But Brother Chao brought back so many treasures in the underground palace.

It can also be enough to cheer up the hearts of all the people in their kimchi country, thinking that these officials in the kimchi country's national sports command room here saw the general's happy look.

Immediately, they expressed their joy in the Shan Hai Jing interface live broadcast room.

"Xiba, Xia Guo's player Lin Buer is really awesome, now the people of all countries are willing to bow down, there have been players like Lin Buer who are such a powerful opponent.

You will be suffocated just looking at it. Now, especially those people in the beautiful country, are the joyful and rampant actions before all gone?

You were frightened by Xia Guo's player Lin Buer, right?Now is the time for Lin Buer to punish you Xiaguo player John Xungang, just wait and see.  …

It will definitely not make you comfortable. The arrogant words you say on weekdays are too infuriating.

It's all right now, finally all the good luck belongs to Xia Guo and Lin Buer. Thinking about it, this is enough to prove Xia Guo's strength.

Your beautiful country will never surpass you. "

"Xiba, everyone, come over to the live broadcast room to watch, to see what a player from the beautiful country, John Xungang, has been made into by Xia Guo's player Lin Buer in this spiritual barrier.

Look at how she looks like a headless chicken slamming around like a headless chicken. It seems that she has no ability to kill at all. Fortunately, the system gave them so many treasures of 1.8.

Now he is such an incompetent player. "

"The people of the Kimchi Country are so awesome, I didn't expect the people of the Kimchi Country to be so discerning.

Send your players Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie to establish a good relationship with Lin Buer. Now I think you will have good luck in the future. Now your luck.

Chapter 440 The Power of Counterattack

It has also gradually risen. I really envy your kimchi country and strongly support you. "

"Look at all the good luck that belongs to Lin Bushou, a contestant from Xia Country, and now the people of your beautiful country are speechless.

It's so ridiculous that Lian Kimchi Country sarcastically ridiculed and ridiculed your language without the power to fight back. "

"What about the people of the beautiful country who were arrogant and proud in the past, and those 09 people from various countries who helped the beautiful country, how come they are speechless until now?

Especially those two contestants from A Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley, were actually watching the excitement from the sidelines. It seemed that she wanted to stand by and watch.

He thinks he is not capable of fighting against our Xia Guo player Lin Buer. "" That's natural, who is as good as Lin Buer among the players from various countries now.

No one is as strong as Lin Buer in beheading. Now Lin Buer is the body of a saint, haven't you seen it?

Lin Buer pinched his fingers and used his saintly body to break through this spiritual barrier while meditating. Think about which players from various countries have such ability.

In my opinion, it is the treasure of Yuxu Palace given to them by the two contestants Sharmad and Kohli of Ah Sanguo through their Shangshen Lantern.

The Linglong Golden Pagoda and Qiankun Pond could break through this spiritual barrier, but they didn't see it. The two players from A Sanguo, Sharmad and Koli, actually stood by and watched. "

"It's good for them to stand by and watch, think about the two guys from Ah Sanguo who are going to make a move, they might be beaten to death by Lin Buer's body of heaven in a matter of minutes.

The two of them watched and felt Lin Buer's reality, so they were not moved. Now Lin Buer's strength is not an ancient magic weapon in the hands of the two players.

It can be suppressed. Lin Buer has such a powerful ancient artifact that the Pangu Mansion has just obtained. Think about the two players from Ah Sanguo.

Can Sharmad and Kohli not be afraid? "

"This is desperate, I didn't expect that the two players Sharmad and Curley from the Three Kingdoms would really be desperate, and now John Xungang from the beautiful country.

There was such a crisis, and he was standing there watching. Thinking about dealing with a player like Ah Sanguo, it was really scary.

In fact, the two of them can clearly use the ancient artifacts in their hands to frighten the spiritual power emanating from the spiritual barrier, and they can walk naturally into the barrier.

They rescued John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, but they were indifferent.

Think about how scary it is to make friends with them, the two of them just want to look at the beautiful country player John Xungang, everyone pay attention, think about it

Now Meiguo 137's player John Xungang actually has such a situation, and the two players of Ah Sanguo, Sharmad and Curley, are still giving up there.

It can be imagined that being friends with them is really scary. "

"It's too late to say anything now, think about it, the people who are most desperate and depressed now should be the people of their beautiful country, their current player John Xungang.

It's very likely that we were scared by us. The contestant Lin Bu'er will kill it in a short time. Didn't you see that John Xungang is still struggling in the spiritual barrier?

I don't know what he and Lin Buer were talking about there.

Chapter 440 Two, Explaining and Teaching Disciples

Maybe he was trying to get around with Lin Buer. "

"Isn't it? I've been watching, and I've also seen what happened in the live broadcast room. John Xungang in the barrier is talking to Lin Buer.

But did you see that Lin Buer seemed indifferent? It seemed that Lin Buer ignored him. Now let's see how Lin Buer killed him.

Now his fate is only a dead end, there is nothing to discuss, if I were Lin Buer, I wouldn't listen to him, he would just kill him right there. "

"Fake, I really don't understand the people of Xia Kingdom, where do you have such confidence and so much nonsense? What's the use of talking so much?

Don't you just think that the contestants from our beautiful country have to be killed by your Xia country's Lin Buer?It is not certain who will win the deer now.

