"Go at once."


The ugly will be ordered.

Glancing at Xi Zhao and Bing'er, he said angrily, "Why are you still standing there.

follow me. "

He left with his head held high.

He wants to use the power of coal to teleport himself and the two of them directly to the dock.

This is the easiest way.


ps: The new book is released, the data is bleak, there are not many flowers, and the evaluation votes are pitifully few.

I beg the audience to give the author some data to support it.

Kneeling and begging the bosses to send flowers, even one flower is fine.

090: Breaking through tens of millions of viewers, six supernatural beasts debut!


A crisis scene is unfolding.

To say that the protagonist is the protagonist, even without the power of the armor.

The three supernatural beasts chased and killed them for 5 minutes, but it only made Bei Miao and the others hang dots on their faces and bodies.

People are still good.

but next,

The spider beast is really deadly.

When Bei Miao dodged, he was knocked down heavily by it, and then directly used the weapon to start-lore.


Bei Miao is in severe pain all over his body now, and he can't avoid it at all.

You can only cover your head with your hands.

Quietly wait for death.


at this time.

A beautiful female scolding sound spread throughout the pier.

Spider beasts, evil mosquito beasts, scorpion beasts, etc. all stopped their movements.

They turned their heads and looked at the person coming.

Binger, Xizhao, and Ugly General rushed to the scene precisely by using coal to move.

"It's the ugly generals... wait, that woman!!!"

Bei Miao, who was lucky enough to escape, saw that he was not dead.

lower your arms.

The ugly general and two unknown men and women appeared in sight.

When you see the face of a woman.

He was lost in thought, like!so similar.

of course.

He didn't directly recognize Bing'er's identity, but he had a feeling in his heart that he should know this woman himself.

At the same time there is another bad feeling.

It was the woman in front of me.

It is inextricably linked with itself.

But it seems that there is a feeling of being gradually alienated and gradually losing her in the dark.

"The king of the realm has ordered that these three people not be killed, and they should be brought back to the base of the Shadow Realm with their lives.

Listen to the king of the world. "

Bing'er ruthlessly gave orders to the three supernatural beasts.

They were all created by the king of the realm.

Also has a certain IQ.

After understanding Bing'er's words, she put away her murderous intentions.

"It's you."

Kun Zhong recognized Xi Zhao at a glance.

Looking at the figure in disbelief, he couldn't think of anything.

The friends who play basketball together are actually from the Dark Shadow Realm... lackeys, how does this make people feel?

Seeing this, Dongshan and Beimiao hurried to Kunzhong's side.

"You know that man?"


In pain, Kunzhong briefly told Bei Miao and Dongshan how he and Xizhao got acquainted.

At this time.

Xi Zhao also came over, put his hands in his pockets, and said expressionlessly:

"Surrender, you three have nowhere to go.

The only way now is to obediently follow us back to the Dark Shadow Realm.

If you are lucky, you will be appreciated by the king of the realm, and you will have a chance to survive, otherwise you can only die here. "

The words are full of hints.

But how could the three of Bei Miao, who prided themselves on being righteous, hear it.

"Hmph! The lackey of the Dark Shadow Realm."

"You mean to make us obey you, bah! Don't even think about it.

Even if I, Bei Miao, die, I will not bow to you. "

"Xizhao, is it really you? Why are you... hey!"

Bei Miao and Dong Shan made it clear.

It is impossible to obey the order of the king of the realm, and it is even more impossible to bow to the dark shadow realm.

Kunzhong fell into deep pain.

Xizhao was in a dilemma.

Bing'er also frowned and said: "You don't want to toast or eat fine wine.

If the king of the realm hadn't felt compassion for the three of you, you would have been killed by a supernatural beast long ago. "


The three supernatural beasts let out low growls one after another.

imply its own existence.

After the stockpile.

Sister Zhou was surprised when she saw the three of Binger who suddenly appeared.

"Strange, why did they come so quickly? According to the continuity of the plot, shouldn't it be Li Xinan who arrived first?"

"According to everyone's spoiler, Meizhen will also rush to the scene with the Hokage Stone."

"The anchor's mind is in a mess."

She, who was watching the live broadcast and watching the game, complained about this.

The eyes of tens of millions of viewers were fixed on the screen of the live broadcast room.

"Fuck me, why did Bing'er appear?"

"It's over, Kunzhong recognizes Xizhao, and he will never be able to play basketball happily again."

"Beimiao and Dongshan are really stubborn."

"Report, when we found the body, it had been dead for three days.

All places are soft, but the mouth is hard. "


"When Xizhao spoke, the hint was so obvious, couldn't they hear it?"

"Stupid as hell, I'm convinced."

"Beimiao really can't get used to this hairy thing, can't you be more thoughtful?"

"I don't like Bei Miao either."

"It was he who brought his teammates to the pier to die, and now at the most dangerous time, Xi Zhao and Binger sent them to the door to give them a chance.

He is still stubborn, so he can't compromise first, and then find a chance to escape? "

"There's no need to run away, delay for a while, and wait for Yan Longxia to rush over."

"Don't tell me upstairs, I even forgot that there is Li Xinnan."

"I think Shura, the most handsome prison face, will also come."

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