Now Aunt Bai Qian doesn't know what to do, she can only pray silently in her heart, hoping that what she thinks in her heart will never come true.

We must let the vixen Daji in front of me live well.

Don't stop his practice. In this way, the luck of the entire fox clan will be in the hands of this fox spirit, Daji. If anything happens to him.

Then the doom of the entire Qingqiu fox clan will come to Shangshen, and Empress Nuwa will definitely condemn their fox clan, which is a force that their entire fox clan can't resist.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

"Saint Wuxin, don't worry, if I hand it over to Daji this time, there will be no danger in any way, isn't it the contestant from the beautiful country, John Xungang?

My Daji will definitely help Wuxin Shengren get rid of him, Wuxin Shengren, you have to be careful that the divine aura is so powerful.

Don't be swallowed by the power of this kind of god's sage's law, and don't love to fight with him. If you can't, come back to Chaoge City with me, and you will be safe.

.. 0

"As soon as Daji heard what the Wuxin sage said to him, he was so happy that he must have really not forgotten him now.

He was still there to discuss matters with him, such an important matter, Wuxin sage was able to hand it over to him, and it was like a treasure to hit the happy one.

He knew that as long as he could win the heart of Saint Wuxin, he would help Saint Wuxin and kill the contestant John Xungang from the beautiful country first.

Things will turn around, then the unintentional sage will definitely look at him with admiration, and he will greet him with a smile on his face, and his fox spirit Daji will be so happy to meet his foxy eyes.

Chapter 560

Saint Wuxin was there asking for his health. After all, he saw that Saint Wuxin could say something to him now, as a fox demon Daji who had practiced for a thousand years.

He was also quite happy in his heart, at this moment, the little fox demon who had practiced for thousands of years immediately held the sword in his hand.

John Xungang flew towards the beautiful country's player, John Xungang was about to stab at the beautiful country's player.

At this time, the two contestants from Ah San's "[-]" country, Sharmad and Curley, also soared into the sky.

Arriving at Daji, he held the Linglong Pagoda in front of him, while Keli held the Qiankun Ruler in his hand, and was about to slam at Daji, the fox demon who had practiced for thousands of years.

Can Daji not be afraid when he sees the situation in front of him, of course he knows that the two contestants from Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Koli, are disciples of Yuxu Palace's Lantern School.

Of course, he also knew about the exquisite golden pagoda in Sharmad's hands. It was a heavy weapon in the heavens, and the precious treasure could subdue demons and eliminate evil spirits, and it could also suppress ghosts and ward off evil spirits.

Thinking about it, this is scary enough. I can't avoid the intimidating power of this golden and exquisite pagoda. You must know that he is a fox demon who has practiced for a thousand years.

If he was collected in this golden pagoda, his thousand-year cultivation base would be ruined in an instant, not to mention the life of this vixen himself.

Thinking of Daji, the vixen who has practiced for thousands of years here, there are quite large holes in her eyes, everything has disappeared, and her head is blank.

Because he knew that his cultivation base and life must be at an end at this moment, "It's so courageous, a little fox demon who has practiced for a thousand years dares to make trouble with our disciples of Yuxu Palace.

Today I will take you in with the Linglong Golden Pagoda and cut off your practice.

If you dare to seduce others in Brother City again in the future, this time you, a little fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years, will definitely be punished. "Sharmad held the golden exquisite pagoda in his hand.

Facing the vixen who has practiced for thousands of years in front of her, Daji got angry there, because Sharmad knew that she was an exquisite golden pagoda to subdue demons.

It is sure to be able to frighten this fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years. In front of him, Sharmad has already seen the vixen, Daji, triumphantly.

His face showed fear, and his face was pale, and now he stepped back step by step, looking at him, he dared not approach the gold in every possible way, Linglong Pagoda was 0...

"What is Sharmad talking about with him? Look at the universe ruler in my hand. I will definitely take away his thousand years of practice and not return him to his original form.

Let's see what else this vixen can do and dare to help Lin Buer, a contestant from the Xia Kingdom. Doesn't he know that Lin Buer has no way to protect him now?

