It is also an urgent matter, and now Jiang Ziya has led Xiqi's army and is about to enter Chaoge City.

Then if the matter of enshrining the gods is delayed, it will definitely damage the luck of their Xia Kingdom in the future. Now when Yuan Yuan Tianzun heard what Lin Buer said.

Of course he was happy, because Jiang Ziya was his proud disciple.

If this matter fell into the hands of his Chanjiao disciples, then wouldn't most of the positions on the Conferred God List be in the hands of his Chanjiao disciples?

073 was very happy when he thought of the Primordial Heavenly Venerable, "Sage Wuxin gave up what you told me and I will definitely agree with Empress Nuwa, you must know that the Emperor of Heaven is in your hands now.

You have all the luck in your hands, how can the person you choose not count?Empress Nuwa and I will definitely agree. "

When Lin Buer heard these words said by Yuan Tianzun, he knew that whether it was the saint Tiandao or the human race, they were more or less selfish.

In Lin Bu'er's opinion, this is not an exaggeration, even now Jiang Ziya must be the must-choice person for the future conferment of the gods, and no one can violate this matter.

Chapter 340 Finding Candidates

This is Jiang Ziya's numerology, so Lin Buer can't change it, but Lin Buer knows well that now Yuan Tianzun is just the beauty that he fantasized about there.

If the Master Tongtian knew about this matter, the Master Tongtian would definitely not let you explain the teachings to those who are not proud. Think about it, this is the doom of your teachings.

Master Tongtian will definitely not let you stop like this, and this is also the truth.

Lin Buer knew it well, but he absolutely couldn't say such an important matter in front of Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress now.

After all, these are secrets, and secrets will happen sooner or later, Lin Buer thinks about what things should go with the flow.

It's also impossible to say everything, although Lin Buer knows that after being listed on the list of gods, they are the master of Tongtian Cult and the sect of the sect.

"Nuwa Empress Yuan Tianzun is like this, and there is nothing suitable to explain to my unintentional saint now, so I will leave first, after all, you have also seen it now.

There is such a situation in Chaoge City now, I have to go back and solve it, and I will tell you that I can't stay here anymore. "Ci".

Lin Buer thought about it, now there is nothing for Empress Nuwa and Yuanyuan Tianzun to do all the things for herself, it seems that they will gradually know the number in the future.

Now Lin Buer is in a hurry and wants to get rid of Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun, so he is in a hurry and wants to leave here as soon as possible.

Now, after all, Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaoserei, Wujie and the others are still outside Chaoge City. They don't know what kind of things will happen to them. They should go back and deal with John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country.

"Good Wuxin sage, there is indeed nothing to bother you here now, you have helped us choose an extremely lucky person.

A person who can help a righteous man can also help us to become a god Jiang Ziya.

We are already very grateful to the Wuxin sage for his help. In the future, if our Protoss has anything to do, please ask the Wuxin sage to help. "

Empress Nuwa is quite happy now, because after all, it was the Lord of Heaven and Earth who entrusted him with the matter, and he has already found Jiang Ziya who is responsible for it.

It seems that Yuan Yuan Tianzun will do the matter of conferring the gods. After all, Jiang Ziya is the disciple of Yuan Yuan Tianzun, so he won't have to bother his position as the god.

Now that Lin Buer has already helped them find a candidate, relying on Lin Buer's luck as the emperor's seal, he will definitely be able to handle this matter well.

"` ‖Nuwa Empress Yuan Tianzun is natural, I will never be stingy if I have no intention of helping a saint in the future, this time there is such a big crisis among the human race.

It was thanks to Yuan Tianzun's action that he was able to resolve the sufferings of the Limin people in Chaoge City.

(Zhao Hao) Think about how many lives of Li people have been saved by throwing your enchantment into the human race. This is the boundless blessing created by you Yuan Tianzun among the human race. "

On the one hand, Lin Buer was respectful to Empress Nuwa and Yuan Tianzun.

It's like saying what I think now, because Lin Buer knows that no matter what purpose the original Tianzun has now, whether it is to win over himself or to please yourself here.

