
"came back.

You went down for so long just to buy a bag of salt? "

"Well, backup."

Before Jiang Wen entered the door, he deliberately went down and bought a packet of salt in the small supermarket.

Then come back.

"The millet porridge has been cooked for you.

I'll cook more and pack it for Dong Shan and Bei Miao. The doctor said that they are fit to drink some millet porridge now.

you don't mind? "

Meizhen smiled and said to Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wen waved his hands indifferently, and of course he didn't care about a little millet porridge.

Just as a comfort to beat them up that day in order to complete the task.

"Morning! Ginger is stingy!!!"

Sister Zhou's door opened, and she walked out while stretching.

Jian Meizhen is busy in the kitchen.

Asked curiously, "Meizhen, are you making breakfast today?"

"No, I'll take the lead, and Jiang Wen will do it later.

do you want to eat? "

"Eat, must eat."

Sister Zhou said quickly.

Meizhen smiled and looked at Jiang Wen.

Jiang Wen said abruptly: "You have to pay for breakfast, remember to pay me for breakfast."

"no problem."

Sister Zhou said without hesitation.

In the past, he might be scolded for being stingy, stingy and so on.

Now I have money in hand.

Don't care about the tens or hundreds of dollars.

Let him cheat a little bit, even let Jiang Wen cheat a little money, and I feel happy in my heart.

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth, breakfast will be ready in a while."

Jiang Wen tied an apron on himself, bypassed Sister Zhou and entered the kitchen.

Sister Zhou made a mischievous face.

It made Meizhen burst into laughter.

Seeing her back going to the bathroom, he couldn't help sighing in a low voice: "Little sister is getting worse and worse.

I don't know if she has schizophrenia or not. "

get along for a while.

Meizhen found out.

Except for taking out her mobile phone and talking to herself, Sister Zhou is normal at other times.

Doesn't seem to be mentally ill.

But sometimes, it's very similar.

Jiang Wen started cooking, heard Mei Zhen muttering, and said, "She's fine.

There is no such thing as mental illness.

Don't think about it so much, you are really a schizophrenic, can you still talk to you normally? "

"That's also..."

Meizhen shrugged and nodded.

Regarding sister Zhou's situation, even her psychiatrist in the psychiatric hospital is not sure if it is true.

It's weird anyway.

"I'll help you, Chef."

"No, go back and change your clothes, you can almost eat."


Ever since Jiang Wen obtained the god-level culinary skills.

The meals made are always refreshing and open to the taste buds.

As a result, Sister Zhou doesn't care whether a meal costs dozens or hundreds of dollars.

It feels all worth it.

The same is true for Meizhen.

When the two of them came out, there was already a burst of tangy aroma in the kitchen.

Today's breakfast is very rich, and Jiang Wei charged Sister Zhou 350 yuan.

The latter has no complaints and even feels quite cheap.

It was a joy to eat a meal.

Mei is really sensible.

He took the initiative to clean up the bowls and chopsticks before Jiang Wen, and sorted out the follow-up work.

After breakfast, Jiang Wen watched TV for a while.

It didn't take long.

Meizhen packs her bags and prepares to take them to the hospital for Bei Miao and Dong Shan to eat.

Sister Zhou followed up with her mobile phone.

It is estimated that today's live broadcast should be to film the recent situation of Bei Miao or Dong Shan.

Jiang Wen watched TV until 10 o'clock.

Then go out.


Dark Shadow Realm.

"You're saying that the Prison Face Shura Summoner doesn't know what's good or bad, not only won't cooperate with me.

Instead, you want to be my enemy? "


"I really thought I was great."

In the cave, which was not too big or small, there was an old and furious scolding from the king of the realm.

Ugly will be back.

Tell Kai Wang exactly what the master said to him.

The ugly general now only listens to Jiang Wen's words.

As for the realm king in front of him.

Ha ha!

So be it.

How could he be compared with his master, he was just a cripple, just because he had a few magic cards in his hand, he was defiant to no one.

"When the magic scroll in your hand is exhausted, the ruling power of this dark shadow world will be my ugly general."

The ugly general thought to himself.

Looking at the stone seat under Kaiwang's buttocks, he unabashedly released greed.

If you don't recognize Jiang Wen as your master.

He never dared to have presumptuous thoughts.

It is different now.

The strength Jiang Wen displayed was simply unpredictable and terrifying.

With such a master to help, are you afraid that you won't be able to sit still?

He can sit on both the Shadow King and the Realm King.

I, the ugly general, is also a human being, and there is still my master prison face Shura standing behind me, why can't I sit down?

"Ugly general, what are you thinking?"

The king of the world looked over.

Chou Jiang quickly retracted his previous assumptions, bowed his head and said flatteringly: "No,,, I didn't think about anything.

The subordinates are listening to the king of the world. "

"By the way, Realm King, the Prison Face Shura Summoner is haunted.

When the subordinates found him, they didn't see his true face. What should we do now? "

King Kai was very satisfied with the ugly general's performance.

Just now, I noticed that there was something wrong with the way the other party looked at me.


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