They were all amazed there. After all, they knew that their player, John 1.8 Sungang, had no idea where he had gone. They just knew that he was accepted as a disciple by the leader of Tongtian.

But it hasn't appeared for such a long time. The two players of Ahsan Kingdom, Sharmad and Curley, are still trapped in the mountain of corpses.

Facing the horror and monsters inside, they all now know that the system has given a reminder to let the two contestants from Ah Sanguo.

Chapter 940 Country Ranking Xia Guo Leads

If Sharmad and Koli killed the beasts inside, they would be able to get more rewards and points for Ah Sanguo.

This is indeed very difficult for the two players, after all, even the one in the hands of A Sanguo's player Sharmad, the Heaven and Earth Exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda.

They have all been taken by Lin Buer, and the only magic weapon left in their hands is the Qiankun Ruler.

As well as their own spiritual power and cultivation, there is no other magic weapon that can kill that ancient beast.

Faced with the horror of the mountain of corpses in 09 and compared with Xia Guo's player Lin Buer, the people of Wan Guo in the Shan Hai Jing live broadcast room felt that.

Now Xia Guo's player Lin Buer is really too tough, and the worst players may be those players who are not from Xiaobin Guojie, Xiaoke Guorui and Xiaodianguo.

They are still in the swamp and don't know when they will come out?As for the two players from Japan, Yuichiro Watanabe and Jiro Sasaki.

They don't know when they will be able to get rewards and points, they just keep shooting the beasts there.

According to their rankings yesterday, Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui from Xia State were the number one country, and even Lei Wujie and Jin Xiaoser from Kimchi Country were the two players.

Their rewards and points surpass those of the two players from the Sunless Country, not to mention the small Swedish country Bravery.

And the players from those small countries who were Xie Xiaoke, I'm afraid they have been left behind long ago.

Facing the situation in the live broadcast room, everyone was there sighing, envious of Xia Guo's player Lin Buer's strength.

If the players from those countries were Xiang Xia's player Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui, and they could have so many rewards and points, their players wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Many people in those small countries are praying silently there, hoping that the players from their countries can survive safely. It is not easy.

It would be even better to give them more rewards and points.

Xia Guo Guoyun command room.

"Leader Zhao, take a look, we haven't been so relaxed for a long time."

"It doesn't look like it will take long for Lin Buer to complete the task assigned by the system."

Qian Erliang, the leader of the Kongtong faction, was very happy holding the tea there. While sipping the tea, he watched the changes in the Shan Haijing live broadcast room.

He saw Bai Yuekui, Lei Wujie and the others were looking for Jin Xiaoser's whereabouts at the highest peak of the mountain range, and now we all know about these major sects.

Yang Jian definitely won't hurt Jin Xiaose's life, it's just a matter of time, let them find it slowly.

When they looked at Lin Buer and Yang Jian 573 with all their eyes.

These leaders couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear. It's been a long time since I saw such a warm scene. This is the duel between the Great Desolate God of War and Lin Buer.

Their fighting there made Qian Erliang, the head of the Kongtong faction, very happy.

They saw with their own eyes in the live broadcast room that Lin Buer and Yang Jian were chasing in mid-air, and the eagle that Yang Jian transformed into was actually beaten back to its original shape by Lin Buer.

Now he is still there, driving the mountain whip non-stop with the mountain whip in his hand.

The countless mountain ranges of different sizes seem to have legs, and they are running hard and fast in all directions in the same direction.

Chapter 940 The second chapter, the head of Xia Kingdom is in a happy mood

The moment Lin Buer transformed into a rain of tens of thousands of swords and shot at Yang Jian, the heads of Xia Guoguoyun's command room were all there.

I was really worried for Yang Jian, but I didn't expect Yang Jian to come up with a magic weapon.

At the moment when the mountain whip was driving the mountains and running around, these leaders saw it.

Overjoyed, this is a scene they have never seen before.

Through the live broadcast room, they can feel the different surprises brought to them in the world of mountains and seas.

"That's right. I was still thinking about it before. It's not easy for Yang Jian to surrender. It seems that there should be no problem."

"It's just that the magic weapon in his hand really impresses me."

"I didn't expect the power of this magic weapon to be so powerful. These mountains seem to have obeyed Yang Jian's call."

Zhao Guangyu, the head of the Wudang faction, also heard what the head of the Kongtong faction said to him, and he has been watching the content in the live broadcast room.

He felt rather novel about the situation in the live broadcast room now, as the head of the Kongtong faction said, it made them feel a lot easier in their hearts.

They have also passed the scene brought to them by Lin Buer in the Shanhai live broadcast room. Lin Buer's current spiritual power and cultivation base are too powerful.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Buer raised his hand, he turned into a huge axe blade, which had already split the mountains around him into countless pieces.

