He thinks he's doing it again.

You can fight Lin Buer.

As long as the nine-star beast disappears.

He will be able to avenge his shame!

But in the eyes of netizens in the US Empire, such behavior is tantamount to asking for a dead end.

[If you become a deserter once, you will become a deserter countless times. You have no hope of defeating Lin Buer, the demon in your life. 】

[The titles of the holy sons of the blood clan are all fake, the fate of the holy sons of the Three Kingdoms is your fate! 】

[No, no, no, this kind of rubbish is not worthy of fighting against Lin Buer. At the very least, Shiva taught the holy son of Ahsan Kingdom to dare to fight. 】

[It makes sense!A coward is a coward no matter what power he possesses! 】

At this moment.

Not only outside netizens are discussing Lin Buer's strength.

Many Western countries have even compared the actions of Lin Buer and John Xungang.

"Oh, everyone, Lin Buer can take the initiative to save a stranger.

But John Xungang abandoned his teammate. It is really unimaginable how unfortunate it will be for the person who will be sent to Shanhai World to be his teammate tomorrow. "

at this time.

The eastern plain of the mountain sea world.

Two players from the Kingdom of Heroes.

Autumn sound expert Grill Bay and God's son Davis wild.

The two looked at each other.

There was a look of shock in their eyes.

"Is this Lin Buer going to try the devil? Why do you keep attacking players from other countries?"

They all saw the announcement that Lin Buer from Xia Country eliminated the Smith Egg player from Meiguo Country.

They were all shocked by Lin Buer's continuous killing.

In the beginning, it was a small country like the Northern Kingdom of the Sultan.

It's nothing.


Rise to the two players who have no country.

Were all eliminated!

They can understand this.

After all, Sun Wuguo really attracts hatred.

Those two guys are dead and dead.

It can be regarded as a great contribution to world peace.


I almost forgot the most insignificant A Sanguo player.

Eliminate the three ants and cockroaches.

It can be regarded as a great joy.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

But now.

It has already begun to eliminate the contestants from the beautiful country!

Less than 12 hours.

6 players were eliminated!

And the eliminated players are getting stronger and stronger!

"Are you saying that Lin Buer is looking for players to be eliminated, and then get their rewards?"

Survival expert Grillbe swallowed.

There was uncontrollable terror in his eyes.

Although he is known as the man at the top of the food chain.

But this practice of eliminating other players one after another really made him unacceptable.

Davis is still very calm.

His powerful memory.

Now almost all the contents of the scriptures have been memorized.

The speed of casting spells is getting faster and faster, and the accuracy of casting spells is getting more and more accurate.

......... 0 ...

The holy son of the god religion released a faint white light from his hands while speaking to comfort his teammates.

"Oh, my dear Grillbee, you must believe in the Lord's salvation! Allah must be on our side!"

As a faint white light enveloped the two of them.

The two Bravery players regained their composure.

Especially Grierby, who was still panting heavily and his heart beating faster.

At this moment, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, dear Davis, there is nothing to be afraid of, let's go, we should go back to the tree house to rest!"

Many people who originally just came to hang out in the live broadcast room of the National Games of the Heroic Kingdom.

At this moment, although I don't understand the relationship between the two.

But it was a big shock.

[My mother?This magic stick has evolved again! 】

[Great gift Xie Te!I have begun to believe in the existence of the Lord, and I will join the divine religion tomorrow. 】

[Western magic is pretty awesome, I don’t know which one will be better if we meet Lin Buer with me? 】

[I am a devout believer in theology, and I can tell you responsibly that this is not magic, but a gift from the God of Light we believe in! 】

[But pull it down, return the God of Light, why doesn't your god just let you be the first? 】

Davis wild is definitely a strong opponent.

His cooperation with survival expert Grill Bay.

Let the two of them quickly adapt to the plain after the outbreak of chaos.

It was still there before, and I was worried because it was full of low-quality alien beasts.

just now.

They finally ushered in the outbreak period belonging to the heroic nation!Several.

Chapter 130: Lin Buer and Daji's Insomnia

The world of mountains and seas.

2:00 AM.

The Kowloon Banquet on the Lutai also ended early.

Lin Buer, who was lying on the bed, suffered from insomnia.

The bed is very soft, and sleeping in the palace is very comfortable.

But what he saw today made Lin Buer sure of one thing.

That is the present time and world context.

It is the world of conferred gods.

It was supposed to be Su Daji who invited the demons to a banquet today.

Then Bigan teamed up with Huang Feihu to kill demons in Xuanyuan Tomb!

But with the arrival of Lin Buer.

Everything has changed.

"If I really want to stay in Chaoge City, it's not impossible..."

Many female fans who were still staying up late watching Lin Buer's little brother heard Lin Buer talking to himself.

They all guessed.

[I'll go, Brother Wuxin is not greedy for Daji's beauty, is he? 】

【Oh, this Daji is really beautiful. After seeing Daji, I didn't know what it means to be a female "Nine Zero Three". 】

[Brother Wuxin is fine staying in Chaoge City, this place is relatively safer than the outside world. 】

[But Bai Qian insists on going to the Paradise of Paradise to the west, which is very troublesome. 】

Lin Buer began to think about various possible directions.

The biggest trouble now is Bai Qian.

After all, what I said at the beginning was going west, and it was difficult to make up ninety-nine and eighty-one.

In order to take Bai Qian to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

This nine-star monster is not easy to mess with at all.

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