Although compared with Bai Qian, she lacked three points of immortal energy.

But it is even more delicate and charming.

When the curtain was opened, there was a burst of charming fragrance.

"Auntie, I've smelled you from afar, why did you become such a ghost?"


It seems that this is Daji.

It is really a beautiful face that can overwhelm the country and the city.

No wonder King Zhou was addicted to beauty.

When Bai Qian saw her niece, who was becoming more and more juicy, she changed suddenly.

It turned into that Bai Qian with revealing clothes and a hot body, but also a fairy air.

I saw Bai Qian standing lightly in front of Daji.

Stretch out a jade lotus-like arm.

He pinched Daji's face vigorously.

"You little girl, why did you come here? I was so bored waiting for you, so I went out to find this little monk."

Said, Bai Qian pointed to Lin Buer behind her.

Lin Buer saluted with a smile.

"Amitabha! My little monk Wuxin, I pay my respects to your mother."

Then he stood in place like an old monk in meditation.

Daji looked at the handsome Lin Buer.

He looked at his aunt again.

Then the eyes bent into a crescent, and whispered in Bai Qian's ear.

"Auntie, if it wasn't for the fact that this man has no smell at all, I would have thought he was a young talent in our clan.

Why did you fall in love with a stinky man in the world?Ouch, it hurts~"

The guards around are not stupid.

I have long heard that Empress Daji is going to invite immortals to come to Lutai tonight.

And this peerless beauty named Bai Qian is also the aunt of Empress Daji.

Pulling the face is nothing at all.

At most, it is the family affairs of the fairy family.

How dare these guards make mistakes.

Seeing her niece in pain, Bai Qian put down her hand in satisfaction.

At this time, a thick male voice came from inside the car.

"You two immortals, why don't you take a car together and go to this deer platform?"

This voice is like passing through the long river of history.

It hits the heart of every audience.

Everyone who is familiar with the history of Xia Kingdom knows it.

Who is the owner of this voice!

King Zhou of Shang——Di Xin!

Lin Buer just opened his slightly squinted eyes and looked at Qixiangche.

Inside the car is the world's No. 30 emperor!

The majesty of the emperor can be felt even through the thick bead curtain.

Lin Buer heard a prompt from the National Games system at this time.

[Hint: You have met a human with strong muscles! 】

【Name: Emperor Xin (Human Emperor)】

[Strength: Five-star! 】

[Intelligence: Higher than ordinary humans)]

[Special Reminder: Any player's attack is invalid against the Emperor!Di Xin paid attention to your existence!Please be careful with your words and deeds! 】

Five star!

As expected of Emperor Xin!

Bai Qian felt nothing.

A nine-star alien beast, the leader of Qingqiu Kingdom.

Although it is not as good as God Xin, the boss of the evil forces, Niu Hide.

But the strength lies here.

Human Emperor or something is none of her business, Hu Immortal Bai Qian.

"Oh, go up, I won't bother you two."

King Zhou didn't talk too much.

Immediately started the Qixiang car.

Slowly drove towards the deer platform.

Daji's beautiful face also disappeared from the public's sight again.

Bai Qian looked at Lin Buer, and suddenly asked:

"Little monk, you are brave enough. When you see your emperor, you can't kneel down to worship? If it weren't for my old lady...cough cough, if it weren't for this fox fairy covering you, you would have died 8 times!"

Lin Buer smiled lightly.

This is the world of mountains and seas, and he is not from this world.

The emperor.

What does he care?

"The little monk kneels to the sky, kneels to the ground, kneels to his parents, kneels to the common people in the world, kneels to the common people in the dawn, and the emperor is not among them."

The corner of Bai Qian's eyebrows raised.

"Hehe, little monk, your tone is serious."

Lin Buer smiled lightly and walked in front.

Chapter 110 Nine: Points Leaderboard After System Update

At this time morning came.

Whether it is Lin Buer and his party who are playing in Lutai.

Or the beautiful country steel egg combination that is desperately fleeing.

At this time, they all received yesterday's notification from the National Transportation System.

The player's mind is looping.

A translucent light blue light curtain appeared in front of them.

And the people outside.

I also saw the red notice on the screen of the National Games Survival Live Room.

[National Destiny Survival~ Adventure, announced yesterday! 】

[The country that ranked first yesterday, Xia Guo, scored 8030 points! 】

The audience in Xia Guo Guo Yun's live broadcast room compared the - points from the day before yesterday.

It turned out to be a sudden increase of 2000 points!

Many uninformed viewers find it odd.

"Fuck! What happened? Did you kill two four-star beasts?"

Some have never watched the live broadcast.

For example, Xiaguo audiences who need to work or go to school during the day,

Both turned on the playback function of the live broadcast room.

That's how I know.

In that battle during the day.

Wuxin monk Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui.

He even encountered a four-star alien beast!

Not only that.

There are also nearly a hundred 2~3 star beasts besieging!

But even so.

In the end, it was still won by Lin Dashen in one fell swoop!

[I'm going, Master Lin actually gained so many points today!I, who didn't see this game, lost blood! 】

【You don't know, when the Buddha's light was shining all over the place, I just saw it wet...】

[I didn't believe in the existence of God before, until I met Brother Wuxin. 】

【Fake squid!You guys from the Xia Kingdom, you are so Versailles, but it makes me sick~]

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