... ...

It's not a long-term brain to think about anything. "Lei Wujie glared at Jin Xiaose. He knew that what Jin Xiaose was worried about would never happen.

Even if what kind of monsters are encountered, Lin Buer's practice has already broken through the sage of heaven, and Lin Buer's current practice will definitely be able to break through these monsters.

Let alone a monster, even if several monsters appear at the same time, Lin Buer will never be afraid. His suppression skills will definitely be able to suppress those monsters.

"Bai Yuekui Jin Xiaoser, you two don't speculate here, according to what I have seen." Son.

Chapter 730 Inner Universe Transformation Formation

"I think if Lin Buer can really open the inner restriction of this beam of white light, I think Lin Buer will bring us a different world.

When I practiced in Qingqiu before, my aunt built a huge ban on our entire Qingqiu, so the outside world can't see our inner universe.

And our Qingqiu Fox Clan can practice as they please in this system, which is very happy. I think this prohibition of "three two three" should undoubtedly be the same as what I encountered in Qingqiu. "

The vixen didn't feel that the unintentional sage could open this restriction to bring them any crisis, and what he was looking forward to if Lin Buer could break the restriction under this beam of white light.

It is very likely that it is the same as what they saw in Qingqiu. To be able to have a different world, it may be this powerful technique that isolates the heaven.

Maybe there really is an unknown world, Daji has been thinking here in his heart because he knows that all the restrictions are not hidden powerful power.

It is to hide his strength, afraid that the power from the outside world will swallow up his inner universe, so he can transform into a powerful formation.

A barrier of prohibition was set up to protect the inner universe of this restriction. When Bai Yuekui had been listening to the vixen's words, he also guessed here that there might be some truth to it.

Not to mention that this vixen has a lot of knowledge. I didn't expect him to have his own unique insights into such exercises. It would be great if this place is really an unknown world.

They are now using these two ancient golden dragons to drag the exquisite golden pagoda, the magic weapon of Yuxu Palace.

Perhaps Lin Buer still intends to devour these magic weapons in this exquisite golden pagoda.

"Jin Xiaoserei Wujie, you two don't need to speculate here, I think there may be some truth in what Empress Daji said.

It's not that everything we encounter is so unsatisfactory. What if there is a huge universe hidden under this beam of white light, like another isolated heaven.

So it is really a good thing for us these two days, the ancient golden dragon will not be able to drag the exquisite golden pagoda, wandering back and forth in the void world 0......

It will definitely devour the horror in this void. "

"You must not take what Bai Yuekui said just now, Jin Xiaose, I was thinking about what Empress Daji said, maybe I have some insight.

It's not like we don't understand anything, maybe Lin Buer has really opened this restriction now, which can let us have unexpected things.

Just like what Empress Daji said just now, if there is really an unknown world hidden inside, it would be great, can we also have the opportunity to kill monsters?

Maybe you can also get a few magic weapons. "

Lei Wujie was full of longing in his heart. When he heard what Bai 1.8 Yuekui and Empress Daji said, everyone thought about it for the better.

Of course Lei Wujie hoped that this matter would be as good as Empress Daji and Bai Yuekui had expected.

"Master, take a quick look, it seems that Lin Buer already wants to open this restriction.

Now that the white light from Lin Buer is getting stronger and stronger, can Lin Buer really be able to crush such a powerful saint breath? ".

Chapter 730 One Saint's Aura Influx Infinitely

Jin Xiaoser has now witnessed Lin Buer using his power of law.

Countless golden inscriptions and seals were struck in the direction of the countless white runes hanging in the white light system under pinching fingers silently.

Just under the crushing of Lin Buer's golden rune, that beam of powerful white light suddenly crushed the golden white created by the entire primordial world as if breaking through the sky.

Immediately, Lin Bu'er used the technique of sealing characters in the seal of the emperor.

The countless sigils crushed out of the kung fu were transformed into a powerful formation in this powerful beam of white light.

Lin Bu'er raised his hand and turned countless sharp blades into a powerful sword light, and the formation moved towards 09 among the formations in this beam of white light.

Now Lin Buer has crushed this powerful beam of white light into a powerful spiritual force, the vortex swept through the entire void, and Lin Buer's entire body was also swept into it.

Lin Buer broke through the skills in the Zhenzi Jue to suppress all things, condensed the powerful luck blessing, and the boundless law power of the heavenly sage that Lin Buer himself cultivated.

Suppressing this powerful beam of white light, when the energy of chaos gradually disappeared, that beam of powerful white light suddenly and slowly turned into a strand of black thread and disappeared into the chaos.

"Bai Yuekui, look quickly, now Lin Buerzhang has really broken through, and the restrictions and exercises inside have all been broken by Lin Buer.

It's just too powerful to be under such a powerful sweep just now.

I was also worried about what kind of situation would happen to Lin Buer, but I didn't expect Lin Buer to really devour all the universe inside. "Jin Xiaoser was so happy that he was there, and praised Lin Buer without moving his arms and legs.

Because they were able to break such a powerful saint's aura and create such a strong restriction through the exercises that Lin Buer is currently using, which is too powerful.

"Master Bai Yuekui, let's not wait, hurry up and see what happened to Lin Buer. I also want to see what will happen after this beam of white light disappears."

Lei Wujie also couldn't wait to shout to Bai Yuekui, because he knew that he had to take a look now.