Chapter 340 Eight Saints Help

But in the final analysis, it helped those people in Chaoge City not to be beheaded by John Xungang, and also protected the lives of Bai Yuekui and Jin Xiaoserei Wujie.

In this way, Lin Buer was more or less grateful to Yuan Tianzun, so he said what he thought to Yuan Yuan Tianzun there.

"Hey, Saint Wuxin, this is the power of the laws of our God Realm. It's just a matter of moving your hands. It's nothing to worry about. We still have a lot of things to ask you, Saint Wuxin.

I also hope that you will help me with all my strength, so that when something like this happens to the human race, you should return to the human race as soon as possible, and it will not be too late for me and Empress Nuwa to look for you again in the future. "

The happiest thing today is the original Tianzun. Now he knows that Lin Buer has raised his disciple Jiang Ziya to such a high position. In this way, the list of gods fell into Jiang Ziya's hands. For these disciples, it is a great dignity.

So when Lin Buer bowed his hands to thank him, Yuan Tianzun still politely refused there. In Yuan Yuan's view, the unintentional sage now holds the emperor's seal.

All the luck has been deepened in his body as a saint, and he has stepped into the hands of Lin Bushou who has stepped into the way of heaven, so in the future, the luck of the protoss will have to let this unintentional saint take action.

Therefore, Yuan Tianzun (ajbi) felt that there are still many places where Wuxin sage can be used in the future, so he talked with Wuxin sage here respectfully.

"That's good Yuanyuan Tianzun Nuwa Empress, I don't want to say goodbye to the sage, and I will talk about it after returning to the heaven." Lin Buer heard Yuanyuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

Just letting go there seemed to want him to leave, Lin Buer was ecstatic, and immediately cupped his hands at Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

Immediately after a short time, he turned into a stream of light and returned to Chaoge City, "Oh, Yuan Yuan Tianzun didn't expect this matter to be resolved so quickly.

I was afraid that this unintentional sage would not agree with what we just said, but I didn't expect him to be very happy with Jiang Ziya, who was selected under his guidance.

Just now I have checked through the cloud, it seems that Jiang Ziya really has some roots of wisdom and has a lot of connection with us, the gods.

I am quite relieved that this great cause of conferring the gods is in his hands, it seems that the Wuxin sage is definitely not there to perfunctory me." Nuwa Empress saw Lin Buer leaving.

Then he sighed heavily, and then expressed his thoughts to the original Tianzun next to him, "Yeah, I didn't expect Nuwa Empress either.

This matter went so smoothly, and the time for a few words was broken. It seems that this Wuxin sage is quite powerful, and he has already confided his secrets everywhere.

It seems that Jiang Ziya is really the one we chose. It should be safe to hand over the list of gods to him. Now we are almost done.

The co-lord of heaven and earth has given us half of the things. We only have to watch the things among the human race from the heavenly court. As for this list of gods.

When I have time later, I will go there once, and the human race will hand it over to Jiang Ziya in person.

Let Jiang Ziya choose a good human emperor among the human race, and must implement the list of gods well.

Chapter 340 IX Tongtian Wants to Win the List of Gods

"After all, this is something that the Lord of Heaven and Earth has entrusted to the two of us. Jiang Ziya must not be neglected." When Yuan Tianzun heard what Nuwa Empress said.

He also expressed his own thoughts, and then the two of them left this place stepping on the auspicious clouds, just as Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress left.

Suddenly the real body of the leader of Tongtian was revealed, and it turned out that it was when Empress Nuwa was talking with Yuanyuan Tianzun and Lin Buer about the list of gods.

The leader of the Tongtian religion has been watching secretly from behind, because the leader of the Tongtian religion just wanted to get the emperor's seal from Lin Bushou at that time, and he hadn't waited for him to do it.

He had already seen Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress coming towards Lin Buer. He didn't know what Yuanyuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress were looking for Lin Buer.

So after watching in secret for a long time, I learned about the Conferred God List from Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun, "The Conferred God List has now been found by Empress Nuwa and Yuan Yuan Tianzun.

