Zongwu High School, Activity Classroom of the Ministry of Service.


The front door opened, and Qin Zi walked into the department room with a slight smile.

She stopped in front of the long table, turned her head and looked around the service department, then raised her hand and greeted everyone with a smile.

"Yo~ they're all here, Yukinoshita-senpai, Yuigahama-senpai, Hikigaya-senpai, good afternoon, by the way, Hoshimi? Where did he go?"

Qinzi, who knew what to ask, smiled and observed the changes in Yukino's expression.

"Xing saw that he asked for leave." Xue Nao, who looked cold, had the same cold tone.

"Oh? Asked for leave?" Qinzi's beautiful eyes opened slightly, she seemed a little surprised, "Why did Xingjian ask for leave? Are you sick?"

"..." Xue Nai raised her thin neck slightly, pointed to the front door of the department room with her chin, "close the door."

"Sorry, I forgot my question." Qinzi closed the front door of the department room with a smile on her face, then walked to the sofa, found a place to sit down at random, and continued to ask: "Senior Yukinoshita, now Can you tell me?"

Saying that, Kotoko quietly glanced at Yubihama and Hikigu who were in a stiff atmosphere.

Did anything interesting happen during the days she was away?These two good old people actually had a conflict?This is really an unexpected situation...

"Xing saw that his aunt had something to do with him, so he asked for leave to see his aunt." Xue Nai told the truth what she knew.

"Ask for leave to see his aunt..." Qinzi murmured the explanation given by Xue Nai, her expression became more and more subtle.

"Is there a problem?" Yukino stared at Qinzi blankly.

"No problem." Qinzi shrugged casually.

"..." Xue Nao stopped talking, silently looking at the Chinese library in her hand.

Qinzi leaned back on the back of the sofa, staring at the ceiling of the room absently.

After an unknown amount of time, Qinzi muttered in a low voice, breaking the dead silence in the service department.

"Senior Yukinoshita...you are really useless..."


Xue Nai closed the book, and looked at Qin Zi who seemed to have no intention of saying this sentence with a blank face, "Student Yanyong, what do you mean?"

"Ah? Did I say something just now?" Qinzi tilted her head slightly, looking confused as if she had just woken up.

"You said I was a 'trash' just now." Xue Nai "repeated" Qin Zi's soft murmur just now.

"Eh? Senior Yukinoshita, don't wrong me. When did I say that?" Although she somewhat agrees with Senior Yukinoshita's embellishment, she is not yet fooled.

"Really? It's best." Xue Nai was too lazy to argue with Qin Zi, she opened the book and continued reading.

Although the incident was over, the atmosphere in the department room became more and more depressing.

The faint rivalry between Yukino and Kotoko, the subtlety and embarrassment between Hikigu and Yuigahama, coupled with the dead silence of the general environment, and the combination of multiple factors, the atmosphere in the department is not only depressing, but even gradually slipping into a sinister situation. .....

Obviously only one person is missing, but for some reason, the entire service department seems to be on the verge of falling apart...

264. "The Hill of the Good Wife and Mother"

"See you, what time is it?"

Hoshimi, Kasumigaoka, who was only wearing a white shirt from top to bottom, asked lazily.

At this time, she was nestling in the arms of Xingjian who was in a half-sage state, watching Dahe drama with him.

"Ha~~" The drowsy Xing Jian yawned, and slowly turned to look at the wall clock on the wall, "It's past 40:[-]..."

After finishing speaking, Xingjian suddenly became sober.

It's [-]:[-], Yukino should be home soon, right?

Xingjian thought for a moment, stroked the hair of Xia Zhiqiu's waterfall, and asked lazily: "Shi Yu, it's getting late, do you want me to take you back?"

"Go back?" Xia Zhiqiu rolled over in Xingjian's arms like a lazy cat with half-empty eyes, found a comfortable position and said, "I've asked for three days off, so I'm not in a hurry to go back."

