"En~~~It's so comfortable~~" She narrowed her eyes and moaned softly in a long voice.

Well~ It doesn't matter, anyway, as long as you can continue to explore the truth and continue to sunbathe, it doesn't matter what the master thinks.

As long as the master is not dead, everything is trivial...



In the bedroom where you can't see your fingers, the soft and charming voice continues to flutter.

7 ... 8 ... 9 ...

"...En? Shiyu...is that you?"

When Xia Zhiqiu silently counted to 9, Xing Jian woke up, and he spoke in a vague voice, as if he had just been woken up by someone and was not fully awake yet.

"It's me~" Kasumigaoka reached into the bed, and after groping for a while, found Hoshimi's hand and held it.

"Eh? Shi Yu?" Xing Jian seemed to be stunned.

Two or three seconds later, Xingjian seemed to have just woken up from a big dream. He sat up suddenly, held Kasumi Hill's hand and followed the vines, and dragged Kasumi Hill to his bed all at once.

"Yah~" Xia Zhiqiu, who hadn't reacted for a while, let out a short exclamation.

When she reacted, she realized that she had already entered Xingjian's bed, and the whole person was hugged tightly by Xingjian from the front.

"Shiyu, do you want to attack at night?"

Kasumigaoka's body temperature soared all the way, stimulated by the heat in her ears, she pushed Hoshimi's chest, and said with a blushing face, "No, I'm just here...uh...just come..."

I can't find a reason for Kasumi Hill to get stuck...

"Hehe~ Night raid is good, I am worrying about the long night and no one to be with me~" Hoshimi hugged Kasumi Hill with all her strength, and at the same time whispered playfully in her ear: "It's just right, Shiba you Come, then tonight is destined to be a sleepless night..."

"Shi Yu, please take a few more days off..." After finishing speaking, Hoshimi licked Xia Xiazhiqiu's hot earlobe.

275. "A precious experience once in a lifetime..."


Seeing the bedroom, the bedside lamp was turned on.

The smoked yellow light, which was somewhat dimmer than the candlelight, cast a hazy veil on the two of them at this time.

Hoshimi was lying on his side on the bed, pillowing his arm, his gaze was gentle on Kasumi Hill huddled in his arms, and with his free left hand, he was gently combing Kasumi Hill's slightly messy temple hair.


Looking at the gentle and dreamy Hoshimi in front of him, Kasumigaoka's mood was as complicated as a ball of yarn played with by a kitten all day, and he couldn't figure out where the thread ends were.

She persuaded Xing to meet...

That's right, she didn't think of it herself!She actually managed to persuade Xing Jian, who was so angry and bloody under such circumstances...

She didn't show affection or reason, she just blushed and said that she was in danger and might delay the college entrance examination.

She originally thought that Xingjian would turn a deaf ear and continue to do whatever she wanted to her...

However, Xingjian stopped, he lay down on his side, turned on the bedside lamp, his eyes were so gentle that he straightened her temples.

The gentle gaze made her feel unbelievable. She never thought that Xingjian would have such a gentle day.


Looking at it, she pursed her lips and subconsciously looked away.

The persuasion succeeded, the crisis was resolved, she should have breathed a sigh of relief...

But...why do you feel a little reconciled?

The cessation of Hoshimi made her a little uneasy... She was worried about her own attraction to Hoshimi, and Hoshimi's inner opinion of her...


The completely unexpected situation made Kasumigaoka a little flustered. After taking two deep breaths, she buried her face in Hoshimi's arms.

"Xingjian, what are you thinking? You... don't move me, is it... not ready yet?" Xiazhiqiu's voice was very soft, so soft that it seemed that he would be blown by the wind outside the window in the next moment scattered.

"..." Xing Jian gave a hand with a smile on his lips.

Then, he moved his hand down a little bit, caressing the smooth jade back of Xia Zhiqiu, and said: "Shi Yu, what kind of preparation do you want? If it is the preparation to marry you, I think I have it is done."

"Then...why..." Xia Zhiqiu asked, her tone was a little hasty, compared with the "light" just now, her voice seemed to be on the ground now.

"Why?" Xing Jian squeezed the soft flesh of Xia Zhiqiu's waist, and said with a smile: "Shi Yu, you have said that, how can I bear to continue? No matter how I say it, I can't delay your Shi Yu Youth and future, that is a serious crime equivalent to murder, if I really committed it, I don’t want to compensate you for the rest of my life.”

"..." Listening to Hoshimi's explanation, Xia Zhiqiu's heart was at ease.

That's right, although this guy is a fun-loving person with a bad personality and is not trustworthy most of the time, he is very reliable when it comes to right and wrong.

It was true that she was thinking too much...


Xia Zhiqiu suddenly felt a little ashamed, ashamed of his sentimentality.

It is obviously a very simple question, why do I think so much?Sure enough, the closer she gets to Xingjian, the more likely her brain will go wrong...

"Shiyu, there is another reason, do you want to know?"

Hearing Hoshimi's teasing question, Kasumigaoka's face was hot, and suddenly some bad feelings arose in his heart.

Intuition told her that this reason should not be heard, but the girl's exuberant curiosity didn't think so.