Originally, the sixth child wanted her to give advice. It turned out that the Lord of Heaven and Earth had entrusted such an important matter to Yuan Tianzun.

That will definitely make the disciples under his sect have great honor, so will it be able to improve the dignity of these addresses under his sect?

It seems that this list of gods is also bound to be won, not only to get the emperor's seal in Lao Liu's hands, but also to get the list of gods is the best.

I didn't expect that I, the leader of Tongtian, would be played around by you Nuwa empress and Yuanyuan Tianzun, and now even the master of heaven and earth has confessed-the matter of the list of gods.

If I hadn't heard it secretly behind my back, I must have been kept in the dark until now. It seems that you guys have such a big thing to hide from me.

Then don't blame me, the leader of the Tongtian sect, for not being a human being, it's you who were unrighteous first.

Such a big matter is still hidden from me. I think I, Master Tongtian, and your original Tianzun Nuwa Empress are both on par. How can you miss me with the title of saint?

It must be that he didn't take me, Master Tongtian, seriously. This is good, and I will save a lot of trouble. "The master Tongtian kept muttering in his mouth.

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When Yuan Yuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress talked about these things just now, they knew that the list of gods might be handed over to Yuan Yuan Tianzun's disciples.

Jiang Ziya's hands are now easy to deal with. In the eyes of the leader of Tongtian, this matter turned out to be the original Tianzun and He.Empress Nuwa deliberately concealed herself there.

It seems that if she wants to hide something, she definitely doesn't want her disciples to become gods. Thinking of this, Master Tongtian hates Empress Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun very much.

0 ......  

He felt that such a big matter could not be concealed from himself, but in his opinion, he was not as good as Yuan Tianzun after all, in the eyes of Nuwa.

His own status is definitely not as good as the original Tianzun. Now he deliberately wants to mention his disciples and let their disciples become gods. How can this work?

When Master Tongtian thought of this, he felt that he could never be as righteous as Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Empress.

Then the list of gods must be fair. Those disciples who explained the teachings under the original Tianzun Yuxu Palace can be named gods, so it is true that the disciples who cut off the teachings under his own sect.

Chapter 350

He couldn't confer the gods anymore, so the leader of Tongtian was thinking about it, whether it was the emperor's seal in Lao Liu's hand or the list of gods that Jiang Ziya was about to get.

He must also take advantage of the luck of the emperor's seal, and also improve the luck of the disciples of the cult under his own sect. By then, all the disciples under his sect will be on the list of gods.

They must be able to crush the disciples of the Yuxu Palace of Yuan Tianzun. By then, these great saints will be their saints since "[-]", so that would be great.

To avoid being disgusted by Empress Nuwa and the original Tianzun Taishang Laojun now, thinking of this Tongtian leader, I feel that this matter is still of great importance.

First go to the hands of my own disciple of Jiejiao, and discuss this matter with my disciples, and then go to Chaoge City to get the seal of the emperor from Lao Liu's hand.

After all, as long as the emperor seal is in hand, the luck of everyone's emperor seal will be controlled by them.

So what do they do, now the leader of Tongtian knows that this matter can only be done.

If the gods do it without anyone knowing it, it will be bad if Yuanyuan Tianzun and Nuwa Empress know about it. They will never allow the Emperor Seal to be obtained by themselves.

Thinking of this, Master Tongtian immediately set off, turned into a beam of light and flew out in the direction of his Biyou Palace, "Hey, everyone, come and have a look.

What kind of situation is happening on the Shan Hai Jing interface now? You haven't seen such a big magic weapon suddenly thrown out of the midair.

It actually enveloped John Xungang in this beautiful country, what is going on?Do you know the current situation in the live broadcast room? "

"What? That's called an enchantment, okay? I just found some information just now, and I know it's an enchantment, which can only be created by the position of a god.

Such a powerful spiritual barrier has controlled John Xungang of the beautiful country, and it seems that he can't escape at all."

"I understand the enchantment. If it were an enchantment, that John Xungang would definitely not be able to escape. It can only be created by the body of a saint using his own spiritual power and cultivation.

If you think about this enchantment, the person who can create this powerful enchantment is now Lin Buer.

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