But wait until the camera zooms in.

Everyone sees it.

John Xungang, the holy son of the blood clan, was frantically sucking the remaining blood from a pile of Guanguan bird corpses.

"Come on, Smith Egg! The blood in the corpses of these Guanguan birds is still warm! My God, this must be the guidance of the goddess Lilith, the ancestor of the blood clan!"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head again and sucked it up.

The Smith egg beside him couldn't help it either.

Lie on the corpses of these shrub birds and suck.

The audience of Xia Kingdom who watched this scene in the beautiful country's live broadcast room finally couldn't help it.

They all started to mock.

[Cut, the two rubbish from the beautiful country are only worthy of eating leftovers behind Lin Dashen's ass. 】

【Why am I thinking, isn’t this the flock of shrub birds killed by Lin Dashen this afternoon? 】.

Chapter 110 Seven: The Sad Steel Egg Duo!

The sharp-eyed Xia Guo audience noticed the clue.

Isn't this the place where Lin Buer fights during the day?

In the live broadcast, John Xungang and Smith Dan kept praising the ancestor of the blood race.

The effect of the program is directly full.

The people in the beautiful country are still stubborn.

[What we meet with our ability is bestowed by the gods! 】

[What Lin Buer, I don't know, I've never heard of it. 】

[Your players are only at this level, and they are only worthy of eating the leftover garbage from our Xia Guo players! 】

[Worthy of being the world's biggest hooligan, no one has the ability to open their eyes and tell nonsense. 】

The two contestants from the beautiful country did not know what was happening outside.

Already finished eating at this moment.

Mess all over the place.

The smell of blood became stronger.

"Ah! Egg Smith, I can already feel a steady stream of power emerging from my body!"

John Xungang's body was obviously much stronger at this time.

After sucking the blood that was poured into the bird's carcass.

The physical fitness of the two has been comprehensively improved.

"Oh, my respected Duke John Xungang, I have been promoted to the earl! It is so wonderful!"

Smith Egg licked the blood at the corner of his mouth contentedly.

John Xungang nodded in relief.

"This must be a gift from the ancestor of the blood race, we must be grateful!"

"Yes, my lord." Smith kneeled respectfully on one knee with a pious expression.

However, when the two praised.

Abrupt mutation.

Alien beast warning suddenly appeared!

It seems that the strong smell of blood here has caused some powerful creatures to chase here!

Before the strong wind swept here.

The system beep sounded.

[Analysis complete! 】

[Name: irrigation (five-star)]

[Appearance: The longest wingspan can reach 20 meters!5 meters high!It weighs 1 ton! 】

[Intelligence: It is comparable to ordinary human intelligence, and can speak out]

[Habits: Herbivore, likes to live in groups, and has a strong sense of territory!The singing is very confusing! 】

[Reminder: You can get 10000 points for killing five-star beasts! 】

[Note: The strength gap between the two sides is too large, please escape as soon as possible! 】

[Special reminder: If you successfully kill a five-star or higher beast, you can get additional talent skills, killing more is useless! 】

Five-star alien beast!


Is this the fate of the strong?

I just saw a great opportunity in a place, and now I am going to be approached by a strange beast?

John Xungang reluctantly looked at the corpses of Guanguan birds all over the floor.

After all, a difficult decision was made.


But this is a five-star beast after all.

How can it be so easy to let go of John Steel and Smith Egg.

"Every audience in the beautiful country, we can see that the situation of John Xungang and Smith Dan is very critical now, and this five-star irrigation bird is chasing after our contestants!

Let us pray for our players to get through this difficult time safely! "

[My merciful Lord, please let this player go! 】

[Damn it, why is this stinky bird chasing our contestants! 】

[Could it be that our contestants are too attractive? 】

[I think this may be the sorrow of the strong, even in the world of mountains and seas, they will be pursued. 】

[Hahaha, strong fart, it must be because the smell of blood is too strong, which attracted the big bird. 】

[You are too fucking narcissistic, how could such a thing happen? 】

Just when many people are very puzzled.

Why is this five-star shrub bird chasing Smith eggs and John Xungang.

Guanguanniao even spit out human words.

He personally answered the doubts of the audience in front of these screens.

"Evil creature, dare to come back here again, and blaspheme my descendants!"

Say it.

It was an astonishingly powerful sonic attack.


Large pieces of red maple wood were rolled up by this sound wave and twisted into powder.

The Guanguan Bird's attack was very fierce.

If it weren't for the fact that John Xungang and Smith Egg had just been promoted.

I'm afraid I've already gone to see God by now.

Hearing this, John Xungang immediately turned around and explained:

"We didn't kill it, we just passed by!"

The beautiful country audience in the live broadcast room also changed their faces immediately.

[It's not our beautiful country player who killed it, if you want to find it, go to Xia Guo's people! 】

[Damn it, everyone in the Xia Kingdom said it was their player who killed it. Does this stupid bird think we are easy to bully? 】

[You bastards, it’s really faster to turn your face than to turn a book. 】

[Damn, now you know that you think of our player Lin Buer?Tell you, it's late!You can enjoy this big bird. 】

[Hahaha, the steel egg combination is too miserable, and they will be chased and killed before they finish their meal. 】

[Those upstairs should pay attention, you can't have sympathy for animals! 】

Guanguanniao said again.

"The blood and crimes on your body are so deep! How dare you quibble!"

This time I really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it off.

"What should I do? Duke John Xungang?"

John Xungang glared at Smith Egg angrily,

If you play too early, you will shoot.

Still stepping on the horse and asking what to do?

If it weren't for Smith's egg being his teammate.

He had already given this guy to the five-star beast behind him.

Used to delay time.

"` ‖Run! I can already hear the sound of water flowing 2 kilometers ahead! Just jump into the river and escape successfully!"

The two increased their speed again.

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