This is a naked testimony. Let’s wait and see. Anyway, so many people watched in the live broadcast room, we always feel that we have to speak out our thoughts.

I am sure that our players should be unscathed, or they will get corresponding rewards and points. Now think about it, our luck has returned. "

"That's right, who would have expected luck? Good luck will always soar, just like the luck of our beautiful country will always soar.

So we believe that our players will also win. Don't worry, the players from other countries are not a problem at all. Have you seen the two guys from the Three Kingdoms?

It seems that Kohli and Sharmad are going to live here too. Now even the people of the Three Kingdoms know what the return of luck is, don't you guys see it?

I think this time, with the help of Sharmad and Kohli from the Three Kingdoms, our beautiful country will definitely be able to win in one fell swoop.

Our contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang, must have won rewards and points again. Just look at it, good luck will always be ours, I believe it too much. "

"What's the matter, talking about useless things in a mess.

That's not what you said at the time.

When our contestants Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui restrained this John Xungang before, it seemed that the people of your beautiful country were too scared to say a word.

Seeing this kind of situation in the live broadcast room now, you have stood up to speak out again, don't worry, our Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui 1.8 will always be the most powerful.

Luck, as you said, will always belong to the people of our Xia Kingdom, you just wait and see, no matter when it is, you must go to the end, you know?

This competition is not over yet, everything depends on the end of the final competition to know the result, as for your beautiful country now.

Chapter 530 Arrogant Six

John Xungang doesn't matter anymore, we don't care whether he lives or not, even if he is alive, can he still be Lin Buer's opponent?Don't forget Lin Buer now.

Our Xia Guo player Lin Buer has already broken through the dignity of the Heavenly Dao Saint.

Already possessing the powerful power of law, John Xungang, the one of you who beheaded a low-level alien beast, can deal with it. What do you think?

Isn't this whimsical?If you still want to fight against our Xia country player Lin Buer, just wait, you will never be able to beat our Lin Buer. "

"Why don't the people of the Three Kingdoms come out to speak out? Isn't it because the arrogance of the people of the beautiful country is also suppressing the people of our Xia country there?

Let me tell you, don't look at the two players from A Sanguo in 09, Sharmad and Curley seem to be really ready to make a move against our players, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui want to make a move.

But they will never be our Lin Buer's opponents, aren't they just an exquisite golden pagoda?Is it really our Lin Buer's opponent?

Be careful that the golden and exquisite pagoda will be obtained by us Lin Buer, you should protect the treasure you deserve, and don't lose more than you gain.

The contestant Lin Buer who offended our Xia Kingdom will always be an unexpected result for you, you know?Don't make fun of your rewards and points.

You three countries do not have such strength yet. "

"That's right, now that you little hands and mouths in the beautiful country just took a breath, you Xia people are saying these useless things in the live broadcast room, how can you take it seriously.

Do you think there are no people in our Xia Kingdom?Let you insult us Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui here at will, our players will always be better than you, do you know that?

Otherwise, the luck will be obtained by our country Xia, and you don't even think about it. With your current ability, can you be our opponent Lin Buer Bai Yuekui?

Alas, there was a slight turning point just now, and I was so proud there, I really don't understand what other situations will happen to you in the live broadcast room.

Do you have anything else to say?You must know that the luck of your beautiful country is getting lower and lower.

Don't talk nonsense in the live broadcast room at will, otherwise the people in your beautiful country will always be hurt, you know? "

The Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room exploded all of a sudden, facing the words flying all over the sky on the barrage in the live broadcast room.

The arrogant arrogance of the people in their beautiful country is all there. They feel that their luck has returned, and they feel that John Xungang, a player in their beautiful country, was saved by a kind of power of God.

If you don't make it right, 200 will have unexpected gains, so the people of these beautiful countries in the live broadcast room are honest and honest like before.

Saying such a thing, especially when he was talking about the two contestants Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie in the kimchi country, it was really unreasonable.

Because this is a result that these people in Xia Kingdom don't want to see, because the situation that is happening in the live broadcast room in Chaoge City is Xia Guo's.

The result that these people do not want to see is the selfish desire of Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie.

If the two of them were going to be fine at that time, there would be no such move.

Chapter 530 The Seventh Final Result

Then everyone will be fine, a small gesture from them.

If you don't obey Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui's instructions, I'm afraid it will cause the contestants and people from many countries in the live broadcast room to collect.

Originally, those lucks were slowly returned to the people of Xia Kingdom, and players and people from many countries quietly moved to Xia Guo's side.

Unexpectedly, Jin Xiaose and Lei Wujie would go their own way, and they had already messed up the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

Now all the languages ​​are written there. Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui choose such opponents.

But the people of Xia Kingdom always feel that as long as Lin Buer has luck in Xia Kingdom, they will never lose.

After all, now Lin Buer has devoured all the luck in the seal of the emperor, which means that all the luck is in the hands of Xia Guo.

Even if there is a little mistake now, it can never represent the luck of the people in the future, so the people of Xia Kingdom heard the people of the beautiful country in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

When it comes to what the people of other countries said, the people of the Xia Kingdom expressed their own different views.

After all, all luck should be attributed to all their short-sighted people.

