[Duration: unlimited. 】

[Rewards: Hidden Gift Pack*1, A History of the Rise and Fall of Ares, Ares Thousand-mile Prediction Technique (full level), Ares Thousand-mile Sound Transmission Technique (full level). 】

"Hidden plot characters?"

"How could this little girl be a hidden figure?"

Jiang Wen looked left and right, but couldn't figure out who it was.

It seems that in the world of Yanlongxia, there is no such person.

"Also, why is this reward related to Ares?

Isn't this something in Xingtian Armor World? "

Jiang Wen didn't understand for a while.

"Forget it, save people first."

When he will be rescued, just ask the little girl and you will know what's going on.


ps: The new book is released, the data is bleak, there are not many flowers, and the evaluation votes are pitifully few.

I beg the audience to give the author some data to support it.

Kneeling and begging the bosses to send flowers, even one flower is fine.

082: Hidden Figures, Loli Little Welcome-Yang Welcome?

"Where are the flies? What a nuisance."

Jiang Wen yelled loudly, attracting the Fly Beast's attention.

Then he took out the Prison Face Asura Summoner from his pocket, opened it and pressed it twice.

Summoning armor appears on the left wrist.


When the fly beast heard someone nearby, it immediately turned around and walked towards Jiang Wen.

It seems to enjoy playing torture.

Act provocatively at him.

"Prison Face Shura—Fit together!"

Jiang Wen is not used to it.

The Summoner is inserted into the wrist armor.

Countless thunderbolts were awakened, and powerful energy erupted centered on him.

The fly beast hit by the energy wave stumbled several steps backwards.

The lightning energy turned into the Shura armor of the prison face, covering the whole body from head to toe, and the last cloak fell down.

Heaven and earth are affected by it.

The blue sky is still covered with dark clouds, as if a storm is about to hit.

A strong depressive atmosphere enveloped most of D City.

The crying little girl who was squatting next to the car looked curiously and forgot to cry.

Fly Beast sensed that the enemy was strong.

The wings on the back began to flap.

The thick body flew up slowly, then sprinted forward, attacking and killing Jiang Wei at a very fast speed.

Its right hand is an extremely sharp mace ball.

After getting close.

The Fly Beast struck out with a heavy hammer, hitting Jiang Wen on the forehead.


The wolf tooth ball was raised by Jiang Wen, and his five fingers clasped the ball hard, without being affected by the wolf tooth spikes on it.

The Fly Beast was shocked, and it was the first time he met an armored warrior who was not afraid of the mace.


I have a bad feeling.

He began to flap his wings, trying harder to get out of Jiang Wen's control.

However, that hand firmly held the mace.

No matter which direction it flies, it will be locked in place as if it is being choked by the throat of fate.

A bolt of lightning appeared above Jiang Wen's right hand.

held high.

Aim at the hand of the fly beast with the mace and cut it off.


I saw thunder flashing.

A ball of sparks exploded.

The fly beast's right hand was cut off by a sharp hand blade.



The fly beast made a sound in pain.

The wings flapped more vigorously, and the broken arm escaped.

The mace grows on the right arm.

After cutting off.

It is equivalent to losing a powerful attack weapon.

"The Promise Ray!"


Jiang Wen focused his thoughts on his head, and a terrifying lightning beam was released from his gossip eyes.

call out--!

The moment the impact hit, even the surrounding air was blown away.

The beam is about to hit.

The body of the fly beast disappeared immediately.


"It's interesting, and it can teleport." There was a hint of surprise in Jiang Wen's eyes.

He even dodged the Promise Ray from Prison Face Shura.

After avoiding the attack, the fly beast didn't dare to stay, and turned around and ran away.

"Want to run?"

Jiang Wen turned around and looked up at the sky.

Flymon is trying to fly away.


In front of the prison face Shura, how could it escape as a small supernatural beast?

A breath locked it.

The surrounding air is blocked by energy walls.

The Fly Beast bumped headfirst into it, making it dizzy.

Waiting for a reaction.

Jiang Wen controlled the gravitational force of the earth, let himself rise into the air quickly, and then kicked downwards diagonally.

"Sura kick!"

call out!

In an instant.

The whole person turned into a ray of light, passing through the body of the fly beast at a very high speed.


The Fly Beast, which was pierced by Jiang Wen's kick, let out a cry of unwillingness before dying.


In the next second, its entire body was like gunpowder being ignited.

Deep fried to pieces.

The flames from the explosion spread in the sky, and the cars perpendicular to the ground were burned by the flames.

have to say.

The power generated by the explosion of the mutant supernatural beast is many times stronger than that of the low supernatural beast.

[The host destroys a mutated supernatural beast, and the progress of the prison face Shura template is +2%. 】

[Current total progress: 27%. 】

"The last three percent is still missing, and you can upgrade your skills and weapons."

Watch more and more templates progress.

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