"Three days?" Xing Jian's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt ominous.

It's too long, and it's easy to be exposed...Especially when Qinzi is coming back soon, the risk of exposure is even greater. Qinzi's intelligence ability is the same as her stalking, but they are both extremely tight.

"Yeah, three days. I asked for leave yesterday. I can go back tomorrow."

Hearing Kasumigaoka's supplementary explanation, Hoshimi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Xia Zhiqiu will go back tomorrow, and now the risk of exposure is much smaller.

However, I will go back tomorrow, which means that Xia Zhiqiu will stay overnight tonight?

Thinking of this, Hoshimi subconsciously looked down at Kasumi Hill nestled in his arms.

When he just took a shower, Kasumigaoka's clothes were all wet, and they were all thrown into the washing machine afterwards. Kasumigaoka, who had nothing to wear, didn't want to wear a bathrobe, so he simply put on his white shirt.

Well, just a white shirt, nothing else...

He was half a head taller than Xia Zhiqiu, and his white shirt was worn on Xia Zhiqiu's body, which happened to cover Xia Zhiqiu's thighs dangerously.

But the hem of the shirt is fine, but it doesn't mean the top is fine. After all, this shirt is a custom-made slim fit, and his frame isn't that wide, so after Kasumigaoka puts it on, the buttons on his chest are obviously not easy to button.

That's why Kasumi Hill simply didn't button up the chest buttons, but casually buttoned the buttons below the chest.

In this way, when he looked at it from the top to the bottom, he would completely "be at the top of the mountain and see all the mountains and mountains at a glance", and the scenery was really beautiful.

Looking at it, Xingjian's nose itched unconsciously.

I have to say, but in terms of femininity, Kasumi Hills doesn't know how much he has won over Yukino and Kotoko. After all, when he and Yukino and Kotoko get tired of being together, they don't get irritated so many times that their noses itch.

"Shiyu, do you want to stay overnight?"

"Jingle bell~~Jingle bell~~"

Just as he was talking, Xingjian's cell phone rang, and he was stunned for less than a second before reacting immediately.

If you call at this time, it's 50% likely to be Yukino. 49.9% may be Qinzi, and the remaining 0.1% are harassing calls such as sales promotions and advertisements.

"Shi Yu, I'm going to answer the phone." Xing Jian calmly took out his phone and walked towards the second living room.

"..." Xia Zhiqiu glanced at Xing Jian's back from the corner of his eye, and a strange color flashed in his wine-red pupils.

Do I need to avoid her when answering the phone?

Speaking of which, Xing Jian also avoided her when she answered the phone in the morning...

Who could be calling?

After thinking for a while with evasive eyes, Xia Zhiqiu leaned sideways on the sofa, waiting lazily for Hoshimi to come back.

On the other side, Hoshimi, who came to the second living room, looked back a few times, and did not answer the phone until he was sure that Kasumi Hill was not following to eavesdrop.

"Xingjian, are you coming back today?" The phone was connected, and Xue Nao's cold voice came out of the receiver.

Hoshimi made preparations, pretending to be a vague voice just waking up, "It's Yukino... I just got off the tram... I'll be back in a while... Yukino, you haven't had lunch yet, what do you want to eat , I'll bring it back for you."

Xue Nai: "Don't bring it, I will cook by myself, Xingjian, have you eaten yet? Do you want me to cook your portion too?"

Xing Jian's eyes twitched slightly.

Good guy, Yukino, this is a naked and explicit statement, it's just a matter of saying "I'll wait for you at home, come back quickly".

Facing Xue Nai's explicit instructions, Xingjian thought for a while, and replied: "I have already eaten, Xue Nai, you can just do your own share, and I will be back in a while..."

"Well, I see, Xing sees you and pay attention to safety on the road." After finishing speaking, Xue Nai hung up the phone.


Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Xingjian rubbed his temples with some headaches.