I can only see the superficial side. Faced with the situation that happened in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room, the people of Xia Kingdom are always full of confidence in Lin Buer, and they have never questioned Lin Buer.

After all, among these players in various countries, Lin Buer has produced the top ones, and has already stepped into the standards of the saints of heaven.

They would not be intensified by these words at all, so of course they knew that Lin Buer had devoured all the luck skills in the Emperor's seal.

No matter what all the good luck, everything will change in the face of Xia Guo player Lin Buer, so they have these short-term negativity now.

It's just that he said there that Lin Buer didn't kill the players from the beautiful country, so that the players from the beautiful country had a respite.

The people of Xia Kingdom had such a situation in the live broadcast room of Shan Hai Jing.

They can only wait and see, of course knowing all the good luck.

It will always belong to Xia Guo and belong to Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui. Regarding the actions of Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie right now.

Although there are some extremes, but in the end, it is for their country to obtain some corresponding rewards and points, and there are not too many accusations and complaints.

After all, the current competition for the National Games is not yet complete, and who will know the final result at the end, of course, as the people of Xia Kingdom.

They knew that Xia Guo had such a powerful and capable player, Lin Buer, who would definitely be able to achieve the best results, so Chaoge City Underground Palace.

Protecting all the treasures must belong to Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui, and the entire Xia Kingdom people. Now this situation has appeared in the live broadcast room.

Xia Guo people didn't care about these at all, everyone was silently watching what happened in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room, everyone knew that all good luck would come eventually, it was just the two contestants who were looking at them in front of them , when Sharmad and Curley were about to move, they all sweated for Lin Buer.

Chapter 530 Conveying the Message

But now Lin Buer's body of a sage of heaven can also reassure all the people of Xia Kingdom, "Xiba, who said that our kimchi country players Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie are gone.

We will always be towards Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, players from Xia Kingdom. Don't worry, our players will definitely listen to Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui.

Our country of Kimchi will definitely have a good relationship with their country of Xia, and it will never be the slanderous language you speak, which is very unfair to our country of Kimchi.

You must know that we don't care about what you say at all. In the end, we will always stand with Xia Guo's player Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui.

From the treasures to the final winners in the Chaoge City Underground Palace protection this time, they are Xia Kingdom and our Kimchi Kingdom after all, everyone will wait and see, there is no need to slander them with 200.

Then you will know what the end result will be. "

The Kimchi National Games Command Office finally couldn't resist the words of the Xia people. They always felt that the self-righteous guy belonged to the Kimchi National Games Command Office.

Those generals, they will always stand on the side of Lin Buer. The people of Yuekuixia Kingdom obtained with them the treasure in the underground palace of Chaoge City, which is not what the citizens of the beautiful country said.

So when the generals in the command room of the Kimchi Kingdom and the National Games heard the words (ajbi) when they met in the Shanhaijing live broadcast room, they finally couldn't help it.

So they have to clarify it, to dispel Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui's concerns, which is what Jin Xiaoserei Wujie is thinking right now.

It was indeed embarrassing for the generals of the Kimchi Kingdom, but they had issued orders and conveyed the news to Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie through their messages.

I don't know how the two players made their decisions, but the general of the Kimchi Kingdom knew that Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui's abilities were obvious to all.

Among these players from all countries, the player Lin Buer Bai Yuekui who has played is the most powerful player, and there is no one stronger than them.

Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie will definitely not give up on this, they will definitely stand on the same front with Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, and will definitely obey their orders from Kimchi Kingdom.

Can it be like what other people in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room said, when facing the kimchi country, the National Games Commander said these words in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

Everyone was silent there again, and they were all there, waiting and watching, watching the final surprise that Shan Hai Jing will bring to everyone in the live broadcast, it must be now.

Relying on his body of a sage of heaven, Lin Buer has already contended with the power of the god in midair.

It's hard to say whether John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, will be rescued by this divine power, so everyone waits and sees.

At the same time, everyone was watching the two players from Ah Sanguo, Sharmad and Kohli, in the live broadcast room, watching them ready to move.

It must be thinking of using these two magic weapons in their hands to compete with Lin Buer.

People from various countries in the live broadcast room saw such a situation in the live broadcast room before them.

Everyone knew that these two players might be the ones who could surprise them now, but facing Lin Buer's godly power in the body of a sage of heaven.

Chapter 530 IX Willing to Go My Way

It is also worried and feared by the people of those countries. After all, Lin Buer's ability is now unrivaled among players from various countries.

In Chaoge City, Bai Yuekui looked at Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie. The two of them were facing John Xungang in front of them, and they were about to use the swords in their hands to kill John Xungang from the beautiful country.

I heard Bai Yuekui trying to dissuade him there, "Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, listen to Lin Buer quickly, don't act rashly, you don't know what's going on right now.

You two really want to go your own way and kill John Xungang, a player from the beautiful country.

I'm afraid you won't be able to break through the shackles at all, and the powerful spiritual shackles on John Xungang's body may hurt yourselves.

What Lin Buer just said is also very clear, how can this kind of power of the gods be overcome by the two of you.

Don't act rashly, this will definitely distract Lin Budu, and then John Xungang will have a chance to be rescued by this divine power. "

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