While eating, Xiao Ying carefully examined Binger.

He looks like a big kid.

I just don't know how such a smart and well-behaved girl was targeted by traffickers.


"Would he like,,,, like me like this?!"

Bing'er was visibly excited.

As long as you are not stupid, you can see Sima Zhao's heart.

"Sister who will."

The little welcome said with a hippie smile.

Bing'er touched her hot skin, and looked at the figure on the field involuntarily.

after an hour.

Jiang Wen and Xi Zhao came back sweating profusely.

Seeing Binger staring blankly ahead, Jiang Wen snapped his fingers in front of her.

"I'm back to my senses, I'm back to my senses, where's Xiao Nizi Sichun?"

"Bah! A dog can't spit out ivory, so you're thinking of spring."

Bing'er, who came to her senses, patted Jiang Wen in embarrassment.

Panting heavily, Xi Zhao asked, "Where should we go next?"

"I know there is a natural hot spring nearby.

Let's take a bath over there together. "

Jiang Wen answered after thinking.

Bing'er rolled her eyes directly: "I'm going to soak in the hot spring on a hot day, is it okay to treat you??"

"I just want Little Welcome to take a bath, she stinks."

Jiang Wen finished speaking.

The little welcome even sniffed his clothes.


Sure enough, there is a strange smell.

It seems that I haven't taken a shower for several days, and I have been dragged around by human traffickers all the time.

"I have a proposal."

"What suggestion, let me hear it?" Jiang Wen looked at Xi Zhao.

Xi Zhao pointed to the front and said, "It's noon now, and the beach is full of tourists.

It happened that we also went to play. "

"Going to the beach to play?"

After listening to Bing'er, she was a little embarrassed.

Going to the beach meant changing into a bikini, and she didn't like to wear such revealing clothes.

But if he didn't go, he was afraid that Jiang Wen would go.


Jiang Wen raised his hand in agreement: "It's a good idea, I've been in City D for so long.

I haven't been to the beach yet. "

"Welcome, go to the beach, will you go?"

"Go! I will go wherever my brother is going."

The little welcome replied obediently.

"It's so cute!"

Jiang Wen touched her head.

With a big wave of his hand, "Go, go to the bikini beach and enjoy the seaside scenery."

"What kind of scenery can there be by the sea, isn't it just like that."

Xi Zhao didn't understand.

Jiang Wen walked over.

She hooked his shoulders with a smile, and whispered: "Of course there is no scenery on the beach, but it is different on the beach.

Aren't those sexy beauties a landscape? "

"Cough cough~~!"

Xi Zhao hastily coughed twice.

It's the first time I've heard this phrase.

That's right.

When I went to the beach, I naturally saw beauties in bikinis.


Bing'er also heard what Jiang Wen said, and immediately felt uncomfortable in her heart.

At the same time, he gave Xi Zhao a hard look.

It's all your fault.

What to say to go to the beach to take a bath, if I knew it, I might as well go to the hot spring.

Seeing Binger staring at him, Xizhao didn't know where he got her.

I could only scratch my head to hide my embarrassment.

The four drove to the most popular beach nearby.

D City is on the coast.

There are countless ports and beaches.

Before going to the beach, Jiang Wen and the others each bought a set of swimsuits.

Men are very simple, just a pair of loose shorts.

Women are more troublesome.

Especially Binger, after choosing and choosing, she finally chose a conservative swimsuit for women.


When on the beach, Bing'er came out of the changing room wearing a swimsuit.

Both Xi Zhao and Jiang Wen were amazed.

"¨" I didn't expect Bing'er to have such a good figure, why didn't I notice it? "Xizhao was speechless.

Jiang Wen nodded, and his tone was smoother: "It's pretty good."

Bing'er was both shy and proud when she heard his praise.


My body is still very attractive to men.

"Okay, little welcome, brother will take you to swim in the sea."


Little welcome is also wearing a small bikini, holding Jiang Wen's hand.

The two happily ran to the sea.

There are many tourists on this beach, most of them come from the mainland to travel and then play on the beach.

There are many beautiful, young, and handsome ones.

But Jiang Wen, Xi Zhao, and Bing'er were undoubtedly the most outstanding and dazzling wave among the crowd.

Many bold boys came over to strike up a conversation with Binger.

But he got a bad nose.

Don't look at Bing'er talking and laughing with Jiang Wen and Xi Zhao, it's because of the relationship.

strange man?

I've dug out your eyes in private, believe it or not?

"Bing'er, won't you go down?"

Xizhao looked at Jiang Wen and Xiao Yingying who were traveling farther and farther, and his heart was also agitated.

I never thought that one day I would look forward to swimming in the sea.

Bing'er looked calm, shook her head and said, "I don't like swimming in the sea very much."

"That's fine."

Xi Zhao put some sunscreen, mats, parasols, etc. in his hand on the ground.

"Just lay things out here and wait for (Zhao Le Zhao) us, I'll go find Jiang Wen and Xiao Ying."


Not waiting for Binger to reply.

Hurriedly, he rushed into the sea, swam towards Jiang Wen, and shouted loudly, "Jiang Wen, you two wait for me."

"What a kid."

Bing'er was speechless for a while.

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