Although Li Xinan was also beaten and disintegrated before.

But that was because of the three supernatural beasts.

And the Wind Eagle Armor is only facing one.

From factory to disassembly.

He didn't even touch the wolf beast, and was hung and beaten the whole time.

Even sister Zhou was disappointed with his performance.

In comparison, I still feel that the Shura armor is more exciting when fighting.

"Hey! Meizhen, I'm fine."

After Dongshan Armor disintegrated, he immediately received a concern call from Meizhen.

Ask how it is.

Dongshan reassured the other party, and then looked at the black rhino armor and wolf beast who were fighting.

Said, "The armor of water saved me, he showed up."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Start watching the whole game.

Bei Miao's performance was much, much better than Dong Shan's.

The black rhinoceros armor has super defensive power, and the wolf beast slashed at it with a knife, and was easily blocked by the water armor shield.

Even let the machete attack the shoulder armor.

Where is the strongest defense.

Doesn't hurt at all.

Just three rounds.

Bei Miao hit the wolf beast with the water armor shield again.

This made the people in the studio who liked the black rhino armor proud.

Who said my family Bei Miao can't do it?

Who said that wolf beasts are strong?

But next.

Bei Miao was soon overwhelmed by the wolf beast.

When the wolf beast found that it could not avoid the super high defense of the black rhinoceros armor.

It has figured out a way.

A mass of dark energy fluctuated, one wolf beast became two, and two became four.

Like a shadow avatar.

The four wolf beasts quickly surrounded the black rhinoceros.

The wolf beast launched a fierce offensive.

Bei Miao blocked the attack of the first wolf beast, and the three behind him took the opportunity to attack his back.


Bei Miao cried out in pain.

In comparison, the back is considered to be the weakest defense of the black rhino armor.

The next step is four to one.


Three of them are fake.

Bei Miao desperately attacked the wolf beast in front of him.

After finally hitting it, I realized it was just a shadow.

The real wolf behind him sneaked up again.

The black rhinoceros armor is very slow to react, which is not as good as Dongshan's Fengying armor, and it has no time to turn around.

Attacked from the back.

Less than ten rounds.

Bei Miao was beaten so badly that he even had trouble standing up.

After reading it, Sister Zhou said helplessly: "It seems that the black rhino armor is not the opponent of the wolf beast.

The anchor analyzes it, the wolf beast has high attack power and fast speed.

Although the defensive power is insufficient, he can clone, three of which are fake and one real. "

"When you attack one of the clones, the energy consumed is not enough to pose a threat to the real wolf beast.

So Bei Miao was better than Dong Shan, but it was useless in the face of evil wolves. "

The shadow clone is invincible, and the wolf beast is almost invincible.

The audience in the live broadcast also commented one after another.

"Sister Zhou is right."

"This wave of analysis, I will give 6666.."

"The black rhinoceros armor has high defense, and the wolf beasts can't break it, but they will find your weakness to attack."

"See, the wolf beast is stronger than the black rhinoceros armor."

"It's just started, and it hasn't grown up yet."

"The group of Diao Mao confronted me just now, insisting that the black rhinoceros can defeat the wolf beast.

Come out now and crawl for Grandpa. "

"Bei Sanshui is slow, very helpless, unable to keep up with the speed of the wolf beast."

"Slippery wolf beast."

"It's too miserable for Bei Miao. Last time he was beaten by a magic bull beast, and now he is beaten by a wolf beast again."

"When I came out, I met two of the strongest supernatural beasts."

"There are stronger ones behind."

The fans who supported Bei Miao's victory in the live broadcast room were all silent.

Those who like the black rhino armor really like it.

But it's a fact that you can't beat it.

on the battlefield.

The wolf beast continued to attack.

Bei Miao couldn't stop it in the end, and was beaten to disarm the armor.

The tense atmosphere at the scene was pushed to the top.

How to do?

Sister Zhou doesn't know who else will come to the rescue, currently she can only rely on Yan Longxia.

But Li Xinan also has supernatural beasts to deal with.

Can you make it there?

So what if he arrived, can he defeat the wolf beast?

Obviously not.

Just when the wolf beast was about to kill Bei Miao.


The sky was covered by a layer of dark clouds.

"what's the situation?"

Sister Zhou felt something was wrong and pointed her phone at the sky to shoot.

At the same time, he said, "It was fine just now, but suddenly it's like this.

Will someone be crossing the catastrophe? "

The words just fell off.

next second.

A thunderbolt thicker than a person rolled down from the dark clouds.


The wolf beast raised its machete and was hit by lightning.


The wolf beast's body exploded like a watermelon, and pieces of flesh and blood splashed all around.

An explosion crater full of gunpowder smoke was left on the ground.

Sister Zhou stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

It can fit an egg into its mouth.

The more than 580 million viewers in the live broadcast room are like throwing a hot iron into cold water.

Instant boiling.

"I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid!"

"It stunned me."

"What's the situation, is this?"

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