Your current ability, Lin Buer, will definitely be able to subdue Yang Jian.

"Master Zhao, look at the situation in the live broadcast room, what is this thing?"? "

Sun Wuhui, the leader of the Shaolin School, pointed directly at the screen in the live broadcast room.

He looked in the direction of Zhao Guangyu, the leader of the Wudang School, and Qian Erliang, the leader of the Kongtong School.

The other leaders heard what the head of the Shaolin School said, and all of them turned their eyes to the situation in the live broadcast room in unison.

"What are you talking about there? It seems that you are in a good mood."

"How is it? Is there any better news? I haven't watched the live broadcast for a long time."

Ever since Lin Buer got the rewards and points just now, the command rooms of many countries have been making hotlines to Xia Guo's command room.

They were all there looking for ways to discuss the development of meteorite veins with the people of Xia Kingdom.

Wu Nian'an had been there the whole time, answering and making calls non-stop, and finally managed to calm down for a while.

It took him a long time to turn sideways and walk towards the direction of those heads.

He just stretched there and walked towards the direction of those heads. He hadn't come to watch the situation in the live broadcast room for a while.

He didn't know what happened to Lin Buer, Bai Yuekui and the others, but he saw that the leaders (Li Zhaohao) seemed to be concentrating there.

Not knowing what to watch there, Wu Nian'an instantly aroused strong curiosity and asked in the direction of Zhao Guangyu, the head of Wudang.

"` ‖ and said, Wu Nian'an, why did you go there just now? You missed a good opportunity."

"Such an important thing happened in the live broadcast room just now, and you didn't even see it."

"I think it will take Lin Buer a long time to subdue Yang Jian.".

Chapter 940 Wu Nian'an is silent and happy

"We will continue to win some rewards and points for Xia Guo. This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us."

"Come here quickly and take a look. Now there is another situation in the live broadcast room. It seems quite novel."

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhao Guangyu immediately turned his body around and saw Wu Nian'an walking towards them with a smile on his face.

He hastily waved his hand in Wu Nian'an's direction. Wu Nian'an had already missed such a thrilling scene in the live broadcast room.

Now these masters also watched Lin Buer and Yang Jian through the live broadcast room of Shanhaijing 573.

The two of them were fighting there, so what kind of magic weapon should Yang Jian have to show, Wu Nian'an heard what Zhao Guangyu said.

He felt as if he had really missed something, and the eyes of these masters kept watching until the live broadcast room seemed to have another good show to watch.

Now he is not worried about Lin Buer's state. With Lin Buer's current cultivation level, even if he encounters some monsters, he will be able to resolve them.

It's just that I don't know what happened now.

Wu Nian'an was surprised to have attracted the eyes of all these heads, and he hurriedly walked a few steps towards Zhao Guangyu's direction.

"What's wrong with Master Zhao? Look at how excited you are."

"Is it Lin Buer or Bai Yuekui that something happened to them, please let me take a look."

From the expressions of these heads, Wu Nian'an was able to capture their expressions of joy.

It seems that something happy must have happened. Could it be that there is good news here in Xia Guo?Thinking about it is something to be happy about now.

Wu Nian'an was also very proud in his heart. Ever since he received Blue Star, many calls from small countries wanted to seek cloud mining development with him.

Wu Nian'an's heart has always been filled with uncontrollable joy, this is the surprise that Lin Buer Bai Yuekui brought to him (ajbi) the people of Xia Kingdom.

If it weren't for them to obtain such powerful rewards and points in such a short period of time, the most important reward would be the Meteor Mine, which would be for Xia Guo.

All the people have achieved corresponding economic benefits, and the total national economy of the Xia Kingdom in the past few years or decades can be driven.

This kind of unconcealable excitement, Wu Nian'an's inner surge has not been suppressed until now.

Now that he passed through the live broadcast room and saw the expressions of these heads, he knew that Lin Buer and Bai Yuekui would definitely bring him another surprise.

It seems that Xia Guo's luck is getting stronger little by little.

"Wu Nian'an should be about the same. According to what you say, we will definitely get rewards."

"As long as we have a player like Lin Buer, there must be no problem in trusting him too much."

"You didn't see it just now, it's so exciting that you missed the best time."

"But it's okay, you can watch the replay when you have a chance, and you will know why we are so happy."

"Did you know that our contestant Lin Buer is indeed very good, and now even Yang Jian's mountain whip in Yang Jian's hand has broken his skills."

"It won't take long for Yang Jian to be surrendered by Lin Buer, and we will have rewards and points again."

Zhao Guangyu, the leader of the Wudang School, can also sense it.

Chapter 940 The Fourth Red Wine and Cigars Gather in Bai Zhenhai

At this moment, Wu Nian'an's tone of voice was completely different from usual. Looking at his radiant face, he could tell that he was in a particularly good mood right now.

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