In the kitchen, taking advantage of the opportunity to prepare black tea, Xue Nai gently opened the bottom closet, pushed the four plates hidden just now, and at the same time took the air steamer placed in other closets to block it. Got four plates.

After finishing the hiding work, Xue Nai first wiped away the thin sweat that did not exist on her forehead, then breathed slowly, calmed down, and acted as if nothing happened.

At the same time, in the living room, after staring at each other, Xingjian and Qinzi began to search for clues left in the living room in a tacit understanding.

The eyes of the two quickly swept across the living room, and finally stopped on the coffee table in front of them.

Looking at the coffee table, the two narrowed their eyes in unison.

There are imperceptible circular marks on the table top of the coffee table, which are obviously left after the water has dried up.

There are four circular marks in total, lined up on the coffee table, all of the same size, about a circle larger than the palm of an adult...

Moisture dried up, round marks, coffee table, and this size...

Under the multiple factors, Xingjian and Qinzi easily judged that these circular marks were left by common plates.

The traces left by the plate, did Xue Nai eat anything before?

Since it's just eating, why hide it?

Hoshimi and Kotoko had the same doubts.

At the same time, because of how well he knew Xue Nao, Xing Jian had another doubt in his heart.

Why four plates?Xue Nao is not the kind of person who loves to waste. She basically cooks only what she can eat alone, so it is impossible to be extravagant and wasteful.

Four plates, there is obviously a problem with the amount of this dish...

Could it be that Xue Nai is studying dark cuisine again?Are you going to add some spices to his bento?

No, it's impossible, the mid-term exam is coming soon, Xue Nai won't play such a fool at such a critical moment, if he eats badly, it will be troublesome.

It's not dark cooking, is it because love bento is not enough?It is the kind of special dish with a heart on the bento.

It seems a little possible, as the mid-term exam is approaching, in order to cheer him up, Yukino will go all out to face the exam, and it is also a little bit possible that she will prepare a love bento ingeniously to encourage him.

There is such a possibility, but it is unlikely, after all, Xue Nai is not the kind of girl who likes to play tricks.

If Xue Nai wanted to encourage him, there was a high probability that he would use the provocative method, or the incentive method, rather than this ingenious little method.

So, what the hell is Shino doing?Why do you feel guilty?

The perplexed Xingjian looked up at Qinzi, and Qinzi just happened to look up at Xingjian.

The two looked at each other and reached a tacit agreement in silence.

Find out the secret that Yukino is hiding!

The two made eye contact, and formulated the next strategic policy in a very tacit understanding.


Footsteps sounded, Xue Nai came out with black tea...


At the same time, Yang Nai, who was more than ten kilometers away, was watching what happened in Xue Nai's apartment through surveillance.

217. "Yukino's Secret Revealed..."

In the living room, the three of them sat in different postures.

Xing Jian, with his legs crossed, leaned against the sofa, with his hands resting on the back of the sofa, and his sitting posture looked extremely bohemian.

Xue Nao's waist is straight, her legs are folded and leaned slightly to the right, and her hands are folded together on the base of her thighs. The overall sitting posture looks very ladylike.

Qinzi's sitting posture seemed a little restless, with her small buttocks resting on the front of the sofa, holding the armrests of the sofa with both hands, and looking around restlessly.

The three people sitting in different postures looked at each other, and no one chose to speak first to break the silent atmosphere.

On the coffee table, the black tea in front of the three of them was wafting with steam, gradually blurring the figures of the three of them under the incandescent light.


The atmosphere gradually became silent, and it became more and more strange.

In the end, it was Xingjian who made the first choice. He coughed lightly, leaned forward, straightened his sitting posture, crossed his fingers to support his chin, and said, "Xue Nai, Qin Zi, do you want to play a game together?"



The first sentence is Xue Nai, and the latter sentence is Qin Zi, the two of them almost simultaneously denied Xing Jian's opinion.

Then Qinzi raised her hand and gave the reason for the refusal with a smile, "Senior Xingjian~ Have you forgotten the Landlord Fight last time? I want to play games with the "reserved" Yukinoshita senior, but it is very tiring. I don't want to waste hours negotiating game rewards and punishments."

"..." Xingjian opened and closed his lips, and when he was about to say something, Yukino took a step ahead of him and said, "Student Yanyong, not everyone is like you. I don't know what "reservedness" is. We are both women. I need to remind you to be "reserved", if you don't want to be "reserved", then please have a minimum sense of shame."

Xue Nai paused, accentuated her tone, and said coldly: "This is my house. As a guest, Yanyong, please abide by the rules of my house. Keep ugly words in front. If you talk dirty at my house, don't blame me for asking you out."

After saying that, Yukino stared at Qinzi expressionlessly.

Qinzi curled her lips first, then waved her hand casually, "ok~ok~ I see, your territory is up to you, but I'm curious..."

Qinzi leaned forward, tilted her head slightly, looked at Yukino from bottom to top, and asked: "Senior Yukinoshita, you are so 'reserved', so did you and Xingjian do anything unreserved in your house?" ?”

"..." Xue Nai's eyes became colder and colder, she stared at Qin Zi steadfastly, without saying a word.

"Hehe~" Qinzi covered her mouth and chuckled, "It seems that she has done something unreserved, let me guess how far she has done it~"

"Holding hands? It must have happened before. Kissing? Ordinary mucous membrane contact should have happened a long time ago. I don't know if there is a French kiss that lasts for more than ten minutes?"