"What is it?" Xia Zhiqiu, who chose curiosity, asked softly.

"Heh~" Xing Jian smiled, and picked up something from the pillow, "Shi Yu, what do you think this is?"

Xia Zhiqiu heard the sound and looked.

In the next second, her beautiful eyes opened slightly, her red lips parted slightly, and she stared blankly at the thing in Xingjian's hand.

What Hoshimi held in her hand... was the box of Okamoto 003 that she had taken out of her handbag just in case! !

"Hoshimi, no, listen to my explanation..." Kasumigaoka, who was in a panic and shy, rushed to explain something while grabbing the box of Okabook with Hoshimi.

"Needless to say, I understand." Xing Jian didn't struggle much, and let Kasumi Hill easily snatch the box of Okamoto 003.

But when Xia Zhiqiu wanted to continue explaining, he raised his index finger to stop Xia Zhiqiu's full and alluring red lips.

"Shiyu, listen to me."

"..." Xia Zhiqiu became quiet, her eyes dodged, and she dared not look at Xing Jian.

"Shiyu, listen to me." Xingjian said with a smile: "How can a little thing be destroyed for a once-in-a-lifetime precious experience? I want to wait for you to prepare well, and we will have a good experience in the original way." Once, strive to leave a good memory that will never be forgotten in a lifetime."

"This is my other reason, Shi Yu, tell me, is there something wrong with my thinking?" Hoshimi pinched Xia Zhiqiu's chin with a smile, so that she could not avoid his gaze.

"Hmm~" Xia Zhiqiu nodded slightly with a blushing face.

Xing Jian is thoughtful, or Xing Jian knows how to play...

But is there a possibility that Xing sees that this bastard doesn't like this little thing, so he would rather calm down than waste the opportunity by making do?

Thinking of this, Xia Zhiqiu looked at Xingjian with brilliant eyes, "Xingjian, are you..."


Before Xia Zhiqiu could ask, Xing Jian blocked her pink lips again.

"Shi Yu, let's go to sleep. In the dream, you can do whatever you want." Xing Jian smiled, and there was obvious ambiguity, teasing, and playfulness hidden in the smile...

Xia Zhiqiu understood, and also understood what Xingjian meant, her legs softened, she put her arms around Xingjian's waist, buried her face in Xingjian's arms, and replied with a trembling voice.

"it is good..."

"Well, let's go to sleep..." Xingjian continued to smile, but at this moment his smile was a little more relaxed.

It's not easy to finally get over it...

There were still two people waiting in the dream. If he really did it, he would guarantee an instant explosion tomorrow.

Just because the time in the dream is frozen doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants! !

There was a sudden lack of time for a long time, and he couldn't explain it. If the information that the dream time can be frozen was revealed by then, then there would be no fun in the future.

As for going to the deep dream to make up time?Forget about this plan.

One is the particularity of the deep dream, and the other is the existence of the dream body, both of which he does not want to reveal too much information.

The third is that he vaguely guessed that ordinary people may not be able to enter the deep dream, and it may affect themselves if they enter.

Time is something that is not easy to touch. He himself doesn't care because of his particularity, but ordinary people really don't have to...

276. "True master of time management!"

After entering the dreamland, Xing Xing saw the stillness of time and space except for the area where Xue Nao was located.

After half an hour of being unscrupulous and doing whatever he wanted in Kasumi Hill, Hoshimi calmly stopped the area where he and Kasumi Hill were located.

"Huh~" Looking at Kasumi Hill with messy temple hair, Hoshimi let out a breath, put on his clothes, wiped off all traces on his body, turned around and teleported to Yukino's side.

Hoshimi sat back in his seat in the narrow canoe that was rushing forward in the rapids, and restored everything to the way it was when he left.


Then, with a thought, he released the space-time stillness in this area.

The rushing river resumed its flow, and the wooden boat continued to go down at a fast speed. Yukino, who closed her eyes tightly, firmly grasped the corner of Xingjian's clothes. Everything was the same as before, as if nothing had happened...

The vigorous water mist splashed on Xingjian's face, and he gradually calmed down when he was surging with anger. He glanced at Xue Nai, put on a wanton smile again, leaned into her ear and shouted loudly: "Xue Nai, say you love me !"

"Get lost! Don't even think about it!" Xue Nai, with her eyes closed, refused without even thinking about it.

"Really? Then continue! Until Yukino you say you love me, let's go back to read!" Xingjian grabbed Yukino's hand and raised it high, feeling the thrill of the rapid descent together with her.

10 minutes later, Hoshimi and Yukino returned to the library...

The two sat on the sofa, Xue Nai looked sideways at the window with a livid face, and Xingjian put his arms around Xue Nai's slender waist, whispering softly in her ear non-stop.

"Xue Nai~Xiao Xue Nai~ Isn't it just a love story? As for being so angry? I really don't want to, let me tell you~"

"Little Xue Nai, listen, I'm going to tell you~" Xing Jian, who was speaking like this, lifted the corner of Xue Nai's clothes silently with his right hand.

"Get out!" Xue Nai directly pulled out Xing Jian's unruly hand with her backhand.

"Hey~" Xingjian blinked, and continued to whisper in Xue Nai's ear.

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