What should we do now?

After staring at the spot and thinking for more than ten seconds, Xingjian returned to the first living room with a serious expression of frowning.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Xingjian's serious expression, Xia Zhiqiu sat up straight and asked.

"My aunt has come to Chiba." The frowning Xingjian replied without raising his head.

"Auntie?" Xia Zhiqiu was slightly taken aback.

"Well, my aunt." Xing Jian looked at Xia Zhiqiu, his brows stretched unconsciously, "My aunt is my guardian. After my parents passed away, she has been taking care of me. Not long ago, I Did I tell you?"

"Because of my sick leave and skipping classes, my aunt gave me a death order, so that I must be admitted to the top five in the grade."

"Eh..." Xia Zhiqiu didn't know what to say.

Speaking of it, this incident was still caused by her. If she hadn't met Xingjian in real life on a whim, Xingjian would not have asked for sick leave to attend the appointment. As a result, he was caught by his aunt.

From the looks of it now, could it be that Xingjian failed to achieve his goal and was about to be reprimanded by his aunt?

Xia Zhiqiu pursed his lips, and asked with a complicated mood: "Xingjian, how far are you from your goal?"

"En? How far?" Xing Jian said strangely: "I am the first in age, and I have already exceeded my goal, Shi Yu, don't you think I have not achieved my goal?"

"Eh..." Xia Zhiqiu's beautiful eyes opened slightly, and he said speechlessly: "Xing Jian, I saw that your brows were tightly frowned, and I thought you had to be trained for failing to achieve your goal, but I didn't expect you to overachieve." The goal is reached, so why are you frowning..."

"Alas~" Xingjian sighed softly, walked to Xia Zhiqiu and sat down, leaned on her shoulder, and said a little tiredly: "I don't want to see my aunt and that's why I have a headache."

As soon as Hoshi saw these words, a series of scripts flashed through Kasumigaoka's mind as the author of light novels.

She suppressed her curiosity, and said in a soft voice: "Huh? Does your aunt..."

"Although I don't know what Shiyu you are thinking, but it's definitely not what you think." Hoshimi took Xia Zhiqiu's little hand, rubbed it, and explained: "I don't want to see my aunt, because I came Not familiar with her, she is a friend of my parents, adopted me because of my parents, I am not familiar with her.”

265. "Incarnate Detective Yukinoshita"

"Secondly, it's because my aunt is a more traditional wife of a famous family, and she pays more attention to etiquette. It will be very tiring to meet her once."

After listening to Xingjian's explanation, Xia Zhiqiu grabbed Xingjian's hand with his backhand and asked, "Xingjian, are you going to see your aunt?"

"That's for sure..." Xingjian said helplessly: "My aunt usually lives in Chiyoda District, Tokyo, and rarely walks around. This time I came to Chiba to celebrate my first place in the exam. If I didn't Guess wrong, my aunt ordered either kaiseki cuisine or authentic western food this time."

"Alas~" Xingjian sighed softly, and said resentfully: "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have taken the exam so well, as long as I got second in the exam, there wouldn't be so many things."

Regarding Hoshimi's complaints, Xia Zhiqiu found it quite interesting, but she was more concerned about another issue at this time.

She pushed Xingjian's hand away, and while drawing symbols of unknown meaning on his palm casually, she asked, "Xingjian, when are you going to see your aunt?"

"Now..." Xing Jian's tone became more and more resentful, and the emotion of not wanting to go was almost overflowing.

"Heh~" Xia Zhiqiu chuckled, leaned close to Xingjian's face, and rubbed it affectionately, "Okay, your aunt wants to celebrate for you, so you should go quickly, if you are late, maybe your An aunt who values ​​etiquette is going to teach you a lesson again."

"Hmm~~ I really don't want to go..." Hoshimi, who had succeeded in plotting, buried his face in Kasumigaoka's broad chest, showing a "planned" expression.

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