She stared at Xing Jian, half ashamed and half depressed, and stopped talking.

"Hehe~" Xingjian smiled, and took out the...

543. "Thread fluorescent condom! Protect your every day!"

"Hehe~" Xingjian smiled, and took out a box of five condoms from his pocket and placed it between the two of them.

Ying Lili was startled, and subconsciously looked at the box of condoms.

"Thread fluorescent condoms!Pure material super safe!Guard your every day! 』

Ying Lili's face flushed red with the flowing artistic words on the condom box, she fiercely gouged out her eyes and saw that her blue eyes were full of embarrassment.

Asshole stuff!Only had a day on the cruise!Just get this thing ready!And you said you didn't have her idea? !

If nothing happens to the cruise ship!This bastard must have done it that night, right? !

and also!What does thread mean? !What does fluorescence mean? !This bastard is really not human! !You know she is...

"Hmm~" Ying Lili, whose face was hot, felt a little numb all over, and her head went blank, she didn't dare to continue thinking.

Seeing Yinglili's reaction, Xingjian smiled with interest.

Immediately afterwards, he put his hands together and said with an undiminished smile: "Then everything on both of us is here, let me see what can be useful."

The first is the two mobile phones. Due to being immersed in water for too long, the two mobile phones have basically been scrapped and cannot be turned on at all.

In the case of survival in the wild, these two mobile phones may come in handy, but Xingjian doesn't know how to use them.

He thought for a while, and put the two phones aside.

There are still many photos in his mobile phone, which are the memories of him and them, and are important treasures that cannot be lost.

I don't know what's going on with Yinglili's cell phone, maybe there are things she wants to keep.

So keep the phone, and take it back to Siesta for repair in a month.

The second is the straight knife. Needless to say, among all the items he and Ying Lili have, this straight knife is the most practical thing, and it can be used in many ways.

Then there is Yinglili's key chain. The sharp key may be useful, but it conflicts with the function of the straight knife.

As for other wallets, banknotes and coins, the effect is basically equal to zero.

The two boxes of condoms are useful. They can be used as rubber bands for Ying Lili's hair, and can be used as bandages when she is injured, and maybe it can still play its original role.

Good stuff, pick it up carefully, maybe...

"I'll take the straight knife first." Xingjian picked up the straight knife and looked at the deep forest with a serious face, "I'm going out for a while and find a way to find some firewood to build a shelter, Ying Lili, you don't need it by the lake Walk around, this is a safe zone, and the creatures on the island will not approach."

Xing Jian stood up and scanned the surrounding area carefully.

The statement of the safety zone is not groundless. Within 20 meters of the lake, there is no sign of any animal activity, and the distant singing of birds comes from 20 meters away.

Moreover, in the 20-meter area by the lake, the denseness of vegetation has been significantly reduced by a large amount. The weeds and low shrubs that can be seen everywhere in other places are very sparse here, and the distance between tall trees is also large.

At a glance, the dividing line between the safe zone and the normal zone can be clearly seen.

"Don't move around here, I'll be back in a while." After Xing Jian warned again, he took a straight knife and went to the depths of the woods vigilantly.

"..." Yinglilifen opened and closed her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't utter a single syllable.

She stayed under the tree, hugging her knees, watching Xingjian's back disappear into the woods and disappear.

When the wind blows, the mirror-like surface of the lake is covered with layers of silver-white waves, coupled with the deep forest and the crisp and melodious birdsong in the distance, the scenery is very good.

But Yinglili was not in the mood to enjoy the scenery. She hugged her knees tightly and buried her head in them.

Wa's breeze brushed up her golden hair, and Ying Lili secretly prayed in her heart that Xingjian would come back soon.


Entering the woods, Xing Jian did not immediately go to the depths, he hid behind a thick tree, quietly observing Ying Lili's situation.

After making sure that Ying Lili didn't break down and walk around, Xingjian left in peace.

Surviving on a deserted island is indeed difficult for Xingjian, but when there is aura on the island, the difficulty plummets.

In the case of being able to borrow the ability of the dream body, many things that are troublesome in the eyes of ordinary people are small problems for him.

"Doctor, are you there?"

"My lord, please give me your orders."

"Lend me the ability of "Vector Manipulation"."

"Okay, my lord."

Hoshimi summoned the doctor and borrowed the ability of "vector manipulation".

"Vector Manipulation" is a perfect miracle, with its assistance, many problems can be easily solved.

For example...

Xing Jian held a straight knife and stabbed it into the towering tree beside him like stabbing tofu.

Then, with a slight push with his index finger, the towering tree collapsed "too weak to the wind".

