Supernatural beasts tend to hide. "

"There was no movement for two consecutive days. The anchor guessed that the king of the realm should be planning something."

Her live broadcast room is very popular.

At the beginning of the broadcast, there were 7 million viewers online at the same time.

It can be said that even if this group of people download the broadcast, they will still wait in the live broadcast room steadfastly.

In just a few words, the number of viewers has risen to 690 million online at the same time.

super scary.

Sister Zhou had a hunch that it would definitely break the tens of millions today.

Many viewers saw three two dots displayed on the screen.

They all said that the one-day wait was worth it.

"After waiting for me for 12 hours, the anchor finally started broadcasting."

"Chasing the live broadcast of old women every day is one of the things I must do in my life."

"It's too exaggerated, almost tens of millions of fans are online at the same time?"

"The anchor is so fierce!"

"I can only call 6666 to support the anchor."

"The start of the broadcast today is a shock. Three supernatural beasts appeared in City D at the same time. The anchor is ready to sacrifice at any time."

"Three supernatural beasts, the king of the realm! Wait, I seem to think of something."

"Mengxin just joined the live broadcast, and just finished watching the original plot.

This looks very familiar, it seems to be Li Xinnan's one-on-three rescue. "

"Upstairs is right, it's here."

"It's not as serious as the anchor said, according to the plot of the original book, there are only three supernatural beasts in it.

Although it is the conspiracy of the king of the realm, there will be no fourth supernatural beast. "

"Sure enough, it's Mengxin, I can tell from your comments."

"The boss is mighty, and Mengxin is trembling."

"As a loyal fan of the anchor, it is necessary to explain.

The world where the anchor lives will not follow the original story line.

I think the anchors are right to be concerned. "

Millions of old fans know it.

What is the plot, can it be eaten?

Three supernatural beasts appeared in a row, maybe there is a fourth one hidden in the dark?

No one knows.

But the possibility is very high, the King of Realm has just taken over the Dark Shadow Realm not long ago.

He has more magic invitations than Shadow Ba.

If there is any plan.

There is a high probability that he will not be stingy with the magic invitation in his hand.

"Meizhen, what's the matter?"

Dongshan came out of the virtual battle room.

Walk behind Meizhen.

Glancing at the computer, he said in surprise, "Good guy, three different places.

At the same time, supernatural beasts appeared. "

While searching for information, Meizhen explained: "Based on the photos taken by the combat satellite.

Since last night, in the park near Wenxin Garden, there has been a little fluctuation of supernatural energy.

Too little energy, the detector did not alarm. "

"I searched just now, and there were two male corpses that were sucked dry in the park this morning.

Died last night. "

The abnormal energy detector will only issue an alarm when the standard concentration is reached.

Under normal conditions.

The supernatural beast is a little restrained, it is difficult to be caught.

Dongshan cursed in a deep voice: "These damned supernatural beasts."

Hearing that someone died at the mouth of a supernatural beast made me very uncomfortable.

Especially since he was still lying in the hospital for a long time.

"The second wave of abnormal energy is near the beach; it appears at the same time as the third wave of abnormal energy."

Meizhen searched carefully and told the information.

At this time.

Sister Zhou said in surprise: "Look, everyone, the three different energies are moving to the same place."

Meizhen and Dongshan looked at the screen at the same time.

The three supernatural beasts are heading in the same direction.

And it's fast.

"It's the pier."

Meizhen zoomed in on the screen, and finally found that all three supernatural beasts had gathered on the pier.

Ms. Zhou whispered to the audience: "It's the same as what everyone said on the barrage.

This is indeed the conspiracy of the king of the realm, and the three supernatural beasts really stayed on the pier. "

Seeing this, the audience looked forward to it.

Because next.

But the most exciting battle between armored warriors and supernatural beasts.

"Beimiao, when did you come back?"

at this time.

Bei Miao appeared behind like a ghost, startling Dong Shan.

Bei Miao said with a serious expression, "Three supernatural beasts gathered at the pier.

There is only one possibility, someone in that place is directing them, most likely it is the old lair of the shadow master base. "

The audience couldn't hold back when they heard this sentence.

"The shadow tyrants have been dead for a long time."

"Shadow Master said that this has nothing to do with me, it is obviously called Dark Shadow Realm."

"Yingba: I'm already dead, so I still have to drag out the corpse to flog the corpse, right?"

"Beimiao is still ruthless."

"Beimiao is so stupid. How could a pier be the base of the Dark Shadow Realm?"

"It's normal, if you don't know where the supernatural beast came from, any place is worthy of suspicion.

I think Bei Miao has done a good job of this. "

"Be sober, Bei Sanshui, that's not an old nest at all."

"It's over, I'm going to be fooled."

"When the anchor broadcasts the battle for a while, it's better to stand a little farther away. I think Bei Miao is unreliable."

Sister Zhou watched the bullet screens flying past.

Use binoculars to quickly screen information that is beneficial to you.


Bei Miao's words also resonated with Dongshan: "If the dock is the base where the shadow master is located.

Then we can take the opportunity to have a pot. "

"That's what I meant."

Bei Miao's face was always serious.

Because he was defeated by Prison Face Shura in one move in the previous battle, it made him feel embarrassed.

Out of the hospital these two days.

He has been training in the virtual battle room, and his combat effectiveness is much stronger than before.

just now.

Urgently need to find something to prove their ability.

It happened to see three supernatural beasts gathering on the pier at the same time.

Bei Miao thinks that it is most likely the shadow bully's lair.

Just take him away.

Not only can it prove that he has the brains to be a captain, but also prove that the black rhinoceros armor is not weak.

"No, I think it's too risky."

Meizhen as the commander.

Quick minded and cautious, "If it's what you and Dongshan think.

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