It's ridiculous enough to think about this vixen. It's a pity that he has to ruin his thousand-year practice for Lin Buer. Curley held his universe ruler in his hand.

Just in front of the vixen Daji, it was drawn. At this moment, the two 1.8 players from Sharmad Kohli and A Sanguo hadn't reacted yet.

Wearing a white robe and holding a rosary in his hand, Lin Buer took a leap, soared up from the mid-air, and came in front of the contestants Sharmad and Curley from the Three Kingdoms.

Then Lin Buer pinched his fingers and knocked the Qiankun Ruler in Curley's hand to the ground, "Sage Wuxin let me play the two contestants of Ah Sanguo.

Chapter 560 The Sixth Shocking Fox Demon

Sharmad and Kohli were about to attack me and beat me back to my original form. They wanted to subdue me with the Golden Delicate Pagoda, thanks to the help of Saint Wuxin.

Otherwise, my Daji's life will be swallowed up by this golden exquisite pagoda today, and I will never see the unintentional saint again. Seeing this, Daji immediately ran behind Lin Buer.

Seeking Lin Buer's protection, of course he knew that Lin Buer was a sage of heaven, so he should have no problem dealing with the two disciples of Yuxu Palace in front of him.

When Lin Buer used his fingers to meditate, he knocked the Qiankun Ruler in Ke Li's hand to the ground, the little fox demon who had practiced for thousands of years would not miss him at all.

Chance of flattery immediately said embarrassing words 09 there, and then ran behind Lin Buer, at this time Sharmad was holding the golden exquisite pagoda.

He walked towards Lin Buer, "Why does Lin Buer want to protect this little fox demon from the way you look, and I tell you that even if you protect him, it's useless.

The golden and exquisite pagoda in my hand, you are not ignorant of his devouring power, even if you have the body of a saint, what can you do to me?

Now I take out the golden and exquisite pagoda, and I will surely subdue your lover together, and nothing will let you escape the contestant John Xungang from the beautiful country again.

I don't think you can protect him, Lin Buer, so you should look back quickly, I didn't expect that Lin Buer, a Xia Guo player, would not care about your identity.

In order to protect a little fox demon, he actually ruined such a good opportunity, so that John Xungang, a contestant from the beautiful country, was rescued by the power of the body of a saint.

It's really ridiculous, it's a pity, for the sake of your heavenly sage, you actually made such a big mistake for a little fox demon, it really makes us snort and look down on you. "

Sharmad looked at Lin Buer in disdain, and gave up beheading the beautiful country player for the sake of Daji, a vixen who has practiced for a thousand years.

John Xungang had such a good opportunity to watch what Lin Buer was doing now, which made Sharmad and Curley of Ah Sanguo laugh and cry.

"Saint Wuxin, save me quickly, and look at the exquisite golden pagoda in the hand of Sharmad right now, I can't stand it.

If I do this, I will definitely be swallowed by that golden and exquisite pagoda, then I will disappear, and I will never see the unintentional saint again.

That's not what I really think, Wuxin Saint, as long as you keep me safe this time, you can choose from the treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace treasure house, isn't it okay? "

As soon as Daji saw Sharmad in front of him and did not want to let him go 230, Daji was terrified of fear, and he immediately asked for help from the Wuxin saint.

After all, now, with the body of a saint of the heavenly way of an unintentional saint, he will definitely be able to deter both Sharmad and Kohli.

Now that he thought about it, no one in Chaoge City could help him anymore. Thinking of this, he immediately thought of those treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace.

Think about it, if you say this to Wuxin Shengren, he will never refuse, "Empress Daji, don't talk nonsense, I Wuxin Shengren is the kind of money-grubbing person.

Thinking that the current meeting between Sharmad and Koli will be detrimental to Empress Daji, I will give up the contestants from the beautiful country.

Chapter 560: Rewriting Fate

"I came here to save you, how could it be because of these treasures in the underground palace of Chaoge City? I have no intention of being a saint. I am definitely not the kind of person you imagined who only came for those treasures.

