Then I passed out, woke up and came to your house. "


"Really, I never...never lie to my friends."

Xi Zhao nodded against his will.

Jiang Wen knew exactly what happened on the scene.

Of course he wouldn't believe Xi Zhao's statement, but he wouldn't expose it right now either.

The time is not yet ripe.

Wait a little longer to let the incident ferment.

So he asked with concern: "So you were injured and passed out.

How about taking you to the hospital for a check-up, so as not to leave internal injuries! "

"No, it's fine now."

Xi Zhao quickly waved his hands to express his refusal.

Although my chest still hurts when I take a deep breath.

But basically it doesn't impede movement.

The repair ability of the descendants of Guangying Village is stronger than that of ordinary people, and it takes less than a day.

This injury disappears quickly without leaving any internal injuries.

"What if I don't go to the hospital!"

Jiang Wen once again pretended to be anxious.

Xi Zhao said resolutely: "I know you are worried about me.

But I'm really fine, my body knows it, it's just being affected while watching the battle.

nothing serious. "

"Forget it!

I know your temper, even three cows can't pull back the decision.

It's up to you to go or not, it's not my body anyway. "

There was a little irritation in her voice, "Someday something will happen, and you deserve it."

Xi Zhao heard it, and dared to move in his heart.

Maybe in the world.

Besides Bing'er, he is the second friend who cares about his own life.

"It's really okay."

I am afraid that the other party will not believe it.

Xi Zhao deliberately stood up from the sofa, slapped his chest vigorously, "Sleep.

I'm much better now, I don't need to go to the hospital. "

"Don't say that."

"It's hard to come to my house, let's have a meal before leaving."

Jiang Wen said in an undeniable tone.

Xi Zhao finished listening.

It was even more touching.

What is a friend, this is a friend.

Lying on the main road, there was no one to call the 120 emergency number.

Jiang Wen rescued him and was concerned about whether he was injured internally.

He took the initiative to leave him for dinner.

Xizhao said that he has lived for more than 20 years, and this is the first time he has met such a good friend.

"Jiang Wen, thank you, I will always remember this love in my heart."

He shouted to Jiang Wen who walked into the kitchen.

Ginger stew: ...

Ha ha.

You have to know that I hurt you, I don't know how to feel.

Stay with you for dinner.

Also just compensate you with this meal.

Sister Zhou hasn't come back yet.

At this moment, she and Meizhen are both taking care of two seriously injured patients in the hospital, and they haven't come back so early for the time being.

Dong Shan and Bei Miao were more seriously injured than Xi Zhao.

He kept his hand when he hit Xizhao.

Otherwise, let alone being in a coma for a few hours, it is very possible to be in a coma for a few days.

in the kitchen.

Bring to a boil.

After cooking four dishes and one soup, Xi Zhao left with a mouth full of oil.

When I left, I remembered what I promised him in the square before.

He deliberately took a brand-name suit that he hadn't worn and handed it to Xizhao to take away.

But the opponent dared to move in a daze.

Ginger stew feeling.

Now if he encounters a supernatural beast, he can make a move without hesitation. 630

I believe it won't be long before Xizhao's side mission can be completed.

Think of restoring properties.

Ginger stew makes my mouth water.

Look at the abnormal recovery ability of the descendants of Guangying Village, they will be fine after being injured and unconscious for a few hours.

If it were him, he might have slept for half a month.


"Template, open the branch line gift bag."

After Xi Zhao left.

Jiang Wen sat quietly on the sofa and began to enter the world of consciousness.


[Successfully opened the branch line gift package, and obtained: 2% progress in the prison face Shura template, god-level cooking skills, 10,0000 cash, and red line*1. 】

[God-level cooking skills: all the ingredients in your mind, no matter what dish is in front of you.

Can easily cook the best taste, is a veritable chef. 】

[Prisonface Shura template progress +2%, total template progress 14% (up to 30%, some skills can be strengthened at the prisonface level.)】

[Cash: money that can be used normally in the world of armor such as Yanlongxia. 】

[Red thread: The old and dim-eyed Yuelao cut the red thread by mistake, causing a red thread representing marriage to fall into the world.

People or animals caught by the red thread, no matter how difficult it is, will be together in the end, falling in love and unable to extricate themselves. 】

"God-level cooking skills, this is not bad."

Jiang Wen praised it.

Suddenly, there was a folder of god-level cooking skills in my mind.

Open the package and install it.

a time.

Practices and crafts such as cooking, frying and frying countless ingredients from all over the country poured into the limbs.

Now think back to the meal you just made.

A lot of shortcomings can be said at once.

For example, the heat is not enough, the ingredients are not enough, or the cooking time is wrong, etc.~

"As expected of God of Cooking, amazing."

The item opened in the branch line gift bag.

Not too bad.

Like the god-level car skills before, it makes him feel like a car god when driving a car.

It's perfectly usable in this world.

Including god-level cooking skills.

I have to eat and eat vegetables every day, which is even more useful.

When do you not want to be an armored warrior, and you don't want to live a life of fighting and killing.

You can also drive around Bayinbulak.

You can also open a restaurant.

With god-level car skills and god-level cooking skills, he can definitely mix well.

But soon.

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