It's just a simple "force" operation. According to the doctor, it's just a low-energy operation, and it's not even a warm-up...


Xing Jian smiled, put the straight knife back into its sheath, leaned over and dragged the fallen towering tree, and headed back to the safe zone.


After more than six hours, a 4m*5m wooden house covering an area of ​​20㎡ was built. If it hadn’t been too much time spent on finding and transporting trees back and forth, the project might have been completed faster.

The drawings of the wooden house were provided by the doctor. In order to prevent moisture and insects, the wooden house adopts an overhead design with a height of 0.5 meters from the ground.

The door of the wooden house is on the south side, facing the woods and facing the lake with its back. There are three steps in front of the door for easy access to the wooden house.

The windows of the wooden house are on the south side, about one meter away from the door. The windows made of pure wood are simple and heavy.

The roof of the wooden house adopts a slope design, and several layers of banana leaves are added on it for waterproofing.

Speaking of banana leaves, Xingjian brought back a few large bunches of bananas, but unfortunately they were still green and couldn't be eaten.

Xing Jian wrapped them in banana leaves to see if they could be cooked after a few days.

It was afternoon when the wooden house was built.

Xing Jian, who had been busy for several hours, was exhausted. On the last trip back, he picked some August melons and jujubes along the way.

"Can this be eaten?" Ying Lili hesitated while holding the split August melon.

From the cracks, you can see the inside of the August melon. The white pulp is covered with dense black seeds, which makes people lose their appetite.

"Yes, this is sweet, eat it at ease." Sitting on the steps of the wooden house, Xingjian broke the August melon and put it in his mouth without hesitation.

En~~ The familiar sweet taste reminded him of the days when he was a child sneaking around in the countryside.

Although it is very short, it is much happier than being a small town as a problem solver.

544. "Trouble of happiness"

"Hmm~" Seeing Xingjian eating happily, Ying Lili gritted her teeth, determined to break open the August melon, and put the pulp into her mouth with her eyes closed.

Huh?It doesn't seem so bad...

Ying Lili opened her eyes, savoring the wild fruit she had never seen before.

Compared with the mainstream fruits on the market, the sweetness of August Melon is mild, and the taste is a bit like a banana. Once you enter the mouth, the aroma spreads to the whole mouth, and the pulp juice is very rich. After eating a few mouthfuls, the feeling of thirst is relieved. few.

After tasting the sweetness, Ying Lili's eating style gradually became unrestrained.

When she woke up in the morning, she was already hungry, and walked all the way into the mountain, hungry and thirsty, but seeing Xingjian working hard to build a wooden house, she was too embarrassed to say that she was hungry.

So I have been holding back until I finally have something to eat.

Although I have never seen it before, it tastes good and can be eaten as a fruit.

For August melons, Xingjian didn’t bring back many, there were six in total, and when divided equally, it would be three for each person.

A little less, and by the time Yinglili realized it, the three August melons had already been eaten.

She glanced at Xingjian, and found that he had also finished eating the August melon, and went to eat the black dates instead.

Guaizao Xingjian has been washed, according to him, it was washed in mountain spring water.

Looking at the strangely shaped jujubes, Ying Lili pursed her lips, took some off and put them in her mouth to taste.

Huh?Why is it so sweet?It was almost as good as the red dates she usually ate at home.

Somewhat surprised, Ying Lili speeded up her eating quietly.

It's really strange, these two weird-looking fruits taste pretty good, why haven't I seen them on the market?

"Yingli, are you ready to eat?"

"Well... that's fine..."

She is already very satisfied to be able to eat delicious fruits under such circumstances, and it would be too much to ask for too much.

"Okay then, I'll continue to work, you just stay in the safe zone and don't run around."

"Well, I see." Ying Lili responded obediently.

In the morning, when Xingjian was building a wooden house and playing with those tall trees like building blocks, she realized again how perverted Xingjian was.

Speaking of which, if Xingjian really wanted to do something to her by force, she couldn't resist at all, and on Four Seasons Island, she couldn't even escape...

Ying Lili was chewing on the jujube, feeling inexplicably complicated...  

If Xingjian really wants to do something to her, is she obedient?still......

Xingjian didn't know what Yinglili was thinking.

After eating and drinking, Xing Jian stretched his shoulders and headed towards the depths of the woods.

"Doctor, lend me 'Vector Manipulation'."

"Okay, my lord."


After more than an hour, Xingjian added a wooden table, two chairs, and a large locker to the cabin.

He put the plantains wrapped in plantain leaves in the lower shelf of the locker, praying that the plantains would mature soon.

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