"Axi! How dare this vixen treat my son like this!"

But it's a pity.

Here he is powerful.

But his voice cannot be effectively conveyed to another world.

He could only watch helplessly as Jin Xiaose entered the sealing circle and then disappeared.


The world of mountains and seas at this time.

This guy Bai Qian didn't intend to stop.

He stretched out his index finger and ticked Lei Wujie.

"You, go in too."

Then, another player's live broadcast room was frozen in the screen of Renhuangyin.

I didn't expect this seemingly ordinary magic circle.

But there is such a mystery.

Several people went in one after another, but there were no extra space ripples.

Simply flawless.

"It's so strange, you..." Bai Qian looked at the last human being present.

Daji thought about it.

Anyway, the Yaozu can't get in.

It's better to let Bigan go in.

If several people are still alive.

As his eyeliner, Bigan can also eavesdrop on the heartfelt voice of Venerable Wuxin.

So he spoke comfortingly.


Bigan looked at Empress, then at the sealing circle.

With a sigh, he bowed to Empress Daji.

"Follow the imperial edict!"

Now only Bai Qian and Daji are left in the treasure house of the underground palace.

"Sure enough, only humans can enter this formation."

Bai Qian withdrew her palm, still the same as before.

It is impossible to enter the magic circle at all.

At this time, Daji also reached out and tried.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

He turned to Bai Qian and said.

"It's exactly as my aunt said."

This is just great.

Following the four contestants in the treasure house of the underground palace, they entered the sealing circle one after another.

Xia Guo's live broadcast room and North Korea's live broadcast room.

There is only one human emperor seal shining with golden light.

And Bai Qian and Daji's voices could no longer be heard.

The players seemed to be isolated in another space.

The citizens of Xia Kingdom, North Korea and North Korea suddenly panicked.

Although the live broadcast room has not been closed yet.

It also means that the players have not been eliminated.

However, many bad-mouthing remarks have swept through the live broadcast rooms of the two countries like a wave.

【Great, Xia Guo is finally going to die, why don't you hurry up and run away! 】

[Thanks to the beautiful country, I am a citizen of the beautiful country, I can enter the beautiful country! 】


[Hurry up and grab tickets, the airport is full now, and they are all fleeing abroad, Xia Guo must be finished. 】

【Haha, I told you a long time ago that I want to become a foreign nationality and I still haven't listened to it. Now it's all right, there is no place to cry. 】

[Fuck you!If you want to get out, get out early, I wish Xia Guo would have less scum like you! 】

[I will live and die with Xia Guo! 】

[Even if it is death, I will admit it!Being able to die on this land where I was born and raised is considered a worthy death. 】

[Gou benefit the country's life and death, how can we avoid it because of misfortune and good fortune! ?】

[You rubbish, get out of here, the farther you get out, the better!Xia Guo should have eliminated scum like you long ago! 】

Many countries in the world, taking advantage of the current state of Xia's panic, have begun to attack the citizens of Xia.

Rumors spread all over the place for a while.

Many Chinese chose to stay.

But there are also more people who are moved by the favorable conditions in foreign countries.

Especially those technical talents and skilled talents.

They all started to flee outside.

A plane flew abroad.

But there are still more people who choose to stay and die with the country.

At this time, the Imperial Capital Bailanju Villa.

Wu Nian'an is following the instructions of his superiors, coordinating all parties, and unifying the opening of the defensive buildings.

Xia Guo's sense of urgency is not exaggerated.

Many were even excavated decades ago.

Xia Guo is confident that even if it is a top-level disaster this time, more than 80% of Xia Guo's population can be kept.

But no one wants to face disaster like this.

Many people are looking forward to Lin Buer's return!

However, Lin Buer, who was in the formation at this time, encountered a big trouble.

Chapter 140 Five: The Chaos Orb Explodes, The Imprint of the Human Emperor is about to Explode!

At this time, Lin Buer, who was in the formation, encountered big trouble.

Because his Chaos Orb is about to burst the Emperor's Seal!

The boxy seal floating in mid-air.

It is the Seal of the Emperor.

A golden dragon is carved on it.

It looks like jade but not jade, like gold but not gold, like stone but not stone.

This golden ancient seal has a simple appearance, but carries an inexplicable majesty.

At first glance, it gives people a majestic and ancient feeling, and it seems to contain an unspeakable mysterious power.

The formation space here is filled with milky white mist.

This is the manifestation of the power of chaos from the Chaos Orb.

"Lin Buer, what's going on here?"

Bai Yuekui obviously felt that something was wrong.

The nine-star Human Emperor Seal in front of him seemed to be about to run away at any moment.

And that chaotic pearl.

And the culprit of all this is Lin Buer's Chaos Orb.

Lin Buer really couldn't figure it out this time.

God knows what happened.

"Nine Three Three"

at this time.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie also came in.

I found my master from afar.

"Master, master!"

Lin Buer looked back, with a smile on his lips.

It seems that although these two people seem unreliable, they are still good-natured.

Even entered the formation.

"Master, what's going on? Why don't you go out?"

Bai Yuekui explained:

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