Chapter 810 The Sixth Ancient Golden Dragon Guards the Golden Pagoda

Historians and archaeologists can make some achievements. Lin Buer was ecstatic to see it, and the system reminded him that this is a golden opportunity.

Yang Jian has already taken away Bai Yuekui, a contestant from Kimchi Country, which kills two birds with one stone.

Not only can he find out Bai Yuekui's whereabouts, but he can also take advantage of the current opportunity to surrender the Great Desolate God of War, and he can also continue to add some rewards and points for Xia Guo.

It can also kill some tigers and dragons, and can provide some things with research value and medicinal value to the people of Xia Kingdom in 09, and it can also bring some benefits to the Kimchi Kingdom.

Lin Buer saw that their kimchi country's points were in the third-to-last position among the Blue Star players, if they could get the Tiger Dragon this time.

Would it be possible to increase the fighting power and vitality of Yixia people, and also allow them to obtain some rewards and points.

It would be great if both Kimchi Kingdom and Xia Kingdom could have such rewards at the same time. Lin Buer knew that Yang Jian would surrender him sooner or later.

Complete the tasks assigned by the system first, and then kill some tigers and dragons by the way to add more rewards and points to the Kimchi Kingdom.

Lin Bu'er was still thinking about the Golden Exquisite Pagoda in his heart, ever since he brought the contestants from the Kimchi Kingdom, Jin Xiaoser, Bai Yuekui, and the nine-tailed fox demon Daji Empress.

Baishen came to the Yuquan Mountains together and threw the Linglong Pagoda to the hidden place of the mountain range. There shouldn't be any serious problems, with the swallowing and suppressing power of the Linglong Pagoda.

Now it should not be able to be entered and exited by other people, so the treasures inside will be his own sooner or later, Lin Buer feels that this is inappropriate.

There are countless people who practice Taoism and profound Taoism hidden in Yuquan Mountain, and Lin Buer knows it in his heart.

Taking Yang Jian's master, Master Yuding, he would be able to see the location of the pagoda by virtue of his breath and the power of these laws crushed by the Linglong Golden Pagoda.

And just now he threw the golden exquisite pagoda into the Yuquan mountain range, and that powerful suppressive force has already shattered the mountains within hundreds of feet around Yuquan mountain.

With such a powerful devouring power, it is impossible for the scheduled real person not to know, if the few ancient artifacts inside this exquisite golden pagoda were lost in vain.

Wouldn't it be that some rewards and points were lost again? Thinking of this, Lin Buer always felt that there was no way to get out now, and Bai Yuekui had just found it.

And Jin Xiaoser, a contestant from Kimchi Country, was captured by Yang Jian again, and now facing a huge red bird appearing here, it is not known whether he has the ability to attack.

Looking at him, he should have been domesticated by Xiao Qi, and the relationship with Xiao Qi is quite good.

"It doesn't matter so much, first let these two ancient golden dragons guard the Linglong Golden Treasure Pagoda 403, so that if anyone wants to get the idea of ​​​​the Golden Treasure Pagoda.

Could it be that these two ancient golden dragons could guard the pagoda, and it would be okay to wait until Jin Xiaoser was rescued first, and then go to get those ancient artifacts. "

Lin Buer thought of such a good idea all at once, so he used his sage breath to direct the two ancient golden dragons there with his divine sense.

Fly towards the mountain range to guard the golden and exquisite pagoda, so that Lin Buer can shoot and kill some tiger dragons first, which are two-star monsters.

If Bai Yuekui were to eat some tiger-dragon meat.

Chapter 810: What a Fierce Little Thing

Can Baishen also restore him to some extent?When Lin Buer saw Bai Yuekui was injured by the golden light shot by Yang Jian, Lin Buer was thinking about it there.

"Sage Wuxin, what are you thinking? Come quickly and see what kind of surprise Bai Yuekui has brought us now.

He actually brought back two babies, so cute! This thing seems to have some spirituality. "

Empress Daji saw Bai Yuekui, a contestant from the Kimchi Country, holding two particularly cute monsters in her hands when she jumped off the huge red bird.

But it seems that this monster has not yet cultivated to the point of being just a baby, and Empress Daji is very happy. He likes these two little spirit beasts so much.

Empress Daji immediately turned around and looked in the direction of Saint Wuxin, knowing that he seemed to have something to do, whether he was worried about Jin Xiaose's safety there.

"Ouba, Master Lin Bu'er quickly saw that the two ancient dragons actually left us. I don't know where he went, hurry up and chase him. Don't let him get lost. Yuquan Mountain is so big." "

"I just walked around Yuquan Mountain many times with this huge red bird."

"It's so fun here, and the vigor and breath here is something we couldn't have through all the mountains before.

This kind of power swallows this kind of breath, and I feel that my whole body is very comfortable. It's great. I really like this place. It would be great if we could stay here for a long time. "

Bai Yuekui is still lingering now, the pleasant atmosphere of the Yuquan Mountain Range brought to him by the Spring Mountain Range makes his Qi and blood feel unimpeded.

I feel that my killing ability can be relatively strong, and my muscles and bones are very comfortable.