Now that Lin Buer has already broken through this restriction with the power of his law, what kind of state might it be in now?

"Let's go, Daji, let's go and have a look now, I think there should be no danger there, just now I thought this powerful aura must be able to deter me.

Unexpectedly, Lin Bu'er used his skills to swallow up all the terrifying aura in it in an instant. Since there is no 323 situation, why don't we take a look. "

Bai Yuekui was extremely happy in his heart, of course he could feel what Jin Xiaoser and Lei Wujie were thinking, and he didn't care so much.

Pulling up Daji's hand, he led the two ancient golden dragons and flew towards Lin Buer.

"How is Lin Buer? What kind of world is there?

In my Daji's opinion, it must be an isolated heaven inside, right? It should be similar to what I saw in Qingqiu. "

Daji had already seen Lin Buer's figure from a long distance, and he was even more overjoyed that he could also pass through the current chaotic world.

Chapter 730 Second Restriction Inside Another Cave

Being able to show Lin Buer's current spiritual power and cultivation level is indeed relatively strong. Even if he has practiced for thousands of years, the fox demon has practiced for thousands of years.

It may not have Lin Buer's current achievements, so he should have seen these countless golden inscriptions and those white auras crushed by Lin Buer's lawful power.

Swallowing up this powerful sage breath, it is obvious that such a powerful restriction was created by a more powerful capable person.

If they were devoured and broken by Lin Buer, then this person's cultivation base is not as good as Lin Buer's.

"This vixen is quite smart. I didn't expect that even a small fox can sense the universe inside this restriction. As expected, it is really an isolated heaven."

Lin Bu'er was very happy, seeing Bai Yuekui, Jin Xiaose and the others heading in their direction, and the powerful roar of the two ancient golden dragons disappeared in an instant.

The ancient golden dragon seemed to have sensed the inner universe in the isolated heaven before Lin Buer said anything.

The two ancient golden dragons had already carried the golden exquisite pagoda and dragged Daji, Bai Yuekui, and Lei Wujie, and they flew into the restriction that Lin Buer had just broken.

All the people in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room have seen it. When such a situation happened in the live broadcast room, they were stunned.

They didn't expect Lin Buer to have such great power, and Lin Buer's cultivation was so high that he could crush such a powerful force of law.

Shocked by the white light, they still don't know what kind of world is under the white light, but they all heard what the vixen said in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

Could it be that this is really an isolated heaven, and the magic in it suddenly stunned the people of all countries in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing what Lin Buer discovers.

But they know that the isolated heaven brought about by the restriction created by a saint must be different from other places.

Everyone watched the situation in the studio with curiosity. Now that Lin Buer was able to find such a good place in the void, what is it here?

The people in the live broadcast room were guessing whether they would encounter monsters or not.

"` ‖The contestants they broadcast are really powerful, even in the void world, they can be discovered

Moreover, with such a powerful power of law, even after swallowing that beam of white light, it is unknown what is hidden under that white light. ". "

"Yeah, these players from various countries seem to have never played before, Lin Buer is so powerful, and now he can swallow (well, good) these primordial spirits.

Now Lin Buer's practice seems to be a force that those players can't match, whether in the heaven or in Chaoge City. Now I finally admire Xia Guo's player Lin Buer.

He was able to find such a good place, and I am here to wait and see, what kind of situation will happen? "

"Look quickly, those two ancient golden dragons have already dragged the golden exquisite pagoda to that isolated heaven.

Chapter 730 III

"Is it really an unknown world like that vixen said? Then what are you like? I'm really curious.

Up to now, there is so much chaos in this live broadcast room, it would be great if Lin Buer was there.

His two dragons can also devour these chaotic qi, but now what Lin Buer looks like in this unknown world is too exciting. "

"It won't take long for us to be able to see Lin Buer with the two ancient dragons and that vixen through the live broadcast room, what kind of tricks are they doing there.

But I feel that this isolated world may not be as good as we imagined. What if there are some monsters in it?So nothing is absolute.

We can only know what happened to Lin Buer only by watching the live broadcast room and the situation it can bring us. "

"Even if you encounter any powerful monsters and Lin Buer's current power of these laws will definitely be able to crush these monsters, there should be no problem.

Now that Lin Buer can pinch his fingers and meditate silently, he can break the myriad realms. The Pangu ax in his hand can also have the power to open up heaven and earth. I think it can be regarded as an ordinary monster.

Seeing that Lin Buer had already fled away, how could there be so many thoughts. "Fuck, it would be great if this really entered an unknown world, so they can't come back."

Then the treasure that Brother Chaocheng Chengdigong protects you belongs to our contestants from the beautiful country. Now even the two idiots from A Sanguo don't know which void Lin Buer threw into.

When John Xungang, a contestant from our beautiful country, returns, all the treasures in the treasure house of Chaoge City's Underground Palace belong to our beautiful country. "

The people of the beautiful country are still dreaming there, they know that their contestant John Xungang did not die, but was rescued by the leader of Tongtian.

It seems that he (ajbi) still has a fluke mentality, but where did John Xungang go now?No one knows that everyone is watching there.

"Sibba, don't dream there. It's a contestant from the beautiful country. John Xungang was rescued by the leader of Tongtian.

So what kind of law he is practicing now, it is impossible to be as strong as Xia Guo's player Lin Buer. He can only improve his ability to kill strange beasts, so what else can he say.

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