this period, Yamamoto 56 went out to sea in a traffic boat and boarded the Renown to negotiate with Lieutenant General Phillips.During this period, the aircraft carrier Hermes from Malaysia also arrived off the coast of Tokyo Bay, and made peace with Lieutenant General Phillips, which gave the British a lot of confidence.

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