The clanging sound of weapons colliding with the ground continued, and everyone dropped their weapons and rested on the spot!

"Such tyrannical power!"

"This powerful breath!"

"There is also the same fate as God's favor!"

"Ah! Look no further!"

"This is a hero who can create myths and epics without the intervention of gods!"

Hermes spoke impassionedly, his arms fully opened as if embracing the whole world.

Wearing a hunting cap on his head, he had already thrown it on the ground to express his excitement.

ps: Thank you for leaving tomorrow, thank you for your support

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Chapter 130 Seven: The Name of the Hunting Goddess Is Crying 【2 in 1】

Of course, the chain reaction caused by the crusade against "Andaris" did not stop there. At this time, the abnormality of Olalie, who was thousands of miles away, also started.

"Captain, the monsters seem to be retreating!"

The swift and fierce fist hit the hard shell of the "Metallic Blue Crab" heavily, and the strong momentum directly caused the huge crab to fly backwards several meters away.

Tiona jumped back to Finn, waiting for further instructions.

Finn looked at the monsters like the receding tide, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then touched his clean chin.

"Then I would trouble you to inform everyone to retreat! Since the monsters have already retreated, there is no need for us to continue to provoke them!"

"I see, Commander!"

Tiona withdrew her big double blades, and went to notify the adventurers who were about to continue the pursuit one by one.

"What is the reason for the monster's sudden riot and sudden ebb!"

Finn frowned, thinking about the whole story.

This matter was full of doubts from the beginning to the end, no matter where the thread was, it seemed to him that it pointed to the guild.

"Let's have a good discussion with Loki after we go back!"

He and Loki have never trusted the guild very much, so he and Loki must figure out such unknown things.


"It's a pity! If the magic stone of "Andaris" can be left behind, it should be of great research value."

William muttered to himself with a little regret, he had always wanted to see how this super ancient monster was different from the current monster!

It's really a pity that not only did he not get the magic stone of "Andaris", but he didn't even look at him.

"Okay, let's go up!"

William, who no longer remembered, saw that everyone on the cliff had begun to move closer to the position of the god, and he also pulled up the "Marduk" that he had just inserted into the ground, and ran towards the top.


William, who had just stopped the momentum and stabilized his body, was thrown to the ground by another shock.

The delicate body was instantly embraced, and a scent of virginity unique to young girls rushed into the tip of the nose.

Especially the soft touch on his chest made him feel a little distracted, and the big hand that was on the girl's body subconsciously moved down naturally.


The unfamiliar voice suddenly woke up William's dizzy head, and he looked down.

The girl's face was deeply buried on his chest, so he couldn't see clearly, but when he saw the waist-length blue hair.

Cold sweat instantly soaked his shirt, because there was only one person in the whole team with blue waist-length hair.

Goddess Artemis!

Artemis also raised her pretty face quietly at this time.

But at this moment, her usually cold and fair face was already covered with rosiness. The pinch of William on her back just now made this virgin who had never been in contact with a man for thousands of years feel like a small road. Bang bang like a bump.

As for the members of the "Artemis Familia", they have long been dumbfounded.

Lanti rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then pinched his arm fiercely.

But the piercing pain has proved that she is not in a dream at the moment.

"Letesa, my eyes should be clear!"

Cordoli blinked her eyes crazily, her eyelids fluttered so frequently that it even caused sore eyes,

"I think there should be nothing wrong!"

Letesa also had unstoppable desire at the corners of her mouth, like an automatic motor fully charged with electricity!

"Then isn't that great!"

Another girl's voice sounded immediately, and then the whole family fell into chirping discussions.

The girls' discussions naturally reached Artemis' ears, and the shy goddess let out another scream.

Then he got up from William, ran back to his family, and taught those lawless children a lesson.

Only William was still lying there in a daze, slowly reminiscing about the situation just now and the lingering fragrance left by the goddess on him.

"What does it feel like to be embraced by Artemis, Mr. William?"

"I really want to know!"

The shadow covered William's face, and the curious voice of the male god also called William who was remembering.

"Master Hermes, what's going on!"

Reaching out to catch Hermes' hand, William immediately stood up and asked Hermes.

His current head can be said to be a mess.

what's the situation!Why did he just finish playing "Andaris", and why did this virgin goddess of the heaven suddenly become so close to him.

"Well! I know Mr. William, you have a lot of questions to ask now, but why don't we continue talking in another place!"

The male god's gentle voice continued to sound, and at the same time, the goddess on the other side kept peeking at him, which also made him excited.


As night fell, a bright moon appeared in the dark blue night sky.

Stars flickered above the cloudless sky, and a beating flame became the only life in this sea of ​​trees.

The location is still the campground that the "Artemis Familia" has been using for the past few days. After all, it is just on the way back, and the surrounding trees have already been cleared.

But at this moment, the atmosphere in the camp was already different from the previous few days.

The sound of noisy conversations, the sound of supplies and supplies, and the sound of meat sizzling on the fire were intertwined in the entire camp.

Everyone is busy with their own affairs, no one is idle.

But there is still a big difference from the previous few days.

A few days ago, every team member's face was full of exhaustion and anxiety. The task had not progressed and the vague sense of threat made them haggard.

But now everyone has relaxed and freehand smiles on their faces and hearts, and the momentary release of pressure makes them especially happy now.

Of course, for the "Family of Artemis", joy came one after another.

Not only did the mission pass smoothly, but he also successfully caught Master Artemis' handle.

Because when Artemis reprimanded them just now, they successfully used the handle just now to silence Artemis.

And from their point of view, Artemis is not far away from falling completely, so the love ban on their families will definitely be lifted soon.

However, when everyone was busy with their own affairs, two people had sneaked out of the camp and came to a clear water pool not far from the camp.

"Oh! It seems that Mr. William can't wait any longer!"

Hermes squatted by the edge of the pool, looked at the sparkling water, and talked to William in his frivolous tone as before.

"Well! There are still a lot of things I want to know!"

"But the first thing to talk about is the origin of this weapon!"

William was standing on a divine seat behind Hermes, and at the same time as he said this, he made a false grip with his palm in the air.

Dots of starlight quickly gathered in William's hand, and the next moment, the silver-gray spear that fought side by side with William in the afternoon suddenly appeared in William's hand.

"Oh! Have you fully recognized the Lord so soon!"

Hermes also adjusted his brows in surprise!

"Well, when I just returned to the tent, the gun disappeared in a blink of an eye."

"When I regained my senses, this gun seems to exist in my blood. When I want to use it, I just need to imagine its appearance like this and I can summon it."

William's clenched hand slowly loosened, and the silver-gray spear seemed to have no entity to continue to support it, and it just dissipated into the night sky with the wind.

To be honest, when this situation first appeared, William's first reaction was not fear or anything like that.

His first reaction was ecstasy, unparalleled ecstasy!

How could he not be pleasantly surprised that such a domineering artifact was directly integrated into his body, and recognized him as the master.

You know, before the artifact recognized him as its master, he was still thinking about how to keep this artifact with him!

Although it is not clear which of these two gods this artifact belongs to, but since such a magical weapon is in his hands, there is absolutely no reason to return it easily.

Originally, he was still thinking about exterminating the achievements of "Andaris" in exchange for the right to use the gun!

At that time, when he goes to another world, he will not come back temporarily, and this loan will be directly made permanent.

But now that the artifact has recognized him as the master, even the gods should not easily want to go back.

"Then this is really fast! Is there any change in your body now?"

The male god asked with great interest. After all, this is the first time a human being in the lower realm has been recognized by an artifact, and there are many aspects that are worth understanding.

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