Madam Daji, don't worry, I will protect you if there are two disciples of my Wuxin Saint in Yuxu Palace, Sharmad and Koli, who dare not do anything with you. "

When Lin Buer heard what Daji said, Lin Buer became very angry from embarrassment. You must know that Lin Buer actually didn't want to care about this vixen who has practiced for thousands of years.

But Lin Buer knew in his heart that this vixen in front of him would play an important role in the future of Chaoge City, and also in the national destiny of the people of Xia Kingdom.

The most indispensable in the inevitable list of gods is this vixen who has practiced for thousands of years.

If it weren't for this vixen to confuse the Emperor in Chaoge City, how could it cause the princes on all sides to fight against the Emperor in Chaoge City?

Then talk about the list of gods and talk about Jiang Ziya, you must know that all of this was sent by the empress Nuwa, in fact, Lin Buer already knew about it a long time ago.

The future fate of the Shang Dynasty is now in the hands of this vixen, Daji.

He can't be allowed to die like this now, otherwise, wouldn't the future fate of the Shang Dynasty be rewritten?

So when Lin Buer heard the words that the fox spirit Daji, who had practiced for thousands of years, said to himself, Lin Buer was very angry there.

The vixen in front of him always thinks about himself, maybe he came out for the treasures in the treasure house of his brother Chengdi Palace, of course Lin Buer also knows that this is one of the reasons.

The most important thing is not to let the vixen Daji in front of me die like this, so what can I do about the matter of conferring gods in the future?

This is the most important person. If he is killed by the players Sharmad and Kohli of the Three Kingdoms now, wouldn't it be a rewrite?

Lin Buer looked at the vixen in front of him, Daji, and there was an ambiguous look in his eyes, Lin Buer quickly avoided it.

Then he said this to the vixen in front of him. Just when Lin Buer's voice fell, this vixen who had practiced for thousands of years.

Daji was very moved when he heard Lin Buer say such words. You must know that this Daji never thought of the unintentional saint in front of him.

To be able to run out to rescue him regardless of all safety and dangers is enough to prove that the Wuxin sage still has a heart for him, "` ‖ Wuxin sage, how can I not know.

Could it be that I am a kind of heartless person in your eyes, thinking that the heartless saint can risk his life to save my Daji, I must be extremely grateful.

You must know that the Wuxin sage is unparalleled in my Daji's eyes. This time, I just watched the Wuxin sage return to Chaoge City, and then came to meet the Wuxin sage.

He never thought that such a situation would happen now, and he didn't help Wuxin Saint kill the contestant from that beautiful country.

John Xungang was almost attacked by Kohli and Sharmad, but thanks to you, Wuxin sage, you rescued me and saved my life.

I will not be hurt by the two disciples of Yuxu Palace in front of me. I, Daji, will definitely keep this kindness in my heart, one day.

Chapter 560 In Danger

My Empress Daji will definitely repay you twice, and I hope that you, the unintentional sage, don't take what I just said to your heart at all costs.

It is inevitable that many people will look at those treasures in the underground palace of Song City of the Human Dynasty, and then they will look at me Daji with admiration, such as this and other juniors.

My Daji has seen a lot, but today I heard the heartfelt words of the sage Wuxin, which moved my empress Daji very much. Today, my empress Daji is lucky to survive.

Unintentional saint who will definitely repay you in the future, you have to be careful of these two disciples of Yuxu Palace, Sharmad and Keli.

However, the Linglong Gold Pagoda and the Qiankun Ruler, which are the magical artifacts of the Yuxu Palace, have always been magical artifacts that cannot be avoided, and I hope that the Wuxin Saint should be more careful. "

When Empress Daji heard what Lin Buer said to him.

He was extremely grateful, after all he had heard what Aunt Bai Qian said to him in Chaoge City before, so Wuxin Saint must have appeared in Chaoge City now.

He must have come here for Chaoge's treasure from the underground palace. Now think about it, when life is at stake, isn't it still the unintentional sage who comes to save him? (ajbi)

But Aunt Baiqian was watching the present indifferently there, Daji thought in her heart that the Wuxin sage is definitely not a money-grubbing and lustful person.

He absolutely didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about the treasures in Chaoge City's underground palace, or else he was in the treasure house of Chaoge City's underground palace at that time.

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