Qinzi tilted her head and watched the subtle changes in Xue Nao's expression with a smile.

Through the unnatural flashing in the depths of Xue Nai's eyes, Qin Zi easily came to a conclusion, "It seems that French wet kisses have happened before, so the next step is..."

"Cough~" Xingjian coughed lightly, and raised his hand to block the two people's tit-for-tat sight, "Qinzi, if you don't want to play games, we can do other things."

"Huh?" Qinzi looked at Xingjian, blinked, and asked, "What else can I do if I don't play games? Xingjian, don't you think my relationship with Senior Yukinoshita is good enough to do other things?"

"..." Xing Jian's eyes twitched.

The little girl Qinzi is really dishonest, she agreed to find Xue Nai's little secret, but in the end she went to investigate the enemy's situation first.

And it's nothing more than investigating the enemy's situation, and taking the opportunity to give him eye drops, it's really not good at all, not honest at all, it seems that it is necessary for Qinzi to review the Morse code at night.

Well, it's decided, let's use Morse code to teach Qinzi a piece of classical Chinese, along with the vernacular translation.

Xingjian, who made up his mind, raised his eyebrows and said very gently: "Qinzi, the mid-term exam is coming soon, I don't want to play games, we can review, Qinzi, didn't you ask for leave for a long time in the first half of the semester? Is the course okay? If you have any questions, you can ask Xue Nai and me, we can both teach you."

Saying that, Xingjian turned sideways calmly, and blinked at Qinzi a few times at an angle that Xue Nao couldn't perceive.

"Tch..." Qinzi who received the signal said reluctantly: "That's fine, then listen to Xing to see you."

Xingjian nodded in satisfaction, and then he turned to look at Xue Nai, "Xue Nai, do you still have your textbook and notes from the first year of high school? Can you take them out for Qinzi to use?"

"..." Xue Nao didn't speak, just nodded coldly, then got up and went straight to the study.

If she was studying at her home, she didn't have any objections, as long as Yan Yong Qinzi didn't climb on Xingjian during the study, she could accept it, even if Yan Yong Qin Zi kept asking her questions, she could accept it.

It's learning after all...

In addition, if she can keep studying until Qinzi and Xingjian leave, then the secrets she hides will be safe...

Not being discovered is a big victory for her!

In the study, Xue Nai, who was rummaging through the textbooks and notes of the first year of high school in front of the bookshelf, felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

She looked back at the living room calmly, and saw that Qinzi and Xingjian were still sitting in their original positions, not communicating or moving, just like when she left.

Seeing this scene, Xue Nai's hanging heart gradually let go, she turned her head and continued to search for the textbooks and notes of the first year of high school on the bookshelf.

Oh, by the way, she deliberately left the door of the study room open.

Before, when her sister came to her house, she remembered clearly what Xing Jian did, and she didn't want to stand in her sister's position and experience the pain of being separated by a door.


Time moved forward a little, when Xue Nai got up to go to the study, Qin Zi slightly raised her hand, instructing a little monster invisible to ordinary people to follow Xue Nai quietly.

Only a palm-sized little monster floated into the study after Xue Nai, took out a green leaf and threw it on Xue Nai's head.

With the help of Ye Zi, the little monster used the most commonly used method of "obscuring eyes" by monsters, causing Xue Nao's perception of the scene in the living room to be biased.

In the living room, after confirming that Yukino had been hit by "blindfolding", Qinzi took out a super miniature monster from her cuff.

This monster is smaller than the one following Xue Nao, so small that it is not as big as half of Qinzi's palm.

Qinzi scratched the mini monster's chin, and raised her hand to signal it to sniff the scent of the circular traces on the coffee table.

The miniature monster jumped onto the coffee table and sniffed at a few tiny circular marks like a puppy.


After sniffing for a while, the miniature monster turned around and yelled at Qinzi.

"Go, find the source." Qinzi leaned forward and instructed the miniature monster in a low voice.


After the miniature monster yelled twice, it walked towards the kitchen through the air.

218. "Qinzi: Yukinoshita, you play really well~"

Xingjian, who was watching the whole process, poked Qinzi's thigh and asked in a low voice, "Qinzi, what are you communicating with?"

"A monster~ what else could it be?" Qinzi said indifferently.

"Monster...why can't I see it?" Xing Jian was very puzzled, he had already inhaled spiritual energy today, why he still couldn't see the monster?

"Xingjian, you don't have the talent to 'see the devil', so of course you can't see it."

"Huh? I don't have the talent of "Damn"? Isn't my cultivation talent superior? How can I not have the talent of "Damn"?"

Qinzi threw Xingjian a hygienic eye, "Who said that one must have the talent of "Damn" to have the talent of cultivation? The two are different. ’Nearly 100% of the talented people have a good talent for cultivation, but that doesn’t mean that someone with a talent for cultivation will necessarily have a talent for “hell.”

"Xingjian, if you want to see monsters, ghosts and other things that ordinary people can't see, you need to get started with cultivation methods, and the aura can completely reside in the body."

"In the afternoon, your cultivation method was not finalized, and the aura did not reside in the body. Of course, you couldn't see the monsters and ghosts."

Xing Jian, who understood, rubbed his chin, "So that's how it is..."


At this moment, the mini monster came back, it floated to Qinzi's ear, screamed and told Qinzi the information it got without reservation.

Listening, Qinzi's expression became more subtle, she glanced at Xue Nao in the study, and there was a hint of playfulness in her bewitching purple pupils.

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