Bai Yuekui looked at him blankly and knew that Lin Buer didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

Now he has found the huge eagle that Yang Jian transformed into.

It is certain that Jin Xiaose is also nearby, no doubt, Bai Yuekui knows what Lin Buer said.

Chapter 910

He was just there to excuse Yang Jian, and he knew that Yang Jian would never really kill Jin Xiaose.

But Jin Xiaose's whereabouts will be fruitless after all.

"That's right, Saint Wuxin, let's quickly find Jin Xiaose first.

As for the three-eyed demon, let him fly in the air. "

At this moment, Empress Daji was not afraid of the three-eyed monster, and looked at the surrounding mountains in peace.

In the sky above the "[-]", he didn't see any beasts like the one-star and two-star beasts that frightened him.

Now Empress Daji is more courageous.

Facing the surrounding situation, he also wanted to find Jin Xiaose as soon as possible.

Get out of this horrible place as soon as possible.

"Why did you come here now, a monk like you? Your skills are not very good. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"If I had known that you were so slow, I would have searched for some fairy fruits in the deep mountains and devoured them."

"While waiting for you, my stomach is hungry. Thanks to you, you can still be called the body of a saint."

"And you, a little fox demon, are still showing your shameless charm."

Yang Jian turned into this huge eagle.

Just hovering in the sky above Lin Buer and the fox spirit Empress Daji, they have been watching there.

Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui, what they said now.

When he heard what vixen and Lin Buer said.

He glanced at that vixen very contemptuously, but he didn't expect Lin Buer to be a heavenly saint.

Why did he travel with a vixen who has practiced for thousands of years? Yang Jian didn't like his pretentious appearance.

He was still bewitching this monk to want to leave here.

How can that work?It was hard to get this monk here.

I just want to see the way he practiced.

Which one is more powerful, the power of his laws or the Eighty Nine Mysterious Kungfu that he practiced.

Ever since Yang Jian heard what his master, Master Yuding, said.

If you have mastered the Eighty-Nine Profound Art, you will be an invincible power above the prehistoric.

Even the saint may not be his opponent, how can Yang Jian let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity now?

Obviously there is a saint in front of him, relying on his tens of thousands of auras pouring in.

Yang Jian was able to detect that Lin Buer's practice was indeed like Lei Wujie, and what the vixen said was 0......

Now that he has cultivated the body of heaven, how can such a good opponent be let go?

In Yang Jian's perception, this monk seemed to have absolutely no intention of beheading the beasts in the mountains.

Looking at their group, there is no evil intention.

It's just that the little fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years next to him is pretending there.

Always trying to confuse the monk Wuxin Saint to leave here.

Yang Jian didn't want to miss this opportunity, if he wanted to verify the mysteries of his Eighty Nine Mysterious Kung Fu.

You must fight with this monk. He is obviously a sage of heaven and now he just relies on his own skills.

If he can lose 1.8 saints in his own hands, it will not be in vain for his thousands of years of practice.

"You three-eyed demon, don't talk nonsense here, my Empress Daji allows you to be trampled on at will.

If you continue to talk nonsense, you ugly person, and let the unintentional saint kill you, you will never be tolerated. "

Empress Daji was so angry that she could hear Yang Jian insulting herself in mid-air.

Chapter 910: Fang Tian’s Painting of a Halberd Shocks the Fox Demon

Empress Daji was furious. Fortunately, she was in the Yuquan Mountains.

If you are in Chaoge City, how can you tolerate a little monster like you.

Dare to be presumptuous in front of my empress Daji, isn't that just courting death?

Empress Daji knew it in her heart, and his practice was definitely not Yang Jian's opponent.

Just the golden light he used to cut the flesh, and the two magic weapons he took out.

I would not be the opponent of this three-eyed demon, if it wasn't for Wuxin Saint by his side.

He definitely didn't dare to confront Yang Jian casually, and now even if he turned back to Yang Jian, he would definitely not dare to fight himself.

The unintentional sage next to him will also protect himself, and the thoughtful Daji Niang 09 Niang certainly knows these things in her heart.

That's why he boldly faced Yang Jian and angrily reprimanded him in mid-air.

"Well, you little fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years is no longer in your fox cave and practiced until he ran out to harm the world.

The monk in front of him is clearly the body of a saint. "

"How can there be a vixen like you around me? If it was me, I would have killed you a long time ago, and I dared to fight against me, Yang Jian."

"If you dare to be presumptuous again, little fox demon, I will definitely take away your cultivation and beat you back to your original form.

Exiled in this mountain range, let the fierce beasts devour it. "

Yang Jian was not afraid of Empress Daji's scolding, and immediately transformed into a human form.

Holding Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand, he went to clear the ashes in front of Empress Daji.

In an instant, a powerful evil spirit rushed towards the direction of Empress Daji and Lin Buer.

Empress Daji was scared out of her wits, and he could feel Yang Jian's anger.

This kind of ten thousand evil spirits swayed with a flick of a finger is enough to deter his thousand years of practice.

Seeing this, Lin Buer gently blocked it with his sleeve, and a ray of sunlight drove past the ten thousand evil spirits.

It was swung to the depths of the Yuquan Mountains.

"Yang Jianxiu wants to mess around. This is just a fox demon who has practiced for a thousand years. Nothing can destroy his practice. Isn't this just contaminated with some unnecessary karma."

"If I were you, I would definitely tell me as soon as Jin Xiaose was released.

Where exactly did you hide Kim Xiaose?I know that it is impossible to kill him with your practice. "

Lin Buer turned in the direction of Yang Jian in the mid-air, just for the sake of his knowledge of the practice with Yang Jian in the past.

Surely it can't be embarrassing where Kim Xiaose of Kimchi Country must have hidden it.

"Even if you are a smarter monk, I really don't intend to kill that man, but if you want to find him, you must defeat me, otherwise nothing will be discussed."

Yang Jian waved his Fang Tian painting halberd unceremoniously.

He looked in the direction of Lin Buer, his eyes were full of provocation, and he looked cynical.

He waved his Fang Tian painting halberd towards Lin Buer.

"Okay, you, Yang Jian, are you 560 in this Yuquan mountain range? You are really crazy, and now you are holding on to my unintentional saint.

You still want to fight with me, if this is the case, I will follow your wishes. "

Lin Buer saw Yang Jian's attitude, and he could guess it.

Even though Yang Jian's inner thoughts are like this now, Lin Buer is in line with his own mind.

He had wanted to fight Yang Jian a long time ago, and their own mana was now able to invite Yang Jian.

Then why not do it, "Lin Buer, what are you talking about, the most important thing is to find Jin Xiaose.

Now the system still prompts rewards and points, have you forgotten? ".

Chapter 910 The bald monk is afraid of me

"Looking at the magic power of the three-eyed demon is very powerful, it is meaningless to fight with him."

Lei Wujie couldn't wait to look in Lin Buer's direction.

He didn't want Lin Buer to really confront this three-eyed monster.

Obviously, he felt that the mana of the three-eyed monster was indeed relatively strong.

Being able to transform into various forms is enough to shock.

In addition, when the two magic weapons before the three-eyed inviting people are shot, they will know its power.

Lei Wujie guessed in his heart, but don't wait until he finds Jin Xiaose.

What if Lin Buer really can't beat Yang Jian.

The previous system rewarded Lei Wujie, and he was very happy in his heart.

If they can win more rewards and points for Kimchi Country.

That's the most important thing, they came to this Yuquan mountain range.

It's nothing more than wanting to take out the treasures in the Linglong Golden Pagoda.

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