"Xu, don't make noise, Bing'er fell asleep next to me."

"I despise those upstairs, Bing'er is obviously my LP."

In the drama Armor Warrior.

Binger, the villain, was absolutely successful in shaping.

Regardless of body shape or appearance, they are stronger than Meizhen and Minci.

Standard Yujie figure.

Sister Zhou looked at the bullet screen full of rewards and flowers, and her teeth were exposed when she smiled.

Binger frowned when facing her mobile phone shooting.

Obviously don't like being photographed with a cell phone.

"What is she doing?"

Bing'er glanced at Sister Zhou and asked Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wen waved his hand, indicating that he didn't know either.

Is she broadcasting live to the audience in the real world, I have to tell you too?

After Sister Zhou sat down, she took off one earphone.

With a smile on his face, he asked, "I'm late, what's the matter.

Have you ordered? "

"This is a western restaurant, and the dishes will be served step by step in order."

Jiang Wen just finished speaking.

The waiter came with the tray.

This is called a head plate.

That is, hors d'oeuvres.

After opening the plate, there are some fruits, vegetables, and meat inside.

"Sir, miss, please take it slow."

The waiter greeted politely and left.

Come up with the head plate.

Jiang Wen greeted Binger and Sister Zhou to start eating.

Sister Zhou put her phone on the corner of the table, just enough to capture three people.

Bing'er was more disgusted.

As a person in the Dark Shadow Realm, I have never been interested in cameras since I was a child, because I can't see the light after all.

Because of Jiang Wen's face, he didn't explode.

Jiang Wen didn't care at all.

The more you shoot, the better.

This will increase attention.

I took a look at the background of the template before, and it was more than 1000 million away from 100 million attention.

To receive the next reward, it will only take two or three days...  …

At that time, the strongest righteousness can be strengthened again.

"Stingy Jiang, let me ask you a question."

Sister Zhou popped apple slices into her mouth and asked, "What kind of girl do you like?"

Binger: "????"

Jiang Wen: "???"

Hearing this, Bing'er looked up at Jiang Wen.

Sister Zhou watched the live broadcast room while quietly waiting for the answer.

This question was not for her to ask.

It was asked by some rich bigwigs on the tipping list.

Otherwise, do you think 9 million viewers are online at the same time, just watching three people eating western food?

Even eating gold will not work.

So Sister Zhou set up such a link.

It is the top ten on the reward list.

You can ask the anchor to ask anyone who appears in the live broadcast.

Because this question was asked by fans on the tipping list.

Sister Zhou has no sense of shame.

in contrast.

She still wants to know the answer.

"Why are you asking this?"

Jiang Wen raised his head and met Sister Zhou's eyes, with doubts in his eyes.

Sister Zhou quickly said in a begging tone: "Oh.

Just for the sake of me treating you to Western food, answer this question. "

"This is my privacy, how can I tell you casually—"

Sister Zhou was disappointed.

I thought I would get an answer.

If the bigwig on the tipping list gets the answer she wants, she can also get a good tip.

It seems that the money is not earned slightly.

But then, I heard Jiang Wen say again, "I exchanged breakfast with you for this western meal.

Have to pay extra! ! ! "


As soon as these words came out, Sister Zhou was dumbfounded.

The audience who were waiting for the answer were dumbfounded after hearing it.

Could this be the legendary Jiaqian brother?

Sister Zhou, who had reacted, immediately gave Jiang Wen a disdainful look: "Qianqianqian, you know how to talk about money with me.

Stingy caught me alone, I was really defeated by you. "

"Okay, answer this question, I'll give you 1,,, 100."

"Add a zero."

"Are you taking advantage of the fire?"

"Then don't ask questions."

"I'm being laughed at by you, one thousand is one thousand, now answer the question."

Sister Zhou gritted her teeth and agreed.

Once again, I saw the despicableness of Jiang Stinger.

Moreover, his stinginess and indifference are always towards himself, and he doesn't know where he offended him.

"I like to be young, beautiful, and in good shape, and now you owe me a thousand."

If you have money, take it.

Jiang Wen answered the question without hesitation, and at the same time added a sentence at the end.

Remind Sister Zhou to remember to give money.

"What a perfunctory answer, this sentence applies to all men."

Sister Zhou was very helpless.

This wave of blood loss, even if the bigwigs on the list reward a plane, it can't make up for the loss of 1000 yuan.

Fortunately, the money comes quickly, so there is no need to feel bad.

Bing'er lowered her head and hit 5.3 to measure herself.

It seems to be checking whether the conditions mentioned by Jiang Wen are met.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Come to the conclusion, well, it fits well.

Then don't worry about being looked down upon.


Sister Zhou asked a lot of questions, but Binger never interrupted.

The main course of Western food has been served.

Suddenly, Sister Zhou looked at the live broadcast room on her mobile phone, showing a shy and embarrassed look on her face.

His eyes kept looking back and forth at Jiang Wen.

Wasted a long time.

In the end, he whispered to Jiang Wen: "Well,,, can I drink your,,, drink your glass of juice?"

"Then you drink my juice..."

In the end, the voice became smaller and smaller, like a mosquito.

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