"It's really capable."

Seeing Sister Zhou's smile, Jiang Wen had black lines all over his head.

Are you such a woman? ? ?

"Cough cough~~!"

Seeing that there was no response from the other party, Jiang Wen could only cough.

Said to Sister Zhou, "I said...it's almost enough, don't go too far."


Sister Zhou thought he was talking about drinking fruit juice.

Shaking his head quickly, "No, you must finish the juice."

Jiang Wen said in his heart: "I'm going to fuck you with a lot of bananas, are you talking about juice?

It's about your little moves under the tablecloth, can you stop being so flirtatious, I don't have feelings for you. "

"Don't try to play tricks, the money is promised, and the juice must be finished."

Sister Zhou looked like she was afraid that Jiang Wen wouldn't drink it.

Got it!

You are awesome and courageous.

Jiang Wen endured it for the time being, he couldn't expose Zhou Jie in front of his future daughter-in-law Bing'er.

In the eyes of another woman.

It will only become a lingering barb for a lifetime.

Jiang Wen picked up the cup and took a sip.


His expression petrified, and his eyes shone in surprise.

Eat it with a sip of juice.

The foot movement is getting more and more excessive.

"Sister Zhou, as expected of you, you were digging a hole here to wait for me.

Selling out my virginity for 5000 yuan? "

Ginger stew was discovered.

With every sip of the juice, the feet moved more and more, until they ended up resting on his lap.

Played back and forth for a few minutes.

at last.

Jiang Wen couldn't bear it anymore.

Sister Zhou must be taught a lesson, otherwise I don't know how to write typos.

Drink the juice in one gulp, the moment you put it down.

The left hand reaches under the tablecloth.

Grab one of the messy feet.

hold the moment.

I could feel a tremor on that foot, and then I wanted to struggle to break free and retract it.

The other foot, which was not caught, had already retracted.

The remaining one was firmly held by Jiang Wen.

"I want to retreat now, it's too late!"

Jiang Wen's arm is so strong, how could it be possible for a woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken to break free.

"Xiang, let's see if you can't stop."

Jiang Wen smirked at Sister Zhou.

Sister Zhou looked up at him and said happily, "Stingy Jiang, I didn't expect you to choose a good place.

The steak here is delicious. "

Jiang Wen: "..."

Are you so calm?

Sister Zhou's reaction was beyond his expectation.

Get caught playing tricks.

She should have shown shame on her face, why didn't she react at all, eat whatever she should.

Don't treat me like a human?

Bing'er, who was sitting opposite, lowered her head even lower at this moment.

The cheeks covered by the hair are already as red as apples.

Red all the way to the ears.

If you look closely, you will find that her face is full of surprise, shyness, embarrassment and even a little joy.

Because that tricky foot belongs to her.

Jiang Wen didn't feel it because Sister Zhou was also wearing a dress today.

With a pair of white stockings underneath.

If you look with your eyes.

Only then did I immediately realize that the little feet held in my hands were black, not white.

"Okay, it's pretty good at pretending, even Oscar owes you a little gold medal."

Jiang Wen was very dissatisfied with Sister Zhou's performance.

Decided to counterattack and retaliate.

So the left hand began to play with the foot.

A slight tremor is evident in the feet.

Bing'er, who was facing the table, blushed even more, and didn't dare to look up at anyone.

It is estimated that the head will be exposed.

I can only keep my head down and eat steak and fruit.

Attempt to divert attention with food.

But no way.

That hand is so bad.

Since she was a child, it was the first time that her feet were held by a man.

I don't know why, but I still feel very comfortable in my heart.

I really want to be held in his hands forever.

have to say.

The effect of Yuelao's red rope is so strong that even an iceberg beauty like Bing'er can be completely reduced.

It is simply an artifact for finding a wife.

"Why does it feel like Miss Zhou is still indifferent.

It's too bearable. "

Jiang Wen discovered for the first time that Sister Zhou could have such a thick skin.

kiss in the past.

It's too embarrassing, so let's just show it off now, right?

that's it.

A Western meal gradually ends in the delicate relationship between the three.

Before finishing eating, Jiang Wen took the initiative to let go and let her go.

Bing'er quickly retracted.

Only then did he dare to raise his head a little, and secretly looked at Jiang Wen with his eyes.


"Fortunately, he doesn't seem to find anything."

Seeing that Jiang Wen was slowly drinking his after-dinner coffee, he let out a sigh of relief.

Sister Zhou said to the audience: "Brother Meng, this is the end of today's second live broadcast.

Thank you for watching and paying attention to the anchor, and we will notify you as soon as the next broadcast will start.

Well, bye! "

Sister Zhou downloaded the broadcast and turned off her phone.

Today's live broadcast made her earn more than 60.

After taking away the money given to Jiang Wen, there is still more than 57 left.

Overall it's earned.

"Bing'er, are you okay?"

After drinking the coffee, Jiang Wen finally realized that something was wrong with Bing'er's face.

Bing'er quickly shook her head: "No, it's okay."

Forcibly restore himself to a cold appearance.

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