Bai Qiankong came out with his hands.

He viciously ate a randomly placed spiritual marrow to supplement his spiritual power.

"Isn't this clearly bullying? It's not fun, it's not fun!"

At this time, everyone was fascinated.

Daji turned her head, and stared at Lin Buer with a pair of beautiful fox eyes.

Lin Buer immediately noticed Daji's gaze.

I looked over calmly.

Daji spoke first.

"Dare to ask Venerable Wuxin, but you fell in love with such a treasure?"

Lin Buer's heart skipped a beat.

[Fuck, what are these girls doing?Wouldn't it be that even the Emperor's seal has to be sent out? 】

Daji looked at the Venerable and did not speak.

Walked a few steps closer.

Said softly:

"If your lord takes a fancy to this thing, you can enter the magic circle and have a try."

Bai Yuekui suddenly came back to his senses, and the way he looked at Lin Buer changed.

Because this is a nine-star treasure!

But I couldn't figure out what Daji was thinking.

This is a test?

Or a trap?

Bai Qian didn't get angry anymore, but looked at her niece in disbelief.

"Hey, niece, if he really takes this treasure, have you thought about the consequences?"

Daji smiled and said:

"If His Majesty really shakes this seal, that's okay, anyway, there are still many things that can replace the Emperor's seal."

Bai Qian thought about it, that's right.

Even if you can enter the magic circle, it's useless if you can't take away the Human Emperor Seal.

Even if the Human Emperor Seal is taken away, there can still be other magic weapons to replace it.

Anyway, in the current Shang Dynasty, it is almost his niece Daji who has the final say.

However, Bigan at the side was very anxious.

It's over! It's over!

It's over!

According to the voice of the saints.

The Seal of the Human Emperor is the key tool for conferring the gods.

If there is no such emperor seal.

The Shang Dynasty will perish even faster!

However, Daji was very happy at the moment.

Feeling Bigan's heart beating violently at this moment.

Daji thought she had done the right thing.

Otherwise, why would Bigan be so excited?

Bigan, however, was praying.

Saint, don't go in there!

If we really took away the important props of my Shang Dynasty's Conferred God, wouldn't our Shang Dynasty be completely desolate?

Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie on the side were very excited.

This is a nine-star treasure!

The master deserves to be the master.

The other players are fighting desperately, looking for treasures everywhere.

And the master's treasures are desperately sent to his arms.

And it depends on the face of the master.

For example, the five-star treasure just now.

The master said that if you don’t want it, then you don’t want it.

Without blinking an eye.

Now is the chance to get a nine-star treasure!

I don't know if Master will be the same as before.

How about choosing to refuse again?

Bai Qian was very anxious at this moment.

The last time the Nuwa patriarch discussed matters.


If anyone can bring back the Human Emperor Seal.

You will have the opportunity to participate in the next peach feast with the Queen Mother of the West.

The Queen Mother of the West's peach feast is held once every ten thousand years!

Eating a flat peach can increase your lifespan by 10 years!

And it will make the realm more refined!

Although Bai Qian is a cultivation genius of the fox clan.

But it has been stagnant in the fairy fox realm for many years.

If you can bring 920 back to Renhuangyin.

It's okay even if you don't go to Xitian.

So Bai Qian spoke from the side and said:

"Little monk, you might as well give it a try. If you can really bring out the seal of the Emperor, I will let you go free, how about it?"

Lin Buer still had that calm look.

Just smiled and didn't speak.

But thinking quickly in my mind.

[Is this a trap?Want to use our hands to take out this Human Emperor Seal? 】

【No, Daji's attitude is very casual, and even Bigan doesn't know much about it.It shows that even within the Yaozu, the perception of this thing is showing a polarized situation! 】

[Then it's just a coincidence. 】

【The Seal of the Human Emperor has little effect on demons, so Bai Qian definitely wants the Seal of the Human Emperor not for himself, but for other purposes! 】

[Then there is only one answer, Bai Qian probably also knows about the conferring of the gods! 】

Bigan, who was eavesdropping on Lin Buer's heartfelt admiration for the saint, was already overwhelmed.

I am very curious about what Lin Buer will do next.


Everyone looked at Li Buer.

Hope he makes the choices he 'should' make.

Lin Buer smiled lightly.

Finally figured out my decision.

And among all the people present.

Only Bigan knows the true thoughts of this unintentional sage.

In the picture, Lin Buer spoke slowly.

Said his decision! .

Chapter 140 Two: Lin Buer Disappeared!Bai Yuekui, be angry!

In the picture, Lin Buer spoke slowly.

Said his decision!

"The little monk would be more respectful than obedient."

The outside world was shocked in an instant!

"Oh, God, we are very likely to witness this historical moment! Will the nine-star treasure be obtained by Xia Guo player Lin Buer? Let us wait and see!"

It's not just the host of the beautiful country who is very excited.

Even General Tom, the leader of the special operations team for survival in the beautiful country.

At this time, I was also very anxious.

But still said aloud:

"What are you panicking about? Didn't you see that the powerful humanoid beast was not successfully obtained?"

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