Let's wait and see, but Lin Buer just rushed into that enchantment, maybe now our beautiful country player John Xungang can kill Lin Buer.

Now the two of them only need to make a move, and the outcome is not yet decided. What are you talking about here? Do the people of Xia Kingdom like to stir up trouble behind their backs? "? "

"Fak, those ignorant people in Kimchi Country are watching the fun now, right? You are just seeing the surface now, and you don't know what will happen in the future.

Laughing at our beautiful country here now, wait and see, when the players from our beautiful country are able to backhand, the first ones to kill are these two players from your kimchi country.

Waiting for the tabloids, we will definitely take revenge, isn't it too early for you to say such big words now? "

"Fake, the people in the Kimchi Country and your players just made things worse. What's the use of talking about it now? Those two players from the Three Kingdoms.

How did you know that Sharmad and Kohli would give up? Don't worry, he will make a move sooner or later. I believe in the strength of Ah Sanguo too much.

He can actually have the ancient artifacts given to him by the Yuxu Palace, the Linglong Golden Pagoda and the Qiankun Ruler in his hands. Think about it, this is also the power of the God.

He will definitely be able to help the players in our beautiful country, just wait and see. "

"Oh, the live broadcast room is quite lively now, I thought it would be impossible for these people in the beautiful country to talk, now they must be scared to death.

I didn't expect that there are still people who dare to be in the live broadcast room.

You are talking nonsense here and you don't look at the situation. The current good luck is in the hands of our Xia Guo player Lin Buer. What can you say?

Now our Xia country player Lin Buer can kill you anytime and anywhere, as for the two players from A Sanguo, they dare not make a move until now.

You stop kidding yourself there. "

"` ‖You people in the beautiful country, where do you have such great self-confidence? Do you think that any good luck will be passed on to John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country?

Don't be wishful thinking there, just keep your eyes wide open in the live broadcast room, and watch all the movements in the live broadcast room carefully.

Look at your players from the beautiful country, how John Xungang was beheaded by our Xia country player Lin Buer, then you will know how powerful Lin Buer is.

What's the use of talking so much now?You don't even look at the various countries now.

Chapter 440 Three Desperate

The hearts of all the people are slowly leaning towards our country of Xia, and now the people of your beautiful country are isolated, haven't you noticed.

Even the two contestants from Ah Sanguo are not as knowledgeable as you, and the people of Ah Sanguo have not spoken up until now, so what's the point of you bragging about yourself here? "

The people of Xia Kingdom heard the Book of Mountains and Seas, and the people of the beautiful country in the live broadcast room.

Saying that in the live broadcast room again instantly angered the people of Xia Kingdom in the live broadcast room, and then they all expressed their thoughts for no reason there.

Because in their view, Lin Buer actually obtained the seal of the emperor, and had devoured all the skills in the seal of the emperor, that is an unstoppable trend.

All the good luck has already belonged to Xia Guo.

 137 Even if he, John Xungang, has now turned into a superhuman, it is absolutely impossible to compare with Xia Guo's player Lin Buer.

Now even the two contestants from Ah Sanguo are unwilling to help, so is there anything else to say?Facing these things in the Shanghai Jing studio

When the people of the beautiful country said these words in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

They were unreasonably ridiculed by the people of the Xia Kingdom, because they knew that it was finally time for the people of the Xia Kingdom to be proud, and the people of the beautiful country before were too arrogant.

Talking too much is too overwhelming, so the people of these beautiful countries can't breathe. Now it's all right, and I returned to the live broadcast room with Lin Buer.

And after getting such high points and rewards, they finally stopped looking at the words of the people in the beautiful country, "Fuck, what's the use of arguing about this now?

It is not certain who will take the path, so shall I not say it now?He and Lin Buer haven't done anything yet, only John Xungang and Lin Buer can tell the winner.

Therefore, the people of our (ajbi) beautiful country are not as knowledgeable as the people of your Xia country. Let's wait and see the good luck, our beautiful country will always have it.

So you guys just watch carefully what happens in the live broadcast room, besides, it's too early to say anything, let's wait and see. "

When the people of the beautiful country heard these words from the people of the Xia country, they couldn't bear it anymore, but in their opinion, although they were already very desperate.

I also know that John Xungang, a contestant in the beautiful country, is in danger this time, and I am sure that he will not be able to keep it this time, but these people in the beautiful country cannot give up.

Let the people of Xia Kingdom laugh and ridicule them at will.

I couldn't bear it anymore, and in the end, some people finally stood there in the live broadcast room and provocatively loudly, in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

When the people of the beautiful country said those words, the people of the beautiful country were silent there in an instant. They knew that they had to wait and see what Lin Buer did now.

As long as Lin Buer makes a move, he will take the lives of the beautiful country players, John Xungang, and the people of the beautiful country will be slapped in the face for nothing.

What's the use of arguing so much with them now.

It's better to directly see the situation in the live broadcast room on the official website to see what Lin Buer will do. If Lin Buer wants to kill him, it will be a matter of minutes.

So they think twice here and don't talk to those who are ignorant.

Chapter 440 Four Flesh and Flesh

It is useless for the people of the beautiful country to discuss these in the live broadcast room.

"Lin Buer, you are really despicable, I didn't expect you to get this ghost thing to trap me here, if you have the ability, take it down for me.

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