It's hard to move an inch.

[Is this the limit? 】

But Lin Buer was not reconciled.

With a thought, the five-color divine light that was originally focused on defense was activated.

Turn from defense to offense.

Directly cut off his retreat.

Move forward again in this center filled with the power of chaos and the luck of the human race!

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell!"

Before the great horror of life and death.

Once you have exhausted all your strengths, but still can't change the ending of death.

Death is not so terrible.

Finally, Lin Buer's fingers touched the rapidly spinning Chaos Orb.

Wrap the chaotic beads with participating five-color divine light.

I want to use this to forcibly break the link between the Seal of the Human Emperor and the Chaos Orb.


Although the five-color divine light can absorb everything, it can destroy everything.

It is only valid for things within the five elements.

Of course Lin Buer knew.

So what he did was to forcibly swallow the Chaos Orb.

Use the small world of the person to cut off the 933 connection between the two.

The five-color divine light only acts as a buffer.

Looking at the Chaos Orb in his hand.

And the rapid rotation, Renhuangyin on the verge of collapse.

Lin Buer asked himself with his heart.

[Do you regret it? 】

But he smiled lightly.

Sorry shit!

18 years later, Lao Tzu is a hero again!

After taking the Chaos Orb, the violent energy in the sealing formation immediately calmed down.

This situation can only last for 1 minute.

1 minute later.

A huge amount of chaotic power will explode his body.

What to do now is to take advantage of this 1 minute.

To gain control of the Human Emperor Seal.

Send several people out of the formation.

Lin Buer immediately bit the tip of his tongue, and spit out a mouthful of blood on the Human Emperor Seal.

The nine-star treasure, the Human Emperor Seal, has changed hands!

The first time after getting the Emperor's seal.

Lin Buer sent the few people on the edge of the formation out of the formation.

When Bai Qian and Daji saw the four people who reappeared.

But he didn't see Lin Buer.

Bai Qian suddenly became restless.

Immediately put down his hands, stepped forward a few steps, grabbed Bai Yuekui's arm and asked:

"Where is the little monk, why is he missing?"

at this time.

Although Lin Buer, who obtained the Renhuang Seal, was very embarrassed.

But he saw the hope of life.

"So this is the Human Emperor's Seal? Oh, it seems that I, Lin Buer, should not die!".

Chapter 140 Seven: Bind the luck of the human race and sanctify the body!

At this time, Lin Bu held the Seal of the Emperor.

There was a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Although very embarrassing.

But the smile on his face was even stronger.

"So this is the Human Emperor's Seal? Oh, it seems that I, Lin Buer, should not die!"

The identification function cannot fully identify the specific function of the Human Emperor Seal.

But after obtaining this treasure.

But got different information.

[Name: Human Emperor Seal (Nine-star Treasure!)]

[Function: Gather the luck of the human race, suppress, seal, and pardon all things!It can transform the power of chaos into luck of the human race, temper the body of the owner, and reach the state of physical sanctification! 】

[Description: It is a treasure of acquired merit and virtue, forged by the first human emperor Suiren who seized the world, and its merit is so great that it does not account for the cause and effect of killing people!Humanity is a treasure! 】

[Special reminder: The power of chaos inside the item needs to be transformed urgently, otherwise the treasure will collapse! 】

It should be the reason why there is no spirit.

That's why the Emperor's seal is so dull.

Sensing the power of chaos, he sucked in violently.

Even if it bursts, it won't stop.

The Chaos Orb is like a big river.

The Seal of the Emperor is equivalent to a dam.

The power of chaos in Human Sovereign Seal has transformed too much.

As a result, these powers of luck are about to break through the Seal of the Emperor.

The current dam is full of water, and the gates need to be opened to release the flood.

And Lin Buer's arrival was just right.

All the over-transformed human luck washed Lin Buer's body.

And at this time, the Chaos Orb in Lin Buer's body.

It also began to pour out the power of chaos that had nowhere to be released.

Because Lin Buer joined.

The originally stagnant pool suddenly came alive.

A virtuous circle is formed among the three.

"Is this the luck of the human race? Such pure energy is constantly washing my limbs and bones, but I don't feel any discomfort."

Lin Buer closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

An expression that was originally painful due to the power of chaos constantly scurrying in his body.

It's starting to calm down now.

An indescribable aura filled the space.


All the white mist that escapes.

Began to be absorbed by Lin Buer.

These fogs were originally the power of chaos materialized.

Appears because it cannot be effectively transformed.

Now Lin Bueru sucked all of it into his body like a whale sucking a cow's drink.

The whole space became empty again.

In this independent space, there are only Lin Buer in white and the Seal of the Emperor floating in front of him.

Glittering gold.

The splendor is heavenly.

at this time.

Everyone in the treasure house of the underground palace is anxiously waiting for Lin Buer.

Because even Bai Yuekui and the others would not be able to enter the space sealed with the Human Emperor Seal.

Bai Yuekui, who had tried repeatedly but failed, asked Daji anxiously:

"Why does this happen."?"

Daji looked at her aunt Bai Qian.

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