Countless lightning bolts with high voltage hit the body.


"Aww~" The hard body of the jellyfish was electrified with finger-sized blood holes.

A small thunder and lightning can instantly damage the hard skin of an armored warrior who cannot be pierced by a knife or a spear.

The jellyfish's scalp tingled.

Although the brain capacity is not very large, the IQ is not particularly high.

But clearly.

In front of him was the armored warrior with thunder and lightning all over his body, dignified and solemn, and wearing a cloak.

not to be trifled.


This is the jellyfish beast's first thought.

As soon as the idea came out, a beam of lightning energy was emitted in the next second.

directly through the chest.

boom! ! !

The jellyfish's body was set on fire like a cannonball.

A fire burst into the sky.

Light up the street.

All nearby vehicles and viewing trees were scorched by the high-temperature flames generated by the explosion.


Vehicles parked on the side of the road farther away from the shock wave sounded sirens.

After the explosion, an incredible crater was left where the jellyfish stood.

There was white smoke coming out of it.

【Ding! 】

[You destroy a mutant supernatural beast, the progress of the prison face Shura template +2%, and the current total progress is 10%. 】

"The mutated supernatural beasts have achieved higher progress than low-level supernatural beasts."

"Change to a Shura template."

"Eliminating one is about 20%."

"Based on this calculation, what about more powerful monsters?"

You know, above the mutated supernatural beasts, there are Demon One to Demon Ten.

The IQ of these guys is no different from that of humans.

Cunning and powerful.

There is no way to compete with the non-late-stage light and shadow armor.

"Based on this calculation, just relying on the supernatural beast can also allow me to push the progress of the template to 100%."

Jiang Wen has already seen the opportunity to open the next template.

The king of the world has 20 magic invitations.

Each piece contributes 2% of the progress of the template, which is 40% after calculation.

the remaining half.

From Magic 30 to Magic [-], there is definitely a chance to win more than [-]%.

Then there are four ancient supernatural beasts.

And the final boss.

No matter how it is calculated, it is 100%.

"The next template should be the Emperor's Armor."

Templates get stronger every time.

Ginger stew has a premonition.

It is very likely that he will be the true king of the world, the emperor!

"You can't give me a Thunder Tales, or catch the king! That would be too cheating."

Lei Tatales only has two-thirds of the combat power of a normal Shura form at most.

Not to mention capturing the king.

Half of the combat power of an ordinary Shura is not bad.


Jiang Wen, who was thinking about something, suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

Those eyes seemed to see through.

His expression became serious: "Xizhao is in danger."

Xizhao was still careless after all.

One pick two.

After Bei Miao and Dong Shan adapted to Xi Zhao's fighting rhythm, they began to counterattack on both sides.

Xi Zhao has been injured.

I wanted to run.

Bei Miao didn't give a chance and entangled her tightly.

It's true in the original as well.

Xizhao can play Earth Tiger Armor + Wind Eagle Armor without any problem, these two guys are the weakest.

No matter how weak Bei Miao's black rhino was, its defensive power was no less than that of the snow mastiff, and its attack power was similar.

Add a speed fighter Fengying next to it.

Xi Zhao was careless for a moment.

Immediately fell into the quagmire of fighting, unable to get out.

"Too illusory."

next second.

Jiang Wen released a powerful idea, covering a radius of ten kilometers.

Xizhao, Beimiao and Dongshan are fighting.

All are covered.

"Beimiao, something is wrong."

As an eagle, Dongshan has superb perception.

He stopped Bei Miao who wanted to continue attacking, and looked in all directions.

"Did you feel that there is an uncomfortable aura in the air?"


ps: The new book is released, the data is bleak, there are not many flowers, and the evaluation votes are pitifully few.

I beg the audience to give the author some data to support it.

Kneeling and begging the bosses to send flowers, even one flower is fine.

070: Prison Face Shura VS Civil War God of War Black Rhinoceros!

"There's something wrong."

Bei Miao stopped and became affectionate and cautious.

The surrounding air seemed to become as viscous as glue.

The opponent did not continue to attack.

Xi Zhao was panting heavily, finally able to take a rest.

Even if he was trained by the king of the world since he was a child.

Want to play one against two.

It's still a bit difficult, especially when facing the black rhino armor, many attacks are carried down by the opponent-.

Dongshan was so fast that he couldn't touch him.

Always behind the scenes.

A moment of carelessness caused him to lose the battle quickly, and he was able to persevere until now.

It's not easy.

"What's the situation, why don't they fight anymore?"

The stupid Zhou sister didn't understand what happened on the battlefield at all.

All three of them stopped.

The sharp-eyed audience saw a jaw-dropping scene.

"It's the aura."

"Look carefully, Bei Miao, Xi Zhao, and Dong Shan are surrounded by this transparent air."

"It really is."

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