How could Xizhao be able to bear it?

"By the way! Where's your brother Bei Miao, don't you miss him?"

Xi Zhao suddenly asked this question.

Bing'er obviously stopped moving, and he saw it, and sighed, "Still thinking about him?

I can tell you that Jiang Wen is my friend.

For you to guarantee in front of him that he only likes you.

On the other hand, you did something wrong to him, and I don't have a sister like you. "

Jiang Wen is his friend.

If Bing'er is in a relationship with Jiang Wen, she still thinks about another man.

Absolutely not.

Bing'er replied coldly: "It's not what you think."

"There is no best, so don't have this kind of thinking." Xizhao nodded.

on the beach.

I tried my best to make this couple who admired each other, but I didn't expect to break up because of another man.

That would make Jiang Wen very sorry.


the other side.

After separating from Xi Zhao Bing'er.

Jiang Wen drove to the largest children's clothing market with Little Welcome.

Bought four outfits that fit just right and look great on them.

Do it all.

Only then did I return to my residence with a small welcome.

"Is this my brother's house?"

After the little welcome came in, he looked around curiously and was attracted by the peculiar decoration style.

"It's so beautiful, it's much better looking than the welcome home."

She couldn't help being envious.

"Like it?"

"Welcome to like."

"As long as you like it, you'll sleep here for a few days, and I'll make you a quilt."

Three rooms and one living room.

With a small welcome to the last unoccupied room.

The room was originally intended to be used as a utility room.

Lived for a while.

Neither of them bought anything extra, and the room remained vacant.

The Simmons quilts are all set aside.

Lay it out.

A brand new little girl's room is freshly baked.

"It's so comfortable and soft. It's much better than the bed I slept on before Welcome."

"There is still a scent."

Small welcome to see the big bed, which directly liberates children's nature.

He jumped up and jumped up and down.


ps: The new book is released, the data is bleak, there are not many flowers, and the evaluation votes are pitifully few.

I beg the audience to give the author some data to support it.

Kneel down and beg the bosses to send you flowers, even one flower is fine.

086: Confirm relationship with Binger, teach Yang Welcome to practice secret arts

"I promised you to take you out for dinner in the afternoon, since they are all back.

Then talk about it tomorrow. "

"Brother is cooking today, and I'll make you a delicious meal."

After listening to the little welcome, he quickly agreed.

Although he ate snacks, the food in his stomach had already been exhausted after an afternoon of play.

Jiang Wen asked her to stay alone in the room to play, or go out to watch TV.

In the era of Yanlong Xia, mobile phones were not smart phones.

A semi-intelligence at best.

The only fun for children is to turn on the TV and watch their favorite programs.

Ginger stew started to cook.

Xiao welcomes himself to play in the room for a while, and the novelty wears off.

Go to the sofa in the living room, hold the remote control and press it twice.

Turn on the TV and watch with relish.

After half an hour.

There are three dishes and one soup on the dining table in the living room, and just smelling the aroma can make the mouth water three thousand feet.

knock knock knock

The door was knocked.

"Welcome, go and open the door."


Jiang Wen was busy in the kitchen and didn't have time to see who it was, nor did he bother to see.

Little Welcome reluctantly got up and left the TV.

Run to the door and open it.

"Sister, who are you looking for?"

Seeing a young and beautiful woman standing at the door, Xiao Welcome looked up at her and asked curiously.

Visitor: "..."

"What the hell, did this girl knock on the wrong door?"

It was Sister Zhou who knocked on the door.

When I went out with Meizhen in the morning, I forgot to bring the key, so I knocked on the door to try.

I want to see if Jiang stingy is back.

Then the door opened.

It was a little girl with a curious look on her face.

"It's here, that's right."

Sister Zhou once suspected that she had gone to the wrong floor.

I looked back at the stickers on the wall.

"August [-]" Yes, this is the room.

"Little sister, who are you, Jiang is stingy?"

She didn't go in directly, but decided to ask for clarification.

Little Welcome replied without any concealment: "I am Welcome, my mother calls me Little Welcome.

Is my sister here to find my brother? "

"Brother, who is your brother?"

Don't wait for a small welcome to answer.

I saw Jiang Wen wearing an apron and carrying steamed rice passing by the living room.

"Welcome, come and eat."


The little welcome smelled the fragrance and ran all the way to the dining table in the living room.

Sister Zhou just came in.

"smell good!"

Rubbing his belly, his eyes fell on Xiao Welcome, and he said in surprise, "Did she call your brother just now?

Don't you have such a lovely sister, how come I don't know? "

"Not my sister."

Jiang Wen explained without looking back, "I recognized it when I went out."


Then he talked about the encounter with the supernatural beast in the morning.

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