This is a feeling that Bai Yuekui and Lin Bu'er have gone through countless mountain ranges to kill two-star and one-star beasts, which has never happened in all the mountains.

He always felt that Yuquan Mountain could increase his strength at the fastest speed, and now Bai Yuekui felt that his whole body was full of energy.

"Lin Buer, come quickly and see what are the two alien beast babies brought back by Bai Yuekui? How many star alien beasts are they? Why do I look so cute.

But it still feels fierce, look at his teeth like this. "

Bai Yuekui also felt very curious that the two strange beasts brought back by Bai Yuekui really surprised him, so he hurriedly turned towards Lin Buer.

He knows that with Lin Buer's ability, he can also guess what kind of strange beast it is, "' ‖Bai Yuekui quickly hug me and let me see what you found."

Lin Buer heard Bai Yuekui and Empress Daji, who had been yelling at him just now.

It seems that in this Yuquan mountain range, I don't know what amazing thing I found, but Lin Bueryuan saw Bai Yuekui's hand.

It's weird to be holding something as if it's a living object.

"Lin Buer is here to give you this thing, you see what kind of strange beast it is, I don't know how many stars it is, but it's too small.

But I hugged the two of them back when I saw how cute they were, and I knew Mrs. Lin Buer would love them very much. "

Bai Yuekui knew that Lin Buer was also very curious about the thing he was holding in his hand.

He walked in the direction of Lin Buer with the fastest speed.

Chapter 810 What kind of strange beast is this

He handed these two cute little things to Lin Buer's hands casually.

"The thing that Bai Yuekui, a contestant from Kimchi Country, revealed is so cute. I've never seen such a thing before."

"Does this thing belong to a beast? No, it seems to be a unicorn.

So cute. Look at the fact that they all have a foot on their heads like a rhinoceros. Is it a unicorn? "

"How can it be a unicorn? Can it be called a tiger sunflower?"

"What are you talking about upstairs? Don't talk nonsense. What kind of tiger is that? It's obviously a lion, okay? Is it a unicorn lion?"

"It's hard to say, I've never seen so many strange beasts in Shan Hai Jing, who knows what 403 is."

"But it looks amazing and cute. I want to adopt one too."

"Come out, the historians upstairs, have you seen this kind of monster, let's see how many stars it is?"

People from various countries on the blue star in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

The two little beasts who were brought back by Bai Yuekui, a contestant from Kimchi Country, were stunned.

Everyone saw these two cute little animals in Lin Bu's second hand.

I don't know how many stars it is, and I don't know its source. Everyone watched it in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room (ajbi), but the way they look is quite fierce.

It's cute to look so small, only the size of a palm, but the people in these countries in the live broadcast room don't know what he is.

"Fake, this is obviously a unicorn. What is it without a unicorn on its head and a foot? Ordinary ignorant people."

"It's useless to ask historians what they know.

If you want to ask, you should find those knowledgeable zoologists and biologists, they should be able to know the origin of this strange beast. "

"If I'm not mistaken, could it be something born of a tiger and a lion? This thing is quite cute, but if you want to ask something, I really don't know."

"I'm a zoologist. There should be nothing wrong with letting me take a look. Don't worry, everyone. I'll give you the answer in a while."

"Hurry up and tell us what this thing is, everyone must figure it out, it's so cute."

"Look at his little teeth, he still wants to bite Lin Buer's hand, his teeth are not fully grown yet.

But it looks fierce like that. "

"Is this little thing eating grass or meat?"

"Ouba, so cute, look at what Bai Yuekui, our contestant from Kimchi Country, brought us.

It brought surprises to the entire live broadcast room. Everyone loved seeing the big red bird so fierce before.

He was frightened by such a strong combat power, and now facing such a cute little beast, are you happy? "

"Baga, this thing looks so fierce and has a single horn on its head. It seems that this is also a strange beast. I don't know what this thing is."

"This thing is generally a meat eater, it shouldn't be a herbivorous animal, if it is a herbivorous animal.

They should have hooves like goats and the like have hooves and ears and carnivorous animals have claws instead. "

I'm a zoologist, so I think this little thing should eat meat. It should be a carnivore, but I don't know what it is.

"What's the use of zoologists? Can you really conclude that this is meat-eating.".

Chapter 810 Nine Grass-eating Unicorns

"Look, Lin Buer has now opened the claws of the strange beast. Hurry up and take a look. He doesn't have the claws you mentioned, he has hooves."

"That's right, the little thing that Lin Bu is holding in his second hand is indeed not a claw but a hoof. It's a proper slap in the face. You have to see clearly upstairs."

People from various countries who watched in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room.

He is indeed full of strong curiosity about the strange beast brought back by Lei Wujie, a player from Kimchi Country.

When they heard the self-proclaimed biologist express his opinion in the live broadcast room.

Everyone roared with laughter, because people from various countries in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room witnessed the players from the next country with their own eyes.

Lin Buer was stroking the hooves of the two unicorns with his hands, and he really didn't look like the biologist in the live broadcast room.

What was revealed seemed to be a claw or something.

"It's still a zoologist, how can it be possible? This thing is obviously a hoof, not a claw. This little animal must eat~grass."

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